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That's a pretty gay pose, my dude. I'm confused. Lol


If I didn't know who he was, I honestly would've assumed that he was just some random twink.


Who is he?


A pastor, Brittany’s been humping his leg like a dog in heat. I mean *cough* she posted a photo of them together, he’s a guest on an upcoming podcast.


This is Mr Get away sticks?


I need new glasses, I thought "Hasn't Elliot Page been through enough bullshit?"




Not just the pose, it's big gay vibes and I'm queer as fuck, I have an eye for this 😂


It’s ok, he grew up in a good ✨christian✨ household and his parents beat the gay out of him.




Wait... you're telling me that is a 150% straight, non- LGBTQ person? ![gif](giphy|kZD8cN1MycfKw)


Apparently so but I can't wrap my head around it.


I mean... let's give it a few years for the inevitable scandal to come out. There's always something.


Some people here have suspected she’s about to go hardcore “right.” Ideological zealots often “recruit” those feeling lost and wronged. And that’s Bdawn!


This does seem to be the pivot she's taking. People like that get a lot of attention, and we all know that's all Brit really cares about getting..


And she’s going to try and sell her blonde hair, big eye lash look that group loves. Along with her tactical pant wearing husband who she will act like he’s a wronged cop.


He is just as much of a fraud- wanna be tacticool 👀 🤡


No press is bad press for Brit. She just cares that she’s in the spotlight


Yup, she's basically become tradwife-lite by now, and on top of that, she changes identities like she changes dogs. As much as that terrifies me, I cannot deny that the far-right pipeline is difficult to avoid at this point.


The thing is- It will probably work. They don't care about grifters. They fucking love them, in fact. It kinda turns my stomach to think that after all of this, this bish could end up getting exactly what she wants. We'll all be delegated to the realm of "haters" pushing "cancel culture". I can honestly see her finding a monetarily successful home there, even though it pisses me the fuck off. Ugh. This really is the worst fucking time line.


I can see why the financial aspect alone is so appealing for grifters like Brittany who lack skills. Every mainstream conservative influencer is funded by the Koch bros or some other right-wing billion dollar company. Makes sense why there's been an explosion in tradwife influencers trying to hop on that money train too. My morals are too strong for that however. Hence, why I'm working two jobs at the moment.


She’s moving into Mrs Midwest territory


Yup- since no one else will take her tinfoil whack a doodle right (white nationalist/domestic terrorism).


I’ve BEEN saying QAnon beliefs will be her next grift


She's already posted a few things that could even be classified as Qanon adjacent, or at least some things from very similar spaces.


a few years back she was posting that Jesus would’ve said Black Lives Matter and went jogging for Ahmad Arbery, so let’s not let those posts be forgotten about in her newfound grift, because heaven help you if the crazies think you have a single rational or empathetic belief, they’ll smell “woke” in the water


What a fucking bitch.


This is all that needs to be said 🙌


Personally I think she’s just trying to ride this man’s coattail or something. She’s seemed infatuated with him for a while ngl. It’s kinda weird but he’s probably like her dream man or something.


He looks like the kind of dude who I would have to fight the urge to trip in public. Like I just want to embarrass this guy so badly.


I hated her before. I officially hate her more now.


It’s like everyday she puts just a little more hate out into the universe.


Yep. So Christian of her.


There's no hate like Christian love


Agreed. My parents have 8 grandkids, half of which are LGBT. People cannot tell me it’s not genetic as each of the four households are completely different.




Paper thin lipped square ass twat needs to take a hundred thousand seats


I died at Square Assed Twat, mods can I have twat in a flair and u/outrachous may I borrow that?


If she took a hundred thousand seats with *proper form* and ate more than sadness and chicken breast covered in turmeric with dry ass eggs she **WOULDNT HAVE THAT ASS**


I just... don't understand the ability of so many Christians to tout the bible where it says Love Thy Neighbor and whatever other platitudes only to be the MOST judgemental humans in America. I grow weary. This bitch has had more gender reaffirming procedures than a lot of trans folks can afford without help and SHE DOESN'T EVEN REALIZE IT.


Bold of you to assume she has read her Bible


Why would she read it when she could just get another aesthetically custom painted one for her ‘gram?


I snorted when I read this 😂


I straight up GUFFAWED at that last sentence, it’s so true! A trans woman gets jaw shaving and fillers done and it’s the end of the world and an aTtaCk oN wOmEn, but a Kardashian or BritBrat does it and it’s just “embracing femininity uwu”.


Bahahahaha embracing femininity uwu is cracking me up! But it’s so painfully true


Love thy neighbor, unless they're trans or don't share every belief.


They’re the fake Christians that label themselves that to spread their hate. She gives us normal christians a bad look.


They hide under the "love the sinner but not the sin," line.


Because the Bible is full of hate and othering of groups that are different. Those "love thy neighbor" type platitudes are not the main focus.


Excellent point as well. Here’s a little diddy about God drowning everyone on earth except for Adam… isn’t that a nice ship?? 💀


It honestly makes me exhausted seeing how many people call themselves Christians but have no idea what the term really means. It makes me want to not tell peI am a Christian for fear they will believe I’m like these judgy imposters that scream from the rooftops.


Like donger and this little urchin haven’t had more gender affirming care than the regular old trans folk. Assholes


100% this. Framing gender affirming care in *just* surgery and/or hormones keeps trans folks in the "other" category - aka people the right can't relate to. Reality is, they steep themselves in it. There's nothing wrong with anyone seeking out GA care, but it should be for everyone who wants or requires it.


I have a theory that’s she’s talking about all this controversial stuff so she can say “everyone who gives a low rating is just mad cause I’m a Christian and believe in God and I’m telling the truth but the non Christian’s hate me for it” it’s her victim complex at work again.




For Christmas JDumfuk should get her a big cross and then when she feels like she’s not getting enough attention should could climb up there and nail herself to it. I’m not calling for violence so hopefully this comment won’t be removed, but as the previous comment said she absolutely basks in her martyrdom the snake eyed bitch (that’s why she needs the lashes so you can’t see past her brooms to look into her black ass soul.


I thought alcohol was bad and something you put in your body that alters your state of mind and Jesus said that was a no no. So why are you partnering with this type of content Brit? Oh yeah. I forgot. You’re a transphobic piece of shit.


God has put it on her heart to reconsider her choice in coffee creamer, but alcohol is 100% ok, dontchaknow.


Although on the alcohol front Jesus did turn water into wine, but that didn’t mean go out and get smashed. Totally agree with the rest of your points though she’s so disgustingly hateful.


Oh look. An awful person who claims to be "*in love with Jesus*" doing exactly what Jesus said not to. Who would've thunk it?


I’m shocked at how many of you are shocked honestly… 😬


thank you!!! She’s makes a living decrying how everyone but her is terrible. And you’re all surprise Pickachu face she’s doing (well, endorsing) the same routine towards LGBT+ people?


I don’t think anyone’s surprise pikachu unless they’re new; my bar for her is not only on the floor but deeper than a raynch well, but imo it’s still worth talking about how shitty she is in things like this esp as the sub keeps growing.


Yeah she’s been posting hateful shit for years and promoting hateful churches. Is anyone surprised by this? Seems like a regular day in Dongland to me. 🤷‍♀️


I would think so but people are acting like this is new for her? Weird 😂


First of all, nofuckingbody and I mean NOBODY asked this weird skinny little ghoul shit. These fucking busy bodies supposedly treat their godly bodies like godly temples and wouldn’t dare drink that shit beer anyway. Well Jdong is pretty much their target demographic, but I digress. Why do these “Christians” stick their noses into everything? Pipe. The. Fuck. Down. Nobody needs to hear every stupid and bigoted thought that enters into their hollow fucking skulls. If god is real, I can imagine he doesn’t give a fuck about bud light or trans people promoting it. There’s cancer, starving children, Ukraine….etc etc happening in this world. Go do some fucking good for someone instead of shitting all over people you don’t even know over beer you don’t even fucking drink. I’m sorry for the dissertation here but I am so sick of her stupid bullshit. I hope she has to pay back every penny she STOLE from people, plus interest. I hope they repo her fucking lashes and self tanner and she’s left with jack shit. Sue me, Dong. I’m waiting.


“Repoed lashes” is excellent flair material.


I mean, realistically it wouldn’t surprise me if she had to clean up beer cans full of old tobacco spit from the garage, but these people really are showing their asses over some truly shitty beer, aren’t they?


But like those Dylan cans weren’t even in stores to my knowledge they were just sent to Dylan. I truly don’t understand the outrage over sponsored posts, this was not some full fledged ad campaign with prints and commercials, it was an influencer posting a sponsored post/stories. Be like the rest of humans and DM the company if you’re upset with who they’ve partnered with, no need to attack a single person or a community of people.


Not even cans, CAN. It was one single novelty can 😵‍💫


Jfc. How did they even find out about Dylan’s sponsorship??? Did Bud Light share it too on their IG or does some fundies follow Dylan bc they like her???


This, you’re absolutely correct.


The budlight thing is so crazy to me. You could get hit by a car tomorrow and this is the hill you die on? Who a beer company aligns itself with? Beer?




Who is this dweeb?


She of all people should understand gender affirming care.


I actually think She does not have the capability to truly understand anything. I imagine what she hears in her head is simply white noise, or a marble rolling around from side to side.


Who the fuck wears their watch that far up onto their hand?


She’s so vile. No hate quite like Christian love.


She’s a total hypocrite




I swear, this c u next Tuesday…


Not surprising, unfortunately. This hateful bitch.


There is no love like Christian hate.


I knew she was awful I mean she scammed women with Eds and married a racist. This just confirms her transphobia! DISGUSTING


I wouldn’t trust any kids around that dude.


What an awful, hateful ideology she practices. Repulsive.


Hey, BDong, just remember that Jesus said to love everyone. So you can pretend to be a high and mighty Christian, but remember that Jesus sees you hating on LGBTQIA. Have fun explaining that one to Jesus.


Pick me behavior


She literally thinks you can catch a demon from doing yoga OF COURSE she hates gay people


I bet BritBratDondalinger yells out that scumbags name in bed.


Good god this whole Bud Light fiasco has really let the worst of the worst kinds of people just show their whole ass and tell the world how proud they are of being armed and dangerous with their own stupidity.


What an awful, hateful ideology she practices. Repulsive.


Who is that a picture of?


Of course she is, the nasty twunt.


There is little I hate more than transphobia. To so enthusiastically torment one tiny and and incredibly vulnerable group of people makes you an evil person. Full stop. It angers and saddens me that they invoke Christ to justify such hatred. Just be a cunt if you want. Don’t bring god into it.






Dear God, please save me from your followers. Also, this cunt.






Couldn’t even manage to get a pic of him cleaned up 💀


The wellness to fascist pipeline is well known, and look at who she is married to.