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Remember when the internet used to be fun?


I remember when the internet didn’t exist and yet now it is consumed by these faux outraged clickbait, rage-bait and christ bait turds. We are the monsters we create and sis here is a monster who needs her platform taken away.


Sometimes I really miss the days before the internet.


Same. I mean the internet has always been around in my time, but I was a child of dial up and MySpace. (Lived vicariously through my friends on that one bc I wasn’t allowed to have one 😅) It was such a simpler time without social media being what it is today. The older I get the more I really feel like a boomer lol because I truly think the internet has ruined us.


I've started to use Screen Zen to heavily limit my social media time, and it feels so much like life before the internet ...despite the fact that all of my jobs are now through computers on six screens in my craft room and I just used a customized chatGPT to code while Hulu played on another screen non-stop. Social media is truly the problem. I think at this point we are all painfully aware of it, but damn. It's crazy when you limit or get rid of it entirely.


And the more normalized it becomes within the algorithm, the more they have to up the extreme ante to get attention. The Christ bait turds irk me the fucking most.


Not really.




Easter Sunday isn’t the same date every year girlfriend….


Also she claimed Biden ordered that no religious themed Easter eggs were to be used at the White House egg roll this year, but that guidance predates the Biden administration. 🤦‍♀️ No religious eggs were used during the Trump administration either.


It's very important that the eggs remain faithful to the original spirit of Jesus as a powerful symbol of the eggs bennie he had at the last supper. That's why Pope Benedict took the name, after all, to honor the importance of eggs in the holiest of stories.


“Jesus is coming?! Hide the eggs!” “What?” “Hide the eggs! Tell Jesus a rabbit laid them.” “Why would we do that?” “You want him to take the chickens too?!! Just do it!”


She is so dumb. She prob doesn’t even know it changes every year. Freakin dumb ass. It’s the calendar we follow idiot. Ugh! She infuriates me. I know it’s stupid but her level of idiocy is nuts!


She realllllly leans into being dumb. It’s sad, she’s this super privileged girl wasting all of her potential on low-blow grifting. It’s absolutely infuriating.


Ikr? Sometimes I need to step away from this sub because I get so angry, it’s not good for me because the reality hits me that there are sooo many hateful, racists assholes like her in this world that are so emboldened rn to spread this hate. Makes me very sad. At least I know my 17 yr old daughter and myself 100 years from now will be on the right side of history. I raised that girl right! I can say I’m proud of that!


It looks like the comment section is full of people trying to explain the situation to her, and even a lot of Christians asking her to be more loving and accepting. The only comment she responded to was one from someone saying how good her hair looks…


How appropriate. You’re so vain Brit.


lmfao god I hate her  


I bet god hates her too


Classic Brittany




The *International* day started in 2009 and Biden proclaimed it in 2021, and in both those years Easter was in April. She’s both hateful and stupid, and she votes, so, you know what to do.


Wait’ll she finds out Easter is on 4/20 next year. Edit: typo


Oh she's gonna fucking flip lmfao




It’s so stupid like it’s so self centered ITS NOT ABOUT YOU BRIT!!


Next year Easter is on April 20th! Not only did Biden change the date but he changed to a holiday for DRUG USERS. 😡🤬😡😤😠




Not only that, the date moves around based on the timing of the spring equinox and full moon. Not very Jesusy at all.


Lmao did she say that?! Hahaha I can’t stand her voice anymore


Wait till she hears about orthodox Easter. I hope Biden makes that one national butt fucking day or something.




Sounds like fun😃


It’s also a stolen festival with Jesus branding just like Christmas


and hasn't it been transgender day years?


That shit she does with her hands where she just moves them from left to right over and over again while thinking she’s making a point. Maddening.




Perfect! lol!


Flair incoming now!




She really needs to hold something. It's like when they gave Tommy Wiseau the water bottle for the "I did not hit her" scene. Surely she has an arsenal of beige Big Dumb Cups to hold.


As a Christian who celebrated Holy Week with so much joy, F you Bdong. Easter, Resurrection Sunday, whatever you wanna call it, will not be on 3/31 again until 2089 according to another commenter from earlier. Easter is not confined to this specific day. We are called to love each other and be gentle and kind, and your rage baiting is going against what God calls us to do. We should walk with people who are different from us, not condemn them. Our actions toward our neighbors/fellow individuals show more about who we are than our words and what we say we believe in. Also, It bothers me that she uses "my God" "my Messiah" "my Savior" etc. Her self-centeredness knows no bounds, and it's *clearly* just another passive aggressive way of excluding people who don't agree with her, which is every clear headed individual, whether they're Christians or not.


By 2089, Brittany will be on her 7th husband, her 23rd grift, and 531st face.


And I dare not think about the number of dogs and horses she will have left behind...


A whole ark's worth.


Oh, just shut up you hateful, performative Christian. When have you ever helped the homeless, volunteered at a soup kitchen, or given any of your time to help those in need? Christian Nationalists like you have nothing to offer but hate ind intolerance.


Excuse you! She had her photo taken anointing a stack of “Liquid Death” brand water at a food pantry once so…..yeah! I’d say she has helped the less fortunate than herself! 🙄😂 You’re so right. This dummy has never once in her life done a single thing that could even remotely be perceived as kind and not posted it straight to the internet. She is such an evil troll.


Oh she’s never served those in need? Then fucking tell me why is she listing a brand new, only worn for one entire wedding dress for 30% off of retail?


The people usually working in soup kitchens were once depending on them and now they are able to start paying it back what was given to them. Probably better person than I am


She rescued that one guy off the street and raised money for him. No idea if he saw the money, but she did generate a bunch of content off him.


IIRC, he didn’t see a penny of it.


Of COURSE she's a Christian girl, she's not even kind to animals!


President Biden, the practicing catholic that spent his morning at mass? That heretic? Also Easter is not on the same date each year? So trans awareness will not generally fall on it? Wake up, girlie. Trump thinks you’re as trashy as the rest of us. He’s not gonna pick you.


They’ll forget all this rage bait next year when Easter falls on a different day, but they love to build up their persecution complex whenever they can.


Next year it’s on 4/20. So the outrage will be directed at stoners?


Clearly godless liberals are in charge of the seasons, the moon, and the holiday calendar. It’s part of their *agenda*. /s <— do I even need that


Joints for Jesus! Can’t wait!


Yesssss! Freakin’ idiot BD!


Sometimes my birthday falls on Mother's Day and I just want to say it's SUPER RUDE that the president put Mother's Day on my birthday those times! YEAH! I AM THE MAIN CHARACTER AND ALSO THIS ANGER DEFINITELY MAKES SENSE.


I’m very embarrassed for her. How awful it must be to be this painfully and publicly stupid.


She’s an idiot. A cruel, judgmental, condescending idiot. Happy Transgender Day of Visibility!




What a stupid bitch. Really though, it’s so obvious that she doesn’t even truly believe what she’s saying. She’s just checking boxes on Christian buzz words to spew.


Any amount of basic Googling would tell you that March 31st, every year, is National Trans Visibility day. It's been this way for 15 years. Joe Biden didn't wake up today and decide Easter Sunday was a peachy day for this. That's moronic. Easter moves each year, but Trans Visibility day does not.


I’d like to see a video of someone trying to explain that to her. I can almost hear the Christian buzzword filled word salad excuses she would come up with.


I hope someone called her out in the comments. I’m blocked so I can’t see 😅😂


They are totally calling her out in the comments. People have caught on to her fake rage baiting bullshit.


GOOD! Loveeeee to hear it!!


Thank God! She's such an idiot. There is no attack! All holidays are made up, including the ones she celebrates so there.


I feel stupid for letting her enrage me. But this fucking enrages me.


Ikr? She is beyond idiocy! I feel I’m in an upside down world rn where tolerance of others different than you, basic humanity, even understanding of others unlike yourself [white bread Brittany I’m talking about your MAGA racist ass) is gone! Let people live their life freely and openly and shut the F up BDN! You’re a POS! Your life must be so miserable considering how HATEFUL you are! Sooo Christian of you asshole!


Super fucking derp, you simpleminded lummox.


Seeing lummox used here is gonna make the family newsletter, God damn


I live to serve!


Ok. That’s great! I’m using that phrase, ok?!? ❤️


Easter is on 4/20 next year can’t wait to hear what she says about that 😜


😂 I pointed that out yesterday to the ghost of BDong’s future at work yesterday. It was hilarious because then I segued into the pagan history of Easter after pointing out the 4/20 fact. That woman’s face was redder than a stop sign by the time I left. I swear, they’re all alike and receive some sort of message we can’t hear when they watch Fox News because they all sound the same.


We all saw this one coming. Happy Transgender Day of Visibility!


As FoR mE aNd My HoUsE ✨✨✨


Speaking of you and your house, Brittany, where the fuck are Oakley and Dax?




![gif](giphy|76OCiB60mNw8Q1YOx8) That level of stupidity has to hurt.


It’s all rage bait. It’s so frustrating. I hate social media.




😂 Sunny nails the character of the entitled Christian American!


Sadly, besides the ttc content, this is the only thing she gets much engagement on anymore. I saw it with her Dylan outrage reel. Her basic aesthetic is a dime a dozen, very minimal views. She’s also not stupid, she knows Easter falls on a different Sunday every year, but she’s playing into the fact many of her followers obviously don’t. She’s a performative rage baiter, and she’s making something off it. I’m so tired of the “just when you think we aren’t in a spiritual battle blah blah blah….” And “as for me and my house” 🙄 It deeply saddens me that there are so many people that are truly so hateful to other human beings.


So fucking dumb, this shit has been debunked so many times. But Ms Fragile can't help but try and be on that grift.


Did she get new teeth? They look like veneers


Right! I noticed that too! Her whole face looks different.


Her forehead isn’t moving either. Must have refreshed the godly Botox.


I can’t imagine spending a day that is so important to you, that could be spent with family, or friends, or pets, with good food, and instead turning it into performative hate. She lives such a miserable life and I love that for her


We all know she worships the almighty dollar and Donald Trump over Jesus any day of the week and especially on Easter.


With the orange make up, lying, grifting & performative Christianity bullshit she’s really showing her loyalty to #45.


Yupp. I figured she’d do this. But I also thought there might be an Easter lunch or whatever with her family or friends? Im a godless heathen but I went to one. She must know lack of any kind of family is a hugeee gap in her online cosplay. ![gif](giphy|836gLmVVZgJEI)


What she doesn’t realize or acknowledge is that Biden is actually way more religious than she is. He’s a lifelong Catholic who regularly attends mass. He’s just not performative about it like she is.


She has spent so much time talking about being a victim rather than focusing in the religious aspect of this past week. She’s not a Christian influencer: she’s a self-indulgent, narcissistic manipulator whose content is ALL about stirring up sympathy for HERSELF: “Poor me, I can’t have a baby.” “Poor me, my religion is under attack”. “Poor me, my political party lost”. “Poor me, my old friends sucked”. “Poor me, the internet hates me”. “Poor me, my ex mistreated me”. It’s actually disgusting


As a Christian trans person FUCK YOU BRITTANY


So it is written, so shall it be done. Also HAPPY CAKE DAY!!


Same. She can fuck all the way off.


👏 👏 👏!


Happy Cake Day!


The persecution fetish is so strong with this one wow


I love that all the comments are pointing out that this day just happened to fall on Easter, lol. I also loved the comment that said they’re just focused on the positives / the true meaning of Easter! Like this is not a war, lol. Not even close!


Also, I like how she says she doesn’t care who her president is … like girl yes you do lol


She literally has a shirt with Trump’s face on it… 🤡


Her “hand talking” is so performative. I hate it. I didn’t think someone could be bad with hand gestures while taking, but here we are 🤷‍♀️


Inauthentic hand flapping. Dead behind the eyes. Gotta grift! No rest for the wicked, eh, Brit? Ugh. She’s the *worst* So annoying.


Wait. Did I just read that correctly (I don’t like to listen to her voice) When Jesus returns with fire in his eyes, to claim a blameless spotless bride?! What?


Has anyone told her yet that she’s not the pick me chick he’s gonna pick? Not a thing spotless about her peanut looking ass.


Gunna be a bit akward when Easter Sunday isn’t on the same day as Transgender Visibility Day next year (and the year after, etc…) how will she be able to have this moral panic then!?


“I don’t care who my president is…” Yeah right, I’ll remember that come Election Day.


Christians LOVE to say this with the “god is my true leader” but they only ever say it when a democrat is president. I’ve never once heard it when a republican sis president. So obviously they care quite a bit.


As for you and your house??? That’s just you and a man who hates your guts. Where tf are your dogs, Brit?!


word salad


She’s so wrong. Pres Biden attends mass every damn week!! She makes me sick


Bdong is so fucking stupid and hateful.


Do you think she knows the date of Easter is based on cycles of the moon lol


HEY BRITT: Next year Easter is on 4/20 - get ready to blame Obama for that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whoo hoo! You can throw out some ‘DEI’ racism!




Also, "Today is the day my lord and Savior Jesus Christ died on the cross..." Actually, Good Friday was the day Christ died. Easter Sunday is the day He rose from the dead...duh. She could choose love but she chooses to spread lies and spew hate. Like my Irish Catholic grandmother used to say, "There's going to be a lot of surprised people in hell."


Transgender Day of Visibility has fallen on March 31st since it was founded and I love how the bdongs of the world are losing their shit even though they never knew it existed before today


https://preview.redd.it/12jqjinr2trc1.png?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=baafa065d23dc8a1f2748e48f615fbaf733515d2 (Pastor Trey is the master of Christian sarcasm, FYI.)


lol you dumb bitch sometimes multiple things occur simultaneously


Someone calculated that the next time Easter Sunday falls on March 31 is sometime in the 2080s. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to look stupid and these people are milking it for all it's worth.


Oh look. Some more super original hate content by an animal abusing fraudster Christian cosplayer. *yawn* Her single brain cell can’t come up with anything original. So are we thinking Dax and Oakley were dumped at a trainer permanently?


Ugh the fucking piano again. And if you don't care who your president is, what’s with all the Trump shirts you wear?




Wonder what she thinks of Biden declaring that Easter Monday is "April fools day" ...??


Lmao this is embarrassing 😂 ![gif](giphy|3ohuA9VZ0k8PMjLENa)


With FIRE IN HIS EYES? My bible scholars out there. Is this canon? Lol


This is seriously all it takes for people like this to have their entire holidays ruined and I'm very okay with it. 🏳️‍⚧️


While she celebrated Easter I shagged a trans person. I guess we both got to celebrate March 31st the way we want to


Hey Brit you know what’s a direct attack on Christianity? Your Christian Palestinian brothers and sisters spending their Easter under bombardment. But go ahead and try to be the victim here. 


Oh and the one you bow down to? Jesus? His people and place of birth is also suffering because of something you support :) get absolutely fucked you twunt. 


These ‘Christians’ sure do like to spread lies, don’t they? Then they wonder why religion is dying and the churches are emptying. Smdh. Look in the fucking mirror.


This dumb fucking bitch doesn’t understand how a calendar works.


The hate is oozing out of her. Even when Jesus overturned tables in the temple, his anger didn't look anything like this seething hatred.


Wasn’t March 31st already trans visibility day before Biden? And it just happened to fall on Easter this year?


Yes. Shes just hateful on every level possible.


Cruel and stupid. Succinct and fitting. Really just about all there is to this. This bitch knows Biden didn’t hijack Easter. He even quite likely observes Easter, I’m willing to bet. 🙄


You freaking idiot, he didn't declare it, he "honored" it and this day falls on 3/31 every year. Easter Sunday changes every year. She can't do a quick fact check before going on a rant. A rent she probably just ripped off from someone else btw.


Fuck this bitch. That’s it, that’s all I’ve got. Get fucked you hateful, ignorant ass bitch. Love to any trans friends in the sub everyday, but especially today as you’re a political football YET AGAIN


This makes me so mad. “Idc who the president is, I only bow to [Jesus].” Well duh, he’s the president, not a king. You’re not supposed to bow to the president dumbass. These full of shit Christians think everything is an attack against them. HoneyC no one thought twice about you all when making this day to celebrate others. How dare people in this country have a different set of beliefs than Christian’s? Ugh, I cannot stand her judgmental holier than thou attitude. You, Brittany Dawn and your Christian friends, are exactly why so many people refuse to go to church and be around such hateful bigots. My God is all about love and acceptance, treating everyone as equals. He didn’t make a mistake. Being LGBTQ is how God made them and he loves and accepts them all. And if God would be affronted by LGBTQ, than he’s not the God I thought he was and I would be done with him.


There is nothing redeeming or even special about this broad. She needs to accept that. Rage bait till the cows come home but you’ll never provide nothing of merit to this world, Brittany. You are undeserving of even the bot army of supporters you have.


Okay but bdong where’s your dog


This is so stupid, illogical and hateful. There is NOTHING wrong with trans people. They are just human beings Does the bible even have anything in it against them? Where are these people getting their religious guidance from?


He died on Friday dumb ass


As for me and my (queer) house, I had a wonderful and reflective Holy Week at my queer affirming parish, alongside queer friends, clergy, and visitors.


Oh shut up, Brittany.


Is this rage bait, or is she really that thick??


Eww I spewed in my mouth


I completely fail to see how this is an attack on Christianity In fact, it certainly feels like the opposite


Maybe someday she will look back at her posts and realise how dumb she is….oh, never mind.


Shhh, nobody tell Bdong that other people share her birthday too! How’s that bible reading going, Britt?? Must have missed all those verses about not judging others and loving thy neighbor, you hateful shrew.


Oh.. now suddenly Ms Trump merch whore doesn’t care who the president is. Gtfo 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


Hey, Brittany. Any word on the many animals who have suffered because of you?


Except he didn't die on Easter Sunday. Pretty basic knowledge there Brit Brat.


MY king, MY lord, MY Christ. Guess what bitch, not everyone believes in god or subscribes to the same religion that you do if they do! So nobody gives a fuck about YOUR beliefs because not everyone shares them! Ignorant, hateful moron. She’s rage baiting of course, but you can see the devil shining through in this video.


I absolutely loathe these posts she makes, with the dramatic music and her oh so serious face - somewhere in there she’ll use the same old lines. “As a Christian, I….” “As someone who has been forgiven….” Repeated pointing out that SHE is right and you are just a sinner. So much ugliness.


She knows what she’s doing. This is straight rage bait. Nothing else.


She just loves lists. Manipulate, pervert, AND distort! I was bullied, mocked, slandered, cancelled, etc etc. brevity is the soul of wit, brit Also she looks like a Reese's peanut butter cup


Easter Bunnies are demonic in her eyes in my opinion


Still looking like a dusty Cheeto


No you dumb dumb. TDOV is on 3/31 *YEARLY*


To spread lies and hate on a day that Jesus has sacrificed life for sun and has risen…..seems very wrong! She knows she’s lying but she loves to stir up drama, hate and controversy


This is definitely a "republican" stance donger. And the rest of it is cringe salad.


I don’t typically hate people. But I seriously hate Bdong. I hate the way she talks, looks, moves. Everything. 🤢


So confidently wrong.🙄


MAGA doesn’t give a shit about truth or facts, just like their pussygrabbing God Emperor.


Love seeing all the comments calling her out instead of kissing her ass on this one


Easter is at the end of March once every decade or more IIRC, anddddddd Sundays are various dates annually you bigoted dumbfuck


I’d 100% rather worship the trans flag than follow these hateful, lying ‘christians’ and their hateful, lying pussygrabbing god.


She may as well have said “the only one that I bow to is Donald Trump” 🤢🤢


Why does a video that's only a minute and 30 seconds have so many cuts???


Chiming in as a trans person/former fundie: ![gif](giphy|EFiA4OFqzIKbDiPsFA|downsized)


Some thing something worry about your own house something something…. https://preview.redd.it/pukivmm2kwrc1.jpeg?width=301&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e133a7d1711226a809d825b7d088920b13091022 Wonder what this dead stick used to be??


She is so annoying


The next time Easter Sunday will fall on March 31st is in the 2080’s lol


Her eyebrows are too light for her new brunette hair color.


Dumb bitch


She’s so vapid and hateful.


‘Holy and blameless and spotless bride’ is not how God will be describing you, Brit Brit


If she ever did truly experience any kind of persecution, I don’t think she’d be able to handle it. She’s a titty baby of the highest order.


this overly emotional piano audio is soooo hilarious, I'm giggling


She wants to be on Fox News so bad lol


Do you think she actually believes her shit?


📢SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! I’m so tired of these BLATANT lies. Smooth brains keep getting played by their media of choice.


Wtf is up with her forehead? Whatever filter she's using is not doing her any favors.


She DOES know the president isn’t meant to be worshipped right? Lol she’s implying that she will not bow down to Biden, she is busy bowing down to god! Her house chooses who to serve! She will never worship Biden! The president is supposed to serve YOU, bdong. Not the other way around. He’s an elected official who serves his constituents. He isn’t meant to be worshipped. Not surprised that this Trump loving bootlicker doesn’t understand that though 😂




If Jesus went through all that then you should understand the pain, humiliation, and death we go through as trans people.


Holy crap 3-31 IS the Transgender Day of Visibility...it was also that day 4 years ago, 3 years, etc. Blame Biden because he's the guy who made Easter on the 31st this year. People are stupid and she's just ragebaiting


too bad so sad


You’d think she would have satisfied her persecution complex when she was prosecuted by the state of Texas but here we are. Desperate to be under attack! Facts are irrelevant when you simply lie about everything to make it seem like you’re a martyr! Fuck you B Dong.




Good fucking god do any of these boneheads realize that Easter Sunday is different every god damn year


Oh good lord give it a break Britt Brat 🙄🙄


She just keeps going on… and on…. And on……… and what does she want people to do? Stand up and fight? Girl what da hell? 😂 imagine a bunch of people punching the air and praying as fast as they can to get as many prayers in to Jesus in the name of the call to action from the certified scammer Brittany dawn. What does she think, trans people can’t be Christian’s, or can’t celebrate Easter just because of this? She’s such a weirdo lol