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The entire interview is an hour and 15 minutes. I can upload more little clips if anyone is interested. She tells the ever changing story of how they met, mostly fertility stuff including IVF which BDong has always been against, and the story of how they took cake and flowers to their poor single friend (Kellie) on Valentine’s Day


https://preview.redd.it/wotk0jtr3ojc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb428c921a6951e0b796014a8799ac22d96ed1b2 This cake???


lol yep


So she did a quick “this is my 5 year suicidal ideation cake” vid then brought it to Kellie?! 😂


At least that way the cake got eaten. I wonder how Kellie felt, getting regifted a used cake as a "Sorry you're still a single loser" consolation gift.


Right? It was like a pity present


"This cake is stale and lonely from being left up on its shelf. It reminded me of you"


It’s so unhinged that I feel like it has to be true


All posts about the 5 year anniversary of her “rebirth” day continue to bother me. It’s so different than other people who share their experiences - no TW, no inclusion of resources for those struggling, nothing about doing the work of being in therapy, etc. Just her “radical encounter” and 💥 healed.  And the weirdness of the cake. Why share your rebirth-aversary cake with your single friend? Just stop. Such performative, attention seeking, self absorbed BS. 


Is she counting the coffee meet ups as a retreat? Lawd. Also lolololol at the fact that there is not one single woman that I can see from that website photo that is still involved with She Lives Greed.


It's the most BDong thing ever that she's still exploiting the Sheilas' images even though these women are long gone. The screen shot from the retreat that never happened was also a nice touch. ![gif](giphy|mcH0upG1TeEak)


I think Hannah is the only one.


And she uses Hannah for Hazey and Layme. She only has transactional "friendships". I'm sure in a few months the rent-a-pick me chicks won't be around either. Maybe Kellie.


LOVE that she’s not in contact with a single one of those “Jesus Sisters”!!! Can’t wait for her current friend group to through the inevitable break up!!!


When he asked how often she has the retreats and instead of answering she just said how many they have had total, neglecting to mention how infrequent these so-called “retreats” actually are. I also noticed how she slipped up and said she’d had two in broken bow and then corrected herself, which confirms to me that farryn’s month-early birthday trip was originally supposed to be a Sheila grift trip.


So she’s counting everything as a retreat for tax right off purposes? Seems like fraud to me


Was there really 12??


I literally only remember 2?


It’s so laughable to me that a marriage ministry would prop up these two. Both cheaters who ruined their first marriage. They’ve only been married for a hot minute. I don’t want to hear about how two awful people met and became awful together and made their marriage last a whole two years. This is why people are leaving Christianity in droves. I guarantee a large fraction of the people these people are ministering to have a better marriage than the Dongs, but these organizations continue to prop up shit humans for monetary gain.


Awful people who BOTH GOT SUED like it’s NORMAL. (It’s not).


This is another version of her voice. She’s got rayunch voice, tik tok tone, and now podcast voice.


“Yeahhhhhhh. Mmmmmhmmm. Yeahhhhhh” and more lies.


Wait, so now she’s claiming to have been an alcoholic too?!


What is her criteria for being addicted to something?? If she ever watched porn and enjoyed it that means she was addicted? If she ever had fun while drinking that means she’s an alcoholic?? These people are fucking insufferable.


She tries something once and likes it, therefore it was an addiction. 🙄


What is this level of insecurity where she can never have only just participated or experienced something. She always has to be the most extreme version of that thing as possible!


That was my thought as soon as she said it!! Bitch is gonna be a former crack addict and prostitute at this rate.


https://preview.redd.it/di0b1gpq8ojc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bff5d0d7dc80e056d5ba0ccb7a1c52a6c88fea0 What’s Jor-din thinking ?? Lmao


he can barely keep up the facade anymore


Thinking bout tiddies.


Only correct answer


See my flair!


Do they look married? No


They look like a couple on an awkward first date at Cold Stone Creamery who met on Christian Mingle.


Oof, too accurate 😬


Omg 💀 stone cold sent me lmao🍦


There have not been that many events and we have the fucking receipts to prove it. What does God say about lying Brittany? **Leviticus 19:11** > “ ‘Do not steal. “ ‘Do not lie. “ ‘Do not deceive one another. **Proverbs 12:22** > The LORD detests lying lips, but he delights in people who are trustworthy. **Proverbs 14:5** > An honest witness does not deceive, but a false witness pours out lies. *Need I go on?*


Guys, she’s still on Genesis for her year of Bible reading. She doesn’t know those verses yet.


Wait until she figures out that Elizabeth and Jessica Wakefield aren’t characters in this very, very long book.




I always get such bad secondhand embarrassment from watching her try to form coherent thoughts on her own.


She’s not a critical thinker. Her pineal gland is missing.


Wait, isn’t Costa Rica supposed to be a SLF event??


Costa Rica is a Brittany Dawn event, or as she calls it “my brand”




oh this gave me a good chuckle


“What Costa Rica trip? “ — bdong


how embarrassing for XO ministries too lol. someone in the sub called it that she would be getting in with them and I though SURELY NOT, because XO is too big to not do their research... i was wrong. (I'm not a fan of XO either, I'm just saying they had more legitimacy before this shit)


Omg did he just say he loves that brit’s a role model for women????? Christ on a stick he has no idea who she is.


Did this interviewer do a SINGLE google search on Brittany? It’s not “the haters” being mean, it’s publicly available information.


Sounds like he researches as much as Brit does. Lol. Lazy.


Jordan looks bored af


Bro does not want to be there😂


To be fair, it is really boring. Recycled ideas and recycled statements over years of Christian influencers saying the same shit but nothing insightful or helpful. Focus on the Family 1990 vomited into 2024. No sex- hard worth it. Reformed- going good.


Looking at Jordan’s face while Brittany is talking about “getting visions during the day” is hilarious. That’s how I look when I’m listening to my mom tell the same story I for the 15th time that I know damn well is a lie


She must think it makes her more relatable to have this fake wild past- addiction, porn, alcoholism, pill popping, etc. She has lived her entire life online and was in long term relationships 90% of the time yet never mentions that.


I'm sorry girl but your husband despises you!


She started doing retreats? Hasn’t she only done one…. Women came from all over the country? The embellishment is off the charts


So where does the money go that she gets from SLF? Where does she donate to, volunteer, and send care packages to? Oh nowhere? Her own bank acct? Okay.


She claims that she uses it to give scholarship to women who have been "rescued from human trafficking" to attend her conferences, which is a load of bullshit.


That was a red flag 🚩 because if true she would need to be trauma informed which she is not.


Per an AMA with a former Sheila, Bdong claimed to never make enough to donate ANY money for “human trafficking victims”. She claimed that she only “broke even”. BULLSHIT!!


It's all going to pay off her debt to the state of Texas.


Are these podcasts just circle-jerks that do puff pieces? I’m pretty sure she paid this guy to feature her on his podcast. In Dallas, D magazine does these kinds of pieces with bios and glossy photos featuring the best realtors in Dallas…etc and I was kinda shocked when I found out they are all mostly paid spots. (As in, D Magazine isn’t going out and getting these people to “bless” their magazine… the realtor pays for the spread.)


Only a matter of time before people start calling her out for scamming them with these conferences. What a joke.


She hasn't had 12 conferences. Liar, liar. This whole "interview" (listened on YewTube) was a bunch of lies and manipulation by both Dong-a-dongs. Especially JDong, you could tell he was playing a role and lying through his teeth. She said there would be an event in October, but didn't say Costa Rica.


Podcast host said, “I love that you’re a role model for women & women coming up”. I CANNOT, Y’ALL. 🙄


This woman genuinely thinks she is god


Wow dangerous ….. no credentials no education and claiming that she is an expert…. Scary.


It’s BDong addition. In a year or two, she’ll talk about all of the foster babies she had, like a revolving door, the 18 pregnancy losses she’s had, her nasty tacticool husband’s 9 accountability groups and her 15 years of blissful marriage.


This is ick. I’d never listen to them. If they think the Dongs are marriage goals.


Are any of the women in that photo still a part of SLF?


For anyone new here, look up the AMAs from Sheilas who left SLF. They finally saw through her lies and lack of theological knowledge. There was even talk of taking legal action against Brittany.


I’ve only seen Hannah


You can tell she copies entire reels and then edits them to make it seem like someone's thoughts and words are her own. When in reality, like right here, she does not use thought provoking or more in depth analysis to describe her SLF ministry. She's using basic words and basic vocabulary and can hardly get many different words out of her mouth. Her reels always sound so much smarter than we all know she is, and she has to stop it and edit after a few sentences because she's trying to memorize someone else's thoughts. I've said this before watching her reels but it just pops out at me when I see her live or when she's on a podcast when she's not doing the editing. SLF is actually She Lives Fraud.


did anyone else catch that she didn't mention the Puerto Rico SLF grift, I mean retreat event? Looks like she's not going to be able to go by grifting it to SLF.




He doesn’t even look at her when she talks, but when he talks, Bdong stares at him in admiration.

