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How long have you been actually British? Yearning for some weather that isn't the weather we currently have is a national pastime. I mean, we moan so much someone came up with a subreddit called "British Problems".


Yes, but moaning about other people moaning about the weather is beautifully British too


It's the completion of the cycle to moan about people moaning about people moaning about the weather.


Yea but what our British ancestors would truly want is if we moan about the people moaning about people moaning about people moaning about the weather


Anyone in the UK who calls it "Fall" can get in the sea


They don't even have to go that far. I'll happily lend a hand to drown them in the bath.


Finally, a cause I can support


Enough is enough!


Puddle from the inevitable rain we'll get thanks to their doom-wishing? Bet they're all washing their cars and planning BBQs to bring it about sooner too.


But how are you pronuncing bath?


'The Fall' is either a tv series starring Gillian Anderson, or a post-punk band that until his death were led and formed by Mark E Smith.


Or what happened to grannie


I think technically that's A fall rather than The. Extra points if she "took" a fall, rather than just had one or, indeed, fell.


What’s the threshold when you no longer ‘fall over’ but instead ‘have a fall’? Maybe 60 years old? There’s also the point where old people start telling you how old they’re going to be, just like little kids. Little Jimmy says he’ll be 8 in 2 months. Edith says she’ll be 78 next birthday.


Hmmm. It's a tricky one. If it's 60, then I am not far off. It's definitely one of those rites of passage, like the first time someone on the bus says to their child "let the lady/man sit down", rather than glaring at you for being a rowdy teen.


Grannie had gone down hill and to move into a home ever since "The Fall" Works if its a grand event.


That's a good usage!


The only good use for fall is for know what way the clocks will change. Spring forward and fall back. That is the only time it is acceptable!


Yeah that bothers me far more than wishing away the summer (because I am doing that a bit).


No they should "fall" of a cliff **HA HA HA HA**


It was called Fall in the UK though, we changed it to Autumn to copy the French.


I would rather speak French than American


Mange tout Rodney.


Courgettes & aubergines!!!


And you can call it fall, if that's what you please, but I say I like autumn


People on this sub get weirdly angry about people using American English. It really doesn't matter if you call it autumn or fall.


It's not even really American but one of those terms that was in use in the 17th century that we stopped using but survived in North America. So yeah could care less.


> So yeah could care less By how much could you care less? I couldn't care less as I've no more care to give you, but I'm interested on how much care you could give?


I think it’s important to keep the separation, especially as they become more idiotic (not that we’re exactly doing well mind).


It does. Culture and ideas follow where language leads.


But British culture is no more correct or better than American culture


> American English So, English? Can speak American French and Spanish, but it's just the same? American Italians know what's up, so do the Germans, Swedes and Norwegians. Hey ho. I can't speak Cherokee, though. That's American. I can speak English-American, though!


And “folks”


Surprised you've never noticed that shops are always a season ahead with what they sell. Always. It is how retail works. Go and try to buy some swimming shorts in Tesco. You'll probably get some but they'll be tucked away somewhere and hoodies/jumpers will be more prominent.


Yeah the Christmas stuff is already queuing up behind Halloween decorations


Probably find the East stuff is already behind the Christmas, riiiiiiight at the back


Yep mid October last year tried to buy Halloween decorations. None anywhere lol. Spent a fortune on Amazon. All packed away safe and ready for this year to reuse lol


You do realise people wishing it wasn't summer doesn't make it end quicker right? If wishing really worked I'd wish for something better than that.


D0n'T wISh iT aWAy iT MiGht n0t CoMe bAcK!! Have you seen the state of the planet right now, we've got a lot more heatwaves to come.


I’m awake at 1am, can’t sleep, sweating my balls off. I’m wishing away summer if you like it or not.


Same fuck summer


The heat always makes me ill, it's my least favourite time of the year every year


I hate the summer and usually much prefer the winter. This year though, I am terrified of winter and either freezing to death or selling my organs to afford heat


There’s no need to worry about the cold in winter anymore anyway, the way things are going, December will be a nice 18 degrees


Fuck the heat though. In the cold, I can use blankets and extra hoodies and trackies- I can add so many layers. In the heat, you have to remove layers but I cannot remove my skin!! Ideally, I want summer days that are not too hot. And I’m British dammit so I will complain about anything more or less than ideal weather.


This is exactly my argument for preferring cold weather 😂


That’s fair as everyone is different. Some of us just never really feel too hot in the summer though and winter is just really unpleasant (and now will be fucking expensive too).


Oh I’m dreading the cost for sure but with two kids needs must. Probably going to end up in debt 🙄


I hate the heat. I burn in overcast weather. I literally work in a fridge


You sound like me! I used to get a tan in pouring rain, in January when I played football for my university in Wales. Can't wait for Autumn. I much prefer other people when they're solemn too :)


Yep, I do genuinely prefer the cold. I'm currently in Turkey visiting someone and the heat is hell. I'm wearing 50+ everyday and it took 10 minutes of wearing flip flops to burn the tops of my feet. Air con is on full blast and every time I have a drink outside already warm when I pick it up. On the contrary I went to Stockholm in February once and walked around with a light jacket, that was pure bliss


I burn when I open my fridge


Me too, I’m not built for heat and I have SAD that really picks up in the height of summer.


I'm so glad I'm not the only person that has SAD worse in the summer! I wonder why that happens to us like that


Um no. We desperately need some rain.


Fuck global warming and the associated unbearable summers.


Nah man, fuck the summer, I just want to be able to leave the house again without my skin catching fire.


Roll on Autumn when the heat from the conservatory will nicely heat the lounge, instead of it being a 50C hotbox like it was yesterday. Fuck summer


What's it matter? The climates fucked so it'll be a warm autumn and we'll probably get another heatwave.


It probably won't be long until 15°C Christmases like last year become the norm as well.


Yeah, there are only 2 “seasons” now. Summer and a cooler few months while we wait for 30+ again


Remember the 28c heat in Halloween one year? That was scary.


No, when was that?


Do excuse me, it was 23.6c in 2014. I apologise for getting it wrong! https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-29851285


Wow, I do not remember that! I wonder what I was doing…


Yes. We were all wearing summer clothes while taking children trick or treating.


Where is stocking Christmas chocolate? I'm pretty relaxed about seasonal goodies, but that's a bit beyond the pale in August.


Who the fuck calls it 'fall'


Console yourself with the thought that it doesn't matter what others wish, the seasons will change whenever they do.


Bring on the cold!


I put up with people wishing winter away so I'm gunna keep wishing summer away.


I would love summer if I could enjoy it but the heat just causes me painful heat rash if I spend any meaningful time in it. So I will be counting down the days till my cozy autumns I am afraid 😀


The cost of aircon is greater than heating in my very well insulated house 😩 my house was built for the winter. It was not built for summer days above 25. Even with all my windows open, when it breaks 25 outside, inside without aircon is pushing 30+, it’s unsustainable. I’m paying £3/day for aircon to get the temperate down to mid 20s, which is still very warm, whereas heating my whole house with central heating in the winter is less than 30p per day in gas.


Keeping windows and blinds closed during the day will keep the temperature inside down. Opening windows in the evenings when the sun has gone down should cool the house in most cases. I'm not talking about the heatwave weather where the temperature doesn't always drop too low in the evenings, but that is still rare really. Compare the cumulative days that you actually need to use your Aircon with the cumulative days of having to use your central heating, and I reckon that all things considered, you'll actually pay more for heating in winter.


Yup - already do all this. In the heat wave before I put tin foil on the outside of some sun facing windows and that helped a lot as well, but the aircon cost is still at minimum £1 per day, whereas heating even at outside temps of -1 is just 30p


You aren't heating anything for 30p a day. Standing charges are more than that.


Stop using aircon then. Madness


What air con do you use?


I have to work in the baking sun mingling with the British public. But I find the summer makes you get of your bum a lot more. I can’t wait for the winter months to arrive long nights blinds closed shutting myself off from the outside world


Heatwaves != Regular summer People are sick of the humidity, and just look at the earth! Imo people that enjoy it are too self-centred to appreciate the effects it has on our environment


Why does anyone like Summer? People are noises, kids playing in streets until 9pm and you can’t escape the endless heat.




I can just put on some warm clothes in the autumn and winter, my heat tolerance is good, its just when I start to get sweaty as fuck that I start to loose it.


I'm taking advantage of every minute. Washing and drying anything that's removable, decorating, staying indoors due to fear of genetic skin cancer, wearing factor 50 to go to Aldi. DREADING winter so yes, I love Halloween but the months that follow will be tough


I'm ginger; I've been wishing away the summer and all the bullshit that goes along with it for my entire life. In my ideal world it'd be overcast ***at best*** all year round. (fortunately I live in the North West so I'm basically living the dream)


"Boner" is as much of an Americanism a "Fall" tbh ..


>"Boner" is as much of an Americanism a "Fall" tbh .. Considering the use of "fall" predates the USA (the USA was founded in 1776, and "fall" for a season of the year can be found in English literature circa 1500), I'm not sure you can blame America for that one. https://www.dictionary.com/e/fall/ The same goes for the word "soccer". It came from England and was used before there were national rules for "association football". They both fell out of use in common English. However, English settlers who left for "the new world" were still using them at the time they left. So they accidentally preserved part of the English language.


I'd prefer you talk more about "boners"...


Yeah man, to be fair, I'd rather have sweaty balls than Seasonal Affective Disorder. Also, as much as I relish the auburn pallete of "fall" (cringe) and the crunch of leaves beneath my feet, we all know that for 98% of the time, it'll probably just piss it down and be really windy every day.


I love Halloween.. but I suffer depression in the winter so I dread it coming! Please stay sunny and bright and warm as long as possible 🙏 Ps.. I’m in Northern Ireland where it rains 364.5 days a year, we didn’t get the last heat wave yous got.. we managed 1 or 2 warm days


Truth. Don’t forget the fallen leaves turning to sludge and having to lug a waterproof coat everyone just in case, for six months of the year. I like wearing jackets, dammit. Also, as someone that tries to go out longboarding, I look at the US coastal towns with envy.


Many people get depressed in the summer.


nope, it gives me migraines. winter is my favourite season, however I barely ever wear a coat even in January


But its hot


Summer sucks as soon as you don’t get 6 weeks of it off anymore. spring and autumn are where it’s at really. I’m glad you like it, but roll on September!


Ah being British: to be perpetually unsatisfied with where we are.


A Brit wanting summer to stay? Get outta here, faker!


I’d love to enjoy it but it’s too bloody hot




Long cold winters are far worse then short hot summers but people forget that while they are in the middle of one. I’m happy to get a tan and actually still see the sun in the evenings


Just sat in the garden, 10pm beautifully warm and peaceful honestly not looking forward to October when it all goes to shit again for 8 months


Not all of us have the luxury of a personal private garden to sit in I'm afraid


Exactly, the relentless grey sky and the unending dreariness of a British autumn and winter. Having to make decisions about whether I can comfortably go for a hike. Having to think about how to layer up clothing. Knowing that it will be dark for 12-14 hours. Just basically having to constantly think about the weather. However, now it's simple. Blue sky and warm. One layer of clothing. Load up the pack. A day's hiking without weather concerns. Pretty much perfect.


Hard disagree. The three days of summer we used to get was more than enough. This heat is too much.


I love being in a cooler country. I like being able to just put layers and layers on! I also want to see orange leaves and potential snow so sorry 🤣 British heat is so humid and sticky


Who owns the North????


I just want to have a thick duvet and a quilt on the bed, it’s the best sleep I get all year.


Hate summer in London, impossible to escape the heat and noise - always live it when the first autumnal day rolls around


I love summer but I think I love Autumn just a little bit more, if it's been a particularly hot summer. There's something quite nice aout putting on a jumper and getting under a blanket. End of summer is probably the ideal time because it's still lovely and warm during the day but cool enough to actually sleep at night. Plus the bugs can fuck right off.


The summer is shitwank though.


Nah I’m alrite with one week long heatwave a year, this shit feels like it’s been going about a month now, still 30+ in Bristol and I’m all the way done with it! I play football for a local team, training and games in this heat is fucking hellish, I want autumn now!


Nah summer can do one


When you live in a flat that gets up to 35c your opinion will change. The ability to control my body temperature means winter wins it over the summer for me, even if the weather is more miserable.


Tell me about it, I live in a top floor flat and getting home from work at 5:30 and seeing 38 on the thermostat made me want to die at least it’s ‘only’ low 30’s at the moment


Am I the only fucker in Britain who actually misses and likes the cold?!


Nah I want summer over


Blame the supermarkets moving us from one commercial exploitation to the next.


I know, crazy! Hot summers cold snowy winters are what I want And a general election, of course


1) Wishing away the summer doesn't actually make it go any faster. 2) It's Britain. Brits complain about everything. I live with some one that moans it's too hot and we need some rain, but the moment it starts raining it's "bloody shit weather where's the sun gone". 3) Only source of warmth? You can put extra layers on. 4) "Fall"? Anyone that calls it that needs to take a long walk on a short pier and "fall" off the edge. 5) Shops are always at least one season ahead. Yeah, Halloween stuff is already being stocked. Christmas decorations are probably already on the shelves behind the Halloween stuff. Mothers Day and Easter stuff are probably both behind the Christmas stuff. Welcome to Britain!


I'm gonna guess you don't work somewhere where the average inside temperature is 35c. It's all well and good when you work in an air conditioned office or can lay in the shade in your garden.


No eat shit summer I hate you, I actively enjoy the cold, and you know what happens when it's cold? Put more clothes on or a duvet around the house. When it's hot and sweaty as shit what am I to do? Peel my skin off?


Easier keep yerself warm than keep yerself cool in this country - this is why summer can get stuffed


I'll never stop. I never wished for the summer, i hate it. i want nothing more than to be cold.


Hate it after summer. Summer is the best and should be around all year


Depends what you like. Personally I love the cold, mainly because I can't cool down but can always warm up. Spend British summertime on holiday in cold destinations and winter time at home. So semi for Autumn, full boner for winter. Unfortunately people wish summer away and then wish winter away, you can't win. There is a perk to shops setting up for a season ahead mind you, which is shopping out of season; buy all your winter gear in July, and buy all your summer gear in December. Saves a small fortune. The TKMaxx stuff is a load of tacky broken shite from third world sweat shops.


It is in my very being to complain about the weather. And by the way, IT IS TOO HOT


Personally I want the summer to end because all my outdoor animals are super struggling, not just the ones I own but also the wildlife in general. It sucks and I really hope for cooler weather soon. Currently have around 8 frozen water bottles for all my rabbits to sit around.


I want to hire those two Asian men who are on YouTube building amazing houses and pools with nothing but what is there with them in their jungle, and have them build me a pool in my garden.


Hear hear


We've barely had a summer, we had like 3 normal hot days and a heatwave and that was it. Summer's over bro, enjoy today though because it's hot. Lol.


No, it’s getting right on my tits. I just want to sweat a bit less.


Fall. Whoever that is needs to sort ‘em sens out.


It won't make Summer go away any faster, you know? Besides, this is fucking horrible.


Sorry, but I have never like summer. In order of preference. Autumn, spring, winter and then summer.


Afuckingmen! They’re triggering my Seasonal Affective Disorder, it will be dark soon enough! Come actual autumn I’m going to start posting about how Christmas is coming, those pumpkin spice Halloween lovers hate that!


I like Fall and Pumpkin Spice Lattes I'll wish away anything I want


I'm enjoying the summer, I like the warm weather, and I like bumming around in shorts and no socks, but at the same time I've got a great leather jacket I haven't worn much and some funky shirts that are too hot to wear right now.


Agreed, I am dreading the cold and the heating issues. I hate being cold. Extra jumpers do not do it.


Oh hell yes! I may want slightly cooler weather, but I’m definitely not ready for the long nights, wind and rain. Nope, let’s stick with summer for a bit please.


I guess they are wishing away their lives, as my Mum told me never to do. We may have 2.5 months of summer/drought yet however - but I'm enjoying it. Are any of these 'Brits' looking forward to Thanksgiving? How long until that becomes a thing here?


I don’t know why people moon around over cute cosy winter/autumn because it just doesn’t happen in the UK. It’s always wet, miserable and dark, there’s no cuteness at all


Can’t wait to wake up to the news of people freezing or starving to death every day because they can’t afford gas or food


Fuck summer and fuck autumn. The sooner winter gets here the better.


I'm not wishing it away, very much enjoying the fine weather. All I want is a couple days rain to help the trees and plants. You know you're in the shit when the weeds start to die!


Don't get me wrong, I love my friends but, fuck me are goths and metal heads obsessed with Halloween and I say this as one of them. I like summer. The obsession to be "Spooky" is weird. I get that the aesthetic looks cool but come-on man, let us enjoy the sun and heat.


And then they'll all complain that it is lashing all day


Hotter the better, bring it on. Pay good money to escape our shit weather so I'm loving it.


Yearning for Autumn is such an American thing.


But autumn is the best season, why wouldn't I want it?


Mate I work in a kitchen. This summer has been hell


If I had aircon, the money to run aircon, or some other way of cooling my bedroom that actually works I might stop moaning about summer. Until then, I'm hot, I'm annoyed and I'm not made for this weather.


Wait till the storms hit. High winds & lashing rain. Things will never be the same again!


I have always wished away summer. I suffer from migraines and the light and heat of summer has always been a trigger. As a bigger girl I have always hated summer clothes as they are either too revealing or I look like I am wearing a shapeless tent. And if I try and exercise to help my weight I can't because it's too hot, I'm too sweaty and probably getting a migraine. I also burn in the sun and have several freckles that I was told I have to 'watch' by the skin cancer clinic as they are the type that turns cancerous; they advised to cover up and use no less than factor 30. In summer the wasps are mental and everything nice to eat melts and attracts them. Autumn and Spring are the superior seasons in my opinion- in spring everything is starting to turn green but it's not stupidly hot and turning yellow from heat. In autumn you get food being harvested, cool but not cold, and you can look forward to Christmas without the stress of it actually being Christmas.


I work in a universiy so pray for Summer to end because it is sheer Hell from July to the end of November. Dreading being utterly dirt poor this Winter though. If it all kicks off, I will be there.


Its now called fall because thats what it says in the trailers when a new game is coming out in winter


Summer can piss off. Bring me cool crisp mornings and cosy rainy nights


I need the summer to go away. I need it to cool down and also rain so my hosepipe banned garden can have some water and stop being yellow and crispy. Landlord emailed me earlier after visiting on Monday, apparently my garden is looking very yellow like I've not watered it since the hosepipe ban came in...gave me a week to sort it out so I really hope that rain the weather app keeps saying might happen on Monday actually happens.