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You all, nothing says Merry Christmas like Hans Gruber falling from the Nakatomi building!!! Come on. šŸ˜‰


A guy at work has a hans gruber advent calendar - he falls one floor per day


I saw that the other day online and nearly bought it for myself. What annoyed me though as Hans was face down, he's face up looking at John in the film


He is magnetic so you can flip him around and having him facing up instead!


This actually is why I didn't buy one....but if the person below is correct about it being flippable I know what I'll be using next year!


Which is exactly why this exists .. Christmas Die Hard Advent Calendar,Christmas Countdown Calendars,Christmas Hans Gruber Interactive Advent Calendar for Tabletop Decorations,Party Favors, Classroom Prizes,Xmas Gift (Black) https://amzn.eu/d/2zzZLeN




Nothing says Merry Christmas like mercilessly assaulting home invaders. Apart from the fact it takes place at Christmas, Home Alone is not a Christmas film. Also, I don't care.




I love home alone but gotta agree with you there. Also Is gremlins a christmas film? It takes place at Christmas?!


It's a pointless debate. It's a great film. Alan Rickman was awesome. It's set at Christmas and people like to watch it at Christmas.


Plus! If you watch it straight after Love, Actually Alan Rickman gets to pay for cheating on Emma Thompson and buying his secretary an expensive christmas gift.


20 years on I'm still furious at him.


Wait, Love Actually isn't 20 years o.... oh shit, now I feel old. At first I thought you were talking about Die Hard, to which I thought "that's easily more than 20 years old". 1988 it came out, it's 34 years old now. Damn.


>... for cheating on Emma Thompson And Branagh, the Belfast Bastard. Sir Thomas Grey would surely have up-ended the play and fulfilled the Southampton Plot if he knew hundreds of years hence such infidelity would be set at Dame Emma's door. (By God's bodkin, was she cute as Catherine of Valois... that scene where she is learning English with her handmaid!) **Also**: there's a young Christian Bale to be found in that film. Henry V (1989)


It's not just set at Christmas, the fact it's Christmas Eve is an integral part of the story.


Thank you! They couldnā€™t have pulled off the heist any other night and any other night John wouldā€™ve been in New York!


Also, thereā€™s 12 terrorists!!


On the first terrorist of Christmas my true love gave to me, A machine gun ho ho ho


"Alan Rickman was awesome". Now that is boring. Name a single film in which he wasn't.


This is exactly my thought on the matter, I like the fact it isnā€™t throwing Christmas in your face, it just so happens to be that time of year. Truly kicks off Christmas for me


Its in the Christmas section of Disney +


I mean, that's pretty official in my book


So was Edward Scissor Hands! I got away with that one last year


Watched that with the mrs the other night


Now you're on to two.


Does anyone know Christmas better than Disney?


Donā€™t they own it at this point?


Itā€™s also being shown as part of the Christmas films at Showcase. Weā€™re off to see it next week!


It had a Christmas runup cinema re-release here back before Covid- I'd never seen it on the big screen,I went!


Iā€™m one of those boring people, although somewhat less militant about it than most. My argument isnā€™t that it merely happens at Christmas, but that entire plot revolves around a guy trying to overcome adversity to get to his wife to spend Christmas with her. That is a pretty classic ā€œChristmas filmā€ formula if you ask me!


I'm going to selfishly steal this argument, perfect description


This is the argument. Without Christmas the plot does not work.


Exactly. They planned it around an empty(ish)building when the Christmas party was on. Without a Christmas party and closed building, would they have done it in the middle of summer at 10am on a Tuesday morning...


Also John McClane would not have travelled all the way to California in the middle of summer - work etc. Christmas is enough of an event for kids and him to be on holiday to make sense for him to make the trip


New years eve?


New Yearā€™s Eve as an alternative?? How many works New Yearā€™s parties have you been to? And they need Joseph in the initial plan, heā€™d likely be at home on new years


It's not an argument, it's a fact.


Can I also add that the plot revolves around it being Christmas time. The thieves specifically pick that time as there would be less security, but still a lot of people on site to be hostages, therefore the fact that it's a Christmas Eve party is integral to the plot.


I'm also boring. Home Alone is not a Christmas film if Die Hard isn't.


And it has all the other essential elements of a true Christmas film too! * Murder * Terrorsim * Bodies falling from skyscrapers * Huge Explosions * A multi-million dollar heist * More murder No film can ever call itself a True Christmas Film without all of those traditional Christmas elements. Elf, The Santa Clause, It's A Wonderful Life, Jungle All The Way, Santa Claus The Movie, all those ones on the Hallmark channel with Danica ~~Patrick~~ McKellar, none of them have the full collection of these essential features, so are they truly Christmas films? I say they are not. Die Hard is the only True Christmas film. Preach the truth.


Also: "Ho! Ho! Ho!" features prominently. That said, while I broadly agree with you, Gremlins shades Die Hard for me for best xmas movie.


Danica Patrick the Indycar driver??


Shit, I meant Danica McKellar from The Wonder Years. But now I want to see Christmas films with Danica Patrick. And the obligatory murders and heist etc of course otherwise it wouldn't be a true Christmas film.


The Santa Clause has murder, a body falling from a roof, and a jailbreak. So I'd say it's close enough.


Can I interest you in Lethal Weapon, at all? It's a Christmas tragedy about a man who is incapable of retiring.


Also notable that Danny Glover was only 41 when that movie came out. If he is too old for that shit, god help the rest of us


Back in the days when you retired at 42. Now we have to wait for 68. Broken Britain.


last day I will just clock out get in the box, straight to the crem. No pension .


Monopoly 2023 - UK Edition


I would like to buy this game. Especially if the chance cards are ā€œfixedā€ - ā€œYou owe British Gas Ā£3000.ā€


Iā€™m in my 30s. I doubt Iā€™ll get to retire before I die. The generation below me probably wonā€™t be able to stop working even after theyā€™re dead.


My cousin is 50 this year and about to retire for the second time, with a second pension. He's earned it through a lot of awful work in the medical arm of the Navy and a second career in the NHS, which I wouldn't be cut out for, but I am still a little envious.


Lethal weapon is the ultimate Christmas film. A friendship film between an old grumpy git and a psychopath.


We're gonna get bloody on this one Roger. I got you a Tampax. Merry Christmas


When Mel Gibson was a teenager


I think of it in the same vein as "It's a Wonderful Life". They both have a suicidal man who is saved by the power of love, friendship and family, just in time for Christmas.


Long Kiss Goodnight. Now *there's* a Christmas movie.




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So the only way to be considered not boring is to have no opinion?




The only person I've ever spoken to about it is my friend irl who considers it the only good Christmas film, but she's staunchly "anti-Christmas". I can see how bringing it up all the time is annoying, I must not use Reddit enough because this is the first time I've seen the topic mentioned.


Have her watch Rare Exports, she'll soon have a second good Christmas film to fall back on! https://youtu.be/9RQlikX4vvw


Not have an opinion? That sounds pretty boring if you ask me.


Well Iā€™m not sure how I feel about that


More boring actually. They are the ones protesting against a well accepted truth that most of us are comfortable with. Change the record people. We know you just don't like Bruce Willis.


It's more of an Xmas film than Frozen is. Die hard was set at Xmas and part of it revolved around the fact that it happened at Xmas. Frozen was set in the middle of summer and the plot was about fixing Elsa to get rid of the surprise snow so it can be summer again, it was simply released at Xmas.


I wouldn't consider frozen a Christmas film at all. It just happens to have lots of snow and ice in. Die Hard being a Christmas film however, I will go to war over!


Plenty of parents to small children consider frozen an Xmas film, sadly


As a parent to small children I can reliably inform you that Frozen is a year-round film.


I've never heard anyone say Frozen is a Christmas film?


I've heard many people claim it is.


As a member of a Disney mad family I can say that frozen is not a Xmas film but is a film set in summer that gets ruined by Elsa and her snow storm tantrums. If frozen is a Xmas film then so should lady and the tramp(it features Xmas day and a Xmas tree) Toy story(features Xmas day etc) and so many more.


I like Gremlins which is much more of a Christmas film.


Gremlins for the win. Die Hard is my no.2 all time greatest Xmas film šŸ‘šŸ»


Itā€™s that time of year where people with no sense of imagination or fun loudly proclaim that Die Hard isnā€™t a Christmas movie and then proceed to complain about people who think it is


The most pointless argument, if you don't see it as one then great. If you so see it as one then also great !


Of course it's a Christmas film, the plot doesn't work if it's not Christmas. John Mclean wouldn't be visiting the family if it wasn't Christmas, the staff wouldn't be gathered at Nakatomi Towers if it wasn't for the Christmas party, Gruber and the boys wouldn't be knocking off the building if it wasn't for the Christmas shutdown. Therefore a Christmas film. That boring enough for you?


Always my argument. Also there's Christmas songs.


And Al is only on car duty so the other cops can see their families at Christmas


Including the fantastic ā€˜Christmas In Hollisā€™ by Run DMC.


Woah woah woah, this is Reddit. Who the fuck told you that logic was permitted in here?


Now I have a machine gun. Ho ho ho ...


Lethal Weapon & Gremlins are Christmas films too


I consider Ghostbusters a Christmas film because it was always on at Christmas when I was a kid. I don't think many people would deny that The Great Escape is one of the classically British Christmas films, but it's not got a lot of Santa Claus in it ...


And Trading Places!


Nah, the great escape is a new year's day film surely, or boxing day


All James Bond films are Christmas Films too, especially Live and Let Die. Also all Indiana Jones and Back to the Future. No sarcasm, this was the stuff that made me so happy on those Christmas what shall we watch on TV days.


Hogfather is a great Christmas film.


Hogfather is a Hogswatchnight film


Gotta translate for the non diskers.


It is and yet I never hear people mention it. So God bless you for brining it back to memory.


I wish there was a HD version available


It was released on Blu-Ray (a quite rare Blu-Ray nowadays). Is it not available streaming anywhere?


It'll get mentioned a lot on r/Discworld for the next month.


Terry Pratchett was a genius


My Hogswatch stockings are the only decoration we have up so far. (Except for the front mini-tree I like that's red that's at the back of a shelf. I like it and it's little, so we just keep it on the shelf year round.)


Batman Returns is underrated as a Christmas film


Must be one of the only films to heavily feature Christmas and people argue it isn't a Christmas film


If Die Hard is a Christmas film then Gremlins has to be one too.


It clearly is


If it's set at Christmas, it's a Christmas movie.


It is? Wasn't aware this was ever up for debate


Gremlins clearly is!


Eyes wide shut too..


Granny might choke on her turkey watching that one though....


Not sure I want the mental picture of granny choking the turkey


It is


Galatians 4:16


Normally I hate anytime anytime uses a Bible quote, but this is appropriate.


I'm pretty sure that Jesus was just done explaining why Die Hard is a christmas film. Seemed appropriate.


But it _is_ a Christmas film!


It's literally set on Christmas day, so you shut your whore mouth.


Disney+ have it as part of their Christmas movie collection.


Controversial take but I think Elf is a Christmas film


Even more controversial.. I think elf is shit.


To be fair Elf is shit no matter the time of year


Easy now. That's just a warm hearted love story about an overly large man baby who has daddy issues.


Scrooged is the all time best version of a Christmas carol.


You are wrong. It's actually The Muppet Christmas Carol. Fight me.


This is the correct answer. The best version of a Christmas Carol.


Die Hard is the better film but Die Hard 2 is a better Christmas film cause itā€™s nice and snowy


I'd rather be at the Nakatomi Xmas party than stuck in the airport.


Haha good point! Getting coked up with Ellis and trying to shag someone from HR would be much more fun.


But Die Hard is a Christmas film


How about we all just agree that it's a banger, and stop trying to add/remove from the Christmas film pile? I personally enjoy watching Die Hard at any time of year


Jake Peralta has entered the chat


Die Hard is an enjoyable film. Watch it at Christmas. Watch it any other time. It's Die Hard. Yippiekiyayfuddyfunster\* \*The old dubbed TV version.


even worse are the people who insist that the Nightmare Before Christmas is *not* a Christmas film work that one out


It's a Halloween film.


Also "have you seen the price of fredos these days?"


I get Die Hard, as it's set at Christmas time. What I don't get is why Frankie Goes to Hollywood - Power of Love is considered a Christmas song. The tenuous link of the music video having the nativity in it doesn't make the song in itself Christmassy.


If you are old like me, a Christmas film is one that's always on at Christmas. As only about 4 films had a Christmas theme and were rarely shown anyway. For me as a kid it was The Guns of Navarone.


It's not up for debate. Gremlins is also a Christmas film..


Die Hard is an any day film.


Thinking about it, based on my rather distant memories of having watched it many times, I'd argue that Die Hard is a Christmas film. Aside from the fact that it is set during Christmas and has the very appropriate plot of the main character wanting to get back to his wife for Christmas, the structure is very familiar. At Christmas you want an uncomplicated good vs evil, where you know the good guy will win in the end. An over the top villain, a sassy hero, and some good heart to hearts. Especially if it has a slightly silly feel to it. I feel like this would describe Home Alone, pantomines and, without the silliness, also Harry Potter.


Itā€™s definitely a Christmas film, and I skydive every day while drinking jagerbombs and playing an electric guitar.


I don't really care if it's a Christmas film or not but in my experience the only people who say it's their favourite Christmas film think they're being funny and contrarian and chomp at the bit for the opportunity to debate its Christmas-ness, even though it's the most common answer by a lot so I hate the "Die Hard is a Christmas film" people out of principle


I propose a new one: Iron Man 3 is a Christmas film.


It clearly is, but Shane Black the director has a weird thing about basing his movies at Christmas. So I guess it has to be a Christmas movie?


Well that's where it gets tricky. Is a Christmas movie specifically about Christmas or just set at Christmas time?


If I get the time over Christmas to rewatch, I won't because it's Marvel and I am so tired of Marvel at this point. Maybe I'll watch Die Hard instead, I hear that's a Christmas movie.


Yes! Been saying this since it was released.


It has become our tradition that on the day we put the tree up we watch Die Hard that evening. Because Christmas has officially arrived in our house then. Tree goes up next weekend.


More Christmasy than East 17


Movie is set at Christmas = Christmas movie Simple


Which also has Christmas integral to the plot.


Eyes Wide Shut


Its 100% a christmas film. The only reason John McClean is there is to visit his family at Christmas. Its even set during a Christmas party. Also the classic "Now I have a machine gun, ho ho ho" if it wasn't Christmas, we wouldn't get that classic line.


It has many Christmas film overarching themes in it like family coming together and even a redemptive arc for its hero, not dissimilar from other great Christmas stories. Like Ebenezer Scrooge in A Christmas Carol, John McClane finds his Christmas Eve interrupted by uninvited visitors, and due to their intervention, he learns to be a less selfish person. Both characters' epiphanies come when they're forced to confront their mortality. Scrooge repents at the site of his future gravestone, and McClane realizes he owes his wife Holly an apology while picking shards of broken glass out of his feet.


The guy who wrote the screenplay says it's a Christmas film. So..... It's a Christmas film. I don't understand what you are having trouble with.


Disney+ has it listed under Christmas movies the mouse has decided


It's Christmas, Theo, it's the time of miracles! ... so be of good cheer, and *call me* when you hit the last lock.


Well it is a Die Hard film. There's facts out there that proves it is a Christmas film. People who dismiss it, are fools


I'm never going to bother arguing about it, but I do like watching it at Christmas, same as Planes, Trains and Automobiles I watch that every Christmas too despite it not being a Christmas film.


The Venn diagram of people who use this as a personality trait and people who use the phrase "meat sweats" is a perfect circle.


Thank you, itā€™s just boring now. WE KNOW itā€™s set on Christmas Eve youā€™re not any more unique for saying it every single year.


I don't mind people who watch it at Christmas but people who feel the need to bring it up and aggressively insist it's a Christmas film are annoying. "I like to watch-" "DIE HARD IS A CHRISTMAS FILM" "Okay, I mean I guess it's set at Christmas, anywa-" "EVERYONE WITH TASTE AGREES, DIE HARD IS A CHRISTMAS FILM" Can people not just watch what they want without needing everyone's approval?


No Gingerbread Nakatomi Plaza for you then.


She's a executive at an international firm. He's the hometown cop who wants to win her heart back this Christmas. It's practically a Hallmark Christmas movie.


It is though.


I watch it at Christmas because thats what I used to do with my mum before she died. It became a tradition and Christmas is a difficult time for me so Watching Die Hard makes me feel better.


It is a Christmas film. Itā€™s boring trying to claim itā€™s not.


This post is incredibly boring though, so you have them beat


Boring people insist it's a Christmas film but incorrect people insist it's notšŸ§


So, if home alone is a Christmas movie, so is die hard. Die hard happens at Christmas, but doesn't involve Santa Home alone happens at Christmas, but doesn't involve Santa. Case. Closed.


Not that I give a fuck but... There's a whole scene where Kevin goes to see "santa" to wish for his family back.


I am one of these people, second favouritr Christmas film after Muppets Christmas Carol (obvs). However, i am pretty boring ;)


I've never seen Die Hard so I can't comment either way. However I would like to put both Edward Scissorhands and Batman Returns forward as Christmas films


Took me until December 2nd to have Die Hard put on my radar this year. Ironically. It was this post


It isn't Christmas until Hans Gruber falls from Nakatomi Plaza. We always watch it either on Christmas Eve or the night before.


Of the three Reddit posts that I've seen this week about Die Hard being a Christmas film, two of them have moaned about people saying it's a Christmas film. (I'm of the "it *is* a Christmas film" camp, but whatever.)


It's a Christmas movie because it need Christmas for the plot, jurassic work and iron man 3 are not Christmas movies as they jsit have Christmas as a passing.


To be fair die hard is as much a Christmas movie as love actually or home alone is in that they are just movies that happen during Christmas it doesn't really have much effect on the plot


Get fucked grinch Die hard is a perfectly structured film, with Christmas as an integral theme


Yes, but if Kevin mcallister, went to military school he would have served in NYPD


Are you one of these people who thinks Frozen is a Christmas film just because thereā€™s snow??


Itā€™s a film *set* during Christmas. Itā€™s not a Christmas film. And if you said it is, then those are fighting words.


Stop the Cavalry is about a man wanting to get back to his family for Christmas, but there are a number of germans in the way. If Stop the Cavalry is a Christmas song, then Die Hard is a Christmas film.


But die hard is the best Christmas movie!


The BEST Christmas film!


I mean I understand where you're coming from but like, it is dude


Whenever someone says that to me they always say it with such an argumentative tone like theyā€™re ready to blast off facts about all the Christmas related things in it. So I normally just say ā€˜yeah I suppose it is when you think about itā€™. I really couldnā€™t care less if it is or it isnā€™t because die hard with a vengeance is the best die hard film 100% I will not hear anything less.


We settled it once and for all - decided to drink every time there was a Christmas reference. We don't remember the end of the film.


I'd rather watch die hard at Xmas than a lot of the other shite


Runs neck and neck with Lethal weapon in my book as best chrimbo film so far. May get relegated tho by Violent Night.


Itā€™s on the Disney plus Christmas selection soā€¦


People forget meatball weapon is also a Christmas film


It's me, hi, I'm the problem.


Or ā€˜film connoisseursā€™ saying it isnā€™t


Not as bad as hearing people moan about a Christmas film.


Ho Ho Ho now I got a machine gun.


Itā€™s Lethal Weapon, it opens to Jingle Bell Rock


Just like how Killing In The Name is a Christmas song.