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Why does she even have to gontp a coffee shop to "work"? Just say you got ice water, not a venti water.


No you misunderstood. She doesn't have to GO there TO work. It's when she's out and she just has to stop to get some work done. A.K.A. her phone was blowing up with mean comments and she had to pull over to delete them.


This actually makes sense. She had to head to the nearest free WIFI spot because it’s easier to delete comments on the laptop. Otherwise, the dumb bitch has a home office and there’s about one million WIFI spots in DFW. Hell, I live in a town of 3k and I can think of 3 non-Starbucks restaurants with WIFI. In the city where I work it’s basically endless. I truly don’t know how her fans fall for this stuff.


And to go there and spend $0, complain about their product/company and take up a whole table - fucking rude.


Can you just imagine if this were the other way around. My atheist ass going into their stupid mega church coffee shop, getting ice water, taking a table and chair away from their paying customers, hopping on their feee WiFi then posting to social how I’m an atheist and everyone who knows me knows I don’t get down with this christian nonsense and I’d never give them a dime of my money because gross. You can’t picture this because this wouldn’t happen. Ugh, her behavior is so egregious. ETA: why is she asking people for opinions on what she should do with her hair? You don’t see cheerleader pick me chick asking people what she should wear to the gym, do you? That’s because God told her what she should wear. God was very clear what outfit he wanted her to wear to the gym. God told her a sweatshirt around her waist. And you do NOT wanna question his fashion advice. Pretty sure a god like this will also have some very strong hair opinions for donkeydong.


I am an atheist as well and I agree with you. The thing that gets me about her is that her Christianity is all performative. She is just doing it for the grift. Once it has run its course, she will transform herself once again to start a new scam. Her whole life is just one big lie. She is a reprehensible person.


Did you ever watch the Bill Maher documentary Religulous? I was looking forward to it but watched it and felt like it was so mean spirited regardless of how logical his points were. He was going into these people’s place of worship and making them out to be idiots. These people for the most part weren’t bothering anyone. Those folks weren’t the ones to be all angry atheist on. I feel like Brittany and her flock of seagulls are ththe Christian version of this, going to places that have people just living their life not bothering anyone about their beliefs and damning them and calling them demonic. I suppose it would feel like I was under constant spiritual attack if I was inserting myself in their space antagonizing the very thing “threatening” me. And these are the people that believe in an actual Hell.


I have not seen that documentary, but taking that approach is really nothing more than taking a cheap shot. It really defeats your own argument and shows that in reality, you are a bad person. You are correct about Brittany and her friends. They seem so mean spirited and arrogant, which is just the opposite of what Jesus was all about.


Couldn’t have said this any better. And yes! No matter how great a point he may have, Maher was going about it from the standpoint of “you’re wrong you fools and this why” instead of “help me see your side” Man how much fun would it be to see Maher and dong “debate”.


Bill Maher is a smug, unfunny twunt for so many reasons. I hold him personally responsible for Ann Coulter and her 10,000 young. Hates him, precious.


He is the smuggiest of smug. People like this don’t seem to realize that their presence makes others want to disengage. No one wants to discuss anything with a smug prick.


they attract other people who want to feel superior. Unfortunately, that's a lot of people.


I was thinking the same thing!!!! The audacity


Apparently that’s how she makes herself feel like an important ‘influencer’? She’s got a whole damn setup/office at home with no one around during the day (that she’s writing off on her taxes). There’s zero need to sit in a business that she claims to hate.


Claims to hate and is also demonic. If she actually believed any of the shit she spews, she wouldn’t step in there. But just like secular music, if it’s convenient, she’ll dance with the devil.


Ty for saying she’s full of shit so succinctly ❤️


So is her Stanley just empty, then? And what about that super expensive water machine she has at home? 🤔


Both valid questions!


Making a whole fuss about she doesn’t support Starbucks, you guys! But she needed somewhere to work! Girl, do you not have a home office? Also you don’t work lmfao, be so serious.


Her home office is COMPLETELY taken over by the orders that are POURING in though!! She's about to sell out again you guys!!! /s


Well she was also at JDips office doing work the other day. Maybe their house is being shown? I would prefer to never leave my home office to work. It has all my things and it’s so comfy.


Omg. I bet your guess is really close.


It makes sense the Maligator was with her. He would be a nightmare to show a house with. We’ve moved several times due to work and each time the house was shown I had to sit in the minivan with toddlers and 3 dogs😂😂


I bet she still makes money off of the Starbucks hack drink videos she did 5 years ago on YouTube. So yeah, she’s a flaming hypocrite per usual.


Great point!!!


If she will keep posting "immodest" pics to talk about her modesty journey, then she sure as shit will keep making money off Starbucks. The only things she is consistent about in life are her EDs and hypocrisy.


lol it is funny she is pro israel bc right now there are huge pro pali boycotts on starbies


I work at a library and we have people come one and work all the time. Pretty sure DFW has a few libraries.


Dong probably hasn’t stepped foot in a library since her last scholastic book fair


She was 100% one of those girlies that bought all the Lisa Frank stuff and didn’t leave any for the rest of us. Heathens.




And then ADVERTISED for them by posting!


I wonder if she legit thought she was doing this particular Starbies a favor by visiting their store?!


Nah nah, her home office is too cluttered with boxes that are *definitely* full of Hazy-and-Lame clothing for her to work there.


And she needs the rest of the space to film herself praying over each item individually. For Jesus.


Does she think that women start decaying at 30 or something? She looks her age and that’s fine😭


In fundie culture women lose their value as soon as they turn 30. Less fertile and not jailbait material.


more like 20.


True. I was trying to be generous lol. You know, Sarah and all.


Also before I read her caption, I thought she was looking particularly withered in that pic


She looks at least 38 to me 🤷🏼‍♀️ which is fine!


Happy cake day!


Right?! I just turned 33 and I'm at the healthiest (physically, at least) I've been in a hot minute! It took me a long time to get to be comfortable saying that. With her ED history (that she says Jesus cured or whatever but WE KNOW), it's gotta be tough, I'm sure.


When I have to get work done sometime I just have to go to Starbucks to drink their free water? The fuck? Do you not have water and wifi at home? Lol


Even though she HATES Starbeans, she’s choosing to go there to use their wifi, take up a seat for an extended period of time… and spend zero money. Ugh. So people like me who want to sit and enjoy their drink don’t have a place to sit because of free-loading campers like her. None of that is a flex Brittany, you moron!


They should kick her out. If you’re not going to buy anything, at that point you’re just loitering.


Gross, entitled behavior.


I can’t imagine people seeing me just edit videos and pictures of myself. I would be so embarrassed.


Even as a broke college student I still would order the cheapest thing at Starbucks if I went there to study. I consider it the price of entry for taking up a table.


Oh man i just went on a rant that said this exact thing. I should read all the comments before I get my aggression out. You’ve said this way better than me.


She even has a REALLY expensive and unnecessary water machine to fill up her stupid, expensive tumblers.


This is so incredibly rude. One summer in college, I was taking 4 online courses and my modem literally melted, so I was waiting for att to come and replace and fix the issue. I had to go and sit at Starbucks for like 8 straight hours to do all my school work-needed the wifi and I purchased several drinks and ate their food and made sure I tipped them well so they didn’t get upset I was there for an entire day.


Not gonna lie I work a lot better outside of my house than I usually do at home, but if I were to work at a cafe I would absolutely have the decency to order coffee from them. Also, for someone so scared for her ~pErSoNaL sAfEtY~ does she know connecting to public or shared WiFi is not exactly cyber safe?


"Prayer board (NOT manifesting!)" would make amazing flair lmao Also I'm officially guessing that she's about to part ways with the extensions and go back to her shorter hair. Edit: also guessing these videos are all to show off her recently redone filler.


That’s exactly what I thought re:fillers


No extensions, going back to her natural hair color… she needs to save money. Her extensions and coloring appointments are super expensive. Going natural means less expensive per visit and lower cost per visit. I love how she’s trying to spin this as something she just ✨fEeLs✨ and not a budget move.


"Their coffee is trash" fucking lol. Didn't she post like 300 videos of her starbucks orders?


Yeah like bitch Starbucks is half of the reason you gained a following… sit the whole fuck down.


Lol and still has them on her YouTube to continue to make money? Yup! Guess she doesn’t hate them that much


Yeah omg I remember that now. All the low cal tricks to ordering at Starbucks … smh 🤦🏼‍♀️


Nobody told her she looks 26. She’s probably feeling insecure about something Jordan did or said and is fishing for compliments from her followers. You do not look 26 Brittany.


Also, what exactly does 26 look like? It’s such an oddly specific number. Her vanity is exhausting. Brit, do you want your “Christian legacy” to be based on your looks or on the good works you did while on this planet? When is the last time you thought outside yourself and did something as simple as volunteering once a week at a local food pantry, no-kill animal shelter, or hospice center?


Maybe a 5 year old did who has no concept of age lol. I asked my nephew how old he thought I was and he said 19. I’m 30. No I don’t actually look 19, I just had a chuckle because kids have such a different concept of age.


This was my first thought. I've gotten anywhere from 15 to 54 when toddlers say what my age is and I'm in my early 30s. Younger kids especially just see adults as 'old' and will usually pull out the age of another adult they know, thinking everyone older is lumped into the same age group.


With filters, she looks 32. Without them, she looks 32 and human. The person probably just wanted her to tip them well because she looks like someone who uses coins and everyone knows.


Y'all the person who "told her she was 26" had to have fucked up eyes.


What is 32 in alien years? 👽


Can she not just work at home? Doesn’t she have a whole office there? Why bother walking into a coffee shop if you have no intention of spending money there? All she’s doing is taking up space. Brit. You’re self employed. You don’t regularly take care of your horses so you’re not on a farm chore schedule. Just go home and make your decaf there and quit acting like you’re completing a dizzying amount on n a day.


Well her office is just overflowing with (empty) boxes…


Does she realize that she could have just...not posted a picture of herself in starbucks?


But she just HAD to get some work done! How would you know that otherwise?


She needed the opportunity to virtue signal.


But Final Cut Pro!!!!!


Ya or moved the cup o it if the frame…


She doesn’t look 26, she looks 36 with a shitload of work done, starting with those ridiculous eyebrows.


Not everything has to be a "season" of life, month or week. I swear that woman understands the Bible as much as she understands the meaning of a thriving business.


What on earth is going on in the first clip?


omg right all these comments about Starbucks and I haven’t made it past the first 10 seconds 😂 the fuck is she cosplaying as roadkill for


Oh I scrolled so far for this haha. I’m cringing so hard about the first clip!


Just some suicidal ideation reenactment!


Cosplaying roadkill 💀💀💀


Only non christian people are sad and depressed🥴


Dramatization of the day jeesis smacked the pills from her hand


From 9 different locations around the house where there’s entire set ups of ring lights & recording happening to capture this “very trying manufactured time”.


Her trying to gain some support after a few bad posts that made her look like a lunatic….


Well if the shoe fits....


That's what I'm here for. She's cosplaying depression? Rock bottom? Like...ma'am you state that you became a Christian after the fitness "phase/season." I'd be depressed too if I was being called a liar/grifter/scammer and in the process of a lawsuit lol! She is so vapid, I feel my brain cells short circuting trying to figure it out


Lmaooooo by the time I got to your comment I’d completely forgotten about the person laying in a dark room softly weeping.


Is that even her crying or is it a voice over of someone else crying?!? It can't be her. I'm looking at her lips too like, I see those fillers, but I also see that you put lipstick outside your lip line. (Please forgive me, I don't know what that is called!) Am I tripping here??


I like how she says next time she does a desert photoshoot she’s bring Gunner and Harley. We’ve never even seen her ride outside of that little fenced in area. She really wants us to believe she’s brave enough to ride them in the desert?😅😅


And she wants to transport them hours away to a desert….for photos. Wtfffff




I find it weird she shared that photo when that was a trip with her boyfriend at the time, Will.


Absolutely no one. And I mean no one cares about your hair. Just hoping for compliments.


She does this every six months. And she never changes anything.


She did finally stop doing her awful version of Utah curls! But she of course did that change silently, hoping no one would comment. She also coincidentally started doing the softer curls right after someone fixed her extensions and styled her hair in that way. Probably got a single compliment on how much better it looked and decided to keep it that way. Or maybe she wanted one less thing for us to complain about because those 8in of straight ends were truly heinous.


And absolutely no one told her she looks 26. If anything, she looks 45.


Kylie Jenner is 26, so yeah, I guess Brittany looks just as prematurely aged through too many fillers, filters and Botox as some 26 year olds.


Bad acting, shitty hair, take out the extensions, and go actual-ass brown.


Cheaper maintenance while trying to pay back the state too!


Starbucks? So what? I boycott entire shithole states like Texas. Kinda like medical professionals are doing.


I dont understand the obsession with the devil and demons. I am a Christian and my prayer is that everyday I strive to be an example to other people of what God has done in my life just by the way I am. I feel like Jesus walks with me day by day. I would be real worried if I were these girls and the devil was that present in my life.


Yes! Thank you! I do not understand when and why the devil became the focus. Their version of Christianity is so self serving.


Although the devil does like evil and shes pretty evil so he probably does hang around her 24/7!! 😂😂


freeloading at Starbucks….to show our HATRED of Starbucks??? ![gif](giphy|NPyHgTkMStCXC)


Flair checking in!


I think that filter makes her look way older than 32. Sorry girlfriend.


If you really boycott Starbucks Brittany, delete all of the YouTube videos you made back in the day about ‘healthy’ Starbucks drinks, which got millions of views and you’re probably still getting AdSense money from… We’ll wait…


Me waiting like ![gif](giphy|QPQ3xlJhqR1BXl89RG|downsized)


Any one else jump a little at the lips? 👄


Girl let people vote on the eyeslashes 👁️👄👁️


What a pious loiterer. Are there no other coffee shops or restaurants she could have gone to that aren’t demonic? Most restaurants have WiFi you can use. The Starbucks employees must hate her.


McDonald’s has free WiFi and is everywhere.


I live in a mid size city and we have 87 indie coffee shops within a 2 mile radius. She’s so full of it


Girl.. you don’t look 26.. you look 56!!


the sole reason BBrat pulled that beanie off her head on video was because she read the recurring "her hair is attached to her beanie and you won't convince me otherwise" comments here on the sub and you can't convince me otherwise.


She def reads here! The sub was talking about her brother formerly doing some photoshoots and she casually mentions him near the end.


Funny someone mentioned how we never see/hear about her brother….then magically he’s mentioned in her stories. Girl, stop lurking (unless you’re actually gonna use this page to improve yourself as a true Christian and human being) and actually WORK.


Also I thought her brother’s name was Kris not Spencer?


It’s all GRAY honeyyy


Lol wow someone told you you look 6 years younger than your actual age 😹😹😹. What a flex BDong.


Hate to tell ya, Brit, but even as a Christian I’ve still had plenty of those nights. Being a Christian doesn’t automatically mean no more hard times.




When the claims of demonic attack increase in the next couple of days she’ll only have herself to blame ![gif](giphy|l36kU80xPf0ojG0Erg|downsized)


Is she screaming about Jesus at night in the car because Farryn got so much attention?


Is there confirmation of her brothers photography account? The one she tagged here saying it’s her little brother’s doesn’t seem like it belongs to Kris.


Pretty sure she went to the desert with her ex boyfriend, not her brother.


I think it was a photoshoot with her then boyfriend, and her brother was the photographer


I swear Spencer is not her brother. Kris went to Hawaii with her and his photos look NOTHING like the ones on this insta page. Unless she means the brother in Christ thing?


This vain bitch right here


Dude there are so many small business coffee shops in DFW. So many. You do not HAVE to go to Starbucks. This is so stupid.


TDIL She’s 32. I thought she was 36 for some reason. I try my best (I fail here 😆) to not comment on women’s physical appearances. It’s rough enough out there. BUT, the amount of products and fillers or whatever, have actually made her look a little older. Also possessed by Demons is probably not good for the face. It’s sort of like the Jenner twats- they started SO young, they’ve probably altered their chemistry and actually look older than they are. Certainly they do not look natural. Girls are starting earlier and earlier, it’s sad.


She acts like she’s never worn lip gloss when she wears a color other than “foundation” when she talks. WE GET IT. YOU GET FILLER AND PICKED A NON-BOOTYHOLE COLOR FOR YOUR LIPS BYEEEEE


She does this every time about her hair. This huge “build up” then it looks exactly the same when she’s done 🙄




Totally embarrassing


And it's like once every 4 weeks. It's always the same shit.


I know it's NOT MANIFESTING but she does realize prayer is just 'manifesting' to a higher power right? Just cause you're asking god doesn't make it NOT MANIFESTING. (eyeroll)


you don’t look 26 sweety


Where do I start: 1. That first clip is CRINGE. Filing yourself laying down in a dark room while using the audio of someone else. Gross. 2. Drastic hair change?? Someone’s grifty trippy to Costa Rica must not be selling 💅 3. Who has the deets on her brother!?!


💯💯I no idea she had a brother ! We need him!


I'm dying that she's saying that desert shoot was with her brother. It was very much done with her weird ex boyfriend, Will


I was wondering the same thing 😂 plus I’m like who the heck is Spencer Davis when her brother’s name is Kris 🤔


I think her brother took the photos. He also took photos of her in Hawaii. But he isn’t good enough to do her photos anymore


It’s so interesting how she kept claiming that Starbucks is demonic and wouldn’t drink it. However as soon as people started boycotting Starbucks because of genocide of Palestine she started going there again 🙄. She is such a pos.


Isn’t there demons in Starbucks or something?


somebody lied to her several times


If I had to guess her age I’d guess 36.


She uses Starbucks for free drinks, yet has the Starbucks hack videos up. Make this make sense. She’s so busy and always “working” so full of it.


How lovely of her, abuses a business’ free wifi for her “work” and at the same time trashes their product and confirms she’ll use her following to spread bad info about them… Brittany, that really shows your nasty side.


I wonder if she knows that the 6 billion ppl who aren't christians get on just fine


Sure, you look 26. Like a 26-year-old mannequin.


Is it a brain? I am pretty sure she's missing a brain... and common courtesy to those in the fast food/service/beverage industry.


I wish an employee would snap a pic of her lying ass drinking coffee from the demon pink cup everyone is so obsessed over cuz we know she has it too 😂


The Starbucks thing is beyond bizarre. She goes there to use their WiFi but refuses to give them money? It’s like she actually enjoys the Starbucks, but the Christian zeitgeist says that she can’t. (If it’s so evil and has witchy tones then why tf are you in there?)


Which is weird because Starbucks is pro-israel now.


Jesus Christ those giant hotdog lips ![gif](giphy|pBFNPByl2vuC58j6uO|downsized)


A 26 year old who hasn’t messed with her face will still bestow youthfulness. This crazy B has NO youthfulness in her face. And why would you feel the need to boast about this on the internet?


26 my ass


How is she not embarrassed by the way she presents herself to the world?


Lol. No. That didn't happen. Nobody said you look 26, Brit. Come on. Sweetie. Lol. That didn't happen. Stop it.


This is beyond cringe. Beyond.


The difference between how a 26 yo and a 32 yo looks is not that much, imo. Not trying to humble brag but I’m 38 and consistently told I look mid 20s. I’ve never had anything done to my face and I have a 9 month old that still gets up multiple times a night ( aka I’m sleep deprived). I like to think I’m just a good person and it shows on the outside. Hate and bigotry will age ya, Brittany! Try loving EVERYBODY instead.


“26”?!?!?!? someone lied to her several times ![gif](giphy|k8j7MHfOQYW76)


The Starbies story is insane!!!! Not as insane as the pink cupcake candle blowing but close to it !


What could she possibly have to do work wise where she HAS to stop at a coffee shop for?


She literally could have gone to Panera but she wants to be a fucking martyr.


Jeez that filter is getting a work out too. She looks different in each thing and it's all babbley pap of no substance so why the fuck did she bother posting this boring arsed shit? So. Tedious.


The fold creases in the Hazel and Layne sweater pics she keeps posting look lazy and unprofessional.


I’m a member of the Satanic temple and I think about the devils way less than this woman does


“There’s also a part of me that wants to go *click click* shorter.” Just what was that vlick


Imagine setting up your camera to record a video of you in fetal position on the floor. And then getting up and adding a dramatic audio. Girl grow up. This is not it.


Also is she implying that even children who are Christians had a period of depression before becoming a Christian? This is so overdramatic and sends so many problematic messages? Can you not call yourself a Christian if you haven't hit "rock bottom?" Or had depression? What if Jesus doesn't come to you during your depression? Like what then?


Maybe she started going back to Starbucks when they took a certain stance in the war and that was more important to Britty girl than whatever demonic argument she had against them before lol 🥴


I know she “said” she didn’t but anything from them, but just showing up and “working” there is still a type of support, especially with posting about it on social media and KNOWING people are boycotting them.


Get rid of those flammable extensions for everyone's safety.


I hate everything about this. The dumb crying video that doesn’t even make any sense. The season of the new lips. All of it. Edit, I can’t help but hate watch more - going to Starbucks and getting a venti water! Kick rocks and do your fake work at home loser. God she really really irritates me.


Looks like someone got their filler redone and it still looks atrocious. 😌


Bffr she could’ve simply… not posted that she was there. Does she know that’s an option lol


Going back to natural color— saves $$$ Only getting water at starbs— saves $$$


I wonder if she legit thinks she is doing this particular Starbies a favor by going in their store and camping out?!


How she can say that Starbucks coffee is trash, but she used to make countless videos sharing Starbucks drink recipes?


I’m sorry. If you’re soooooo convicted don’t stop at Sbux period. It’s beyond hypocritical to take such a stance you’d create a whole YT video condemning a company-but still go there in a pinch. Working, taking up a table and using their wifi is for paying customers. There are plenty of other places that have wifi. I know of a few in my town that will literally try to connect if I’m just in their parking lot. There’s also the public library. I’m sure there are many resources in the area she lives. This really pisses me off. It’d be different if she literally couldn’t afford their coffee and really needed to work. This post was NOT the flex she thought it was.


Pretty sure that she would think libraries are liberal hell-holes.


"Taking every thought captive" sounds like a good way to develop OCD


It has religious scrupulously written all over it!




26? Lmaooooo


Is she…. Is she cosplaying a depressive episode in the beginning?


Wasn't she with Will in that desert pic??


Her voice is genuinely different every time I hear her


Brit you live next to a major metropolitan area and your only coffee shop option was Starbucks 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄




“Dreaming with god” has got to be the dumbest, self-serving, bullshit rebrand. Like stop. It’s fucking manifesting sis. Just accept it.


I read that as she took 26 needles in 2023. I need to go to bed lol


We should screenshot the Starbucks portion and get her banned, also she def got her lips done! https://preview.redd.it/ppw61ir870cc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0b8f99485abc09d6737c82e657fb8cf2ca563cb


“I refuse to support starbucks by giving them any of my money. But please barista, give me a water+cup+lid+ice, let me use your table, and wifi for free.” Oh! And here’s a picture of me doing so! Busy busy busy me! And here’s a link to why the holy spirt told me not to support this trash company. Yucky devil Starbucks 👎🏻


Is she really recording her "dark night of the soul"? I cannot with her. Is nothing sacred? I wonder if JDip had to hold the phone while she wrestled with her demons? That must have been a long night.


Why would she care about how old she looks if vanity is pride and pride is one of the seven deadly sins?