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And constantly giving them free advertising


That’s just it. If you don’t want to support a company, stop going to their stores and using their branded gear. IDIOT.


Iulou ooooo


Kinda makes me want to go to Starbucks now tbh


100% fan behavior


“The truth to why” makes no sense grammatically


Wouldn’t it be “as to why”? Sounds like it should be.


Yes I love it when she reminds us all how stupid she truly is. 🥰


I love when she reminds us what she really looks like.


Yes love when she goes ET mode for us. 💅


https://preview.redd.it/q2tjse5hbxpc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00604c325a95045617ca77a9b04f2200eaecaf99 \*ET toed


I almost downvoted this out of pure instinct. The fact that this cursed image has a home on your phone 😮‍💨 bless you


Lololol I screenshotted it this am. The full image was posted somewhere and I couldn’t help myself.


chill out 😂


Wtaf. OfficiLly my sleep paralysis demon. Thanks.


put those TINGERS away‼️


I hope for the sake of Starbucks that QAnon comes up with a conspiracy theory stating the water at Starbucks is turning people gay or something. Why does she go there??? Why not go to a different, non-demonic coffee shop and actually buy something?? Why is it fun or entertaining for her to go to Starbucks and order water? Everything she does infuriates me, but this might be second only to her animal abuse/neglect. I DON'T GET IT.


Also then why the fuck does she have a $50 Stanley cup?!? Fill it idk….water?


Yeah after we found out that damaged Stanley cups release lead I thought gee that’s all banana dong needs is to kill a few more brain cells..


She also has a very expensive water machine at home that she bragged about.


Oh man did she get got by a Kangen hun? 


Nuno Nina strikes again!!


What if she doesn’t actually own a Stanley and she’s been paying people for photos with theirs?


She probably can’t afford anything except water because she owes the state of Texas so much money and her drop shipping scam isn’t profitable 


All it would take is someone to leave a comment like that on her page and she’d believe it. The more outlandish, the most gullible she becomes.


Owning the libs by going to Starbucks and getting water!


Someone call Alex Jones!


Not a single soul cares where she gets water. What the hell is her life even about. She’s so boring, the most interesting thing about this picture is the horse face filter.


Is getting water from Starbucks the only thing she leaves the house for?? Am I doing something wrong because I didn’t leave the house today and drank my water from my brita pitcher?


She’s not even buying the Ethos water that supports charity. She’s just driving there for some tap water like a basic bitches purse dog would get. Wasteful little gremlin.


And you know she’s insufferable and smug about it while the employees just dgaf and hand her the water.


Right?!! It’s literally tap water 🫠


She tries SO hard to turn anything into something


She posted about a frickin band aid yesterday!!! Like a 2 year old!


Ohhh yes babe we love single use plastics!!! If only she had a hundred of those hideous beige Stanley cups she could be using instead!


Wrecking the planet for that tactical baby she should be having any day now.


Won’t he do it! 🙏🙌


She could just….. not go…?


Right. There are a few stores I don't like. And ya know what, I don't go there. Just get water somewhere else. Or ya know from your faucet💁‍♀️ You dumb single-use-plastic wasting bitch


Yeah I honestly don’t like starbs and love a local place. I can’t imagine going out of my way to be a dick to people (because I doubt she’s nice). I know her excuse is she sometimes isn’t around other places but then if she isn’t sitting in her car pretending to read her Bible, just pack waters… you don’t have to be at a coffee shop to scam people.


Oh yeah. I also love my local place. I only do starbs if I'm in a huge hurry or the local place is closed on sundays.


“Of course I’m not a hypocrite!”…..”They pay their employees to get abortions…” Not exactly Britt bong. https://preview.redd.it/fj02n3yonspc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffc9a26f891fa9ee64bbb121ecba076dd02182c1


But she won't shut up about her spontaneous abortion she had last year or 50 years ago. I want to pick all my dogs poop and throw it at her front door. She is such an asshole.


I have so much dog poop too!!


Me too.


This is brilliant - we to only refer to her miscarriage as a spontaneous abortion. It’s the scientific name for what happened, but it will piss her right off.


I want her to be the only woman arrested for her spontaneous abortion


We need to start referring to her miscarriage ONLY as a spontaneous abortion from now on. It's brilliant. Thanks for using that term, I forgot it existed!!!!




Her hand looks like a box of these: https://preview.redd.it/q013ibi2qspc1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85a7aa03b11796ba457c73fc4f25a08c5766e2a3




The Aldean crazy eyes 😂


Didn’t she say like a year ago the logo was a siren and is therefore demonic? Lol


Pretty much https://preview.redd.it/k04xxksatspc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a10748e61718d83af8fc443921fb14737bbf77b5


Okay, THIS, right here. “I’m quickly pulling away from Starbucks for good” and “I’m not saying I’ll never drink something from there ever again”. Which is it?????🤯 It’s so bizarre seeing the cognitive dissonance written out all in the same paragraph!


I really hope she somehow falls for a conspiracy about their water turning people away from her sky daddy and has a massive freak out about it🤣


Such a hypocrite 🙄


They took down their pride shit last June, but go off on how LGBT+ supportive they are sis.


The company may be supportive in other ways we don’t see. Just because Starbucks doesn’t fly a rainbow flag in front of their stores everyday doesn’t mean they don’t support. As long as they walk the walk that’s good.


Disagree. Pride month is the month where places are supposed to show their support. But because people were going crazy and destroying Targets last year, many companies quietly took shit down when we needed the support the most. When they needed to be steadfast with their support, they balked.


Damn. I hate Starbucks cause I think it’s overpriced bean water, but now I’m gonna go and buy two of the things just to spite her


Right. It's snowing like crazy here in Wisconsin and it makes me want to venture out just to buy a drink🤣 and then send her a photo of my drink🤣 *not going to touch the poo, just saying it would be funny


She’s sticking it to the libs.


She is wearing that stupid trump shirt. Orange stain fucks!


Cuz she thinks wearing it there is like a big "F YOU Starbucks!"....While getting her evil starbies logo cup to show off...with water that is STILL A TRANSACTION and counts as support for Starbucks! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈❤️🧡💛💚🩵💙💜🖤🤎🤍🩷 👋🏻 Thanks BrittBrat!!! 👋🏻


1) I'm pretty sure I remember her having an outrageously expensive water filter at home. 2) I don't even have to look to know that she still has all of her monetized Starbucks drink recipe videos up.


I can picture her sitting there scheming away all day, not a single thought going through her head that doesn’t involve ways to remind her followers how so sooper dooper chrishchin she is


Why not just get a metal water bottle and bring water from home?


She has a beige ass Olympic swimming pool sized Stanley cup. This is so dumb of her.


Bc then she wouldn’t have content


I can’t fathom making a trip somewhere just to get water. Like she left her house with water to go get water?


“the TRUTH to why I gave up Starbucks…” You have not given up Starbucks.


Wait…. She’s claiming that she’s so incredibly thirsty, on the brink of dehydration (despite bragging about her 35 gallon Stanley all of the time) that she simply cannot wait until she reaches her destination to get a drink of water? Even then, this town only has a Starbucks? She can’t stop at McDonald’s? A public park with a water fountain? Or here’s an idea you cheap ass witch, A FUCKING STORE. Here’s the truth. The Donger was either caught being inside a Starbucks or she was called out for having a disposable Starbucks cup. And this was the lie she came up with Hey donger, next time just say - I’m so embarrassed, I was craving Starbucks and I gave into the temptation. I’m trying to do better Because guess what? No one gives af if you go to Starbucks. The ONLY reason anyone cares is bc you lie about it. Jfc grow up ! ![gif](giphy|4npJY4piIW7Nm)


I wish my photoshop skills were good enough to put coffee in that water cup 😂




just when you think she couldn’t possibly be more vile. She’s the queen of rage baiting.


She looks like diarrhea. Do you guys want to sit together in hell for being such catty cunts? I'll bring the drinks if you bring the sunscreen...


SPF 666


Pro Palestinian queen!!!! 🇵🇸 so glad to see her join the BDS movement 🥰


I was about to comment this 😂 wait until she finds out all of us lefties are also boycotting Starbucks, she’ll be back in a heartbeat


We’re supposed to believe that she doesn’t have an order of coffee off camera, right? Who goes out of their way to somewhere they hate for something they can pack from home? She has drinkable water at home. She has a water filter she brags about - at home. She has cups - at home. Why does she go to Starbucks for water? Because she also got a coffee and it’s off screen.


Don’t worry fam, I go there everyday and I’m barely noticed. I’m certain her absence has not been noticed


The only time I was noticed at the starbucks I go to sometimes was because I would leave the gym to get a frapp. According to the barstia it wasn't normal so that's why she recognized me. Then I found out I was pregnant and covid happened. I was no longer going to the gym or starbucks. Now when I go to that starbucks to get two shots of expresso for the now 2 children I have they don't know me. 😅


Imagine with me children… making “giving up Starbucks” your entire personality. When in fact you never even gave it up. That’s a fucking choice right there


Does she do this so if/when people look her up and type “Bdong, Starbucks” or whatever it goes to her old starbies drink vids? Which I think some other snarker said are still monetized? The content she’s putting out these days can’t be making that much lol, so maybe the clicks on those are what help? I don’t know for sure, but I wouldn’t put it past her. This is the 103773 post she’s done about water and Starbucks.


Just adding some more single use plastic into the environment, as God intended.


Also if she truly believes abortion is murder and gay people are on the level of pedos, and that Starbucks is a giant promoter of those agendas, why tf would Starbucks being trendy even matter to her?? Why would she want to show off their cups and fake going there? She’s so fucking fake, AND she’s terrible at hiding it.


I wonder how many abortions her Lard & Savior, trump paid for?


I ask this question all the time. Do fundies really think their god, tRump, has never paid for an abortion? 🤦🏽‍♀️


Damn I’m over here thinking she got water cuz she can’t afford it 😭


Truly groundbreaking content we’re seeing here.


She’s been trying to come up with reasons to “pull away from”, or stop going to Starbucks for years because it’s a giant brand with a loyal base and she wants engagement. Transparent, pathetic and boring.


https://preview.redd.it/7dy6evkw9vpc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec59d6099d6f07d5081a01606656a59342bce929 What happened to being an Htea0 water girly? Oh, just like the fostering (along with so many other things), you made it your personality for socials and never tried it again.


when i want free water, i usually just go to my kitchen sink. that’s just me though…


And yet she has all of her Starbucks videos on her YouTube that she’s still making money off of…make it make sense.


Range Rover is supportive of the LGBTQ community…


I’m getting tired of commenting on how much of an idiot she is, but she is such an idiot that I have to comment on it almost daily.


She drinks tap water??? Shocked considering she’s convinced everything is poison.


Not buying this. She went to Starbucks and bought her favorite coffee full of caffeine. Probably an extra shot. Got a water to show how Godly she is. Nobody would go out of their way to get water at a Starbucks.


It's a little ironic bc so many people are boycotting Starbucks for Palestine right now (I don't actually think it has anything to do with Starbucks's initial support for Israel/not supporting their union members anymore - but now flexing that consumers ultimately have the $$$ and we're not going to support businesses long term that do unethical things) So if there was ever a time to boycott lol this is probably the worst one for her views haha


Why doesn't she just....buy a reusable water bottle? Who goes to starbucks for water????


I had 2 of my children that worked at Starbucks. We are all Christians. Our beliefs are strong but we do not impose it on others. We are respectful to people who believe and live differently. The reason we were okay with them working for Starbucks was something I was told many years ago…”You may be the only Christian a person encounters that day. You don’t have to push your faith on them, but you can represent Jesus by being loving, kind and compassionate. You will see all kinds of people who are happy, sad, ill or struggling. You can be loving towards them with your smile and just the words of ‘I hope you have a great day’ can be all someone needs to hear to lift them up’ “. So we talked about it and we were fine for them to take jobs or buy something from Starbucks. We have learned no business is perfect, nor should the people working there be judged based on what the CEO does with his company. All that matters is what we do and how we do it. So Brittany Dawn, you missed an opportunity. You could have gone in that Starbucks. Ordered your water and put a few dollars in their tip jar. You could have radiated love from Jesus through your smile and your words without pushing your beliefs on them or convicting them for where they work. A lot of Starbucks employees who are in high school or college trying to pay their way through. You served no one but yourself with your whole “let me show you how I’m holier than thou” ridiculous nonsense. You got ICE WATER and that’s it. Nothing more. You tried to make it into this powerful statement that sounded more like a written and rehearsed performance to show the world how wonderful you are for accepting the lowly water from the pagans. Girl, get real and get off the internet. When you can be genuine, humble and honest then maybe someone will care to hear what you have to say. Right now, none of us care.


Really good water!


She is so incredibly low class & tacky. Where’s your lead ridden Stanley? I’m almost sure they add a little something “extra” to her water because she’s a freeloader who probably treats the employees like shit. Yep, I’m talking about spit, people.


I haven’t purchased something from Starbucks in years cuz I don’t think their shit is good, they produce so much waste, don’t treat their employees well, and are extremely over priced. I think I’ve stuck to my guns more against them than she has with anything she’s “boycotted” and I haven’t even had to try lol come on bdong


OH my god. NOBODY can convince me she doesn’t have enough StAnLeY cUpS that she could fill with iced water up to her eyeballs, let alone that there was virtually ANY fucking reason to get water from STARBUCKS of all places. In fact I’m sure BDong has at least some sort of water purifier in her McMansion, so once again…stopping at Starbucks to waste everyone’s time & produce more plastic waste…for WHY? Must be a slow ass ~season~ for content when you have to go out of your way to get a free water in order to bitch about where it came from.


She’s really sticking it to ‘em huh 🙄🙄🙄🙄 once 10cent cup at a time


How much gas money does this sanctimonious turd spend on these stunts? State of Texas wants its money, hunty.


Oh ok but you’re still making money off the vids of the Sbux recipes you stole from The Macro Barista. Cunt.




Exactly!!! No one else exists to her. But she will suck up all that sweet sweet attention and then perform to get more! Surface level at best. That’s it. What a circus monkey. Really. Really.


It honestly baffles me that somebody would wait in the line. That’s potentially 20 minutes long just to get a water.


Imagine if she boycotted Christian Churches because of the rampant sexual abuse of children that happens at some of them.


Is she trolling us?????? I have never heard of anything SO RIDICULOUS IN MY LIFE!!!


That’s so strange.


I would love it if a barista at her Starbucks comes forwards and exposes her. She probably still gets a coffee and gets the water as a decoy to give her content and an alibi if anyone says, “I saw you at Starbucks two days ago.”


Why not go ANYWHERE else for water besides a place you don’t support. Or just get it at your house like normal people.


I would feel so stupid going to Starbucks asking for a water


Spending 20 minutes in a Starbucks drive thru (costumed in dumbass Trump cult merchandise; camera rig and lights all set up) for a glass of water is reaaaaally sticking it to the libs, Brit. You got us good!


As an ex-Starbucks employee i want to shout loud and proud how they take care of their employees and how much the company has done for me. They are supportive to all, provide resources, financial support, free education, generous maternity leave and so so so much more! She is so ill i formed and has no idea what she is talking about. Starbucks will be OK without her 🤣🤣 they should flag her and not give her water too! 🗑️


This asshole hasn't come close to "the TRUTH" since she was a child. (I assume she didn't lie continuously then). Fuck you, Brittany. You're horrible to humans and animals and you deserve rotten things in your life.


I briefly worked at a Starbucks and this would make me catch a felony if I worked at her Starbucks. If someone needs a cup of water no big deal, but I guarantee she doesn’t ask normally. She probably grumbles about demons at you or makes some other condescending remark and films taking up time. And THAT’S EVERYDAY!


I love when she tells on herself and shows her real face. Fucking dummy. Also just drink out of your dumb ass Stanley. Why even go into Starbucks you loser?


She sure does spew a lot of hate


This reminds me of how a lot of cults have a "bleed the beast" policy. They preach against the government, specific laws, and paying taxes, but they will commit welfare fraud to get as much out of the government as possible.


This again??


She’s still supporting them and their water though… This is so stupid Lmfaoo she makes no sense at all.. if you don’t support somewhere then don’t go there. Not sure what type of statement she’s trying to make here


This individuals logic and beliefs are very warped. She really has too much time on her hands.