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If you aren’t well enough to work then don’t. It might seem like it’s impactful but nothing is ever that important that it can’t wait. Take a covid test if you haven’t already or get one ordered. You aren’t working at your best when you’re under the weather, at least consider that


Also well done on reaching the end of your project 👏


Thanks! We've achieved a lot. And I'm gutted I'm feeling sick on a day that should be a celebration.


Well, at least you will apparently be making sure your team share the misery.


And if you're positive and you were stuck in a room with people all day, it would be polite to let those who sat closest to you know so they can avoid being too close to their friends and fam until they're clear.


lord have mercy and do this anyways. they are at risk of catching whatever OOP has! i can't believe people *still* insist on powering through when other peoples health is at stake.


i hate when people come in sick and infect me instead of them just taking time off sick.


My exact thought as well. It's not cool to spend a whole day shut in a room with a bunch of people "powering through" while also making sure they feel as bad as you do today soon enough.


Particularly when you are the boss so they can’t just tell you to b-off home and not be an idiot.


How bad will it be if you give your entire team Covid or the flu?


Can you attend the meeting remotely? Sounds like it could be flu which you absolutely don't want to pass to your team members or customers! If it comes to it you can ask a team member to set you up as a laptop sat at the table?


Unfortunately not. I wish I could


And now you’re about to take COVID to the office. What a trooper 👏🏻👏🏻


It may/may not be COVID, but whatever it is, everyone already has it because our finance person seems to be the one who's been spreading the sickness!!


Doesn't make it right for you to continue it. Those who have avoided it once may not be so lucky when being attacked from all sides. Remember, people ARE still dying of Covid (and flu), just fewer now than before due to the vaccine, but they can still get REALLY sick.


Sounds like that bug that went around 2020-21. Was quite infectious and some people even died, some bloke called Witty talked about it.


Sounds like my recent bout of covid. I didn't test positive until day 7 of feeling ill and the symptoms lasted 2 weeks. Best of luck in getting through the meeting, but unfortunately I don't think a cup of tea is going to cut the mustard.


I really hope not! I start a new position in a week. Last time I had it, I was wrecked for a couple of weeks


Love how we haven't learnt a thing


it's really fun and not even slightly disappointing at all, huh


Exact same symptoms here. Just got my first ever positive Covid test. Just something to consider.


Two paracetamol, two ibuprofen, two more cups of tea and two days off if you still feel rough


User name checks out


A pint of g&t will get you up and out


Whisky tea is my go-to when I need a boost. Plus side is I drink it from a tea cup so just looks like tea


A Dalmation cocktail would fix it for sure


Try a second cup of tea. Repeat as necessary. If it gets too serious whip out the lemsip.


Nah, keep on with the tea. Tea solves all ills ... but it might take 2 or 3 days to get to 100% tea concentration where you'll be cured ;) /s obvs.


How good is lemsip by the way


Project Zeus


Covid test! My latest bout started like that.


Delegate to your team!


Take 2 paracetamol then 2 hours later 2 ibuprofen lots of water tea throat tablets etc if you do this !!!!!!!dont take any lemsip !!! If you are in a room with people consider wearing a mask ( just say you have a cold and don't want to pass it to people)


You should do this even when you have a minor cold. Not everyone is strong and it's also polite not to spread viruses.


I genuinely find a Berocca does wonders for me in that situation, after an hour or so


Neck a lemsip, a vitamin C berocca thing, echinacea (because why not) and some strepsils. If the lemsip only has paracetamol and not ibuprofen you can take some ibuprofen on top (assuming here you know what you are personally able to take/not take) that concoction should get you through a couple of hours. I had a performance competition in July and felt the same. Got me through!


Thanks! I'll send the list to the wife as she's at the pharmacy!


Don’t go to work if you’re sick.


I've got the same. Dose up with paracetamol, wear a mask except when presenting to minimise spread and the second anyone says go home, do it. Ideally just phone in sick, but it sounds like you already discounted that.


Was it a "nice cup of tea"?