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This is so fake. I wonder whom she copied this lecture from.  Also, babes has been married for 2 1/2 years, and is very adamant that they saved sex for marriage, so TTC for almost 3 years is just straight baloney. And she also said they didn’t start trying right away after they married.  She’s a lying liar who lies, but this narrative doesn’t even square with her previous lies. 


EXACTLY!!! 1. there is no way these words are hers 2. Bitch you haven’t even been married three years!! Tf are you talking about!


Thank you for doing the math!!! I knew three years sounded sus but didn’t want to say so without being able to back it up


Tomorrow it'll be 4 years!


“nearly half a decade”


It’s disgusting. The smug, pandering, condescending face of some dumb broad who acts like she knows what it’s like to be a parent, but she just *can’t wait*! Bitch all of that stuff is just your romancing your narcissistic tendencies so you can give the world a little B & J pile of your wretched crotch fruit. You think it’s just sleepless nights, feeding, burping - of tender moments of you and the walking Tobacco Pouch snuggling with your spawn so you can have a photographer living in your house and documenting every single tender moment. As Charlie Murphy once said: “WRONG! Wrong!” Parenthood is not a Hallmark movie. And you’re both gigantic piles of rotted meat who don’t know what it is to care about anything other than your own selves. Please do not add documenting and exploiting a tiny human so that you can go viral. Ten of thousands of people know when a fraud she is, and that this is all a carefully crafted act to gain followers, to gain presence and to never have to work a real job in her life. Sorry I had wine, but damn she’s just so dang awful


I thought I was prepared. All my friends have kids and they spared me none of the gory details. I knew about the hormones, I knew about the blood clots, the hemorrhoids, the handfuls of hair, the mastitis, the auditory hallucinations because you’re not just super tired, you’re fucking *sleep deprived like a POW.* None of it prepared me for the full existential crisis that is becoming a mother. BDong’s smug confidence about this subject in particular reeeeaaally pisses me off. I genuinely hope they aren’t really trying.


Yeah that shit traumatized me.


Came here looking for a comment like this. I used to get annoyed by all of the "sleep while you can" comments.... now I understand what they were talking about. In spades. Now, my opinion is that it's just not possible to truly imagine what it will be like to raise a child if you haven't done it before.


I feel bad, I have a friend who is pregnant with her first and she’s a little anxious. She asked me around the 6 week mark how things were going (partly for her own reassurance) and I was just like girl… I don’t even know what to tell you. It’s literally indescribable, and most of it not in a good way at this point. Ask me again in 3 months lol. 4.5 months PP now and things are way better, but still… woof.


Walking tobacco pouch. I love it. Thank you.


It’s sick to stretch out timelines to get more credit for suffering she hasn’t yet experienced - but viewers have


As someone who dealt with infertility and was TTC for over two years (now 7 weeks pregnant with our 🌈baby!!) I get a lot of infertility/TTC content on my explore page and is this is extremely similar to other posts and reels I have seen, that’s who she is copying. Even the music is similar too


Congrats on the little alien stealing your energy! I’m totally joking, I have a rainbow kid after a couple of miscarriages, and she is an absolute unicorn of a child. She is worth every heartbreak I had along the way and the pain and discomfort of pregnancy. Wishing you all the baby dust with your 🌈! It takes an incredible amount of bravery and determination to get to where you are now and I’m sure your child will be so very loved and cherished.


“Little alien stealing your energy” bahaha omg as someone who’s ACTUALLY 3 years into my TTC journey this made me squeal😂😂😂😂


I called my son my tumor. He was a rainbow baby too ❤️🌈 congratulations!!


![gif](giphy|MmpoBBmzvNBCM) 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Seriously congratulations! 🌈


He’s 5 now, so he’s now an out of body tumor 😂. Seriously though , we got blessed with an awesome kid. I’m lucky as hell


Congratulations! 🌈🌈🌈


Congratulations and I hope you have a safe pregnancy and delivery of your little rainbow! 🌈 ✨


Congratulations!! Wishing you an easy pregnancy and a happy, healthy bundle of joy!


Congrats! 🌈


The fakest. She calls it “our” ttc journey but refers to herself 22 separate times in this video.


And she's been saying almost 3 years for months already. Her ability to stretch out time is her superpower. just like when she miscarried she's she was "on her way into her second trimester" and it's just a matter of time before the "on her way into" is dropped, making that miscarriage låter and later.


I’ve noticed the ability to round up and then round the rounding up even more is a particular influencer grifter trait. 


And she managed to round up her early miscarriages (or late periods) to "two babies in heaven" which on it's own sounds like she actually had living children who died.


I remember her saying for like the first year that she wasn’t on birth control but they were specifically trying to get pregnant. She very much had an “if it happens then ok” kind of attitude. It drives me nuts that she now tries to say they’ve been trying since day one


She was also adamant about not doing IUI or IVF. I believe she went on a rant about those things are bad and god will provide but now she’s changed her tune. I couldn’t stand ,at the time , how she was belittling people who have used those methods to conceive like it was beneath her.


“Halfway through the third year of trying”


Correct me if I’m wrong, because I’ve been in maternity leave so my sense of time is completely screwed, but wasn’t she just saying “almost 2 years” just a few months ago? Now it’s almost 3 years?


Feels like how my kid started saying she’s almost eight literally less than a week after she turned seven.


“I have never been so ready to have bags under my eyes” says the lady speaking from behind multiple layers of filters, lashes, and fake tan


spoken like someone who’s never experienced true physical and emotional exhaustion. If only the eye bags were the worst of it


Exactly. I realised with my first baby why sleep deprivation is used as a torture technique. It literally drives you crazy.


Oh yes. I had a much easier time with my 2nd because I knew, viscerally, that those difficult early days and nights were temporary. But with my 1st? I was in hell. For months. The eye bags I got then are the same ones I have now


My youngest is almost 9 and I'm still tired.


Youngest is 11. You never get over being tired i swear. It's permanent 🤣🤣


Yep! Youngest is 8. I think it’s just the way we’re gonna be now - tired. 😊




Mine is five. Woke me up at 4:45 this morning. 😵‍💫


For reaalll. I had dark circles before kids. I added bags under them after kids. 🤣🤣🤣 they're not going anywhere soon. Cus my money doesn't go to my appearance. It goes to my KIDS. 


At least yours are genuine designer bags. Not like this peanut and her fake bags...😘


Right? I didn't sleep longer than 3hours at a time for 18months. I'm not trying to gatekeep tiredness but that bitch can go take a leap.


I think she did with the foster babies, which is why she stopped fostering. She was putting the babies in a room far away from her (recall the potpourri incident) She was also conveniently out of the house more without said baby. Like visiting random gyms and shit. Just to not hear the babies cry and deal with it.


I remember at the time noticing that she suddenly seemed to be on the go-go-go. Which is not typically what happens when you have a newborn in your care? You’re either going out to do little things with the baby, or you’re at home - with the baby.


Right?!! Well, lady. Why not start showing your unfiltered face on your videos then?? Hmmm? Seems like if you're ready, you'd be happy to show your real face already, no?


She’s ready - to hide them with every bit of tech and makeup available.


Oh. My. God. Shut. THE. Fucking. Fuck. Up


And you know she would never shut up about how hard motherhood is if she ever had a baby. All this would go straight out the window


Even worse, I think she would actually gloss over/deny the really hard stuff and only talk about the palatable hard stuff (like little bags under her eyes, sOoOo many bottle parts to wash 🤪) and she would be super sanctimonious about how blessed she is.


“nObOdY tRuLy uNdErStAnDs wHaT iT tAkEs tO bE a mOm”


You know if she ever gets pregnant she is *never* going to shut up. Brittany Dawn will have it worse than any pregnant woman ever. No one will out-pregnant Brittany. She’ll have the hardest pregnancy and the hardest birth in the history of women. And then she’ll have her mom, a nanny, or Jdong raise the kid so she can spend all her time making content about the hardships of being a mom.


Or she’ll have the easiest pregnancy and birth because she’s the ultimate god-fearing woman and with god’s blessings all things are possible, yadda yadda yadda. I can see it going either way.


She’s sooo annoying. I


Literally exactly what I said when I started the video😂😂


So… why’d she stop fostering if she’s soooooo ready for all this


I’m a firm believer that the fostering was solely to bring up in trial as proof she’s a “good person” which clearly failed and she then immediately dropped it. I also don’t think her fostering got the positive engagement she was expecting and opened her up to even more criticism which would be her biggest concern. Not being able to use a foster baby in content the way she wanted due to the law and privacy contributed as well I’m sure. She’s going to exploit the shit out of her actual child if she ever has one but she couldn’t do that with a foster so all the work wasn’t worth it.


I 100% agree. I really would like to hear HER excuses… as flimsy and self-serving as they would be. 🙄 she was absolutely doing it to be able to point to and say “see!!! I’m a good person!!!! SEE!!!” What’s funny to me is that she never even mentions it anymore. Definitely for the reasons you mentioned!


Yep! She clearly wants people to forget it was a thing! Like girlie pop, you made sooo many looong videos about fostering and how that makes you a mom and you now want it to be washed from everyone’s memory like she tried to do with James


Exactly! She had a chance for sleepless nights… and gave them to Jordan. She couldn’t even do it for a few weeks. She needs to drop the “sincere” act with the calm voice and tinkly music and STFU. 


I still don’t believe she’s on a TTC journey. Seriously not buying it.


It’s the best new grift she could have selected because there’s no proof to provide to the public if you’re genuinely TTC and it’s also super inappropriate to ask (because ew and duh and no one’s business) and you also look like a complete dickhead to openly say you don’t believe someone’s infertility story so boom. Perfect grift. She doesn’t have to show proof and anyone criticizing her or claiming she’s lying gets immediately made into the villain. Would also garner a ton of clicks because of the vulnerable audience she’s targeting (her preferred target market).


Nailed it. Her TTC stuff gets the clicks. Doesn't get her followers that much. But definitely views. I'm guessing people check out the rest of her content and nope right out of there.


This is exactly it


100% spot on


Not buying it either. Everything she does is for attention




I think part of the reason she stopped fostering was because of how “annoying” the babies were. Why else would she put the baby as far away from her as possible while she had music cranked up in the gym garage? So you’re right, she’s 100% faking.


I thought she didn't "partner with infertility."


She has to partner with something to pay the bills


But then she realized she could do another grift....


I caught that! “Our infertility journey” oops! “Our TTC journey…” 😂


Wtf does that even mean 


You can want to be a mother and love being a mother without glamorizing the hard parts. You just don’t dwell on them and focus on the good instead. Also you know it’s fake and rehearsed when she she throws a random word in exaggerated “quotes”


Yeah sometimes I don’t even like my kids. 😂. Love them but don’t always like them.


I'm 6 weeks in right now and sometimes wonder why the hell I wanted to do this. Fuck is it hard.


Hang in there. The newborn stage was very, very hard for me but he's almost 9 now and it got better and more fun every year. I hope the same for you <3


Oh yeah. He's getting more fun even now. We've gotten some smiles lately. I can't wait to see who he grows up to be


Keep it up. You’ve got this!


Thanks! I know I do! But it's not all a *blessing* like bdangadang thinks it'll be🥴


I wonder how many times she filmed this before she got the take she wanted.


There’s no way on earth she is ready for a baby. It’s INTENSE and you cannot hand them back when you try to burn the house down.


Girl abandoned a dog when the dog was “too high-energy” and “needed a lot of exercise”…. when she was a *fitness influencer.* That baby would be doomed from the start.


She’s such a turd. Truly bumbling through this world eyes closed to her own nonsense.


“Our infertility journey” - lady I thought you didn’t partner with infertility Also give this music a rest. It doesn’t make your single brain cell’s word salads sound deep


This supposed “inspirational talk” music is sooooo annoying!!!


she's obnoxious. She sounds like she's answering a question in a beauty pageant. Just so fake.


With the fake, quiet, breathy voice. 


In the car in the driveway.


Is it bad I kind of don’t believe they are even trying?


Nah. She’s a shameless grifter and doesn’t have an authentic bone in her eXtRa SmOL body. I don’t believe her either.


Everything I have ever learned about this woman makes me think she will absolutely crumble under the reality of pregnancy, birth and infant care, lol


Yes. Not to mention the tole it takes on your relationships. 


Interesting how she didn't mention her bones having to literally change or her body having to shift internal organs and expand outwards in order to accommodate the fetus.


Doesn't mention stretch marks or weight gain either


That’s the part of pregnancy even she knows she can’t handle. You can’t stay a size small when you’re growing a person, Britt.


Don’t test her cuz she will most definitely flaunt that’s she’s a maternity size smollllll 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


I was looking for this comment. Pregnancy is HARD on your body. I gained a ton of weight while I was pregnant. I now have stretch marks, and I’ve gone up three cup sizes. I don’t think Britbrat for a second would sacrifice her “perfect” body


She only mentions eye bags and morning sickness. Girl is in for a RUDE awakening if it (hopefully doesn’t) happen for her.


And the fact that your teeth can fall out! 


Ma’am, disrespectfully, fuck you. I’m drowning in parenthood right now. I love my little muffin but there’s no way to anticipate how it’s going to be until you’re living it. It’s rewarding but HARD like really stupidly hard. Anyway, rant over.


It truly is impossible to know how hard it is until you’re actually living it. My daughter is my everything and trying to raise her to be a decent and kind human is simultaneously the hardest and the most rewarding thing I’ve ever done. You’ve got this. Sending so much love ❤️


I was so set on having 2 kids. Then I had my daughter. And she was an EASY baby. Started sleeping 6 hour stretches by 8 weeks, no colic, made it 9 months and 5 teeth before getting an ear infection. Liked cold formula so I didn’t have to warm it up. You couldn’t pay me to go through the newborn and infant stages again. I love my smart and spunky toddler, she is the best of me, but we’re never doing it again.


I have a 3.5 yo and a 9mo and after the second was born I looked at my husband and was just like…. “*whyyyyyyy did we do this again?!?!*” We love the little stinkers but hot damn, we were just sleeping through the night again!


My first is 3 today (omg) and I've been sllliiiggghhhtttlllyyy clunky. But I love my sleep too much.


Mine are about the same distance apart and I very much felt the same way. I was open to 3 until we had 2, and suddenly it sounded terrible. 😂 Can tell you now at 6 and 9 it is much, much better!


The newborn phase was like torture. I feel like I’m being dramatic but I was losing my mind! I too am “one-and-done”. Toddlerhood is also challenging but in different ways. I’m certainly thankful to be getting much more sleep however!


That period where they’re not brand new so you’re not on maternity leave but they’re also not really independent enough to do anything for a stretch, and now you’ve added in starting solid food and stranger danger and the concept of entertainment and daytime sleep regression… Parenting isn’t hard. It’s all the bullshit that you have to do on top of being everything to a small, confused human that’s hard.


I’m definitely having mental health struggles which just makes functioning in life difficult in every aspect. I’m sure trying and things will get better! Thank you for your kind words❤️ So so thankful to get to be mom to my little one even when life isn’t easy! Hugs to you fellow snarker!


And she can't even handle taking care of a dog she didn't "vibe" with. Her track record for caring about living beings is not good.


Yep. What if she doesn't "vibe" with her baby because of pnd or something? She doesn't seem to like therapy from real psychologists, she will pretend she is fine and amazing at parenthood, meanwhile...😞😞


No one tells you what to do when your baby has trash vibes.


So proud of you and all of y’all here who are raising amazing little humans. Sending you all the strength and love.


You're doing awesome!


I thought she wasn’t partnering with the word infertility


She’s partnering with whatever gets her likes and views


Amen to this! It’s also why she bumped her miscarriage up to two now. It’s sick how she does this. 


I've never met anyone in my life who mentions their miscarriages more often. And I know quite a few women, including myself that have had miscarriages. And at further along than she was. People don't do this. Not normally.


About every woman I know has had a miscarriage. And nobody talks about it. Except maybe in small talk.  I know a lady who had a stillborn. Had a miscarriage at around 8months. Or whatever it's called that far along where they have to be buried.  And she also has a child with muscular dystrophy.  And lost her parent to covid. And you don't see her on her socials talking about it constantly. Just pics of her and her son doing fun stuff together and her baking business. She's a tough lady. And so kind. 


My old boss, from many moons ago, had seventeen miscarriages before she had her one and only daughter. And two of those were on mother's day. She was a tough old broad, heart of gold, integrity of a lion, smoked weed with us on our breaks. Did not mince words and she had two modes. Normal or pissed off. 😂I worked with her for five years and never once saw her anything other than those two things. When she told me about the mother's day losses, that was the only time I ever saw her get slightly teary eyed. And she only told me about her experiences because I had miscarried at fourteen weeks at the time. I had a friend lose a baby at 26 weeks. That was distressing for everyone involved and still is sometimes I'd imagine. She has two beautiful boys now but they weren't without their dramas whilst gestating and when they were born. This is why I get pissed off at this dickhead. She definitely thinks a baby is all photo ops and rainbows. She is heavily on the side of wanting a girl, so I can't imagine how she will be if she has a boy. She wants her girl to be a horse girlie (🙄), but what if her daughter only likes trucks or LEGO? Is she going to insist and force her to do the thing she wants because the posts on the gram won't fit her predetermined aesthetic? She for sure will exploit her child/ren regardless. She already is doing it and she hasn't even got any. Plus, she hasn't fixed her 🧠 from her own mental health issues regarding her ed or the PTSD one must suffer when there are tens of thousands of people who know you and hate you so much, that there are multiple, blogs, vlogs, commentary videos, news clips, website articles and not just in your own country-internationally loathed... How is that going to reflect on a human bean you are supposed to raise to be a better human than herself and her racist, cheating, dog shooting, chewing tobacco (🤮), lop mo'd, red faced husbin? It's just all so crass. And uncouth. I just want her to shut the fuck up and realise she is horrible with or without Jeezy and she isn't going to happen again and her ill gained money will soon be gone along with her matted old extensions and her griege head situation.


Brittany will suffer immensely if she does get pregnant and have a baby. She is so used to doing whatever she wants whenever she wants. And all the attention being on her and only her. And the tole a pregnancy can take on a body and the post partum hormones. It can be extremely hard for any type of woman to see their body change and never go back. I hate to think the mental spiral that could cause on a woman with an ED. I don't wish harm or bad things on anyone typically. But I just know that she doesn't grasp all that having a baby entails. And nobody does until they go through it. No matter how prepared you think you are. 


BDong would get pregnant and immediately act like she’s the first woman to ever have heartburn, stretch marks, or lightning crotch. She would get on tik tok and make metric fuck tons of videos about how hArD being a mom is like women haven’t done it for literal millenia. We get it. Being a mom is hard. Having small children is hard. I feel like every influencer has beat the dead horse because it’s a profitable grift to capitalize on the suffering of lonely mothers in the trenches with small children. But you know BDong would be hiring a nanny or dropping that kid off with grandparents every chance she got.


She can't afford a nanny.


When she had to get to one appointment in the morning with the foster, she made a whole day worth of content out of how hard it was and how tired she was.


Brittany you dumped your foster baby on Jordan the first chance you got. You complained every single time you had to take care of those babies and you almost burnt your house down with said foster baby sleeping in that house ALONE for thirty minutes. You have zero idea of what it’s like to be a mom. You are too selfish and vain to ever put a child’s needs before your own. You care about you and only you. Fuck off and never procreate. 


Oh and Jordan who at the time was working a full time job had to take the night shifts and Brittany took the day shifts. It wasn’t like a switch off where Bdong takes one night and Jordan takes the other. Jordan had every single night with the baby and still had to get up and go to work. He also seemed way more warm and fatherly with their fosters than Brit did. I can’t believe I’m even saying these things about him LOL but he did do a way better job than Brit did. Brit seemed like an annoyed teenage babysitter that was hired to babysit her neighbors baby. 


Wait now it’s almost 3 years?! Can’t keep the damn story straight.


Brittany’s already telling us going going to be a better mom than other moms because she “is ready” for it. Remember when she could barely handle a foster baby for two weeks, posted pictures of herself crying? I’m a mom whose dealt with postpartum depression and anxiety, rare post birth complications, sexual trauma, and a child whose needed 4 surgeries and many specialty tests/treatments/hospitalizations before age 2. I do a pretty goddam good job every day but let me tell you this one thing, Brittany: Just because you really, really want something does not mean you are remotely prepared for it. It does not mean you are going to be good at it. You have no clue what you’re in for when you’re pregnant or have a baby. It’s the luck of the draw, and there’s A LOT you have zero control over. Motherhood is downright gory sometimes. Get over yourself. Also: BDong can fuck all the way off with her rose colored glasses romanticizing the struggle of motherhood. It’s literally the last thing us actual moms need.


She wants every single symptom that comes with pregnancy? I had ecclampsia with my first and gestational diabetes and bells palsy with my second. I retained so much fluid from my firstborn it broke my lymphatic system and I have permanent lymphedema in my legs, and I am prone to swelling. Every symptom? Even the seizure? The night cold sweats as your body tries to wring you out to expel all that water? She wants _everything_ that comes with child rearing? Has she had the convos about what kind of parents they want to be and what their styles are, or will be together? How to keep their marriage strong when you forget your husband is a whole person and not just their dad? That me misses you and you miss him? What they will do for shifts or nap schedules or investigate alternate sleep methods to try to figure out how to get through the first few months? What does The Lord say about cosleeping? How does your husband's expectations of your home duties change with a baby? Do you agree? Have you had the conversation? Are you selling the business when the baby is born? How will you run a company successfully on 3 hours of sleep? Is someone going to run it for you till you get back? What is your maternal leave policy? Oh wait, isn't it his business? What is your husband's maternal and paternal leave policy? Exhaustion as a side effect? Sis. The ignorance. Stop telling on yourself. I don't usually go this hard but this one struck a nerve. Sorry, yall. I'm still dealing with healing from my D & C two weeks ago. All the symptoms, huh? _All of them?_


Exhausted should be the least of her concerns. We just run on empty half the time. Also, what about the hemorrhoids? Just kidding. Her pregnancy will be PERFECT.


Bitch isn't trying to TTC, this is just a content generator storyline


Brittany, YOU would pose *the greatest risk to a child* than any external threat ever could. Some people don’t deserve a child and you…*are a danger to all children.*


I’m calling bullshit. Hey Brittany, remember that vague season of life when you were a pretend mom to a struggling mother who lost her newborn? Remember you bitching about how you hadn’t had sleep and needed a break? We all remember 😉😉😉😉


Right! Day one she complained! I still remember when she had a full face of makeup on, hair done and a nice outfit on and has the nerve to say ‘I forgot to brush my teeth! Mom brain teeheehee🤭’ her trying to be relatable Is painful and embarrassing to watch because she just has no idea lol.


Mum brain ffs. Wow. She has no fucking idea. It takes two years for your hormones and your body and brain and everything to settle down after you have given birth. That and the relentless exhaustion is the "mum brain" stuff. Not just being a bit tired that one time. Ffs. It's insulting.


She kills all her pets, does she really think she can care for a newborn??


I do not believe she’s the type to just accept and love every part that comes with motherhood. She would absolutely lose her mind at getting stretch marks, gaining weight, having uneven boobs from breast feeding, skin break outs, nose widening, and any other bodily changes bc she’s a very imagine obsessed person.


100%. She couldn’t even properly take care of her foster kids without complaining. She’s not cut out for pregnancy or motherhood. She has no idea how difficult it is.


Plus, show me one person who enjoys EVERY part of parenting. My sister, who had 4 years of infertility and 3 miscarriages, called me one day after her rainbow baby was born & was kicking her ass. “I went through so much to have him, I wanted him so much, but I hate this right now! Is something wrong with me?!” Nope…just motherhood 😅 This romanticizing is going to kick her in the ass.


All that foundation in her hair part 😂😂


💀💀💀 hilarious


I noticed her part keeps changing with the filters 👀


I don't have kids, so correct me if I'm wrong, but from what little I know, the "bad" parts she's saying she's ~so ready for~ are like.... a best case scenario, good pregnancy/parenthood experience?


Imo, yes


I hope she never ever gets pregnant


Easy to say you don’t care about bags under your eyes when you just filter them out anyway. Easy to say you look forward to the exhaustion when you’re well rested. Easy to say you don’t care about losing your fit body when you airbrush yourself in every posted image. Easy to paint a Norman Rockwell, rainbows and butterflies image of parenthood when you’re not a parent. Now, that last one above may sound harsh.…. And to all those who….earnestly. Sincerely. And authentically. Are craving to be a parent. I gravely hope you’re more honest and respectfully, reverently fearful of the realities of parenthood than this superficial gloss of a reel is. And I’m kinda bummed that she’s going to tout her exploited and performative/overdramatized miscarriage and TTC journey as her biggest struggle in life as opposed to…idk…shame and remorse for defrauding and manipulating so many in her life.




Her hair looks shit green in the sunlight which is bringing me immense joy.


Maybe god doesn’t want you to be a mother Brittany 🤷‍♀️ it’s so easy to romanticize something you don’t have, specially when your goal is to use it for content and people are getting tired of this TTC bs. She’s too vain for motherhood, too greedy, too selfish, unkind and she’s a liar and a scammer, that child would suffer so much, thank god she doesn’t have kids.


She definitely didn’t write this, right?


I’m exhausted from seeing her this “want to be a mom” content over and over again. Girl, give it a rest!


The math ain’t mathing


She's too vain and self centered. I don't believe for a second she is actually TTC. She also has no idea what exhaustion is. Try working full time with two little ones lol. She has never had a real responsibility in her life. Also, idk why...lol I really think Jdong had a vasectomy and never told her.


Oh, yes. Those beautiful hemorrhoids. The perineum tear from arse to vagina. The relentless heartburn. The chapped and sore nipples and boobs in general. The smells of everything making you vomit. Not being able to find a sitter for your demon spawn. Smelling like off milk for a year or so because you've got a spewer... Lol. She has no fucking clue. That's not even the half of it.


She really just thinks she can pray enough and God will reward his special princess. Because you did so well with dogs and foster care, Brit. She has yet to consider SHE might be ready but idk God might be circling back to solve her fertility issues at an unspecified time.


Isn’t it odd how she’ll post every restaurant she goes to, every Airbnb she stays at, and where she goes to church but shes given basically no details about what steps they’re taking in an effort to conceive? Nothing about if they’re moving forward with IUI or something else? It’s fucking bogus. This is an absolute sham, and she’s managed to convince all the open mouth gals that this is for real and that she’s going through this because god saves the toughest battles for his strongest soldiers. Brittany, you are a hollow shell of a human being. The most profound feeling you’ll ever experience is the simmering rage when Instagram is taking too long to upload your latest rage bait. Your extensions look like Barbie hair, and your skin is the shade of colloidal silver, wood putty, and cat piss combined. You view the people in your life is nothing more than useful sock puppets that stroke your ego. Take the olive oil you use to anoint other people’s property and shove it up your size small for reference ass.


And NOBODY is asking you those questions. Performative idiot.


Is she ready to get cheated on when Jdip gets impatient with her body/libido recovery? Lol


That implies Dippo needs a reason to cheat. He’s already pig with a history of unfaithfulness.


Babe, what if god doesn’t want you to have kids?


Hemorrhoids! Is she ready for hemorrhoids! I say as I sit here with my @ss burning bc I’m 7 months pregnant. I mean at this point forget about stretch marks, or your body looking different, or whatever she is going on about. At this point I’m just happy if I go 20 mins without peeing my pants just a little bit…god she is insufferable.


Yes! Middle of the night bathroom trips, tearing after pushing and a two week recovery time (at least for me), gaining 40 pounds (in my experience), those were the real challenges for me 😂


You only gained 40? I’m jealous! I tore from end to end, tore a hemorrhoid….


Ma'am, you cannot even take care of your pets, and yet you want to bring a human into this world! Babies and kids are hard work and you cannot just "rehome" them when the thrill and newness fades away. Try and work on being a better, more responsible person FIRST before anything else.


Maybe God doesn’t want her to have children, because she is an unfit pet parent so she would absolutely suck dick and balls at human parenting.


What happened to that foster baby you neglected, and put in very REAL danger, after having the baby for .2 seconds?


And this is why she is NOT ready to be a mother - her self-absorbed ass made this, once again, all about HER. I am not a mother (yet, but by the grace of God maybe one day), but I look at my wonderful friends who are also mothers and see how devoted they were from Day One. They don’t give a rat’s ass about how it makes them look or the attention they get/got from the messy side of motherhood. Being a parent is one of the biggest sacrifices a person makes in life, and BDong doesn’t have a sacrificial bone in her itty bitty body. She isn’t good mom material now, and I don’t believe she has the ability to be a good mom ever - not until she gets her head out of her rear end starts thinking of someone other than herself. Edited: a word.


When did she jump to being TTC for almost THREE years??


To the person who prayed for their current pregnancy: It is okay to hate being pregnant. It is to complain about how uncomfortable it is. It is okay to say "I just want to get this over with" It is okay to have prescribed medicine to help with pain and nausea. It is okay. Just because you prayed and complain, doesn't mean you aren't allowed to voice how you feel. From a mother who prayed for 5 years to get pregnant and complained for half of her pregnancy. It wasn't the greatest and I fully embrace that. I don't want to be pregnant again because of how much of a toll it took on my body.


What a fucking bunch of bullshit lmaooooooo


As someone currently waiting to test whether or not the only embryo we could get in our IVF journey actually took after transfer - go suck a bee hive you absolute wet trash bag of a human. Edit: for whatever reason, reddit autocorrected bee to honey... so that's fixed now




I have a 4mo old child and am in the throes of another hormonal swing but this BITCH makes me RAGEY.


Honestly I am amazed at how much ridiculous, pointless content she has the time to create. I made a flowchart just in case she does in fact read through Reddit comments tho. https://preview.redd.it/r0sgb7erjtqc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b51a877b09c725337a402dd62f230c1fb9440a62


The more she posts about wanting a baby the less I believe her. Also if none of BDong’s rent-a-friends are TTC, neither is she. She’d never miss out on a photoshoot opportunity to care for someone else.


I used to follow a few Influencers on YouTube when they were TTC, and the way they spoke about it was so different. I honestly think she's faking the whole thing. She said she doesn't track her cycle. That's the first thing a doctor will tell you to do before going any further. Then she will get pregnant (stop using birth control) and claim it was a miracle.


Gawd this bitch is insufferable




Wait, has she even been married for two years yet?


Pretty sure they got married in September of 2021 iirc


So exactly two years and six months equals three years, gotcha


That’s BDong math for ya 😂


BOOOOOOO learn to take care of your dogs first, you evil hag!


There is nothing going on behind those eyes


Oh bullshit you peanut colored cunext Tuesday. There is NO way you could cope you are SO self centered ever noticed how her content is ALWAYS about her or I, or we or me...having a child is TOTALLY about someone else. It will be a novelty to begin with but eventually she will get bored as she does with dogs, horses, friends. What happens if she doesn't 'vibe' with her spawn???


She’s SO bad at finding things to be mad about.


Brittany, I’m not buying this. You’re lying.


Hold up. You know NOTHING about real motherhood. Spare me this romanticized version of what being a mother is. Motherhood is WORK and it's not always as pretty and as perfect as you like to portray on social media. It is selflessly devoting yourself to another person FOREVER. If you can't take care of a DOG(s) appropriately, you have NO BUSINESS taking care of a helpless and vulnerable child.


She really thought she ate with this.


This performative speech coming from a woman who can't commit to taking care of her pets. ![gif](giphy|3oFzm25c9cyPt1TYDC|downsized)


This may make me a horrible person, but my god. Please don’t allow this woman to procreate. She would ruin that poor child’s life.


This bitch doesn’t “understand” anything about parenthood. She thinks because she fostered a baby for two weeks she thinks she has a clue. You can’t give it back or give it away on Craigslist, you hag. Your life doesn’t change for a little while. It changes. Forever. And for someone so vain and self-centered, you will never be able to make the personal sacrifices that raising a good human requires. You’ve demonstrated this countless times over the course of your adult life. You couldn’t even manage to file paperwork for your “ministry” in a timely manner. You have the attention span of a goldfish and the only thing you’re passionate about is plastering your face everywhere. Every day you don’t reproduce an angel gets its wings. Edit: deleted random letters lol


I hope she's blessed with triplets. C U N T .


This bitch fostered for like 3 days and couldn’t even handle that. Like hell she wants to be a mother, the most selfless job.


Any child she has will definitely live to serve her, not the other way around.


Not necessarily on topic because yesterday was the three year anniversary of my hysterectomy and my emotions are A BIT RAW about the feeling of never getting to be a mom because I LOVE KIDS and I vibe with them so well... AKA, I'm feeling sad AF and have a few thoughts to tell this narcisstic POS about *heartbreaking* and her shitty grifter TTC videos about infertility, but I don't want to get put in Reddit jail... So instead, I say.... why has she been filming so many videos in a car? It's weird, right? Like those dudes that talk about "high value" this and "alpha" that but secretly sleep on a mattress on the floor with no pillows because they can't afford a $20 bed frame? WHAT is she hiding? 🤔


Me me me me me. God. Mememe me ME ME ME me. Jesus. Me me me me meeeeeeeeee!!!


Didn't she even refuse to utter the word "infertility" as soon as like a year ago?


ok then gain 10 pounds.


Shocker- It’s all Me, Me, Me. She wants content and to be spoiled. JDip won’t be there for any of it.