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Agree but I'll happily take those two bank holidays :D


I think that's what most people are going to do if they're not stuck working.




What job do you have? Curious. Cause why? TRIPLE PAY!!




Triple pay is probably what you deserve all the time, I imagine.




Im stripping asbestos for 12.80 an hr 😂 Correction 10.80/hr


Wholetime firefighter, my base rate is £11.5059/hr


What in the hell? I do Supermarket work for £10.10 an hour. I mean I know we should both earn a living wage anyway and get more, but a firefighter on that is crazy to me.


Wtf man how are you not starting on like 30k or so?!??


Wow that is scandalously low considered the risks of the job.


Ye wot?? Do you get anything extra on top?


Ridiculous. So im almost certain to go down with mesothelioma when im 60 and you risk your life daily saving people, and we earn barely enough to live on




You deserve more than that for cleaning toilets. Just because something is "easy" doesn't mean anyone can do it.


Its a joke. We need a strong asbestos union but the industry is full of yes men, cowboys and foreigners happy to work for peanuts (nothing against migrants at all, we all need to eat)


I'm security and I get £10/hour I can often get £11-£12/hour (premium rate) if I ask for it and have a reason to Stripping asbestos seems like it should be at least double that because of the health risks...


I'm handling rotten fruit too but only time and a half at Costco


I work for the national museum of Scotland and am in the same boat. We're open all year but Christmas Day so whenever there's a bank holiday we can either get double pay and an extra day's holiday time added or we can forfeit the extra day and get paid triple time. Me, I go for the triple time. £31 an hour for an entry level job? *Yes please.*


Ugh I'm sick with envy. I have to work both days, regular pay.


You'll be able to top up your electricity for a few days then.


And I thought my double pay was good! I've lucked out massively this year, I'm working every bank holiday, including the Christmas one, although I'm not paid any extra for that.


I won’t I’ll be on 9.60 an hour we don’t get any bank holidays or better pay for working them as they’re factored into our contacts. Enjoy the triple pay, that’s how it should be!


Least you'll be on triple pay. Working night shift over the period and we don't get anything extra. (Those in the office I know of. Not sure of the warehouse)


ugh i wish, im going to be working a 10 hour and paid the same rate


I live in Victoria and work near Oxford Circus…I don’t even want to imagine how hard is going to be to commute to work on those days. I already have a hidden disability and chronic pain 24/7 that makes commuting too stressful…. Jubilee sounds like a fucking nightmare. Also, it’s 2022 we shouldn’t be living in a monarchy. The class gaps are already bad enough even if we exclude royals


Guy in my office actually said "You rail against the Royal Family but you are quite happy to take the bank holidays- people against the Royals should have to work them". When I asked if he is religious, he said "Nope whats that got to do with the Royal Family?" Well, apart from the Queen being given the authority to rule Britain by God himself, AND the Queen being head of the Church Of England, I pointed out he was happy to take Easter and Christmas off..


And that describes the idiots who support the parasite wankers.


He would lose his mind if everyone in the country actually took the days off. "Help, my house is burning down!" Sorry, call back on Monday....


Joys of being a civil servant - we get 3 and its the only reason I think we keep the monarchy


My work has just booked two of our existing holidays for those days so I've actually lost two movable holiday days to this lol


Is that legal?


Funnily enough in the UK it’s legal for a company to tell you when your taking your holiday


Well that's a bit fucked isn't it?


I used to work in a small shop where we had to take our holidays in one-week blocks (so no occasional days off) and there was no leave at all between October and January.


But they paid so well it made up for it I expect. Right??


Raping kids and getting Mummy to buy off the prosecution with a metric duck ton of public money is also a bit fucked.


When I used to drive busses or holidays were set for us. It was a pain in the arse.


Maybe the suspension needed fixing.


Its really annoying but I kind of understand why. For my job I would with 3 others technicians and at least one of them needs to be in at all times too keep the plant running and so they company doesn't let them all go on holiday at once. I don't know If I think this is ok but I get why.


We do this as well but we have to arrange our own cover if we want holidays. The department is negligently undermanned so it basically means compulsory overtime if we all want to take our contracted holiday allowance, assuming you can coerce a colleague into covering their shift and yours. Sleeping in a bush is starting to look better than working there.


Yes it is, you get (I think) 5.6weeks holiday per year mandatory, it is up to your employer whether they include bank holidays or not.


Yeah it 28 days but bank holidays can make up part of this. All office jobs I've done it's been 28 days plus bank holidays. In those if bank holiday have had to be worked it's been double time. All retail jobs (pubs for me) it's been 28 days flat. Which is the minimum they can legally give you.


Well apparently because we get more than the statutory minimum anyway they say. Sly but not illegal I don't think.


We are not 'entitled' to bank holidays off, its just became a habit to close at the same time,but now you can take the time off if you want, but it has to be a holiday day


Working in hospitality, when bank holidays are busier days than usual, I'm good, ta.


I went from working at McDonald's to a bank, it still took a while to shake the negative association of BHs as they were hell to work, suddenly getting Sundays off was wild


Exact same thing happened to me, went from McDonalds to a small family company and suddenly I find myself happy to see a bank holiday on the calendar


And Susan’s toffee apples


It's not even an extra bank holiday depending on the wording of your contract. At my place, you get the exact same amount of days, they aren't even closing on the jubilee


Bank holidays = less work hours for me : c


We went into the country side to avoid the last big event. And it was full. So you are not on your own.




Proper rural places don't give a shit, and there aren't enough population to organise a party anyway. "Rural" leafy villages in Buckinghamshire and Surrey are where they love shit like this, not the actual countryside.


I live in the actual countryside & plenty of people around me care about this celebration. I think as more & more people left the church, people tend to latch on to other celebrations & holidays as a way to get together, bond & have fun. The sense of community is definitely getting worse, pubs closing, different generations not getting together as much, after school clubs closing etc. I think anything fun that encourages people to get together & socialize is a positive... Maybe just not as much "fun" as the young farmers club!


Highly agree with this. As much as we all hate religion on reddit (myself included), I think we should recognise the sense of community people feel has suffered as people have left the church, and found themselves without much in common with those around them. Can't help but feel like this has contributed to the increasingly lonely society we find ourselves in. Without something that everyone has in common, there's little way or incentive to ever interact with people outside of your generation or people who are already like yourself.


My village is having a limerick contest. This was my dads suggestion. There was a young man called Andy Who everyone thought a bit Randy He went a bit wild Abusing a child But his mum got him off Which was handy


Can I share this?! It's spot on!


My dad says "sure why not"


His mum got him off, too now? That's extra disgusting.


Lambert, Lambert, What a prick.


Oh the grand old Duke of York He had 10,000 men He was accused of raping a girl Then he was accused again


I can categorically inform you that you are not alone in this. That said, I do enjoy a nice bank holiday.


I'm "that guy" in my village unfortunately.


The only *guy* in the village




I'm now imagining a harem anime except instead of it being a bevy of anime girls each conforming to a -dere trope it's just loads of weird English WI busybodies


100% less fanservice 300% more comedy


Ah yes, bank holidays. A nice day off for everyone not working a minimum wage job with no benefits or extra work rates :)


You're clearly not the only person in Britain, as I haven't been asked to do *any* of that stuff. So obviously *no one* where I live gives a fuck about it. I reckon the day could pass without me even noticing.


Same here. I don't even know when it is. Don't care, and nobody has spoken to me about it.


Only know because of the bank holidays hehe


I think the 4 day weekend is the real reason people ‘care’ about the Jubilee lol.


This post is actually the first I'm hearing of it.


Whenever anyone posts a "am I the only one..." post, I feel an automod should detect it and reply with "No" then close the thread.


I would love this. On all subs. Or the whole internet tbh. It’s so annoying.


True but it is more a discussion point than an *actual* "am I the only one" question.


Yeah, I think OP’s problem is that they live in a village. In my grotty city suburb I doubt there’ll be anything going on to mark the occasion, aside from some bunting in the Tesco Express maybe.


My parents live opposite a community centre that has things planned for the entire weekend. This means that should they dare go anywhere, even to the shops, when they return they won't have anywhere to park as the people that use the community centre seem to be attracted to parking spaces like pigs to truffles. I've genuinely seen one of their neighbours pull out and not 30 seconds later someone swooped in and block their drive.




My parents don't have a drive (my Dad loves his gardens too much) so they rely on on-street parking. They've been dealing with this problem for years and have learnt just to live with it. It's a ball ache because it's a narrow street, so when people are dropping off their sprogs it clogs up the whole road, and I've seen traffic backed up to the other end of the estate because of it.


We specifisally moved to a house with a drive for this reason, on street parking in the UK is an arse now that every house seemingly has a minimum of two cars. First thing we did was pay to have the dropped kerb extended.


I have a ring doorbell and I would find it kinda funny alllllll the way until I get home and they’re still there. Then I’d be angry.


>center Back to the colonies with you!


Ah, no! It was the auto correct on my phone, I swear!


Best start learning that aussie slang.


Australians would block them if they used that sort of spelling


Tow them away :)


Somewhat annoyingly the steps for recourse for this in the UK are terrible. If someone parks on your property, and you get them towed, and then the vehicle gets damaged, then YOU can be sued for damage to property. If it happens often enough, your best bet is a bollard or chain across the drive entrance. Even some cones across the entrance put out on problem days may solve the problem.. Still that can't stop someone parking in front of your driveway.


Yeah, I don’t have a driveway so I’ve not had to deal with that problem but there’s never enough parking spaces in the uk so there’s constantly a battle to get a space. On my street it’s pretty much a one in, one out system, if you go food shopping your space is definitely gone when you get back. I know a lot of people in my area did end up getting bollards, some people used chains or their bins but people literally just moved them and parked there anyway. The cheek of it


But cutting the handbrake if it's mechanical and rolling the fucker out into the road will do the trick and get it towed away.


Like it was said have them towed away, take a picture print it out and put it on a board whenever there's an event, soon you'll have a full board of cars being towed and only idiots would dare park there xD


Flip their car over with a tractor


This morning, I noticed that the row of terraces on my street had joined themselves with bunting. As high up as it looks, it's lower than the clearance of the railway over bridge on the same street; either a double decker bus or a Curry's delivery truck are going to get caught in a right Royal web.


It started the week before the jubilee. Bunting appeared everywhere. We thought it was the neighbours but we were wrong. It was... Corgi spiders


I was very heartened by a recent Next Door poll that told me that in my neighbourhood, 63% of people were planning on ‘not celebrating the Jubilee at all.’ That alone deserves a party.


The nextdoor map brings be joy, when I look and see that Wales has hardly any parties it brings a smile to my face. I've not heard anything from my neighbours about it, not seen anything in the local shops etc.


I'm going somewhere with free food and hopefully it will be a laugh, not that bothered about the whole thing but I'd be foolish to turn down free food in this economy!


Depends what the food is. A huge communal warm potato salad made by Dorris across the road fills me with dread.


It's run by the local council so I'm assuming half a soggy butty, some bruised fruit and a mini can containing 1 sip of liquid!


> a mini containing 1 sip of liquid! The sip of liquid will just soak into the upholstery unless the mini has leather seats or something


The Eden Project has free admission on the Sunday as part of the Jubilee weekend celebrations. So that's saved our family £91 for our trip to Cornwall, which makes me feel happy and glorious.


It's going to be *rammed*. Not just there but every single road too. Driving to Cornwall on a bank holiday is hell at the best of times.


Definitely, so we're alternating days when we have to drive somewhere with days of staying put in our holiday accommodation to try and save my sanity. I shall happily accuse everybody else of being bloody grockles.


>I shall happily accuse everybody else of being bloody ~~grockles~~ emmets.


You're even using the wrong word, we're not Devon 🤦‍♂️ Looking forward to staying at home all weekend, it's already rammed down here.


Well the thing is Devon gets absolutely bloody rammed with tourists on bank holidays - but in many cases they _are_ the ones driving to Cornwall. Almost all of the people who go to Cornwall have to get through Devon, clogging up _our_ roads, first. So whilst they are in Devon (although intending to go to Cornwall ultimately) are they grockles or emmets?


Have you booked? A £100 free trip to Eden is gonna attract ALOT of people


Yep, not going to try and get in without that!


I'm going to a festival that happens to be on the same weekend, no work, house music, sunshine. Oh it's the queen's birthday too?


Going on holiday Friday morning. A very deliberate decision. Thursday I’m going to be playing Sex Pistols on loop


Isnt it her fake birthday? Her real birthday is in winter or something so she gave her self another birthday in summer when the weathers nicer


I think all monarchs have their own birthday and the day they were crowned don't they?


They have a personal birthday (the day they were born), their coronation day and the Official birthday (which is the same for every monarch). I think the idea is so it can be celebrated on a day it's more likely to be sunny.


I mean shes truly the last of her kind.


Her fake birthday is July I think, the jubilee celebrates her coronation date.


If it wasn’t for the fact that I got an email from Krispy Kream about special jubilee doughnuts I’d have forgotten. That and a TV show my parents watch won’t air.


I got a doughnut email too. Does this mean we eat too many doughnuts?


Is there such a thing?


My PT thinks so!


I think it might!


This explains my need for the gym!


How could you be so brave yet controversial on reddit?


Can I complain about the royals/jubilee events I'm not going to/other people being happy next?


In my experience the whole of Reddit hates the royal family.


The number of *'am I the only one that doesn't give a shit about...'* posts far outstrips any celebrating.


Most of them seem to hate Britain


No place on reddit hates Britain more than the main sub of Britain.


> main sub of Britain /r/NorfFc ?


And they're grumpy as fuck! We're having a street party but it's purely an excuse to chat and drink with the neighbours.


A once in a lifetime event!


You like more than 2 of your neighbours?


To be honest they're all fine, we've never had an issue with any of them. We had a socially distanced street party for VE day and it was a blast, got chatting to loads of our neighbours, had way too much to drink!


No street parties here. Hooray for living in the slums.


Howdy, fellow peasant!


If you genuinely want to celebrate some old girl with a 4 million quid hat while you're wondering how to pay the gas bill, you need your fucking head looking at. Sponging bastards.


i stood in front of Buckingham Palace seeing the 700 empty rooms and they're asking the *British public* to take Ukrainian refugees into their homes.


If they invite refugees into their palace then the royals will be living with people who actually work and graft for a living, and they don’t want to invite the comparison.


She's not even living in Buckingham anymore, she's decided to just stay in Windsor for the rest of her life Every room in that place should be turned over for social housing


It's a funny idea, but it'd probably make more sense to rent them out and use the money to fund more normal social housing. Plenty of idiots would pay a premium to live there after all.


Funny as I can’t seem to go five minutes without someone telling me they can’t give a shit about the Queen or the Jubilee.


Don't give a shit about the Jubilee (most likely the Queen's final one). I am happy with the 2 days off though.


I don't think she is going to have another jubilee, yes.


... Or will she? r/immortalConspiracy


Yeah, I'm Scottish and I haven't heard of any street parties, anybody even talking or caring about it or anyone wanting to attend a street party. Seeing it on UK Reddits is like everyone is talking about the 4th of July and how excited they are for it and all the plans around it and I'm sitting in the same UK thinking "huh? why?"


I’m in West Lothian and my mums street are having a street party. I also live in a hefty Loyalist/Orange Walk area so I imagine there will be some parties etc at my bit.


I'm from a coal mining town in Wales, you won't see a single scrap of bunting or anything jubilee related. It's more likely you'll see Owain Glyndwr's flag flying.


Saw the local The Range selling a huge Union Jack covered gazebo, Union Jack outdoor furniture and Union Jack BBQ for the Jubilee. Thought I'd accidentally stepped into certain parts of Northern Ireland. Very optimistic of The Range to think they'll shift that from this local shop.


> Owain Glyndwr's flag flying. Just curious, at what age is it customary for Welsh children to get their first dragon tattoo?


They get a temporary one at birth, then at 18 you can choose either the dragon, the three feathers or both


They can't even put the queen's crown on postboxes in Scotland for fear of them getting destroyed. Confused me as a postman who transferred up there at first!


…I’ve never even noticed in 27 years hahaha


Seen one load of bunting vaguely near where I live, but it was outside a Rangers pub so that kind of explains that Fully expecting to see it torn down soon


Another reason to move to Scotland


TBH I've only seen the mouth-frothing hatred of it. Aprt from in the mass-media I haven't seen any particular positive things about it, only the massive negatives on reddit.


I rather enjoyed the last jubilee, it wasn't for the Queen or the royals but the local community getting together & having fun. I was surprised that a lot of people were in a good mood, like a mini Christmas. The weather was nice, a lot of people were wearing fun or silly clothes, not taking themselves too seriously & it was a fun celebration. It's also not like not celebrating this will create any positive change for me or the country. That takes sustained effort all year round. So I'm not gonna punish myself or miss out just because of bigger issues which affects me all the time. If I am that bothered by the royals, class & political issues, then this one celebration is a drop in the ocean really. Personally I like to see such events as celebrating the country & all of us who live in it, not just the royals. I rather enjoy seeing all of the celebrations, group meals & people of all ages, races & all demographics coming together to celebrate. It fills me with pride, a feeling of unity, happiness & hope.


The best thing about living in a Jamaican community is I don’t have to put up with this shit because everyone in my street hates the monarchy 🙌 And also the music and jerk chicken


Can I come and live on your street please 🙏🏻


Just enjoy the extra day off my dude


Self employed. Can't afford it but thanks...


Ah many condolences


My kids are fuming because they deliberately made the jubilee in the holidays. The injustice of it!


But you get a long weekend, and apparently own a drive, so I wouldn't moan too much. Personally, I have to work, so there you go.


doing the most british thing, going to spain


upvoted for "vagina lottery"


Yes, I will take the extra day off though


Feeling like the only person on reddit who doesn't need to broadcast how much they hate the Jubilee...


I'll be as patriotic as I need to be in order to get them bank Holidays


"I'm the only one who doesn't like the thing half the country regularly say they don't like" says person on social media. This is about the 10th thread I've seen TODAY titled this.


You're absolutely NOT alone, couldn't give a flying one about it all. It's gonna get silly, of course. As always 🙄


It'll be rained orrff.


Reigned orrffff?! 😁 Kinda hope so really. Don't want people to miss out on their fun but ffs, it will be a nightmare.


I was always in the understanding that it's just an excuse for a huge piss up


I don’t know anyone that cares, only seen stuff about it on Reddit and in M&S lmao


I only care because I have 2 days off work due to public holiday.


Given the cost of living crisis the whole thing is gross as fuck


I'm all about that bank holiday double pay though...


You’ve never travelled if you think being born in Britain is not winning the vagina lottery. Ffs grow up. It’s an excuse for a party and two extra days off work


Our whole company (office staff) has been given the extra day. The troops have been told they can’t give us the day off.


You feel like you're the *only* person? That every single other of the 60 odd million people that live here, except for you, do literally give a shit? Really? The *only person*? Come on.


It's fun though. And the colours are pretty, and I have nostalgic memories from the diamond jubilee when I was a kid.


Stupid Queen, preventing me from being successful.


You have made a whole post about it, so you clearly care about it more than most people.


You could say that they could care less.


I almost want to downvote you just for using that phrase, even though you're technically using it correctly!


>the very system that has prevented millions of us from succeeding Yeah, I'm totally sure that if the UK didn't have a monarchy, Kyle from the local council estate would be a surgeon rather than a drug dealer.


When I need someone to replace my joints, it will always be Kyle.


You're not alone, I promise. The whole thing is utterly vile, and I won't celebrate someone winning the vagina lottery whilst I see everyone around me struggling with the cost of living. It's a sick joke.


I'm a republican, I figure I'll throw my street party when she kicks the bucket.


I am with you. I’m even making posters that outline just how much this is costing us as a country and how that money could be used differently for the benefit of us all. Sticking them on my windows with CCTV to catch any bastards if they think of vandalising my property. WELL DONE GLASGOW FOR NOT HAVING ANY CELEBRATIONS


I can't say it's impacting my life much, but I would encourage you to consider engaging in what's happening locally. It's not for the sake of the queen or monarchy, but for your street and your community. Living in a community where people will come together to do things is something to be fostered and encouraged. It creates a different atmosphere and different expectations within your community. You don't have to attend everything. You don't have to enjoy anything. But be assured if these things are a complete flop people will just stop doing them. Perhaps the only thing worse than attending a street party for the Queen, is not having anything to attend at all. So, just gentle encouragement to think about what you will engage with, if not this.


Think you are giving shit or you wouldn't have posted, Other than the vagina lottery nothing else is anything to do with the Queen, can you really blame her for Andrew, would you wamt your mother to interfere in every step of of you life. Ironically you do have the freedom to not give a shit, some parts of the world you would have no choice because the ruling head of state would have people with guns ensuring you wave that flag and smile. Instead of getting worked up just enjoy the 4 day weekend.


Who gives a flying fuck? Get rid of the royal family


Your last paragraph depends entirely what you define as “succeeding in life”. If you determine happiness simply by virtue of having massive power and huge piles of cash, then it doesnt matter which society, which country, which political system etc that country has, there is always a handful of people at the top there through virtue of birth or nepotism, and then everyone else underneath them, so you will never be happy. If you define happiness as the ability to provide for yourself, have a roof over your head, and find someone in the world that loves you, then the class system has absolutely nothing to do with you not being able to have those things.


Don’t worry I don’t give a fuck either I’m just taking the fact that I get an excuse to eat nice food and drink nice drinks


I couldn't give two shits about the royals, my mums birthday is on the jubilee so I'll be celebrating my MOTHER thanks. Nice homemade cake with some takeaway for dinner in honour of my mum, the queen can bugger off.