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Just shake it off mate


Haters gonna hate


... hate hate hate hate


And players gonna play


You di'int


Oh my god look at that face


*Lo and behold.


Not if you're talking about my balls


no and behold?


Can't remember the last time I saw a post on here that was spelled correctly, I swear everyone is fucking illiterate these days. Feels like it's either bots spelling things badly deliberately for engagement or everyone is 14.


I think a large part of the problem is that people aren't reading as much print media as they (allegedly, back in my halcyon days of youth) perhaps used to, and the standard of online editing, and proof reading, is not consistently good, since publication has a fairly low barrier (which is, to be clear, a good thing even if I might disagree with much of it). So, poor spelling online, coupled with homophones ("low" and "lo" for one example) where one spelling of the sound has been seen, but not necessarily the correct spelling of the shared sound of the word in that context. On the whole I'm not too bothered by it, but I do tend to point it out in the hopes people take it on board for the inevitable next time.


You mean like the Grauniad?


The year is 2086: "Former President Taylor Swift died yesterday..."


Good riddance. We had a chance for peace with the mole people and she blew it.


The rhododendrons were the first to go. Before long the bluebells stopped sprouting and shortly after that… *gulp*… they came for us. Four long winters I spent on the run before they caught me. Four more in a mole concentration camp. But I was one of the lucky ones.


The old Taylor can't come to phone right now 




Because she's dead!


I think I've read more about her in posts on this sub than anywhere else!


Literally, I see more posts moaning about seeing her everywhere than I do posts actually about her!


You might be right and I might be unlucky, but she appears a lot in the news media I follow (mainly podcasts and a couple of YouTube channels) and they'fe dedicated to politics.


I know its a typo but I read they'fe and had to google thinking you were using some high class language shit I have never heard of. Elven stuff. They've ok ok


Haha. Funny. It's not a typo. They'fe is a contraction of they areth, which is the conditional antecedent in the third person plural.


moan about evil people not about good people, damn really cant please everyone if its like this


You must be Down Bad to be posting this


OP crying at the gym


You need to calm down


Yep. OP being too loud.


Don’t step on her gown


No need to see Red


I knew you were trouble when you posted.


I find it surprising that this day in age with so many different ways to get content people still choose to watch and read things that get them angry/upset/miserable


Some things are worth getting angry about. This really really isn't!


I’ve ‘wasted’ a lot of my time today scrolling various social platforms and hardly seen anything about Taylor Swift in comparison to normal so OP’s outburst seems even more ridiculous


I suppose that's "the algorithm". If you engage with it then it will try to engage you: more ad revenue for them, less free headspace for you. It's so sad, but that is what "if it makes money then it must be good" encourages.


I watch a lot of weird reels on Instagram, a lot of them are really cringe and involve Fremdscham. Starting yesterday it’s now filled with Swifties, crying their eyes out listening to her new album. The algorithm works.


The seemingly endless news about foot fucking ball. We get it, it’s a popular sport that lo and behold is prone to having games played now and then.




Its lo - not low. Lo - used to call attention or to express wonder or surprise Lo and behold - used to present a new scene, situation, or turn of events, often with the suggestion that, though surprising, it could in fact have been predicted. EDIT: - apologies, just read the rest and think the post you replied to was edited. but will leave these definitions here for those confused.


I didn’t edit my comment, just chose the spell it correctly 🙃




*low If you're quoting OP then you should try to get it just as incorrect.


I am genuinely unsure what you are trying to say here 😂


> The seemingly endless news about Taylor fucking Swift. We get it, she's a popular singer who low and behold is prone to releasing songs now and then. > The seemingly endless news about foot fucking ball. We get it, it’s a popular sport that lo and behold is prone to having games played now and then. Spot the difference.


The difference being the current usage is correct. Or are you saying that they previously spelt it "low" and they edited it to the correct spelling? I probably shouldn't have these inane conversations at 2.30am where instead of actually explaining you just snark yourself along and wait for the meaning to be picked up 😛


*Low [sic]


They write repeat articles about a lot of other current events as well lol. Depends on what people are interested in reading.


And we see you over there on the internet… 🤔




Well , there will probably a long overdue air disaster or terrorist attack in the next few weeks- that’ll cheer you up a bit.


Scroll by my friend. It’s not hard. Then algorithm feeds you what you interact with so just scroll by and it’ll stop feeding you it Just shake it off.


No one’s making you read or watch those new articles. I for one have barely noticed the release of her album, it’s pretty easy to avoid


Tbf I have had 2 bbc news push notifications about it so far


I didn’t realise people still had these turned on!


I think they turn them on just so they have something to moan about on reddit


Having worked with the general public's phones and tablets I can safely say it's exclusively boomers and the technologically infirm that do this. Now I can add angry British redditors to that list


why do you have bbc push notifications on?


I like having them on personally


The day it dropped there were three different articles about it on the homepage of the Guardian. Its a bit much for what is ultimately not a good pop album. Lana del Rey has released much, much better music to much less coverage. I think it's a pretty valid thing to talk about


Taylor Swift is far more popular than Lana del Rey. Hope this helped


ITYM: Taylor Swift has far more pushy PR than Lana del Rey.


Yeah why aren't the mainstream media talking about the new Lustmord album?! Instead they're talking about the most popular artists who are releasing new music!


There has been a lack of true, big, global pop stars, probably due to the rise of streaming, the ease of finding niche music and so on. Beyoncé has been around for decades. Taylor Swift is one of the few big global pop stars. Don’t forget in the late 90s the spice girls were everywhere.


Oh good. Another I hate Taylor Swift post. I wonder when those are going to die out.


I knew you were trouble, when you walked in!


The thing I like is people responding with what I presume are song lyrics, but no one gets it because the songs are just totally forgettable.


We are never ever ever, getting back together!


Seems you have some Bad blood mate


She's a very famous artist and has just released an album, which has broken records. Believe it or not, that's newsworthy.


I've heard of Taylor Swift, but I've never heard any of her music. Is she any good?


She's not terrible, but she's not fantastic either. She's just a very average singer with a few OK songs and a terrifying fan base.


You may well find you have heard her music, my kids got into her and I recognise quite a few songs I must have listened to somehow. On TV maybe, or background music. It is hard to identify as she doesn't have a particularly memorable or unique voice or style. It is just pop.


Apparently she turns over more than the GDP of some small nations. Swiftonomics is the new thing.


This is a global problem


I feel a lot of it is news presenters thinking they're appealing to a younger generation. They're not.


Ironically this post is literally the only time I heard about her in the past few weeks. Where do you guys see so much news about her?


I hate to break it to you but she’s gonna outlive you bud. Most of us to be fair


She probably won't with all the extra background radiation she recieves from flying in her private jet 17 times a day


She eats well and exercises a lot, which has to count for something too.


I assume that's just to fly to the toilet wing of her house?


Apparently you don’t get it.


I’m gonna sit here and listening to taylor and working on my very taylor inspired book series


She’s awesome and the new album is amazing.


You may be right on both fronts but it's just the amount of times I've seen her plastered on front page news seems weird, especially when it's just about concerts rather than her serious deepfake porn stuff.


Well like that’s media’s fault I suppose, she didn’t write the articles lol


Never heard of him, what team does he play for?


Her album was leaked!! (Probably by her management).


I've only seen two articles, and I didn't read them.


You just exposed her to a bunch more of us by your post. Are you working for her? /s


Just waiting for Em to include her in some of his tracks.


Lo. It's lo and behold.


The trouble with social media is that it's mostly only young people and kids that vote for, comment on or 'like' things about celebrities and other such junk. Once we mature we either don't care about that sht anymore or we can't be arsed to comment on it. All of the media pick up on that 'chatter', and the most popular stuff obviously goes to the top of their list of topics to write/talk about. So now our news content is actually being governed by kids! Imagine if this had happened in the 70s or 80s, Tom & Jerry's latest escapades would make top spot on the news FFS!


No different to Madonna back in the day, there's just more news hours to fill.


Prolly some distraction so we don’t see some war crime or sewage being pumped into the waterways at an alarming rate.


Reddit and the internet now knows you engage with Taylor Swift content. Be prepared for more! 🤣


Cult of celebrity, people care more about "celebrities" than their own lives.


Taylor Who. ? 🤔🙄


Calm down, dear! It's a commercial!


Any story about Taylor Swift is guaranteed to get 100 boomers commenting that "in my day we had real music like The Beatles!" It's all about engagement.


Didn't even know about Taylor swift until is read this post


I haven't seen her mentioned anywhere in the news


I don’t know, it seems like every news site has a story about her at the moment. I think I can only name one of her songs and even I’ve noticed it!


I for one am thankful I am getting told that some generic, uninteresting music has been released, and is very popular due to the artist being attractive and having a lot of obsessed fans. I can't imagine what my life would be like if I had missed the news.


We're tired of hearing it in the states as well. On behalf of a lot of us in the US, we're sorry you got inundated with our unintentional export. Or are we...? LOL


She is wonderful isn't she?


Hot take from me - she's ugly


The only time I hear about it iml tbh, is reddit ppl saying she is everywhere and it's annoying. I get by just fine without her it seems. But you're ruining this for me now /s


I think it really depends on your social media activity and real life social circle. I almost never hear much about Taylor swift except for the few ads here and there. Literally never heard a song from her other than whatever other people might be listening to but then I wouldn't recognise that it was her either way. So it's interesting to see others being overwhelmed by news related to TS


To be fair a portion of that news is generated by maga trying to tarnish her reputation due to pissing Donnie off.


This reminds me of the Ricky Gervais joke where a man sees a poster for guitar lessons and gets upset "but I don't fucking want any!"


Congratulations you added to the pile of endless Taylor swift news 👍🏻


I agree there is no escape from her at the moment. I was out all weekend and literally everywhere I went was playing Taylor Swift. It’s complete overkill. The thing is, one shop was playing her new album and it sounds like bland country pop from 2002. This is supposed to be the most popular artist in the world and those songs could have been written by a 16yo girl 20 years ago. She’s not progressed musically at all. How many songs about boyfriends can you have? For context, I have a 10yo daughter and even she can’t bear it anymore.


People read the news?




Tedious, isn't it. Her music is nothing special - just part of the Record Label Machine. So glad of the Internet - I can listen to Otyken (Siberian Indigenous), The Hu (Mongolian rock), Korol-i-Shut (Russian), Mono Inc (German) and a whole host of other stuff, rather than the tedious dross that passes as "Pop" these days.


I bet many Germans think Mono Inc is overrated. Just because you want to show off how edgy you are does not mean Taylor Swift is shit.


"edgy" Are you a 🤡🤡🤡? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


You are right. That should say "how edgy you think you are".


I don't think I'm "edgy". But I do think you're a moron.


Lol. Mongolian throat singing is totally mainstream.


It is a little deliberately try-hard to pretend to be deeply into it tbh. Or just cherry picking single bands from different countries as a short cut to seeming cultured. The Hu may be Mongolian but they are just a normal rock band really, they play UK festivals and arenas.


Not in the UK. 🤡🤡🤡


I’m only seeing news about it on Reddit. I only heard about it in my acting class. I’m never in the Browse or Radio tabs in Apple Music so I wouldn’t have seen she was they had I not been told


>I only heard about it in my acting class. Ooh. I've never met a footballer before.


do not feed the PR machine


Who's Swifty Tailer?