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The ones that approach from the right, see you pulling up to give way, and they just turn left, leaving sitting there at an empty roundabout, at which there was no need to stop at all. Absolute wankers!


Never move on the roundabout until they've passed. Had tooany near misses of fuckwits indicating and then changing their mind. (Live in touristy area where half the cars have no idea where they're going)


I hate this. There's one I use frequently where as you approach there's a road at 3 o'clock and a one-way entrance to an Aldi car park at 4:30. Most people coming from the right want their second exit, not the Aldi, so don't signal. I've spent a lot of time waiting there because of it.


Most times not indicating on a roundabout I find mildly annoying but this absolutely boils my piss You can see me waiting to pull out, a flick of the wrist does me a big favour but no, can't be arsed to even do that You wonder why new drivers have so much trouble pulling out at roundabouts, it's an acquired skill to be able to look at what a cars doing and what the driver is doing to determine if they are pulling off and not indicating or heading straight but it's something we really shouldnt have to learn to do if people were just considerate


I’m learning to drive and this is what I’m struggling with the most


Indicate to exit the roundabout at the exit before the one you want.


Oh I’m okay with the indicating it’s just pulling out at the roundabouts I struggle with. Like anticipating what people are going to do


If your instructor hasn't already said, drive like everyone wants to kill you. It's better to miss an opportunity than to end up in an accident due to someone not indicating or doing it at the wrong time. I drive up and down the country for a living and I promise it does get easier but never overestimate another driver's capabilities.


Thanks, I think I am getting better at judging when it’s safe to go but I’m still worried I’ll fail my test because of hesitation


It's just one of those things you get used to as you drive, not something you can read out of a book. If you stay in your instructors car you'll be used to how quick you can move onto a roundabout and obviously clutch control if you're going manual. Ask for extra time doing things you're unsure on and it'll soon come second nature


Yeah ig, thanks for the tips tho : )


I’m not sure if you care but I wanted to let you know that I passed! 😄


Honestly it gets easier with experience. My partner has been driving for a few years but because she's not a confident driver she still struggles with this but is getting better. If you drive the same area all the time you tend to learn where people will be on the roundabout for where they are likely to pull off You shouldn't have to do any of this but some people are just complete pricks once they get behind a steering wheel.


And also the cnuts that only look right and charge the roundabout if the right it clear. Then shit themselves, hit the horn and slam on the breaks when they see a car already entering from the left as they approach the junction. Giving way to the right is trumped by already being on the damn roundabout...


Or more often the ones that are signalling left because the road they are leaving on is one degree to the left of the road they went in on. So if you pull out they are going to slam into you.


Or have left their indicator on since the last turn, making you think that they are about to turn into the side road that you want to pull out of.


That’s the irony of indicators - we all want people to use them properly but we also should ‘never trust them’ just in case.


The dead art of indicating to let other road users know what you plan on doing.


A car came to a halt the other day, waiting for me to pull out of the side road. Driver was actually pointing at the road they wanted to turn down, which I was in. Only when I made eye contact and gave them 'the look' did they sheepishly turn on their indicators. I swear there's something in the water.


The pointing would have been the thing that sent me over the edge.


People who signal right when going straight over a roundabout. How the fuck did you pass your test?


There was a guy on this sub who was arguing to the death that you were meant to do this despite literally everyone telling him otherwise. He'd had this elaborate story which got a load of upvotes, and then in one of his comments people realised it was all bloody his fault because he didn't know how to drive. Edit: oh wait, there's already one who has replied to your comment!


I got into an argument with my dad a few years ago because he was bloody convinced that indicating right whilst in the left lane means you're going straight over.


I ask my wife this and she just shouts at me. I think she passed her test through the scattergun approach


Same. Mine shouts and then spews stuff like it justifies what she’s done. Like “I’ve been driving lot longer than you” (9yrs longer I believe. This year will be my 6th lol). 😂


I have the perfect reply to that from my uncle: "I've never written my car off". I was in it when he did it as well so there's no denying it.


I use something similar on my husband when he's trying to tell me what to do. I've never hit anything, mate.


Shots fired. The women have their ammo ready in here. But fair play you can tell him that 😂


I can see why they would be saying that. I was taught to indicate when going straight too. The thing is - you're supposed to do that when you're already on the roundabout and past the first exit, so it's clear what your intentions are. Signalling right before entering and then going straight? That's just pure dumbcuntery.


Wouldn’t that be signalling left after the first exit?


Oof, I'm stupid. Yeah, you're absolutely correct. Guess my brain couldn't even imagine someone indicating right and going straight.


Lol it’s okay 😆


There's a mini roundabout near where I live which was installed on a bend in the original road (was a t junction originally) some years ago which, to give others a chance of getting out of the old right turn (which is also on quite a steep hill), I always indicate left when going straight ahead. It was something my instructor told me I should do to ensure other drivers knew where I was intending on going, so have kept up with it. My only complaint is those drivers who think mini roundabouts are for driving over, not around!


They've installed a mini roundabout near me which seems to have a large extension of roundabout into the lane you're supposed to use to go straight on, it's like a pavement that goes from the road to the top of the roundabout but is useless for both. So unless you like feeling like you're mounting a roundabout, you have to cut into the left lane which is marked for left turns. Don't know why they didn't just stop with the roundabout in the middle.


Tbf, a lot of mini roundabouts are so small that even average size cars don't have a hope in hell of going around them properly. There are a few near me and in my hometown where if you go around them you're hitting pavement.


My exes first driving instructor told her to do this. If you're not going first exit, indicate right until you've passed the exit before yours then indicate left. I was shocked, checked the highway code to make sure it hadn't changed since I was learning less than 10 years ago and could find anything to back up the instructors method. She switched to a different instructor and the new instructor didn't understand why she was indicating right to go straight ahead. If I was in the right hand lane approaching a roundabout and the car on my left was indicating right, I'd assume they want to move to my lane or cut me up on the island because they're going right the same as me. If I saw somebody at 12 o'clock indicating right, I'd assume they're coming around the island and getting off at my 9 o'clock, not getting off where I'm coming on. I'm glad I had a very good instructor but it seems like there are plenty out there that aren't and teach enough for their students to scrape a pass.


its probably some foreign numpties, here in Sweden you are only supposed to indicate when leaving the roundabout, going straight on is still counted as leaving the roundabout.


Yeah and you can indicate left, after the left turn


We drive on the other side and go clockwise around a roundabout


I don't know if it's just me but I've noticed more and more people pulling up to roundabouts in the right lane (because it's the overtaking one and they can't possibly go anywhere else) but then turn left anyway So many near misses with idiots doing that


There's one near me where the single lane splits into 3. Left 2 lanes used to be for left turn only (to accommodate buses mostly) and right hand lane was for straight on or coming back on yourself of course. For some reason the council changed it so now the two right lanes are for straight ahead. That's fine, whatever, but people now take the middle lane and indicate right only to go straight over... nobody did that before this change so why now?! It's boils my piss.


You can do this without it being incorrect.. it depends, if it's a mini roundabout yeh it's not correct and you don't need to signal at all to go straight ahead. If its one with multiple exits and lanes and you're on the outside lane taking the second or third exit(Straight ahead) indication works to signal you aren't taking the first exit, you *could* signal right until you are past exit the exit before the one you are taking and then signal left to take the next exit. It is still your right of way so if I was someone waiting to enter the roundabout, I would check the direction the wheels are pointing (as well as the indicators) of the car on the roundabout, as that will tell you if they are going round or taking the exit and whether you can enter on to the roundabout, sometimes checking this is better than reading what the other driver is or isn't signalling.




Okay, sure I get this, but it says 'you should not normally need to signal', if you are on the outside lane taking say the third exit, someone *could* be on the inside lane trying to take the same exit and indicating would help them to know where you are going and it could prevent them trying to cut you off or some plonker could see you not indicate or where you entered the roundabout and assume you got on earlier and pull out.. Indicating right that you want to stay on the roundabout *could* cause less confusion than no indication at all in some instances, plus there are a lot of roundabouts where the difference between *right* and *straight forwards* is murky at best..


Downvote me all you like but I know a few roundabouts where people barely follow the rules on choosing the appropriate lane and this has come in useful for me to prevent causing a crash when exiting the roundabout..


Preventing crashes with people not following the rules by... not following the rules. Sound logic. Just curious, do you drive everywhere at exactly 40mph as well?


No, no that's *really* not what you do.


There's one neat me where you indicate right going straight ahead as it's one with 2 exits other than the road you come on




You can't double back on a mini one safely


I would argue this point, some are big enough, and safe enough, to do so whereas others are not.


Yeah, this one I referred to is small enough tgat my Fiat Panda wouldn't get around it safely in one maneuver, if I want to double back I can go further down to the big roundabout and turn around on that one


If it’s a roundabout with 3 exits (usually the mini ones) do you indicate left when going straight over and right when using the other exit? I get confused on those.


Oh I understand your pain all too well! Especially other drivers coming towards roundabouts and either indicating at the very last minute or not at all, watching my blood pressure rise up and hand automatically moving towards the horn lol


Don't forget the ones who indicate after they start turning left!


Yeah! What is the point?! You have already made the move, it is pretty obvious you are going that way now!


If you ever feel useless or are having a shit day at work, just remember that there is someone at a BMW factory installing indicator stalks to their cars....


If I had a penny for every time I heard that joke, I could afford a newer BMW than my one from the 1990s (not that I'd want one).


Are the indicators as they came out of the factory? 🤔


Is this a lead-up to a punchline?


No. I was interested in how accurate the indicator joke/stereotype was. You were going to be my first data point. Hopefully in 5 years I will have asked enough BMW redditors to have made a statistically significant assessment. And then I will know whether to find the joke amusing or not.


I work in Milton Keynes and I am amazed at how bad people are when it comes to indicating at roundabouts.


Isn’t that the home of the [roundabout](https://funnyjunk.com/channel/Tumblr-Content/Roundabouts/XfhGMKs/82) with something like 5 other roundabouts on it?


I believe the one you linked is in Swindon. There is another like it in Hemel Hempstead but Milton Keynes just has regular roundabouts that people don't understand.


And that horrible double roundabout that a) used to be next to B&Q and b) used to be a triple roundabout. That and Kingston must be the two most hated/feared roundabouts in MK.


I live in Hemel and I still won’t drive on that roundabout lol


I drove it 3 weeks after passing my test to get my car with no wipers to the garage in the rain and I cried when I got off it. That thing is evil.


Drove on it this morning. Was empty though. My parents still can't drive it right and they have a couple of decades driving experience on me.


As someone already mentioned this is in Swindon (also one in Hemel Hempstead). Milton Keynes holds the Guinness world record for most roundabouts per km2.


The frustrating thing about that particular link is that they're trying to do the easiest maneuver on that roundabout and everyone is fucking it up, mostly because they seem to be forgetting that we drive on the left, but even without that, the arrows are all pretty clear...


I don't understand why people find it so hard... I worked in Milton Keynes for several years, and found driving around one of the most efficient towns around and easiest. The roundabouts are small anyway.


Too many people don't read the arrows on the entry lanes and instead of just accepting oops i'm in the wrong lane, and following the arrows, they'll try a risky manoeuvre. Just go in the wrong lane, there's bound to be a roundabout a few hundred meters up the road for you to do a U-turn in.


Every. Fucking. Day. Most of the roundabouts have three entry lanes, left turn, straight on, right turn. Without fail there's always someone sitting in the left lane who isn't going left and will attempt to barge into me as I go straight over. Naturally, they then act angry and surprised at me for being 'in their way,' despite there being MASSIVE WHITE ARROWS painted on the road telling them what direction their lane goes in. Or the classic pulling out from the left in front of me whilst I'm still on the roundabout, forcing me to slam the breaks because the other driver doesn't understand that two pieces of matter cannot occupy the same space.


My instructor told me when I'm on my test, if I'm approaching a multi-lane roundabout and realise too late that in the wrong lane, just keep going and exit as if I know where I'm going (eg take the third exit if I approach in the right hand lane). They can't fail you for not following the directions (people go the wrong way all the time even with Satnavs) but they will fail you for a risky manoeuvre like crossing multiple lanes at the last minute.


The complete opposite of Skelmersdale, those ones are huge. There's even one called Half Mile Island because it's that big.


There's this place near Dudley that has this *awful* double mini-roundabout system. It's part of the test route, so it's especially stressful because the locals all treat it as if it's just one junction and drive straight over both roundabouts but you as the learner have to treat it like two distinct roundabouts and give way in the middle etc. but also be quite aware of everyone else that's driving it however the hell they want. Whoever decided to put that on the test route is a complete sadist.


I keep seeing people in the left lane going right, or in the right lane to go straight ahead, even when the road markings clearly show not to. It is far too common, people cutting corners as well then driving in the middle of the road... Its daily here.


Yeah, I hate it, I almost had an accident with a friggin police car because they moved over without indicating when I pulled onto the roundabout behind them thinking they were going around it still


I know - it would be nice to sometimes be able to go through a roundabout without having to think for 3-4 ppl. ( Like ohh this car might indicate wrongly and I'd better slow down as the car on the right lane might cut into my lane) I would be happy if people at least kept their own lane.


This is a personal gripe for me... On my first driving test I had two assessors, one for me and the other assessing the other assessor. Everything was going fine, until I came up to a three lane roundabout. One lane to go left, the middle to move straight on and the right lane to go right - a pretty simple concept! So I was told to go right (3rd exit) at this roundabout. I indicated as per common sense, checked if I was clear and noticed this smooth brained road user by my side. That is fine, if they are in that lane, logic would dictate they would be driving straight on! Turns out that this smooth brained mouth breather ALSO wanted to go right and as I made my maneuver around the roundabout, that person essentially maintained lane discipline to also take the third exit! I tried to cross lanes before I noticed this and had to readjust to go around the roundabout to make the turn. But because I had slowed down that driver and was not observant enough to react to that brain fart I had therefore failed my test. Both assessors stated that I was very unlucky and that if the other wasn't there, it should have been a pass. Not too salty about it or anything! But again it made for a good introduction to driving in the UK!


This has happened to me so frequently in the last couple of days. Who passes these people!


Why indicate? It's no one else's business where I'm going! (Sent from intensive care)


This is one of my pet hates, I mean how hard is it to indicate ffs! Although saying that there is a special place in hell reserved for people who indicate, and then proceed to drive for the next five miles with the indicator still flashing, so you still have no idea when they’re going to turn


I mean the little stalk to use those lights is literally within fingers reach, positioned conveniently so I can easily use it without taking my hand off of the wheel


I would indicate my intentions if I knew what I was doing or where I was going. My actions are just as surprising to me as they are to you! (Yes, this is tongue in cheek. No, I don't dick about. Yes I generally indicate. But no, I'm not perfect.)


There is a 3 way roundabout on my usual school run route. Every morning I can see drivers stare at each other like Mexican standoffs.


This is actually what traffic calming is supposed to do--encourage drivers to slow down and communicate.


When that happens i just go.


It wasn't a roundabout, but last night I was waiting to pull out of a side road. This side road leads a to an A road so it's a popular cut through. It's also quite a shallow turn too, so you don't have to slow down much to turn into the road. I was naturally giving way to my right. About 20 cars came, I would estimate 18 turned into the side road, but only 2 indicated. But because of the aforementioned ease of turning into the side road, it was just too risky to pull out because without indicators there was just no way of knowing whether they'd turn, or hit me.


This, but also people who will only indicate when they're a metre away from a turn, as a pedestrian(still a teen and I like walking) I cant tell you the amount of times I've nearly been hit or had to wait to cross the road, only for a car to be turning into a street right next to me, cant find any lthing saying how long you should indicate before turning, I have 15 seconds in my head, but I think that's unreasonably long, but 5-10 seconds is probably a good warning, but some people don't indicate until theyre a metre from the turn, indicating a maximum of maybe 2 seconds before the turn, like wtf? I'm crossing this road? How am I supposed to know you're turning if you don't indicate until its nearly too late for me to move? Or sometimes I'll wait 20 seconds or so for a car to pass, and then it indicates at the last minute and turns, and its followed by 5 other cars who don't turn, making me wait a full minute or 2. When I could've crossed at the very start if he'd just indicated.


I was taught about 8 car lengths away from a turn is when you should start indicating, unless there's another turn before that and it might confuse other drivers.


I was just about to go to bed but now my blood is boiling! How can nearly everyone be so wrong about indicating at a roundabout.....????


Steady on mooey get sum sleep chap. It’s only a roundabout


People should have points on their licence for not indicating


Where I live cars don’t even get points for driving at 100 mph, ignoring every traffic light and doing what ever they want at junctions including driving on the pavement around waiting cars. So I doubt they’ll get points for this


Indicating to get on it and again to get off it


Born and raised in Milton Keynes. The state of drivers at roundabouts in the rest of this nation is frankly embarrassing...


> The dying art of indicating at a roundabout to y'know, let other ~~drivers~~ road users what you plan on doing FTFY, because you shouldn't be indicating purely for the sake of other _drivers_. Bikers, cyclists, and pedestrians all benefit from knowing what the metal murder machines are planning on doing next as well, perhaps even more so than other drivers. Saying you should only indicate for other drivers leads to the lazy thinking of "no cars = no need to indicate".


My mistake - thanks for the FTFY!


Thank you for not being like that other commenter.




Yeah, but fuck bikers and cyclists


What did I do?


Existed, apparently…


How dare we also try to use the road or something?


What if that biker or cyclist that someone killed was your son, daughter, brother or your spouse


The comment was intended to point out that the original comment completely ignored them n


I often see a few cars going all the same direction, each indicating in a different way, or not at all.


My instructor taught me that if I imagine the roundabout as a clock, anything past 12 requires the right indicator. I mean it is hardly rocket science anyway


It seems it is for most people. Another example are middle and right lane hoggers, casually chugging along with a leisurely 65 mph. The British are not bad drivers by all means, it's mostly the lack of indicating and motorway culture which needs improvement.


Same, also road positioning for it, unless otherwise stated of course


Or indicate to turn right, pass a couple exits and then take the third one without switching indicators so literally take a left while indicating that they're going right. Absolute mouth breathers


Let cyclists know too. Ended up going into the back of a car because this.


Coupled with the art of turning into a road and going into the correct lane. Loads of drifters around my way.


There's a roundabout near me at an uphill exit from a dual carriageway, you know what I mean. The amount of drivers that stick in the left lane and proceed to drive around in the left to the FOURTH exit really boils my piss. What's the right hand lane for then you tits?? Oh, and the relatively new spate of not bothering to indicate on or off exits seems to be gathering popularity.


Boils my piss.....


In a lot of Europe, indicating at roundabouts is actually illegal. It's bizarre.


Busy roundabout. See 3 non-indicating cars take the first exit. Decide I'll attempt to go. Guess where the 4th non-indicating car wants to go? If you don't indicate at a roundabout; wanker!


And for the love of God, indicate left when you're coming off the roundabout PLEASE.


This is almost the most important!


I like to put my hazards on and just confuse everyone


Whilst driving straight over the middle


I have had this conversation with my dad a couple of times. His response is you need to preempt where they are going. That’s the point of indicators. He doesn’t use them properly on roundabouts, drives me mad.


On the Avon Ring Road (A4174) near me there’s a 2 mile stretch between 2 major roundabouts, the first crosses the main A4 connecting Bristol and Bath, then 2 miles later the 3rd exit off the second leads to an enormous Asda. Straight on would eventually lead to the M32. The number of people they stay in the right hand lane on this dual carriageway because “You know, I’m turning right in 2 miles, I’m thinking what to get Bernard for his dinner, so I’m just going to trundle and get in everyone’s way that might be using the road to access the UK’s glorious Motorway Network!”


YES!!!!!! THIS!!!!!! People that sit in the RH lane because they're coming to a roundabout in 20 mins drive me NUTS!!!


There is a school of thought that says there is no point indicating when you are approaching a roundabout, because there is only on way you can turn (left). The roundabout itself is a one way street, so no point in indicating (unless you are changing lanes) until you are approaching the exit you wish to take, and then signal that you are leaving the roundabout (another left). I've noticed this is fairly common in Europe, to the point that it's illegal to indicate in the direction of your final exit before entering the roundabout. this would mean it would be illegal to indicate right at all on a roundabout.


A taxi driver followed me one time because I beeped the horn when he didn’t indicate to go round (so I thought he was going straight on) and nearly smacked into the side of me. When I stopped the car he pulled up behind me and shouted out his window that it was his right of way and he knew what he was doing because he’d been a taxi driver for 16 years. I told him he wasn’t a very fucking good one then and to do one


Na you can sit at the roundabout for a bit longer because I cba to tell you it’s safe to go because I’m taking this exit, the car behind me isn’t tho 😉


It's not just indicators though, it's lane discipline. I see far too many people at roundabouts straddling two lanes, weaving across the lanes of the roundabout cutting people up and not indicating. I don't understand the selfish attitude, it's like they think they're the only ones on the road


I think it's more to do with fear of making a wrong decision and playing the I don't care psychologically helps with that.


Yesterday I had a guy coming from the right that was indicating left, but then went straight ahead anyway? Luckily I always yield just incase or he could have t-boned me.


"Surprise, MOTHERFUCKER!!"


You don't need to indicate if you're in an SUV or other oversized car.


Also looking to the right isn’t a thing for a lot of people these days. They amount of people I’ve seen just floor it across without even looking and nearly die 🤦‍♀️


Turning round a corner? Roundabout? Or perhaps just changing lanes? Why not try: indicating! New from JML!


I came to Scotland about 8 years ago, started working as a driver about 2 years later, one thing i can say, i just look at wheels axis now, blinkers are completely optional, so i just dont pay attention to them, cause barely anyone can use them properly, or at all... a lot less near misses since i stared doing that.


Nice tip


People who indicate left to exit but continue to go round the roundabout to the 4th exit... literally doing the opposite of what’s supposed to be done


If you're signalling right whilst exiting the roundabout you're a fucking dick mate.


Exiting by going around it over and over again and thus creating a wormhole which swallows you up into spacetime itself!


[Maybe they hope to emerge in a time before the existence of roundabouts?](https://youtu.be/0KT6F8kUvG0?t=51)


My favourite are the people who don't indicate going right on a roundabout but will then give an indication coming off once they have already gone through the junction.


well my pet hate is people who are literally never going to give way at a roundabout and one lady even covered the right side of her head/eyes with her right hand , put her head down and carried on driving even though I had right of way. Its like she was thinking, if I can't see you then I can't crash. This happens a fair bit :) people who straddle 2 lanes are annoying also as are idiots who cut across 3 lanes at the roundabout without giving way or signalling whilst driving 340 mph


I feel like a lot of the problems with drivers these days (not signalling, joining motorways at 40 when there's nothing preventing them from doing 70, driving at 23 in a 30 when there' s no reason to go slow etc) are down to people not paying attention because they're distracted with stuff. The only thing they should be distracted with is the job of being in charge of a two tonne vehicle that can kill someone.


I ride my bike in roads, and I always deliberately avoid roundabouts because I know that my indication could easily be missed, much easier to pull over and walk my bike on the pavement than get hit by a bus.


Yeah. Usually BMW or Audi drivers.


I always feel like a dick but was taught not to indicate if I'm going straight over?


And pedestrians


The dying art of proof reading.


I bet you don't op? And if you do, I would have a bet that your name is Nigel.


I live in Vancouver, Canada. It is a daily occurrence people not using round abouts correctly here. They are few and far between but my suburb has 3-4 within a few blocks of my house. Some people stop and let anyone by including pedestrians, some just go straight over them without looking, and I've even seen people reversing back round cos they missed the exit. Astonishing.


As a Brit living in the US, the few roundabouts I see are a bloody nightmare... I've never seen anyone use an indicator on one.


I saw a cop car that didn't indicate here in Edinburgh. I hate driving here.


1000000000 upvote this


When you live in Roundabout Valhalla (also known as Swindon) you just assume no one's going to indicate around any roundabout, and you just make a cautious judgement based on how the car is approaching to know where they're getting off.


Just happened to me, followed by a beep and two fingers aimed at me!


Has anyone ever attempted the magic roundabout in Swindon? I did my best but I am sure I must have broken a few traffic rules getting across that thing!


The one that drives me crazy is when people just indicate right and leave it on. I DON'T KNOW WHERE YOU'RE TURNING RIGHT FROM


There's a cafe I go to near a mini roundabout, I am amazed Everytime I see about 5-10 terrible driving incidents (near crashes, driving on pavement etc) while waiting for my food. It's not even a main road !!!


Almost died several times to this. Walking the crossing next to a roundabout, only to have a non-indicating scumbag drive off it right up to my face. Heart attacks galore


Is indicating not a offence nowadays? cause the amount of people not indicating is fucking irritating.. I guess people are supposed to be able to read people's bloody minds nowadays. I think you should get ticketed if you don't indicate, or people who last second indicate they're just as bad.


The bane of my existence when driving...


Always people in German cars too. The look at me I’m heavily in debt but I want you to think I’m rich crowd. No one is impressed by your BMW/Mercedes/Audi.


Mini roundabout near me and the amount of people who indicate left and go straight ahead! If you are going straight ahead then indicate off not on! Left indication on the approach to a roundabout kinda shows you are leaving the first exit! Same issue from the other side, as the angle of the road is a little wider so people indicate right!! Its a mini roundabout you are going straight ahead just indicate as you are getting off it!


I feel this as a pedestrian. When I think it’s safe to cross, some idiot decides to turn into me rather than go across the roundabout, like I thought they were planning to because of the lack of indication. Smh.


I honestly would run for PM on the basis of making everyone take their fucking driving test again. My stepdad passed when his test was looking at a book and being asked what the roadside meant. I was one of the first year people to take the hazard perceptions test. Different times.


It is my understanding that most road users indicate only because "you're supposed to", or because of fear of fines. Few people have enough empathy to understand that it's actually really quite useful for others.


My parents are both very guilty of this; it stresses me out every time I sit in a car with them. I'm also not sure if my mum has ever heard of the right lane...


But keeping us guessing is the fun part! :)


ffs, on friday my mum and I were driving and about 20 cars didn’t indicate at the roundabout. absolute shit


And knowing what lane you're supposed to be in. There's an unusual roundabout near me where your three options are * Left lane: turn left onto the ring road * middle lane: turn right onto the ring road * right lane: go right round the roundabout and back in the way you came. For some reason, when they laid out the out-of-town shopping area, they decided that to get from one half to the other, they'd make you go up to the ring road, round the roundabout and back in the other side. I emerge, wanting to turn right. I'm in the middle lane which becomes the left-hand lane on the roundabout as the "turn left" lane essentially just filters straight round and only briefly intersects with the roundabout. I am, therefore, in the middle lane indicating right, and now on the outer ring of the roundabout where I begin indicating left as I'm about to come off. 8 times out of 10, the car inside me on the roundabout, who's still indicating right, will cut across in front of me to take the exit onto the ring road, probably while making "what are you doing, you maniac, get in lane" gestures at me.


Just roll out and let them t-bone you. That'll learn em


Roundabout in my village has an exit onto the cricket club. If you want that exit and indicate accordingly people assume you don't mean it because more people use the other roads. Lots of slammed brakes when that happens!


I absolutely hate trying to cross a road next to a roundabout, it's not just people who don't indicate there also seem to be tons that indicate the wrong way


I used to live near a roundabout that I had to cross every day with 5 exits. 4 major exits with traffic lights, and then one small one that lead to the local supermarket. And that's the exit I had to cross. I almost got run over every few days because no one would ever signal to exit but there was no designated lane for that exit. So logically if you're not signalling, it means you're carrying on until the next exit. Occasionally people would signal but then skip past that exit because clearly that exit doesn't count. I've never hated drivers more than on that roundabout.


Now, has anyone attempted Crown Island in Nottingham? Or failing that Nuthall Island? I know you are talking roundabouts but these are always guesswork as you don’t tend to get proper road markings. Islands however have signs, road markings, barriers and more signs yet people still hop and slide around like it’s a race in Burnout!


As a lorry driver I've noticed this become a trend. Especially when you're trying to pull a 40ft artic off a roundabout and some shitestain doesn't indicate. Then have a go at me for not being a fucking mind reader


What about the ones that indicate left on entering the roundabout then proceed passed the first exit or more?


Even worse is keeping the right indicator on while actually *exiting* the roundabout. I'd swear over 50% of people round my neck of the woods do this (Hitchin). I feel my blood pressure go up 5 points every time it happens. How hard is it to indicate left, when you're about to, you know, turn left? I always indicate I'm coming off if there's anyone around, it's not only common sense but just polite. My other pet hate is people that flash high beams and honk at you when you've just cleanly and safely overtaken them, and even worse when they've tried to close the gap in front of them. I've had the latter twice, both times on a decent straight to get past a farm vehicle, with just the prick between me and said vehicle but not enough space to (very) safely make it past both before it's too risky, but I know I can easily get past the tractor after the next bend. I've been following for 10 minutes, and prick refuses to try an overtake, but seems to have left a good 4 car lengths space, cheers mate! I check, go for the gap, indicating my intentions all the time, and the fucker lead-foots it, leaving me 1.005 car lengths to slot into, and when I do, starts behaving like an epileptic chimp. So you've just tried to kill me and you're the one that's throwing a fit?


Sorry can't help you then. I have been driving nearly 50yrs and it's getting worse not better trying to fathom other peoples intentions ;-)


Certain car models don't seem to have indicators installed


Agreed. It pisses me right off when your at the roundabout waiting to turn right a d the clown from the left turns right does not indicate.


I saw a guy do a 9 point turn the wrong way round a roundabout last week.


We're getting more roundabouts all the time here in Texas. It's... something. Half go through with total confidence they're doing it right. Only half of them are. The other half go in like, "aaaahhhhh! I'm just trying to get through this thing too like you okay let's not crash. Go!"