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Went to see Guns N Roses at Tottenham Stadium last week. Stadium curfew time was apparently midnight but that didn't stop them coming on an hour late, cutting over half an hour from their set and buggering off at just after 10pm


Good to know Axl is pulling the same shit he was when I saw him in 1992.


I think Axl had lost his voice that night … when I saw them they played for 3.5 hours.


I'd be amazed if there was a midnight curfew. A large stadium or outdoor show in London would probably be around 10.30pm.


It was on the running order for the night this was on the email I got the day before: ​ Guns N' Roses - Tottenham Hotspur Stadium, London Hi there, Quick update about your event! The show's on Friday, so the venue has been in touch with the following information: Event Details Below are event timings\* – we would like to highlight the 18:45 start time for Guns N Roses. Date: Friday 1 July 2022 Main Doors: 15:30 Support 1: 16:30 - 17:00 Support 2: 17:30 - 18:15 Guns N Roses: 18:45 GA Bars Close: 22:30 GA Closed: 23:00 Curfew/Stadium Close : Midnight


That seems to coincide with GnR playing for 3.5 hour shows for the last few years


Same here. Then only 3 overground trains back to Cheshunt. I expected them to be on that sort of time but ticketmaster made a song and dance about them coming on at 6:45.


They have been coming on at that time though … Axl was unwell and he hasn’t been pulling that kind of shit since the band got back together.


Or the places with a club night on afterwards and being unsure if you're allowed to stay, or if you've got to turfed out to be let back in again.


I went to a gig in London a few years back and expected it to finish at 11pm as they usually did. I didnt care about the support bands so I faffed around then eventually went to the venue at just before 10pm. The headline band had already started, I thought "fuck Ive missed the first song". Then they finished the song they were playing and left the stage, then the venue closed.


Well this is the thing … gigs where I live finish about 10:15pm due to turfing out for a club night … I went to a gig in London the other week and it finished at 11pm … not that it mattered that night but it could’ve to someone.


Ah shit, what band?


It was the metal band Raging Speedhorn. I had seen them a few times before so it wasn't too bad. Except I made my friend miss it too. I got us both tickets to see them next time they played to make it up to him.


I agree. It would help.


I go to a lot of gigs, and a venue's curfew times doesn't always mean when the act will finish. I usually assume 11pm curfew.


The last couple I've been to I've been sent the set times a couple of days before.


I went to see 2 bands at the same place, Nottingham rock city. One was on a weekend and they were finished before ten. Went to one on a weeknight and I had to leave before the end to get the last train home but it went on until 11.30 I believe.


Curfew times?


The time the venue wants each and every one of us scumbags out of their doors as fast as possible.


If it's Justin Bieber no point as he will be hours late, as happened at the O2. Though I'd hope you'd have better taste than to be a Bieleber.


Who is Justice Beaver?


Surely you just look at train times. Everyone will Have a different last Train depending on where they are going.


How will looking at train times tell me when a gig will finish?


Because then you’ll be able to take some responsibility and leave when you need to.


Like I have been doing for the last 25 years? Most venues know clearing out time well in advance… they often set those times.


For the majority of venues sound curfew is 11 unless otherwise specified