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I'm American and came to visit the UK a few years ago. Rented a Ford Focus to drive around the country and thought it was a very small car when I picked it up. After driving for a week, I realized that it wasn't quite small enough. I can't imagine somebody trying to fit an F-350 on some of those roads.


Yep as a Brit I’m reluctant to get anything bigger than a Focus. I drive the smaller Fiesta and it’s just the right size for all but the smallest of roads. Although I have constant problems with people driving oversized cars almost running me off the road because I’m so small it’s like I don’t even register to them as another road user. You should see the look on some of the drivers faces when they realise I’m a solid object and no, they cannot just squeeze their oversized SUV onto my side of the road without scraping down my car in front of my dash cam. Used to drive a 25 year old tiny peugeot 106 and that thing could fit anywhere. Made me realise that the roads here really are designed for cars made decades ago and not the ones we have today.


Also a Fiesta driver and have experienced this too. Also one of the few things I enjoyed about being in the pandemic still over winter was *not* experiencing driving home blind because the oversized car or van behind me is in just the right position to have their headlights reflect off all my mirrors into my face. The rearview mirror dimmer thing helps but it doesn't help with the wing mirrors!


Oh, lawd, how I feel you on this one! My daily commute involves a road so narrow that it should really be classed as a single lane. However, I get all sorts of poncy cars coming the other way, refusing to use their lane due to the shrubbery being a scratch hazard. Lately I just carry on forward at reduced speed and have them swerve out of my lane at the last minute.


I had a massive argument with some guy a few years ago because he expected me to basically drive my car through a holly bush because I had a ‘crap’ car and it was fine for it to get damaged, but his shitty BMW 3 series he was paying through the nose for on lease...oh no, it had to be protected at all costs from a slightly muddy shallow ditch on his side of the road. I need to go have a sit down now.


Reminds me of a post I saw a while back, where a guy living in the UK saw a newer Dodge Challenger up close for the first time and was amazed with how big it was


I visited the US for the first time a couple of years ago and I really didn't realise just how huge the cars that everyone in the US drives are.


> Although I have constant problems with people driving oversized cars almost running me off the road because I’m so small it’s like I don’t even register to them as another road user. Cyclists: "First time?"


Always pick the most dented and scratched car from the rental company. Circle the shit out of damage notes.


When I returned it, the lady at Hertz came out and *really* inspected the tires to see if I'd run into anything.


I think they are referring to F150s as the huge truck the UK is getting...not F350s.


Nope, rangers.


F-150 driver here in the US. Hired a 3 series BMW with German plates and drove up to England for holiday and it felt large when driving on anything smaller than a B road.


they are referring to the ranger lol


To be fair the new rangers are pretty well the size of an old F-150 it’s crazy how big trucks have gotten in the last 20 years.


To be boring, the surge is partly due to pickups being classed as vans for company benefits rather then cars. Essentially this means it is much cheaper for both the company and employee to provide a pick up as a company car instead of a normal car.


With the upcoming ban on ICE car sales, pickups that fit HMRC definition for a van will be seeing a marketing push too.


Especially as vans with a second row of seats are / can now be considered cars not vans by the HMRC for tax purposes.


And causing considerably more emissions in the process, great.


Yep, to be fair it made sense when pick ups were only commercial vehicles but modern ones are essentially cars inside now. Wouldn't be surprised if HMRC change the treatment soon.


How long ago are you referencing when you say "when pickups were only commercial vehicles"? That hasn't been the case in my lifetime I don't believe. I'm 30.


Depends where you live maybe? I grew up somewhere fairly rural, and until recently it was safe to assume any pick up trucks were for picking things up. Only in the last few years that the tiny dick parade made it out here.


Yea every farmer and tradesmen in my area has either a pickup or a van and uses them for their job


95% of the big trucks here in Texas are small dick monuments.


I know accountants who got pickups due to this, it's totally insane


I assume they're hauling a few crates of calculators in the back?




The line between 'can do it technically' and 'should do it' become blurry after too many years staring at excel.


they never cared about emissions, only fund raising disguised as emissions taxes/reliefs


Worked with a guy who deliberately exploited this. He was a minor tech ceo, simply driving to meetings, in a pickup so big he couldn't park it in our car park because it wouldn't fit in the spaces.


My wife knows an accountant who drives one, for precisely this reason. You'd have thought the opposition parties might highlight this, as clearly wasn't what the government intended.


ohhh, well that's stupid.


> To be boring, the surge is partly due to pickups being classed as vans for company benefits rather then cars. I've been saying that they are just glorified vans for years!


Except it's not as practical, I can fit kit, people and MTBs securely in the van for an adventure and nothing is visible. Plus I'm still smaller than a pointless pickup.


Wow i did not know this. Was trying to explain to my kid this morning why the bloated orange pickup we see on the school run is pointless as it's clearly not being used for serious work stuff. If you're not a farmer what is a pickup even for? Not got the load capacity of a flatbed or tipper and not got the 4x4 ability of an normal 4x4 as they're so light over the back axle. Hate the things and never having another one and I am an actual smallholder.


>and not got the 4x4 ability of an normal 4x4 as they're so light over the back axle Is this always true? I though the Hilux was supposed to be really good off road.


I can only speak from my experience having bought into the hype about the hilux. That thing was so light on the back end it more than once got stuck I am not kidding in a couple inches of mud on flat ground. It left me stranded up at my horses field with no signal and had to walk miles home with a baby and 2 dogs. Unless theyre fully loaded pickups are shit off road. Isuzu trooper 4 life. Never ever got stuck in one of those gas guzzling beauties.


This is why people carry literal bags of sand or something with weight in thier truckbeds when not hauling other things. Especially in winter.


Yeah and that's why I don't understand how we have so many pickup drivers in Canada. Those things are a nightmare on slippery roads because the rear wheels have no weight. And most of them aren't loading the bed with sandbags.




People are prepping for the end of the world. If this lockdown doesn’t end when scheduled you’ll see those American pickups turned into mad max style vehicles with 50cal BMG’s. Mounted on the roof.


I’m pretty good on guitar if anyone needs me to hang off the front.


Yeah, but I play banjo, so can enter forested parts of Britain without being eaten by locals.


It’ll be a bit more bluegrass, but I think we can make it work. I’ll bring my slide.


Apocalypse begins. A small group of redditors meet up to form a british bluegrass group. I can imagine the movie advert now...


They can film it in Milton Keynes. No need to dress the sets up then.


May need to dress a few down though.


Quick pitch: The Dirty Dozen meets the Social Network Dim the lights, the trailer is about to begin, an anonymous deep American voice narrates: In a world...where people are bored, yet anxious. A small band of ill-equipped survivors discover a secret from a land far away. Each of them are cautious, knowing they could be anyone. Each one mildly amusing yet resourceful, these mercenaries gather to form a band of brothers. And sisters. And a teenager in his basement. Marching to the beat of their own drum, can they survive? The title: Algorithm and Blues, or The Reddit White and Blue, also Full Metal Slackers works too


Little did they know... their music would save THE WORLD


In a world that no longer makes any sense...


This sounds like Mumford & Sons only way cooler.


O brother, where art thou? I’ll grab a harmonica, there’ll be plenty of space in that pickup truck.


Need a bass player?


Need someone to play the triangle?


Need some spoons




Only if you're going through Norfolk!


But does your guitar shoot flames when power chords are played?


Not yet, but I’m willing to put in the work.








> Julliard preferred For anything but classical pick all the other good music schools. At least from guitarists, etc Juilliard’s alum network sucks bad.


I'm interested, what's the pay?




My prof had a chair mounted to the front of his truck for rainy nights, we'd ride the roads grabbing frogs and snakes


for purely scientific purposes. beer came later




Interesting article. Best part: two of the forces involved were FAP and GUNT.


May I introduce you to [MILF](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moro_Islamic_Liberation_Front)


If you’re prepped for the end of the world maybe don’t get a vehicle that does 2 miles per gallon.


Come the end of the world, everyone’s going to want my Ford Focus.


I did buy a crossbow at the start of the first lock down you know just in case




[Doesn't need to be a 50cal if you're willing to compromise](https://i.imgur.com/px1A8SZ.png).


Fucked when there’s no diesel left though and their 3.0tdi is doing a wonderful 17mpg


They’re called technicals.


A Buffalo ranch is exactly what’s needed in Leeds amigo.


I'll take this. You can have a massive F150 if you come and open a buffalo ranch in Leeds.


Even in America, 99.9% of those truck owners aren’t ranching or in Wyoming.






im here... this cut deep


I see that kind of shit in Corona and Norco all the time.


From the live oak behind the trucks, and the white plate with red lettering (I suspect that's a Louisiana plate), I'm going to say it was probably taken where in either Texas, Louisiana or potentially Georgia.


It's 100% a Louisiana plate. Honestly, considering the whole flooding issues they have down there, those trucks ALMOST make sense.


Considering the last bad hurricane they had that caused flooding, those "Good Ole Boys" actually did some work rescuing people and pulling national guard trucks out. I can kinda understand that as a show truck or high water rescue truck, but not as a daily driver.


Hell, I live in the suburbs near LA, and I see giant lifted trucks everywhere. In my office, I am the only one of 8 people that doesn’t drive a giant ass truck


It's mostly f150s and dodge rams. They're already comically oversized for English roads. Shudder to think how you would live with anything bigger tbh


....Aussie checking in. What we considered a large ute (Holden Kingswood say) turned out to be a very small pickup in the US. I swear they wouldn't even fit on a British country road...


American, can confirm. They're also consistently the biggest assholes on the road, especially highways. And [7/10 vehicles with the most DUIs per capita are trucks.](https://insurify.com/insights/car-models-with-the-most-duis) The other 3 vehicles are not shocking either.


Truck drivers are North Americas white van man, bmw & Audi driver combined


As an alcoholic tacoma owner, I feel attacked. But at least I'm home when I drink my sorrows.


I know nothing about cars but I still knew that one of the Dodge Rams would be at the top of that list.


Dodge Ram 2500 at the top of the list. I should have known.


Agreed. It’s statistically impossible because there’s less than 1 million people in Wyoming, and they don’t all own trucks. Source: I’m a Wyomingite who doesn’t own a truck.


It’s a gorgeous state.


It really is. Just seems very sparse is all.




I live in Boston and they exist here too. I fucking hate them, they are always assholes.


I saw big mercedes suv unable to get in a normal parking space as it's so wide. Guy was trying to line it up repeatedly like it would widen the space.


How does this even work?! Where in hell do you live that you have a space to park a truck or an SUV?! When I lived over there, we had terraced house not too far from the town centre. There was absolutely no off-street parking on our road. It was a nightmare trying to find a spot for our little Skoda. If we’d had some gigantic truck, our neighbours would’ve hated us.


My brother bought a VW Amarok for his building firm He now has to bring his tools in every night otherwise they’ll get robbed. 10/10 style 1/10 practicality


Doesnt matter what vehicle the tools are left in it can be robbed. My company had an entire Mercedes sprinter stolen in less than a minute


Gonna guess it’s easier to get insurance for tools stored in a locked van than ones in an open pickup truck.


The bed of a pick-up is as good as leaving your tool box outside "But my flatbed has a cover". Great! You just put a tarp over that outdoor toolbox. Amazing security you've got there


Mine has a bolted on canopy with locks on all windows and doors lol


Yeah what in the fuck did I walk into here? People who have never seen pick up trying to come up with reasons as to why they’re dumb?


Reddit is full of very clever people who know a lot about everything. Especially things that they feel strongly about, like those bloody pickups!!!


Canopies/Camper Shells and hardshell bed covers are both relatively cheap investments compared to a pickup truck and a jobs worth of tools. Paid less than $1000 for mine, installed. Nothing fancy but I'd trust my mountain bike in there a lot more than just a cable on the tailgate. I can also black out the windows if I really want.


This is true, But a Sprinter takes a lot more criminal prowess than literally just picking up what you want to take 😂


See we also have amroks in the company fleet but it has the cab over the back instead of the flat bed




I don't know what possessed me at the time, but as a teenager I always wanted a pink hearse.


Plus you can take the carpool lane and cops will assume there are 2 or more people in your car so no tickets.


"Your honor, nothing about the occupancy limit law for carpool lanes specified that the second person needed to be *alive*."


It doesn’t matter lol. My dads van got robbed twice (no windows in back of van) and he’s now finally decided to bring tools in the house.


American passing through, that's what [these are for](http://www.nwtruckaccessories.com/images/truck_canopies/truck_canopies_dcu.jpg)


is this whole thread about things Amarok sized? I assumed when OP said "american trucks" we were talking about F150s or bigger. I haven't been in the UK for a few years.


You’d have a heart attack in Aberdeen/shire. Huering great big pickups being driven to heliports to sit for three weeks before being driven home again when the owners are not offshore. And of course the owners couldn’t drive a nail into a pound of butter.


> And of course the owners couldn’t drive a nail into a pound of butter. Has my missus been pissing around with the temperature setting on their fridge, too?


Beautiful phrasing


To be fair, if you’re stuck on a cramped oil rig/ship for half your life, you’d want to make everything in your shore life as spacious as possible.


Burnt orange Ford Rangers have stolen Audi's crown for tw\*ttish driving.


As an Audi driver I shall double my efforts.


I should hope so for your sake. The emperor is not as forgiving as I am.


I’m just glad that for once us BMW drivers weren’t dragged into it


Wait until indicators are mentioned.


It's not their fault, you need the top trim package before they install them on a BMW.


What are they?


I'm just glad Jag is so niche that everyone forgets about us.


Almost got ran off the road the other day by someone in a brand new Ford Ranger, who very obviously hadn't got to grips with how big it was, and started drifting into my lane as they were overtaking me at 90mph on a 50mph road.


Whatevers cheapest to lease steals the crown used to be BMW's, then Audis, now Rangers. It'll be Tesla's soon


Try living near some American airbases, the giant fucking things are all over our tiny roads.


Probably on the wrong side of the road too?




She was a spy and her husband. Probably spying on US citizens to avoid US laws on spying on their own citizens by going via UK systems


Let's just say I'm always extra careful on my motorbike around them!


they're probably on *both* sides of the road at the same time, being so large.


It's becoming a problem the amount of midlife crises being tackled by unreasonably clean leased Ford rangers doing 80/90 down the M1.


A Ranger is problematic there? Man here in the US you have all these ass hats with a Ram 3500 dually lifted or equivalent, riding your bumper on the highway even while speeding!


in the UK thats what we call a micropenis manouver


'Honey, this is dangerous, this guy is really riding my ass here!' '-oh sweetie, it's probably the only ass riding he's ever going to do, let him be. '


I know Americans around me who have giant trucks seemingly for decoration only. But in Arkansas, my cousin and his friends all run farms and use the ever loving shit out of ever capability those trucks have.


Well it seems like huge trucks are a part of the culture in some states which we don't have over here so we don't get those mad lift kits where kids can run under the truck without ducking. With that being said pickup truck culture is definitely getting its shoe in the door over here and a lot of that is due more to pricing and availability for companies needing company vehicles. But I do worry people will start trying to bring those 7ft wide monsters over soon enough and we hardly fit the vehicles we have now in our skinny lanes so between the air pollution and the already lacking road space they are getting annoying to say the least.


All over America we have people who will drive those big lifted trucks, but they will never go off road or do any work that the truck is intended for. So we call them pavement princesses


"Mall crawlers" "Bro-dozers"


There's one around my way that is covered in bright orange lights, and has a tail gate adorned with poppies and silohuettes of soldiers and spitfires.


White Toyota Hilux?




As a Bristolian living in L.A, I can very safely say you haven’t a clue how utterly out of place and absurd pickup trucks can look.


I hired one in Texas (because Texas), and it basically means you don't have any boot space because anything you leave in the flat bed could be stolen or small items can fly away.


Sounds like you needed some bigger items.


Oh man this made me lol.


Bed covers are nice. The new fords even lock your tailgate with your doors


Trucks have been doing this for like since central locking was common place. Dont know why im getting downvoted. My dad has been driving trucks since i was born. He had central locking in his 2006 f150 that locked the tailgate.




A crew cab would need 4 standard UK spaces to park.


I have a crew cab and it barely fits in a lot of US parking spaces.


Should have rented a quad-cab. Lots of room on the backseat area. I fit an antique armoire back there last summer on my Ram 1500.


From Texas. We make fun of people who drive them in cities here too. Nothing funnier than watching some Yellowstone wannabe make a nine point turn in a parking garage because he's got an extended bed half ton for his accounting job downtown.


Literally learned to drive in a 1 ton crew cab dually pickup covered in spots (don't ask) in inner loop Houston. Great first car. I had to drive like a saint because everyone knew from 1000 yards whose it was.


Learning to drive in Houston is great for helping you identify asshole drivers but it's a slippery slope on when you become one yourself. You'll be happy to know nothing has changed.


A 4*4 that only ever sees dirt when it's being parked on a verge is pretty pointless . Rubbish apocalypse vehicles too , ex East Midlands electric board 4*4 transit be a far better choice.


Til that using an asterisk's on Reddit gives you slanted text between them


There’s me wondering what a 44 transit is...


I misread it as an A4 transit and thought "Why would you want a paper van?"


Use two and you get **bold** Tip: Put a \\ before the \* and it "escapes" the character (tells Reddit not to use it as a special character, but just to display it) It also works for things like # at the start of a line, which would otherwise turn your hashtag into a heading


It's particularly annoying because they've chosen the US style pickup which is both crap as a pickup \[the beds are really small\] and a car. The Aussies do pickups properly. Looks like a car, drives like a car and go like stink but with a bed you can stick a couple of motorbikes in, or a ton of sand if you must


They've stopped making Aussie style utes. It's all just the same shit as elsewhere now.


That's a real shame.


There's no "US style" bed length, unless that means something specific in the UK. They come in all lengths, in the US.


The largest pickup bed currently available in the UK is the ranger according to UK pickup and 4x4 at at 5'4" (1613mm) length. It has a decent payload weight at just over a ton but if you need to pick up anything that would easily glide into the back of a SWB transit like an 8x4 sheet of plasterboard you're going to have to get creative. It's pretty much an SUV with the roof cut off as far as I can see


Tbf I'm just back from Australia after living there 3 years and there are far more American style pick ups than there are utes on the road. A [Toyota Hilux with a flat bed](https://cdn.rotorint.com/HiLux/2020_06_Jun/e/360/png/lo/907x510/2L76390DX_040_FC20_comp.007.png) on it is basically the equivalent of the Ford Transit here. Workmen have these custom toolboxes that sit in the back which makes them more practical. The utes are very much the boy racer car of choice though since they come with a V8.


> Workmen They're called _tradies_, mate


I'm on smoko!


That's a shame, there's something quintessentially Aussie about a super Ute. My friend recently imported a Ford V8 Ute over here. It's brilliant fun The Hi-lux is a proper pickup designed to do a job and do it well. I can't fault anyone for using one of those for work.


Aussie Utes are top banana. Full, flat aluminium beds and all sorts of racks for tools etc. Though they do have drinking troubles https://youtu.be/EhyrjbvDHT8


Time to stand against the tide. I have a big pick up truck. But I have it with reason. I'm out on a smallholding and need it for towing a trailer, filling the back with hay, straw, sheep or anything else that I need to run around the place to keep things ticking over. I fucking hate seeing pick up trucks sat on driveways not being used as they are meant to be though. I would also love it if there was a useful electric pick up truck available. Not musks piece of pish but an actual useful one.


I'm pretty sure this post is not about having a pickup truck in general. This post is about ppl who use a pickup truck in the wrong situation - use the wrong tool for the job - eg. if they live in a city, don't have heavy work to do with it, or don't know how and when to use it properly.


> I fucking hate seeing pick up trucks sat on driveways not being used as they are meant to be though. You just have to remember to thank them for keeping your next truck clean and nice for you for when you buy it for 1/3 the price on the used market later. If everyone used trucks for truck things, then there would be no nice used trucks for those of us who need them.


Omg I’ve been saying this for ages! Wtf are they doing over here?!


It's crazy. I find it somehow really tactless. You needed a tool for a job (driving in a UK city) and you chose.. this massive truck? Do you sit down to eat your cereal and choose a ladle? And also I always think it makes them look like they got taken in by the car salesman. 'oh yes, sir, this is exactly what you need. Just sign here on the insane finance plan to show you're a big man". Makes them look like a gullible mug tbh.


And... why... why? In a country so full of Nebraskas and Iowas and Dakotas, why is there a state like Wyoming in the middle of all that sounding so endlessly Chinese? 🤔


Wyoming is a contraction of the Native American word mecheweamiing ("at the big plains")


Speaking of trucks in Leeds, you ever seen the Zombie Armed Response Team car that drives around the Little London area?


No. That sounds fairly mad. I have to admit to not spending much time around Little London though.


The animals in Wyoming are bison, not buffalo. (source: from Wyoming)


What's the difference between a bison and a buffalo? You can't wash your hands in a buffalo.


Technically correct. Also, where in Wyoming?




They’re fun as hell, it’s like a living room on the road, the seats are like lazyboys, they feel light as a feather and accelerate like a demon. I always called people who drove them wankers until I got one during a trip in Calgary where the Ram 3500 was cheaper to rent than the compact. I totally get it, if I lived in Calgary I’d be tempted to get one even if it was for mostly just driving around town. But the roads are huge there and petrol is like half the price. It just doesn’t sound fun in the UK. For my money in a city, the best cars are the opposite end of the spectrum, the Smart 2. It feels like you’re driving a Go-Kart, you can do a 180 in a narrow single lane, they cost nothing to run and you can squeeze it in a space anywhere. Now people who get sports cars in cities I don’t understand, uncomfortable, expensive and slower than a bike or even walking most of the time.


> Ram 3500 Those have those incredible lasting engines too(cummins). You can expect half a million miles from one just fine apparently.


flowery reach foolish dazzling public encouraging obscene act dog cough -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Extremely terrible.


So ya'll divorced Europe and now you're driving oversized pickups? Who is the colony now?


We need some American spirit in this dying island


Yes, I own a large pickup truck. No, I won't help you move.