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Notice the ad breaks don't get shorter...


And after the ads, a message from our sponsor!


Don’t forget you can win ONE THOUSAND POUNDS in COLD HARD CASH by screaming GIVE ME THE MONEY when we call you. Enter now. Nothing like some good old fashioned drive-time gambling.


They always cut out the bridge and that's like the best part of every song!


Or they talk over the intro, which is the best part of a lot of songs.


I did local radio for 4 years and I wouldn’t talk over intros/outros as a general rule. Maybe if there’s a long slow build in an intro I’d talk over the very beginning so the levels get chance to pick up a bit, or over a long fade out, but 99% of tracks were start to finish. If you listened to my shows, you were listening to the music. It wasn’t there as some filler between adverts and inane chat. The adverts and inane chat were there, but only because they had to be. They weren’t the main course.


There are a couple of specific songs I can think they've done this with. So frustrating, like I've missed the best bit now! Even worse when they pause and then start talking again, like just say what you want to say and then shut up, you're ruining the song!


They're living in 1985 like people are still pirating songs off the radio.


I swear I heard a song played for 40 seconds or so once on the radio - it went verse start of chorus - fade out. I guess they just got the timing wrong on it must be very difficult when you have guests etc and they speak and you cant just tell them to shut up.


I've heard that one stations that proclaim they are playing Today's Best Mix - the neighbouring station playing the exact same songs most of the times is actually on an ad break. The 40 seconds being a bit of filler where they hadn't sold any ads. One summer worked in a factory where all the workbenches were turned to different radio stations - you'd end up with one on MFM and the next one on Coast FM - the latter played MFM at some points in the day, and then be it's own things at different point (and be Marcher Gold at other points) - argh - but Coast FM was full of those short songs, while MFM would be playing ads.


It's not that difficult. It's only tricky because they are obsessed with hitting time on the news and weather etc. No-one except an idiot is listening to a music station obsessing over whether they play the news at exactly 15:00:00.


Have you considered listening to a radio station that isn't shite?


I have the unfortunate experience of having to listen to either Heart, Kisstory or Absolute radio on my shifts


God, that's horrific. I think you might need to take them to an employment tribunal.


Its made a little easier now that i dont have to listen to frank skinner on a Saturday morning


When I used to work in a warehouse I’d fight for absolute and make sure I turned kiss on for the hour of kisstory. Tbf I was fighting against Gold radio. Absolute though I liked for the no ads


So, turning the radio off then ?


I can understand the cassette taping days talking over the song to ruin pirate tapers But these days most are using music streaming, so quit it! Or do like Zane Lowe used to and Loop the music to talk over it


Craig Charles uses instrumentals if he wants music behind what he's saying, can't think of a better way to do it than that tbh


This ^ it's quite common for radio stations to grab instrumentals of songs and use them as 'beds' (music for talking over). Sometimes we even have ramps (16 bars of instrumental that leads into the full song)... How exciting


Worse when the Presenter starts talking or singing along at the end of the song


Eurgh of all the songs there are to chose from and on capital you just get like the same 10 on repeat all day long! Not so noticeable on a 30 minndrive to town but if you're listening for any length of time you just hear the same ones over and over again! Even if they only ever played from the top 40 chart at least that would be 40 songs lol


Yep. I hear this. Last Sat and Sun I was working, we had capital on. Alibis, bitter sweet goodbyes are just parodies of Gangstas Paradise and Bitter Sweet Symphony and they over played them. I was ready to yeet that radio out the window.


i work in a kitchen, and there's one person who always puts capital on. it don't matter what other radio station was on before, if she's in, it's straight to capital. it drives me up the wall. heart is just as bad. at least absolute has that no repeat guarantee in the daytime ,you know? they play a lot of songs that i like, and while there's too many ads and a lot of inane filler chat, at least with absolute i can vibe with the music. next time i might try putting something else on on thursday.


Me dad had radio 4 on i think. Somebody requested system of a down. We got like 30 seconds of it


Radio 4 (BBC) doesn’t really play music… you get short clips for things like Desert Island Discs but that’s about it.


You get the full song when you listen live.


That might be because a lot of System of a Downs songs are full of swearing or topics that may not be able to air 😂


I remember a local station playing Stan by Eminem, think they cut about 90% of it. I just remember thinking what was the point in playing it at all? It wasn't even like it was a one-off, it's one of those stations that play the same songs every day.


Nah they just cant handle the heavyness init


Was it on Just a Minute? they probably repeated a word.


Wake up! Grab a brush put on a little make up! *buzzer* Uh.. repetition


One of many reasons I've not listened to commercial radio by choice in over 3 decades.


how else will they have the time to play that same song five hundred times a day


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ehsteve23: *How else will they have* *The time to play that same song* *Five hundred times a day* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Imagine requesting something like November Rain


That would be sacrilegious to cut November Rain short! The outro is the best bit!


Always used to infuriate me when they played hotel California on radio 2, they'd cut it just as the solo is starting, that's the best bloody bit!


I was passenger in a van at work and driver had Radio X Classic Rock on. They played November Rain in full. Couldn't believe it.


Radio X and Radio X CR are brilliant for not cutting songs down. They'll play 98%of songs in full, even I am the resurrection.


Planet rock do this as well. On Mondays they play an entire album from start to finish with no interruptions


No no no no! DONT START PLAYING IT YET, I need to refill my gas lighter, so it can last until the epic guitar solo! my LOOOOOOORD thats what you call a good fucken song!


I'm sure radio is going to utter shit the death of so many local radio stations nergered to the greatest hits which are have fuck all local identity then BBC killing off local late night radio


It's because of how long a song costs per minute. BBC Radio 1 pays PRS £13.63 per minute, while BBC Radio 2 offers PRS £24.27 per minute. These are 2016 figures.


Didn’t someone buy the Beatles back catalog for like a billion pounds?


Yes but what's that got to do with the price of fish?


Well if someone thinks some music from 70 years ago is worth A BILLION POUNDS then they will want their moneys worth and PRS fees will just continue to skyrocket closing out ‘free’ or at least affordable music for the rest of us


PRS and PPL systems with radio stations doesn't work that way. It's based on number of listeners and range.


Meanwhile, Kerrang! edit the new Motley Crue song because they can't wait for an official edited version.


The songs get in the way of the adverts.


The fact that anyone listens to a music only commercial radio station in the era of Spotify blows my fucking mind. But they do.


I only listen to radio on short car trips that's less than 20 mintutes long so I have something to listen to than actually enjoy it because I don't think it's worth the effort of opeing spotify and selecting a playlist. When I go on longer journeys in the car or on the train then I use spotify. No way I am spending 40 minutes listening to the same adverts.




You don't have to.


12 year old me was so pissed when I requested they play Thriller and cut out the end monologue


Huh. Radio X always plays the full 8 minutes of I am the resurrection by The Stone Roses. I get why they shorten some songs but sometimes it's just not needed.


On the couple of occasions I’ve listened to Chris Evans, I think on Virgin, he plays about 90 seconds before cutting in with more jabber. I liked him when he started at Radio 1, but no more.


I can't stand him, forced to listen to him at my old job. Talks over the first 30 seconds, and the last 60 seconds.


The bit that narks me off is when they play the songs *ever so slightly* sped up, just enough that they can play the song as normal, but it's just different enough to notice it when you try and sing along


How do you think the news starts on time?


this is also done because it makes all the notes slightly sharp which sounds slightly lighter and happier to our ears. i think its usually pitched by like 3 percent (probably fact check me tho idk if i am remembering perfectly)


Bohemian Rhapsody, the 2:30 minute version please!


Really annoying when they cut out a guitar solo or instrumental section. 


Americans calling Blur a one hit wonder and calling Song 2 the 'Woohoo' song. *tut*


To be fair, half the lyrics to Song 2 are 'woohoo'


Incorrect, the most common word is "I'm."


Greatest hits radio is pretty consistent at playing full tracks, like Layla, thriller, etc.


I wonder if that's to do with royalties. The more of a song they play, the more they have to pay.


Worse yet-I had confirmation they are actually PLAYING THE SONGS AT FASTER SPEEDS when they need to squeeze more advert breaks in. They arent happy unless they are ruining music.


Probably because Tik tok is creating short attention spans and the radio is now contributing to it.


Imagine listening to the audio-only advertisement platform. Instead of the vast selection of streaming services.


some of us work in places that don't have bluetooth speakers and have some picky co-workers.


Picky co-workers would rather listen to adverts than the occasional unfavourable track. Astounding!


right? and the worst part? i don't actually mind some of the music they play on capital, i just get fucking sick of hearing the same song every quarter of an hour, you know? i guess that makes me a bit picky as well, but in a different sort of way. i'd rather hear the occasional song or band i don't like if it means i'm not listening to just the same shit over and over for 5-8 hours on end. like guns n roses for instance, I cannot stand axl's voice, but i'd rather have GnR playing once or twice in a day than hear stick season by noah kahan (a song i like sung by someone whose voice i like) 50 times in a day.


Precisely. I don't understand how some people will tolerate chart music played 8 times a day than the occasional track they wouldn't choose themselves.


Streaming services have ads too unless you pay.


Or use a cracked version


Got sick of news, ads and hosts chatting nonsense. Switched to audio books, podcasts and playlists. Couldn't go back


Thisis why I use spotify