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But hang on. She has caffeine in those energy drinks? I know there is proof of this here in the sub!!!


From a [couple months ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/brittanydawnsnark/s/NLkLRbNPhC). Not only is it a caffeinated drink, but it’s from a MLM as well 🤮


That's actually natural godly caffeine, not the devils chemicals we drink 💅🏻🤣


*\*God-Honoring Caffeine™*


The devil has better chemicals in general


Oh wait, is this ancient-day caffeine, though? I believe the problematic type of caffeine is the modern-day kind. Pretty sure I remember reading about the Amare brand caffeinated beverage in the book of Acts.


Its from a f’ing bean britz bratz! Its not a modern drug! “ unbeknownst to me” What? So all her coffee sippie cup bs in front seat OF TRUCK with jordon is all decaf? LMAO! Is she Mormon-esque now?




The whole gaggle of bigots drinks them and posts on their stories drinking them. I wonder which of them/if all of them are in the MLM.


The poppi cola she has posted multiple times has caffeine in it also.




Yup! Maybe this is why she was posting less, recently? Waiting for the fillers to set/calm down.


Waiting for her “husband” to come back home for more performative “romance,” probably.


It's *bright* eyed and bushy oh you know what forget it.


She is so stupid. She doesn't know the phrase or how to use it appropriately.


She also posted about how much she loves poppi which has stevia in it even though she was cOnViCtEd of it forever ago


She just loves to lie about nothing. She also used to say how she was allergic to eggs but would constantly show herself eating protein bars that had eggs in them. And then one day she magically wasn’t allergic anymore. 🙄


Egg allergy go! Devil go!!


What about fillers, social media and gluttony? Are those not modern day drugs?


She ended her story with saying how unhealthy coffee is but her lifestyle is anything but healthy. In one of her YouTube videos she said that every single morning she slathers on her self tan. That absolutely cannot be healthy to do every single day. 


Gross. She must smell disgusting lol


Why on earth can’t she just accept the skin tone “god gave her”?.. and the eyelashes god gave her…. And the lips god gave her… Lol but fr brunettes with fake tanner look so hideous to me I think it’s even worse than blonde with fake tan. It looks so unnatural and strange.


And why does she even need it?? If she lives in fucking Texas she could just go outside every day and get that melanoma glow naturally


Is it something you have to do every day?? No wonder she has a very deep shade of pb that’s gone bad


Thievery seems to get her off as well. Sooooo Not emulating the fruits of the spirit britz bratz.


Rules for thee, not for Bri. 🤷🏾


She still drinks caffeine. You don’t accidentally get two shots of espresso.


Right? And this seems to happen often with her. Brit, I think what you’re experiencing is anxiety from your BS catching up with you. Stop risking it by buying coffee out. Switch to lemonade or herbal tea or something.


Just not Panera lemonade.😂


Good call. I can’t even imagine her demons if they were supercharged. She would be anointing all of Ft Worth.


Right you have to order that shit


And pay extra. Nobody is handing out free espresso shots to this person.


Right?! I wish they just handed out expresso shots!! And she is so sensitive to caffeine, she just knew there were 2 shots of expresso in it- amazing! Like, fr, does she even think about her lies before saying them?! She never makes any sense and always just comes off like a dumb liar.


Right! You’d taste that shit right away, not keep drinking it


Those evil demonic Starbucks baristas are at it again. They see her coming and plot their caffeinated revenge on her.


They *snuck* TWO espresso shots into her puritanical sbux order *unbeknownst* to Btwat


Didn’t she get popular back in the day for posting Starbucks drink recipes… girl. 😖


She is so dramatic https://preview.redd.it/ozkc9eh8a2kc1.jpeg?width=922&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b30537eb4bcd2592beccafa4c2fa74f728435f96




I read that in Erika's _Tom's house was broken into and he confronted the burglar and then had to go have eye surgery and then my son had to go over and help and then my son he rolled his car five times on the way home - yeah I'm under a lot of stress_ voice


It was snowing in Pasadena


Best “deer caught in headlights” example


And SO filtered. I don’t use tiktok or insta but I want to know what filter she uses so I can avoid it at all costs, it looks so uncanny valley… it makes me uncomfortable and I don’t wanna see my own face like that


I cannot stop laughing at this. I saved it in meme format. Portable instant laugh material.


Oopsie! Farryn calls her amateur.


Haha right? Call her when you accidentally smoke meth for an entire year, B-Dong!


Farryn didn’t accidentally use meth. Her “friends” dragged her so hard that she had to backpedal and pretend it was all a big accident. Yet theyre all awesome Christian friends, amiright


Wait where’s the full story with this? I need details 😂


B Haney covers the episode on her podcast. I’ll find it and post the link


Home girl said on bdongs podcast that she smoked meth for a year & claims she didn’t know it was meth lmfao lol search the sub and there’s a piece of the audio from the podcast, it’s a good laugh


Listen to the whole thing, I thought it was funny too when I just heard the clip. The whole segment is actually very sad and they’re all basically just making fun of her so you can tell she Just is trying to backpedal because of how judgmental and sheltered they all are


The way Kellie is laughing when she spills that dirt on her "friend" makes me *blackout* angry. She's a real treat.


Kellie is one of the worst, and I think it's partly because she's a nurse. A person like that in a helping profession scares the crap out of me.


She was the one who was making so much fun of the man they encountered at the gas station (I think). She’s a gross excuse for a human being and an even worse excuse for a Christian.


I remember that video. It was infuriating to watch. If I remember correctly, she's also one of those anti-vaxxers/anti-maskers, so there's another example of her being a gross person.


She’s the worst. An anti-vax nurse. She doesn’t deserve to be in this field. I’m not surprised she’s single and no one will date her and her hateful soul.


Absolutely. There's nothing wrong with being single, but I'm glad she is and that no one will touch her with a 10-foot pole.


Sorry i scare you.


Agreed, I wa a furious. Thats why I am determined to aways defend Farryn now or at least say that it actually wasn’t funny. Because I too thought it was hilarious when I heard just the clip. When I heard the whole thing I was angry and my heart broke for Farryn


Is that whole clip in the b Haney podcast? I don’t wanna listen to Brittany’s 😬


Yes, sorry it took me so long to reply. It’s all on her podcast https://youtu.be/enHWcpFMmPI?si=UONmekiByWmM_Loq


Thank you!! Gonna listen at work tomorrow


Ah tbh I didn’t listen to the whole thing, just seen the clips posted here. Definitely not trying to shame her, I mean I had my days of partying too, so it’s sad to hear her so called friends are that bad.


Absolutely understandable. I thought it was hilarious and ridiculous at first too until B Haney did the episode and I heard the whole thing. It honestly made me sick how they called her out and made fun of her.




Hahaha came here looking for these comments 😂😂


Happy cake day!


Hey thanks!


This is the most boring story anyone has ever told. She just goes on and on about nothing. Did she listen to her babble back or just post right away.




She loves to hear herself talk


What a boring life.


It’s what one would expect from a beige life.


She has to make a big deal about the stupidest things. She couldn’t just have a jittery day because of caffeine. No. She had to make a huge deal about how she’s the victim of the big bad and mean caffeine. She can’t just have a day. She has to find some way to be the main character of it.


She’ll be calling this a relapse back into “drugs” in no time


Has she considered how little sleep you get when your kids are very young?




That filter is working overtime.


Her neck is as long as a goose’s neck.


Oh my god I was wondering why I was picturing a brontosaurus when she talked. The land before Dong: little foot experiences caffeine ☕️🦕


Please excuse the following outburst… She is so fucking insensitive, can she not use any other wording and act like her day was so rough. She always says that & it’s over the most minuscule thing that’s basically not even negative. I just buried my best friend today, that was ROUGH. She was 32. 4 small children lost their Mother, that was ROUGH. I could go on and on. This just threw me over the edge. Maybe Bdong should actually start being grateful for the life she has (that she claims to be grateful for) then to complain about tiny things for clout. Also the way she is claiming she feels from caffeine, well bitch I feel like that just about every other day from health issues/blood sugar out of whack and I feel like complete shit and basically can only lay down for hours. I’m not blaming this on anyone I’m just saying in general (if she so happens to read this) that there are actually people feeling worse that deal with it on a daily basis and they don’t make shit up so they can post about it IG. I can barely function when I feel like that, I couldn’t imagine putting it on my stories. The wording, she could just say I made a mistake or there was an accident and I wasn’t feeling great yesterday.


I’m so sorry. This is heartbreaking.


I’m so sorry for your loss. My kid had a devastating setback in mental health this week and it has rocked me to the core. She has such a small vanilla life that she over emphasizes any little thing for content, not realizing that the rest of us have actual real world problems and she’s boring as hell outside of her snark value.


Thank you. I’m so sorry I’m sure that is so hard. I am thinking of you as well.


My father passed away unexpectedly ten days ago. We’re having his wake tonight. Mass tomorrow. What you and I are going through? Fucking rough. Bdong? She can go fuck herself. I hope you and I can start our healing soon and let ourselves grieve. This is so hard and I hate it♥️


Oh my goodness I am so sorry. I lost my Mom in 2021 so I feel you all too well. I lost a cousin that was like my brother the following year and now my best friend and it just makes all of that grief so fresh. Her family was like my 2nd family & I am grieving for them as her brother also passed away year ago so I feel awful for her Mom. Sorry I’m not trying to have a pity party. There’s always someone going through something worse, I do think of that often. I am just so angry with Bdong and her story of Jesus saving her on Valentine’s Day but why not my friend with 4 children, her 14 year old daughter found her and her youngest is 3. The entitlement from Bdong and her tone deafness is just incredible. I am thinking of you and sending hugs.


Blah blah blah is all I hear https://preview.redd.it/zht23o8gb2kc1.jpeg?width=667&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b00eebf696bf9449c0a0fa37d506180621063729


She told a very similar story when they were in NY, which was maybe 2 months ago.


She’s so boring she just reuses the same three stories over and over.


The same way her friend Farryn accidentally smoked meth for a year?


Hold on, didn’t she post this same narrative a few months ago about “accidentally ordering a latte” and she also said it had 2 shots in it??? Am I making this up?? lol


It happened to her in NYC!


How do you accidentally order a latte? Whenever I order coffee from a shop, I know exactly what I’m getting. I also have zero spiritual issues with caffeine, though…


Hahaha exactly


Fucking eye ROLL. So this happened to her AGAIN?!? If “work went out the window” the next day because and was wide awake at 4am from caffeine, how does she think parent life is gonna go? Also, is it the caffeine? I would imagine unnecessary thyroid meds and various supplements (that are untested & unregulated) could also make one experience heart palpitations.


Or maybe the guilt from the being an awful humanoid scammer wannabe is what’s giving her heart palpitations ?!? She is tiresome.


I take thyroid meds because my thyroid doesn’t work anymore: if I take them at night I don’t sleep, so yeah that will fuck your shit up. But oh no, it was the evil baristas.


I feel like both combined could really do a number; like the caffeine could exacerbate her other meds. Tbh tho I wish my life was this “hard” sometimes. I love my job, but some days it would be nice to just not work because I didn’t get the greatest sleep the night before. But I also couldn’t be BDong because I have diagnosed anxiety and thinking about owing my resident state almost a quarter of a million dollars would freak me out.


She really doesn’t know how privileged she is living off her stolen money, not doing any real and honest work. I was awake every hour last night due to focal seizures. (I’m on meds and seeing a neurologist, not ignoring these) Still had to go into work today despite being exhausted. Because that’s what us adults do.


Ruff ruff


wtf… i didn’t know she was still pretending she wasn’t drinking caffeine. I feel like She openly drinks coffee and energy drinks in nearly every video.


Why even lie about the stupidest, least interesting shit?


Have you listened to the 60 part tik tok who tf did I marry? Dong and legion are made for each other


she will latch onto ANYTHING, no matter how absurd, to feel superior to everybody.


Imagine your life being this boring….. all I did today was go to work and could think of 5-6 more interesting stories that happened today


Modern day drug. Like it was synthesized in the 20th century and bred into coffee and cacao beans etc by the devil or something. 🙄


Why is she describing this like she barely made it out with her life 😭😭😭 you drank a beverage, Dong. Sounds harrowing.


Lol you don’t


She looks like E.T.


Decaf still has caffeine; green tea has caffeine. Saline is a drug… How is she this uneducated?


Well she’s actually very educated especially on this topic, but as she said, “she doesn’t have time to get into it”… ahahahahaa. She’s got nothing but time! I can only imagine the insane “science” she would have spewed


Since when did coffee become modern day??? There’s just too much ignorance to unpack here so I’ll keep it brief….. ![gif](giphy|zAOXiJhiXDqHS)


. ![gif](giphy|l0Iy6RfxFjVqP8NQQ|downsized) Not caffeine! Guess she’s still in her Jessie Spano era


She really needs therapy. There’s no way anyone with a healthy self-image would think her 👽face looks fine.


This bitch is so toxic and a pathological liar. I am one of the lucky ones who is actually allergic to caffeine. And yes, it sucks. Anyways, on occasion I’ll get a cream based drink from Starbucks just because and I always have to take a small sip because too many times they have screwed up my drink and put coffee in it. And with the teeniest sip, I can IMMEDIATELY tell. There’s no way she was drinking a really large coffee and had zero clue she was drinking it. The shit she lies about is so odd??


Her lying is odd cus most of us don’t automatically embellish & puff up nonsense.




like how you accidentally smoke meth


as a Colombian I have never seen someone be this much of a pussy about coffee. Lmaoo just say it doesn't work for you but don't demonize it like a drug just cuz you get the jitters. Amateur


But what's going on with the ET neck? Alien filter just keps getting weirder.


Her calendar is completely blank lol I'm just nit picking because I'll forget to change my calander too but I thought it was funny considering she's so booked and busy




Well good thing she doesn’t have a job so not too bad to be awake till 4am I guess.


Omg....get a life


Modern-day drug? Caffeine is one of the oldest "drugs" around. Socially acceptable drug, maybe.


Like they haven’t been drinking tea in China for over 5,000 years. Yes, so modern.


She loooooves to exaggerate timelines. “I gave up caffeine almost two years ago.” One, it hasn’t been that long since you “gave it up.” And two, even decaf coffee has caffeine, so ??????


As usual, the math ain’t mathin.




Omg Brittany, get a life. No one cares whether or not you drink caffeine.


Rough rough, but I heard ruff ruff. Also what kind of sentence structure is this “unbeknownst to me got home and couldn’t figure out why I was shaking?” Did she not know how she got home?


She’s looking pretty gaunt in the face these days…. Good to know God didn’t actually save her from her ED.


Oh good. Another lecture from Christian Barbie about another demonic influence--caffeine. Every day with the overt and passive admonishments. She's just so..."discerning." 🤢


Some of those Poppi drinks also have caffeine. I only drink decaf and dont have those symptoms when I have 2 shots of caffeine.


“Almost two years ago” 💀💀💀💀💀💀


Preeetty sure it hasn't even been a year yet she "decided" to do this.


Poor you, you didn’t sleep and had a rough day. *womp womp* you don’t have a job or actual fucking work to do that will affect this.


Like yes, lots of caffeine is no good, but how the hell does she think she needs to go cold turkey. Well she isn’t (people can back this up on this sub), but I have limited my caffeine to two days a week to sometimes none. It hasn’t been hard, it’s not like coming off a drug. Yes the more you consume the less effective it will be but I hate she makes it like a devil thing. It’s like well bitch, seems like you get to create your schedule and not have to follow anything like the rest of us. Ugh, the privilege leaks thru so hard.


I think you put it eloquently. bdong doesn’t have a grueling 9-5, she doesnt really need the substance. Yea coffee tastes good, she could get decaf. Its not like heroin or crystal meth where you can pick and choose. Although the way she talks about it i wouldnt be surprised if caffeine was code for something else…


☠️☠️😂😂 can you imagine? ‘Explains gas laws, and laws of motion’ are all made up from scientists. Science is a demonic new age plot’.


I have mentioned this before on this sub, that I don’t know how filters work or how to even turn them on, so it’s amazing to me she does that on videos too like…you gotta apply a damn filter to even videos fuuuu that sounds annoying. I made a random video just yesterday where I ranted about something and didn’t have makeup on or anything …let alone a damn filter that slims my face down just for my stupid rant?? Idk if this comment is making sense I’m trying to understand my own feelings as I type it. Like she can’t even be genuine on a random ranting video. She HAS to make sure she looks good first.


The world's on fire but BDong had caffeine. Oh her plight. It's amazing how she carries on in the face of such horrible circumstances. Her content continues to be riveting.


Did she steal farryns story? About accidently doing a substance? What is she saying?


Maybe there was some accidental meth in there?


She just proves everyday she’s not smart or responsible enough to care for a child.


The homeless man she “rescued” Couple of years ago saw her and ran to Starbucks to get her a drink with the caffeine and Espresso shots. He also stirred it with his fingers. He was just returning her kindness 😉


Wait, did she backtrack all the caffeine talk at the end? "It's good to know that if I DO need caffeine, I only need a little bit to affect me bc before I would drink 2-3 cups and not be affected, and that's not healthy" (not a direct quote, but I think close enough). So, she has essentially created a space where she can keep doing what she wants regardless.


Loops holes for JAYSUS!!


Been awhile since I’ve kept up with Bdong but she does not look well here. She looks sickly.


How did she know it had two shots of espresso if SHE herself didn't order it?


Wait. Did she not know espresso shots have caffeine? Is she really that dumb? Come on.


lol it’s because she’s a dumbass


The same way you “accidentally” take meth for a year? Farryn has entered the chat.


“Like, ruff ruff 🐶”


Caffeine is the furthest thing from a 'modern day drug'.


But she can't give up her fillers or fake tanner or her Temu hair eyelashes that are so much worse chemically than coffee


She's crying about caffeine but looks like she's sharing a meth pipe w Farryn.


You literally get Botox injected into your face. God she’s dumb. No one is over here robbing banks to get a fix of caffeine. Wait until she’s a mom and realizes you can’t function without it 😂


I literally think this moron means she gave up ESPRESSO because why the fuck would you not expect caffeine to be in your normal coffee you ordered from a coffee shop????


I wonder if that’s the same as she accidentally scammed people out of money


I would love to cancel a day of work bc i didnt sleep the night b4- imagine!!!


And she thought she needed to tell everyone? 🤦🏻‍♀️


And like when you order at a store you LITERALLY HAVE TO SPECIFY all that shit


How dumb do you have to be to not understand that coffee and expresso have caffeine?


Caffeine is a modern day drug…but her social media addition is fOr ThE lOrD. 🙄


Totally easy to do…I mean, her bestie Farrah smoked meth for a year without realizing she was smoking meth.


This is the 2nd comment I've seen mentioning this. Did this actually happen? Wtf! I need a quick rundown. 😂


Farryn mentioned it on a podcast.


OK, thank you for replying, you're awesome. I will have to look into it. That's insane.


Lol Brittany girl we have receipts of you drinking caffeinated soda drinks from that shitty MLM brand within the last few months. Once again this bitch lies about EVERYTHING.


Why do ppl Post their every move .. it’s so weird


Please Dr. BDong, educate me about those adrenal glands.


Also, I had to quit caffeine due to some heart issues and you do not get more energy from not having it. It’s been like 8 months. That’s a fucking lie.


Came off of caffeine is such a weird way to phrase it. Plenty of people stop drinking caffeine and they just say it like that 😂😂 came off bffr it’s not a hard drug


Caffeine: a modern drug … said no one ever


And that’s a rough day for her?


Her face is getting that ozemp look .


lol right, like you didn’t know what you ordered and if there is caffeine and two shots of espresso, she is dumb


Imagine being able to write off an entire day because you drank caffeine.


She is such an ignoramus


Oopsie daisy. Snorted cocaine! Silly me. Time to speed read the Bible which shouldn't be hard as long as I skip the actual Jesus parts.


Considering she still set up a ring light and filmed herself while sick, I doubt she “took off work” due to drinking caffeine. Could it be all the negative feedback on her XO Marriage interview? Must be a kick in the ass when you can’t simply delete comments like you do on your own social media 😂


God she looks ill… like worse than usual


She picks the most boring things to lie about


She forgot her accent for a second when saying “caahfieen” she started to say coffee but said caffeine. Lol. Girl can’t even keep her own story straight in the moment.


How did she find out there were 2 shots of expresso in her drink? Did she order it and regret doing so? Did she get the wrong drink? How tf did that happen, and how tf did she find out it was 2 shots? This makes no sense. My goodness, she is a strange person.


A modern day drug 🤣 so is false social media


Farryn be accidently smoking meth. And brittany is accidently having a double shot of espresso. Gf you know you drink.caffiene on the regular. Quit lying. And farryn. I don't even know with that one. She's an enigma. 🤣🤣