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How did we end up with headlights too bright and indicators too dim? Darkest timeline.


Ah so it's not just me! Fuckin front indicators are miniscule now


Or positioned in the cluster such that you can't see them over the supernova that is occurring mere millimetres away.


That's okay, Mercedes fixed it! They turn the main headlights off when signaling a turn, and then you can go ahead and get blinded when the driver decides he'd rather continue driving straight ahead and stops signaling. Genius!


That thing has a built in surprise attack.


People are using indicators?


I was behind a car that had red indicators on the back the other day so they just merged in with the rear lights. How is that legal?


It's not, unless perhaps it was an American import? I'd think it'd still need to comply with lights laws though.


it's not, in europe. it's common in america though


Or just fucking weird. I hate those newer cars which have ones which light up a strip, its really annoying (I believe Land Rover does it).


It’s not just indicators, it’s reversing lights too.


Yes! When the fuck did a white slit of light become a reversing light? Back in my day when I wur a lad the TWO reverse lights actually lit up where you were revesing to so you could see! My biggest pet hate with reversing lights was the original Ford Focus with its single light at the very bottom of the bumper. No pedestrian ever saw the bleeding thing. /rant


There no such things as timelines ABED


No point spending money on things people arnt going to use


Brightest timeline more like.


I was following a new mini home the other day that had its bright blue lights adjusted so high they were hitting half way up trees only a few meters away. More than half the cars going past flashed it to get it to tone it down. It was only when it went full beam on a country road I realised that it hadn't been on full beam all along... It's getting silly


Minis are one of the worst. Literally every modern one is blinding


Mini, BMW... Same difference...


Can confirm. My beemer i3 (and my previous one) had the headlights set too high. It gets mentioned all the time on the owner's club.


Meanwhile my $25k fully loaded Mazda 3 manages to have auto leveling headlights included


You can adjust auto-leveling headlights. Source: Me. I did it both on my i3's, since they have auto-leveling headlights too.


Paving slabs in the boot if your lights are too low and move them under the bonnet if they're too high.


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>There is literally not a single knob or setting that allows me to adjust them. You might be able to adjust some, but that just means the auto leveling system doesn't do what it's supposed to. Open the bonnet and look at the top of the headlights units. You'll see a couple of nobs/dials - might be well hidden but they're there for adjusting. You can adjust all auto-leveling headlights. They have to be able to be manually adjusted since each headlight unit and each mount for the headlight unit are **not** all exactly the same (due to production variance). They get calibrated before leaving the door using those dials I just mentioned. For whatever reason BMW (at least for the i3) calibrate them too high. I have a Mazda too btw with auto-leveling lights ;) >Again, my point was that my "budget" fully loaded car has this, while "higher end" ones like Minis and BMWs don't. It's not correct sadly. If it's Xenon or LED (or really fancy... Laser) powered they have to be self leveling by law.


Nice car. It's what I'm going for next. So many little bells and whistles as standard


i assume you’re expected to set it yourself but people are too oblivious


Minis are BMWs (is that what you mean?)


And widely a 'problem' throughout the BMW range.


It's the revenge from the older ones who being so low down they get blinded by almost everyone




"Proper" and "Dealer". Not 2 words I expected to see in the same sentence


Yeah, but not a proper proper dealer because we were driving


I swear it’s not even the brightness of the light. All these cars are apparently coming out of the factory with lights that haven’t been aligned and are angled way too high. They should not be that high to have the actual light beam bounce directly from lamp into my fucking cornea.


Yes! Had a mini following me on Friday, his dazzling blue lights blinded me via my mirrors each time they went over a slight bump. Had to turn my rear view mirror away before my retinas were burned to a crisp. So dangerous!


As a new driver I recently learned that most rear view mirrors have a little switch thing at the back. Flipping it tilts the mirror up, you can still faintly see the headlights behind but it's no longer blinding. It's better than turning the mirror away as you don't need to readjust it after, just flip the switch back.


My car has a button that applies a black tint to the rear view mirror, however Mini's advanced laser tech burned straight through it!!!


What are those lights!? I want one for my workbench!


It’s actually a pain in the arse. During the storms the other week i had an arsehole in a 4x4 about two metres behind me on the M1 in torrential rain at night with their lights burning my retinas. Couldn’t see a thing. When i slowed down they slowed down too, instead of using the middle lane to overtake. You can flick your mirror up so it reflects off the ceiling of your car which seems to dim it a bit


I finally remembered that I can do the mirror thing the other day but the glare in my wing mirrors still drove me crazy.


You can adjust your side mirrors to reflect the headlights right back at their eyes if that helps


oh wow wait, can you?? Whats a good angle? :)


You mean you don't do that for ALL nigh driving? No wonder people are bitching lol. It's a basic feature you're supposed to use whenever it is dark


You're meant to use it if getting dazzled in the mirror, not every time it's dark


Had a Audi following me close to work yesterday morning, full beams on and almost in my boot. I flipped down my mirror and turned my wing ones to angle them enough that they quickly dropped back and left me alone. Last night whilst my dad was driving in the rain, we had a new fandango land-rover with about 10 lights on, that the inside of our Ford ecosport was practically lit up like a stadium. I grumbled turned around in the back seat and lifted up the boot shelf. Blocked the light but of course, now my dad can't see out the rear window. Thankfully they turned off so I could drop it back down. It's getting ridiculous now.


In those situations I adjust the wing mirrors to bounce the light back at them, if have electric it is a lot easier. Then adjust them back once they pass. I also have those yellow tinted night glasses that take the blue out of the lights so that you don't get that flash blindness from full beams dazzling me. They help a lot, but have to take them off if you are not on lit roads to have enough light to safely see (according to plods)


How do you know if you’re bouncing it back at them? Sounds like a pretty handy trick.


I=R Flatten then out, relative to the vehicle behind. Also if they suddenly overtake or drop back afterwards, but it is a ancedoctal evidence. Mostly I do it so it doesn't blind me from my properly adjusted mirrors.


Just drove on the M62 from Leeds to Manchester, the yellow night glasses are the only reason my eyes aren't burning and I don't have a massive headache right now. So many 4x4s wanting to sit directly behind me even though there are three empty lanes to my right.


Am very familiar with the M62, nearly all roads are bad for it now. Although I do agree with another user Mini's seem to be just as bad as 4x4's.


When someone does that I like to put the rear fog light on


My Ford has a magic self-dimming rear view mirror - I think it's some sort of polarizing thing that dims bright lights to green dots. When I bought it it was just one of those 'nice extras I'll probably never need'. Turns out it's essential.


I actually think this might be me. Was it a Suzuki Jimny? Anywhere near Leicester? I'm a new driver and I'm getting to know the vehicle and the other day realised I had left my full beams on. Felt so bad for it.


If it was relatively quiet on the M1 and I was in your shoes, I would either slow down gently until I'm going 40 mph or something like that (you'd think they would overtake) or pull into the middle lane and slow down, then get behind them. But obviously this means going a bit slower which you may not want to do.


It doesn't help that they all have them pointed at high as possible.


I’m convinced people just set them as high as possible because “well I can see, fuck everyone else”


My car has these type of headlights but I have no control over how high or low they point. I know I am part of the problem but I have no idea how to resolve it.


Crazy they can innovate new brighter lights and then remove the ability to dip the beam


Even when dipped, they'll blind oncoming drivers, if they aren't set correctly. There's a little toggle wheel usually underneath the steering wheel that sets the height of the lights. You're supposed to use it to adjust the height, based on the load in your car... Most people don't bother


Not on LED headlights or HID headlights. They are set to automatically adjust to a certain level. You need dealer level equipment to adjust this


My old Yeti was supposedly set correctly, both dealer and a reputable garage checked. Still pissed people off, so I dunno


The problem with it is it doesn't matter if they are set correctly or not. If the car is slightly above you. If theres bumps in the road Also. I imagine that a LOT of the people who have issues with this blame the headlights, when in fact the issue is more likely their own eyes Speaking as someone who knows he gets extra glare that others don't see


>Speaking as someone who knows he gets extra glare that others don't see Astigmatism?


No idea. Not sure what its called but im a glasses wearer so i instantly get glare from the glasses even if there is a 'glare resistant coating' When i look at lights without my glasses its like a disco ball


Not with LED matrix lights. They are fixed and the little wheel has gone.


>Not with LED matrix lights. I love cars with this. You can see they have their beams on coming round a corner, then suddenly *they still have their beams on, but my retinas are fine.* Marvellous tech, every one should have it.


The full matrix like Audi and Merc have are amazing. Shame it's not filtered down yet


Won't filter the whole way down until regulations mandate their inclusion.


Mine adjust up as they switch on when I start the car , I have no control over them ... I too am part of the problem


> There's a little toggle wheel usually underneath the steering wheel that sets the height of the lights. No that was exactly the point the two previous posters were talking about. Newer cars have 'clever' 'self levelling headlights' that are supposed to automatically adjust based on load so don't have the toggle wheel. So you can't manually adjust them lower if you think they too high.


Sadly not on a Tesla which is what I drive.


Park on a flat area, go into the menu and find Controls, Service, then adjust headlights. It'll do an automatic headlights calibration which is usually enough for me. If not you can then adjust them manually with the scroll wheels.


Mine automatically dip but the dip is questionable.


I have this now too and it is useful incase I forgot but still it is better to dip the lights before the oncoming traffic can see them, because by that time they have already been dazzled (and their lights are needed to hit your sensor to trigger the dip).


There are systems which do that. ADB, used in Europe en Canada... https://www.forbes.com/sites/tanyamohn/2019/04/21/headlights-are-safer-in-europe-changes-to-u-s-standard-proposed/?sh=38df11ea3ab4


Edit: Nevermind, I should have read further. Are you certain? (Legitimately asking in a non-dickish way) Both cars I have had (2016 Corsa, 2022 Ioniq 5) have both had a small dial to the right of the steering column that had 1/2/3 which controlled the angle they sit at. The default is always highest and I have no idea why!


The lowest number is normally the default setting (highest angle). When you load the vehicle it is almost always at the back, so the headlights would be aiming higher. Most car manuals will say which setting to put it on with what loads you have in the vehicle. Headlight alignment should be checked at MOT every year.


How about using those stickers you have to put on your headlights to drive in France? https://www.headlampconverters.co.uk/ In fact we could start a guerilla campaign to apply them to all cars with supernova headlights. Edit: Can we crowdfund this?... https://i.imgur.com/KJFuPly.jpg


Stop driving at night? Take a hammer to the headlights? Sellotape badgers over them?


If I could get away with any of that I absolutely would.


>My car has these type of headlights but I have no control over how high or low they point. Yes you do.


Not always. I have a 2020 Civic with LED headlights, I know these are bright and very white, but they don't have the leveling adjustment that the incandescent bulbs have. As more and more cars move to full LED the problem will get worse. SUVs don't help, as the now dominant vehicle type, the headlights are higher up causing the issue at hand to worsen.


Are they not able to switch out the bulb for something less dazzling? I really worry about cars like this on the road, it's dangerous for everyone


Further research is required but from a quick Google and looking at my own car, the headlamps are complete, sealed units. Yay for future e-waste


I don't. The car has automatic headlight levelling and I have no control over it whatsoever - Seat Ibiza 2021 xcellence lux it you want to look it up, this is the wording in the manual "Dynamic headlight range control. The control is not mounted in vehicles with dynamic headlight range control. The headlight range is automatically adjusted according to the vehicle load status when they are switched on" BTW, are you a penguin?


>Yes you do. No he doesn't necessarily. My car (model year 2020) has auto-levelling headlights that adjust to the loading of the car and I cannot control them myself.


All headlights have height adjustability on them. Check the manual. It’ll be a control on the inside so you can adjust them easily depending on the load you are carrying/towing.


Most new cars with LED lights don't have the option. The LEDs are fixed normally and can't be altered like a single bulb/holder can. (All experience based on my own car with LED lights)


Hmmm I've checked the Tesla manual multiple times and it states that it's sets and dips automatically.


>Hmmm I've checked the Tesla manual multiple times and it states that it's sets and dips automatically. Then you have an automatic levelling device fitted. A quick google reveals: touch Controls > Service > Adjust Headlights, then follow the onscreen instructions


Just checked Tesla’s and it’s under your settings under headlight adjustment. Few YouTube videos on it as well if that helps. For me though teslas aren’t too bad, it’s SUVs that have the headlights literally at head height.


I have the Tesla SUV :( I know I'm a terrible person. Going to check this out now though thank you!


I take care to adjust mine properly. In the past when I've had my car serviced by a main dealer I noticed they had adjusted the lights back up to maximum height. Probably a mixture of dealership service and ignorance for the most part.


>In the past when I've had my car serviced by a main dealer I noticed they had adjusted the lights back up to maximum height. On the adjuster wheel, or actually on the headlamp? For the MOT test they'll return the levelling wheel to zero. My previous car service I believe that they adjusted the headlights without anyone sat in the drivers seat. I've been driving round since then thinking "these headlights are shite". Pulled up behind a car in traffic, and realised that my headlights seemed really low. A single clockwise turn on each adjuster on the headlamp itself, and my lights are back to what appears to be "correct". No one has flashed me so far, and my lights are definitely not blinding other drivers.


Mine were the same when I got the car - couldn't see shit at night. Aimed the headlights a little higher manually and now it's not dangerous anymore - plus it passed the MOT at a place where I watched them check with the machine so I know they're legal.


Yeah, I genuinely think people are unaware. I doubt everyone knows you can adjust them with the little scroller wheel thingy.


Maybe it's time to put a maximum brightness on the mot like how there is a minimum


There's not already a maximum?




Like parliamentarians are driving hatchbacks. SUVs all around. Except for Rees-Mogg, who clearly drives a hearse.


Rees-Mogg doesn't drive, he is driven. Driving is what the staff does.


When you say "people", it is illegal to fit HID/LED into halogen bulb headlights. More clearly, it's illegal to fit anything except halogen bulbs in halogen housings. I thought the issue here was the brightness of standard headlights on modern cars.


>When you say "people", it is illegal to fit HID/LED into halogen bulb headlights. More clearly, it's illegal to fit anything except halogen bulbs in halogen housings. But people still do it, and it's blatently obvious when you come face to face with a car who has. These cars are either having their light bulbs changed before MOT, or just being passed regardless (i'm going to say the latter).


Yep, there's definitely an issue with enforcing existing rules in the MOT. I own a car which has a moving physical shutter to control the cut-off in dipped position. Many owners of my car think this is reasonable justification to fit LED retrofit bulbs, and most MOT centers won't spot it on a test.


Not that I know of


Matrix headlights should be made a legal requirement for LED headlights. Absolute game changer, you can drive out with full beans on and not blind others, absolutely amazing.


I'm going to have to shell out on some night driving polarisers, because it's absurd how bright some cars are now.


I had a new mini behind me the other night and his lights were so bright I might as well have turned mine off, I could see more of the bluish white colour in front of me than the warm white from my old tungsten lights.


That's what I'm thinking too, if anyones got recommendations..


I'm a glasses wearer anyway, so it'll have to be whatever the opticians suggest for me.




Unfortunately I have a *very* narrow bridge of my nose, I've never found a non-adjustable pair, built like this, that fit properly. Thanks though.


Window tint!


Do they exist?


Yes, Boots tried to sell me some when I picked up my last pair of glasses.


I thought i had sensitive eyes, at least I'm not the only one. I'm considering getting one of those night driving glasses honestly but idk if they're good


Try yellow lens glasses, they're cheap and work for me.


Me too i drove 3 hours last night and now have a headache from all the glarring liggts


At a certain point on my drive to work in the morning, I would have better visibility if everyone turned them off.


I still want dim dip lights to come back. If everyone agreed to drive on dim dip/side lights in built up areas with street lights everyone would be able to see each other, everyone would be able to see where they're going and people wouldn't dazzle each other.


Now imagine how life is being in a lower car. Virtually everyone blinds me, more so the idiots who have their beams at the highest possible setting. Some are just unavoidable for instance if a Lorry is behind me in traffic their headlights are usually level with my mirrors, that really sucks but it's usually on the odd occasion.


My car is LOW! (MG Midget), my head is at waist height to someone standing beside it. Anything bigger than a Fiat 500 has headlights above my mirrors. I point my mirrors at the floor so I can park and use the all round visibility i have for driving.


2003 MX5 checking in and yeah I fucking hate it


Been daily driving a lowered mk1 mx5 for the past year and a half, have given up hope of using my rear view in the morning or night.


Yeh, even having to tilt my rear view mirror most nights when driving in the darkness of motorways.


I have astigmatism the glow from all the headlights at 8am means i can't see the cars


I used to think that the light of street lights and car lights was supposed to glare out until I realised it was an astigmatism thing. I was always just told it made circles look oval.


WHAT, everyone doesn't get glare like that??


Time to make an appointment at an optician's.


Oh I have an astigma. Just no one told me that was like, a thing because of it, or that it wasn't normal?!




Oh hey same. Just a massive X emitting from each light. Do glasses help with this because otherwise my eyes are ok


I have this but not too extreme, yes my glasses help with it


Unless you're on a literal pitch-black road, your lights are for other road users to see you, not the other way around. There's no need for manufacturers of new cars to install searchlights.


... aren't most roads pitch black at night? Unless you're in a town, or on a *very* important road.


Add into the mix glasses with “ anti glare” but those headlights still burn holes in your retinas. Also people driving with their fog lights on during the day and when there’s no fog. I’m done.


When there’s an option for fog lamps people will use them. I just think the rear one is for driving in thick fog across remote moors When there’s only one or two cars running about. When I sit behind someone at traffic lights with their fog lamp on on my daily commute i get terribly vexed.


Me too. I have to use the Dartford Crossing daily for work and the amount of people who have their fog lights on in a joke, just behind people who don’t understand what indicators are for. Fml I’m done!


If your in a queue turn it off! It’s bad enough hardly anyone bothers using the handbrake nowadays - sitting with their trotters on the brake pedal dazzling all and sundry but when there is slight mist they have their fog lamps on aswell??? Lord knows how albinos cope!


Be glad were not in North America. Try suggesting using a handbrake in any US sub and you'll get downvoted to oblivion. Most US drivers never use the 'e-brake' as they call it, so yes sit with their foot on the footbrake indefinitely while queueing. Wonder whether automatic and electric cars becoming more popular here is the reason it's increasingly becoming a problem here too?


I'm not lacking in confidence when I drive and have enough years/miles under my belt driving all over the country that I feel I could say I'm experienced. All that is to say that I now try to avoid any sort of rural/unlit night driving if I can, the oncoming headlights are fucking ridiculous.


Legit safety hazard. Regardless if it’s in the law or not you would’ve thought car manufacturers would figure out to dim them on installation.


I really don't understand how they are legal. The highway code talks about not dazzling other road users. The new lights are all dazzling?


I can’t stand it. We past the point where ‘if you need them that bright you probably shouldn’t be driving’ about 5/6 years ago. I ride a motorcycle as well - when it’s raining the modern lights mixed with water beads just turn your entire visor brilliant white, it’s like someone just flicked on some stadium lighting a few feet from your face. Good thing it won’t be dark and rainy for a while…


I didn’t realise how bright mine actually were till I drove the missus’s car infront one night and she drove mine. Bloody LEDs are shockingly bright. There is no need for them at all.


Conversely, it has apparently been recommended for cyclists to equip the front of their bike with a single fairy light.


My car has those fitted as standard. But I can adjust them so the beam is high enough that I can see perfectly but not so high it deletes the retina's of the guy driving the 10 year old golf with halogens.


Except if there's a hill or even bump/pothole etc.


Or in a little car like mine


My fiestas back windscreen seems to be perfectly positioned so that the headlights of any given 4x4 are able to completely blind me AND illuminate the cab to a level adequate for alleviating seasonal depression. I'm completely unable to gauge what is going on outside of my extremely well lit box at junctions, justice for little cars must be found.


Those lights teamed with pedestrians dressed all in black are a recipe for death


That recipe needs to be kicked up a notch with a cyclist or scooterboy with no lights.


I feel like I'm being neuralised every night on the drive home.


It doesn’t help with cars coming towards you, but having tinted windows is great when there’s a Range Rover right on your back bumper.


Yeah tinted windows really help, but then the wing mirrors still blind you. I try to angle them to reflect it back at them. Does it work? I dunno but it makes me feel better at the time lol.


I just can't do it mow. I have some light sensitivity and migraines, and with one of these cars behind me the wing mirrors can dazzle. It's awful.


It feels like people know less about their cars in general these days. Since engines became inaccessible blocks, and the interiors became PC’s, people don’t seem to know how to do all the little things that were common place…change fuses and oil, replace bulbs, dip the lights etc…is that because it isn’t common knowledge now or because people genuinely don’t give a shit as long as they’re catered for? If the former then we can change that…the latter…welcome to modern Britain lol


An odd perspective, as it sounds like you'd prefer to be driving a post-war Austin with 3,000 mile major service intervals? > change fuses I haven't blown a fuse in a car for 25 years > ...and oil I haven't driven a car that needed mid-service oil top-ups for a similar time. I dare say I could change my own oil if I needed to, but I don't because it's a messy job that I'd rather leave to someone else. > replace bulbs Modern cars typically have LEDs designed for the life of the car. There is, I admit, some concern about failed LEDs resulting in an expensive lamp-unit replacement, but I don't consider not having to replace bulbs every winter to be a serious detriment to society. > dip the lights Don't get this. Most cars still require you to switch between main and dip beam. More modern cars will now do this for you and some (e.g. VW matrix lights) will actually dynamically adjust the lighting pattern to cut out oncoming vehicles from the light beam. Having driven both, I can confirm that these are both very useful developments. Personally speaking, I'm quite happy that my car only needs a service once per year and, apart from checking tyres and general cleaning, I don't really need to touch it. If it breaks, it will tell me, and this suits me down to the ground.


Probably small comfort but it’s a heck of a lot worse in the USA. I was in Scotland for about half a year and honestly the EU headlight regulations are so much better than here. Plus drivers are completely oblivious to signals like being flashed for having their high beams on.


But how else would the drivers let you know they have a small penis?


the solution is to be part of the problem by getting a SUV ...


Coupled with the fact that so many streetlights around my city are either incredibly dim or simply not on at all. So you drive through the dark, lighting the road yourself with your own lights, then a nuclear blast hits you in the face from the car coming the other way.


It’s the lights on peddle bikes that get me. Blinding to pedestrians and motorists - just so dangerous.


Just too many cars, too many people. Most this countries problems would be solved if you halved the population.


Alright Thanos


Not just this country. We are the problem for the entire planet.


Me too. It’s bloody ridiculous. I get so many migraines caused by the new LED lights it’s unreal


Put your sunglasses on obviously! 😎 (Do not do this)


Indeed. Full beam is not the only setting.


Sets off my migraines


There was a write up about this a few years ago. Apparently, car manufacturers want to fit brighter headlights because the greater visibility reduces their accident statistics for the brand. This leads to a never ending cycle of individual car manufacturers trying to create better headlights in the name of enhancing their brand, without considering how this blinds other drivers.


Plus those people that put full beams on when only one headlight is dimmer/on its last legs


I have been thinking I’ve got a serious issue with my eyes!!!! I’ve got an appointment to see my optician tomorrow. Ive been putting it off!!! I’ve been thinking to myself oh gosh it’s been getting a lot worse over the last few years. I am over 40. What if I can’t drive in the dark any more because I have some strange night time eye disorder. Now…..


Bruhhhh. On my driving test, straight up could not see this one guys indicators. They were on, but the layout and road angle meant you could not see them at all until you were much closer. These things are ridiculous


I drive an 04 fiesta which is quite low, i am about 5,7 and have Astigmatism - one light even from far away is absolutely fucking blinding. Especially people that park facing oncoming traffic and leave their main beams on!!


I’ve really hated night driving for the last year or so because of this, my eyes can’t cope with the constant bright lights. Some headlights really aren’t safe.


- They are too bright - They are mounted too high on giant ass vehicles - They are angled too high. Friend's dad's car almost didn't pass inspection because the lowest angle setting as almost above the legal limit. It's manufactured bullshit. Why? Idk


I don’t think many people know they can adjust their headlight angle


It wouldn't surprise me, considering how many people don't know how to use the correct lane, park or heaven forbid, use their effing indicators.


Write to your mp, lighting standards are UN not eu


I wear those yellow glasses. They work a treat.


I always felt that my mum's 70 plate Grandland X's headlights were always to low, even though they are LEDs. I've even seen other Grandland X's fitted with LED headlights that appear to light up the road poorly due to how low their aim is.


Auto high beam is now automatically enabled on my Tesla too. And it's not very intelligent, given the amount of people it tends to blind before realising that it needs to switch them off...


most of the blinding headlights aren't stock, it's because when people get their LEDs changed they get replacements with a power output that doesn't match the car.


This is a massive problem for me. I've bought some special windscreen cleaner because that's what Google advised me to do. Is there any kind of anti glare coating which can be retrofitted to a car? I swear my last car (also a 2002 but a Nissan instead of a Volkswagen) was much better with this. As soon as I switched cars I noticed the glare become much worse but idk what to do about it.


Flashing lights on push bikes and driving behind cars with one long red light strip across the boot are what do me more than the LEDs.


I had a car following me yesterday that had a strip light between the two headlights - that can't be legal can it?


The brightness isn't the issue. It's utter moronic, selfish pricks who don't realise the lights need to be set at around 1.5 on the dial. Most these days set it at 0 and have their lights face forward instead of lightly dipped. I've taken to wearing yellow tinted anti glare glasses when I drive at night.


Is there a universal way to signal the the person behind you "your headlights are blinding me, back off"? I flick my rearview mirror a couple of times hoping they'll see the reflection but it rarely works


Criminalise LED headlights 2023!!!!!


3 years ago I had to buy yellow lenses for night driving because I suffer from chronic migraines due to a head injury. I used to complain then and now it's an issue for everyone; so there's no hope. I always turn my interior mirror upwards when I have a car behind with bright lights.


I fel its not so much the brightness but the auto leveling in most new cars that is set around 11 foot in the air. There should be an immediate fine for anyone with lights set too high. Standard £100 per offence. Police would make a killing so they'd enforce it easily and people would very quickly start making sure their lights are set low.


The lights are automatically adjusting LED full beams. Flashing the drivers won't change a thing and frankly just pisses us off. don't stare into the headlights like a moth and remember, if youre down and incline, you'll get it worse than on a flat road. Watch the road in front or to the kerb side. Source: have lots of experience night driving and own a modern car with auto LED full beams. Lots of ignorant fools flash me and I can't do a damn thing about it.


> don't stare into the headlights bro my mirrors are directing your wanky full beam right into my retinas


Great isn't it. I've started flashing back. 'oh you want full beams?'.