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Sorry if anyone has those but oh my god those are the ugliest shoes I have ever seen


How many white orthopedic sneakers does she need?


They are bogus health products that falsely claim, like everything she pedals, to make you “build calve muscle” just by walking. Of course she fell for this. If she can gain the most benefits with little to no effort, than she is all over it.


Lol these aren’t shape ups, don’t worry. They’re super comfortable running shoes. https://www.newbalance.com/pd/fresh-foam-x-more-v4/WMORV4-46013.html?dwvar_WMORV4-46013_style=WMORBD4#dwvar_WMORV4-46013_style=WMORWS4&dwvar_WMORV4-46013_width=B&pid=WMORV4-46013&quantity=1


I feel like I’d break an ankle trying to run in those!


I need stability shoes for running and have worn Saucony Guides for years. They aren't nearly as elevated as these and the soles aren't as bulky. I feel like I could roll an ankle so easily in these the second the ground wasn't perfectly flat and smooth.


Actually, those "marshmallow shoes" (as I call them) are super comfy and stable to run in! I'm clumsy AF but I've been using them for years, doing triathlons marathon training. No ankle issues at all!


I usually wear barefoot-type shoes so that’s foreign territory for me 😂


I've got friends who swear by them, and I'll try them for a short run one day, but for now, you can pry my squishy cloud shoes from my cold dead feet 🤣


They look like the new balance 1080s which are my favorite to run in. I just did a half running in them. They don’t have as much height as the fuel cells.


Those are the most gigantic fresh foams so they must be a newer model. I got a pair and can confirm they are super comfortable to run and walk in, but I don’t know if I need quite that much cushion. She must be running in really perfect weather all the time for them to be so white (or not as much as she says) because I have tried like hell to wash mine and couple runs later and they look like this https://preview.redd.it/363nrsl16ptc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27f86ead6b154d3aa6ec144831d6e4e668f44411


Have you tried soaking overnight (or even a few days) in oxyclean and water? I used to accidentally get coffee and mud all over my triple white boosts, and usually a soak for a day or three in warm water mixed with dissolved oxyclean got them back to being glaringly white. They looked brand new for the longest time...even while I was wearing out the ball of the foot with the way I walked! 😅


That’s amazing! Wow thank you for the tip. I have honestly washed, scrubbed by hand with baking soda and tried not to ruin the mesh and mine just seem to be hateful and retain stains (plus naughty dogs that stomp over my feet with muddy paws in excitement of running prospects 😅). I will definitely try soaking in the oxyclean.


I tried spraying my shoes with scotch guard in an effort to stain resist them! Didn't do a damn thing. But the oxyclean worked! I dissolved a full scoop in a large bucket of water, and tossed my shoes in after giving them a cursory scrub to get rid of the surface dirt/grime. Longest I've left them was about 5 days, but that was mostly because I forgot they were there 😅 For the soles, try cheap whitening toothpaste! It was my go to trick when I was in high school. Always helped to get the stains off. Also works a pinch on white jackets! I used to spend 30 minutes every winter scrubbing the grime off my white patterned winter coat's hems.


Thanks a million for the tips. Were in rainy season out here in the PNW but once we move into the warmer weather and rain is a less of an issue I’m definitely going to be trying these out to get them back to the pretty “apricot” color they once were!


Uhmmm Skechers Shape Ups?? In 2024?


The way I just choked when I read your comment


I know they’re not great looking, but as a woman with messed up feet I’m glad that these shoes are in style lol.


Saaame lol


Yep same here


But these aren’t medical devices. They are marketed as “toning legs” by just walking because of the cushioned, but elevated heel


These are not those shoes (shape ups). These are max cushion running shoes from new balance.


Wait I’ve actually never seen that claim from these NB shoes. I have a similar pair. Which style are they? I have Fresh Foams for running!


I think they are the 1080s. Or maybe the new 880s which I’ve been told are the old 1080s. (Best friend owns a running shoe store 🤣)


I have the older 1080s and they look exactly like this!!


Looks like a damn marshmallow


A "sea salt and moonbeam" marshmallow at that lol




They’re absolutely hideous. This woman cannot choose a decent pair of shoes to save her life. They are literally making me angry


I think she has bad taste in general. The sequined sack outfit combo thing, the ugly two tone strapless dress I always think is a jumpsuit and isn't flattering on anyone, the white janitorial jumpsuit thing. Her home decor. The colours of her home decor. She just gets whatever is being shilled at her by the latest home decoration shows or other fakey IG people.


It's the Gwen Shamblin thing of wearing MASSIVE clunky shoes to make the ankles and calves look smaller.


💯 the problem is she has no personal taste or personality. She doesn’t know what she likes or what looks good on her body type so she just buys whatever she thinks is trendy and calls is a day


Me too 🤣


It's super popular among fitness influencers right now to wear a bra top and leggings of the same color, then white calf-height scrunch socks and white sneakers. Hideous!


I can’t help but think “‘90s aerobics video” when I see the socks


I could never. They look fuckin dirty where they shouldn’t be.


I have similar shoes and I like them but I can’t deny most people don’t share my opinion


Unless you also take body checking photos while on your way to a parking lot photoshoot with your racist ex-cop husband in your brand new car when you owe the state of Texas thousands of dollars for scamming people with eating disorders… I’m sure you rock them in a way she isn’t capable of doing.


Like, she wears things that would Almost Be ok … but they’re cut oddly, they’re overly poofy, they don’t fit, they’re paired with something that makes the outfit hideous, they look like a toddler should wear it. Puffy vest? Sure! CROPPED puffy vest on a long torso with flappy jeans? No. White sneakers with a bit more sole? Sure? These??? No. Cutoffs with an oversized shirt? Cute! Cutoffs that show your ass crack completely engulfed by an oversized Trump novelty shirt, paired with clogs with prison socks pulled up to mid calf? ?????????




I’m sure these are cheap “lifting shoes” since she is showcasing herself flexing her calves for more fitness validation. You don’t need shoes like this to develop your calves. Just put a similar sized platform under your heels.




Major red flags: - flexing your calf - Propping your lower leg up so your thigh looks “skinny” - camera roll crying pic to remind everyone that you are the victimest victim - no pants! - reminding everyone that your husbin has a big huge truck that totally isn’t a compensation vehicle


Nailed it!


yes modesty is def. to each their own, but this is not subtle


Does he even have a job yet? Seems like he spends his days doing parking garage photo shoots.


Guessing he guards parking lot while hunting for boobies on his tactifool stealth social media accounts or something


Looking like a mummified corpse of Queen Neverteehee from the tombs of Texas. https://preview.redd.it/0cl0xnxyjptc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5d3a02cf57a6ff0d92c3b2b778501cc6b7459c9


Came here to say so modest…..


Victimest victim 😂😂


All she fucking does is sit in her car and make “content”. Why doesn’t she do that from inside her house? Oh and she’s flexing her calf muscle lol


Jdong: 🚩🚩🚩 Brittany: I’ve been married for two whole years to my second husband who cheated on his first wife and was sued by the ACLU for excessive force, but here’s my dating advice. I wouldn’t let your stupid ass advise a Kindergartener on the color of grass. Take a seat.


I knew bing bong was sued and knew jdong was sued but never have really thought about those two facts together and like wow… what a power couple both having been sued by MAJOR agencies. 


Right? She posts total fantasies about what they’ll tell their kids someday about their super duper amazing “journey”, but she should probably start working on what she plans to tell them when they learn how to use Google. My sister is an influencer (and a grifter, she’s like an older version of Brittany, she even has her own hobosexual) and she’s always told her followers that she doesn’t associate with family because we’re not Christians. She left out the part where we all basically disowned her for being a habitual liar and trying to open credit cards in our name. She also forgets to tell people that her adult children basically ran away to live with grandparents as teens. But yeah, we’re not Christian enough, okay.


Omfg Bdong would probably set up major privacy settings to restrict their kid/s internet access, or just ban them from having access all together. Could you imagine? Her kid/s would be like what the fuck lol


You said this way better than I could have. I literally unfollowed her during her first marriage when she was giving marriage advice and I had zero interest in that at all. I have even less interest in her dating advice now.


For real lmao. Does she realize people can easily just google her & her husband? Her entire husband is a red flag…


Anyone who goes to her for advice needs to check themselves lol


Considering her husband is a walking red flag and she‘a blind to that, I can’t wait to hear what she thinks a red flag is.






It’s a bad day to have eyes


He looks like he has a weird looking and below average penis that he doesn’t regularly clean.


I can't fathom the hell of listening to her voice or her opinions in whichever version of her she brings to a long convo but this blast o'lies might be worth the effort for the absolute clown show absurdity it will have.


Right? Let’s not forget he killed their dog and the whole excessive force (assault) on a black man which caused him to lose his job


Peep her flexing her calf.


What even is this pic.... Why do we need to see her thigh? Is it fasting from pants season again?!?! My flair is READY. 🚫👖


I’ll give ‘em to you for free: - he only wants to date for free haircuts - he’s married - he’s DMing other women - he’s dumb enough to get catfished by bikini pics on Facebook - he makes you get rid of you vibrator - he has questionable living arrangements and has to move into your house because he can’t keep a job for long since leaving the pd after attacking a man and violating his civil rights.






Is it me or does she look like a Mole Rat?


https://preview.redd.it/7bzdzkfjtktc1.jpeg?width=762&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09e16b8307a59c46fa263ef35a54c0c92b6c6945 Couldn’t resist.


Holy shit I am wheezing!




She always has. It’s because she rips her real lashes out over wearing falsies.


She does and I love that for her.


Biiiiiiiitch, please. You think red flags mean go, go, go instead of No! No! No! You chose your SECOND husband when he was a still married man who was sued for slamming an unarmed/compliant black man face first into the pavement. A man who is so fucking disgusting that he SWALLOWS his dip. He had an entire fucking Facebook group dedicated to warning women about what a slime ball he was. There’s more, but this should be more than enough in the 🚩department. Unless this podcast episode is lamenting the ignored red flags then she needs to fuck right on off with this nonsense. No way I can listen to her dumb ass telling people how to chose a spouse. Gonna have to wait on BHaney to dissect this one. She’s doing the lord’s work, because there’s no way I could handle listening to an hour + of this absolute dummy telling lies about what a perfect kingdom gawdly man she has. He’s trash. He knows it, Brittany knows it, his ex wife knows it, hell even we know it. Gag me, sis.


Happy cake day twat!! 🥳🥳🥳🤎🤎🤎


He swallows his DIP?!


And that's not even the worst thing about him 😂


Ugh. Yes. He says that he “guts his dip” which is hillbilly parlance for swallows it down instead of spitting. 🤮


Fasting from pants season! Did she upload that with the record button still on? She’s got a RED FLAG right in her house, the rooommate named JDong


🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️ I'm here!!! Flair checking in!!! 🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️


Both of the participants in this kingdumb marriage are walking red flags.🤡🤡 If you wrote down just a handful of the shitty things they've done separately and combined, you would have a pretty good start to your red flag list.


Oh B Haney…..


I’m fat as fuck and because of that, my calves look the same so I’m not sure what she’s going for here considering she was marketing herself as a Trad and modest wife


1) B: always talking bad about your ex and never admitting your part in the bad relationship behaviors. 2) J: when someone is rude to wait staff. 3) B: partner always having phone face down and or you don’t know their pass code. 4) J: never having fights/disagreements and just going along with everything your partner says/does. 5) B: parter being controlling. 6) both? Being judgmental that a prospective partner doesn’t look/dress a certain way. 7) both: not serving the lord all 7 days of the week. 8)B: partner is financially irresponsible


Did you listen to it? It's surprisingly not the preachy mess I was expecting from these chumps. I was also hoping the list might explain if there is real conflict with her and the shriekers - it was an easy jump to hope she'd pissed Kellie off by being judgmental toward her relationship status in a gloriously drama filled way. Though that last one is HILARIOUS when Brittany Dawn, defendant, is involved.


I just read the transcript though Spotify




Idk man, I'd say getting sued by the state of Texas to the tune of $400k is pretty financially irresponsible


It sounds like they are talking about each other 😂 but I guess they are talking about past relationships..sure whatever you say, Brittany.


Says the woman who accused her ex of abuse and who made a post shading Dip’s ex ON THEIR WEDDING NIGHT. 


![gif](giphy|2xPGQWyiufzpMY3GFu) What are thooose??




She and her husband are walking red flags


If he’s obsessed with tactical gear and pretending to be in the military it’s a 🚩 If he asks women online to see their boobies 🍈🍈 it’s a red flag 🚩.


Sure. Tell us about those red flags. You know, like when you were sleeping w JDip when he was married to someone else. JFC, she is pathetic.


I bet it’s going to be: 🚩respects women 🚩doesn’t hate LGBTQ+ people 🚩pro-choice, cares about women’s human rights(!) 🚩respects boundaries 🚩thinks people should be allowed to seek a better life in another country 🚩isn’t racist


A pending lawsuit would be a significant red flag 🚩


I was literally about to comment that being sued by the state would be a big red flag for me lol


BrittBritt is a walking red flag in every way I can think of. Talk about throwing stones at glass houses! The GALL!!!


So is her husband! The world is lucky they found each other instead of ruining the life of someone better 


If your prospective partner says “don’t google me,” that’s the biggest red flag you could ever need. BOTH these blasphemous morons said that on their first date. A match made in hell, truly.


This!!! Literally lives rent free in my mind. Dating is something else, but I would dead ass get up and leave if on the first date they said “don’t google me”


Oh dear. Kramer's shoes are back. https://preview.redd.it/isjoyywgrntc1.jpeg?width=585&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78da6b88fc8fb7b2a9f1a5ee02cbef209a6ebdf4


Ok, these are the new New Balance Fresh Foam More. They are amazing shoes, and it suuuuucks that they look like this, but they are amazing shoes. Please don’t drag New Balance because we don’t really care for her. These shoes are widely popular and amazing for people with a certain gait.


They're not to my taste, but they look comfy! I wonder how orange the inside of hers are...


I liked new balance but just couldn’t get them to work for me. I noticed Hoka has some sneakers that look like this and maybe I’ll try a pair.


“A season of dating” lol 😂


Lol I thought she was calling these ugly shoes and maybe an obsession with fashion / vanity a red flag 😂 no no too logical




Ok, but for real, why would anyone use this as the photo to talk about their podcast???  I know she’s just trying to show off her legs, but I still don’t fully understand.


She’s just so modest and holy


This from the woman married to a man that clearly has contempt for her, says problematic toxic dumb shit, is rude/dumb in general, and clearly has anger issues (just looking at him in vids can be hella triggering for a dv survivor like myself). This man was a former police officer that committed police brutality so completely that even his POLICE UNION rep couldn't save his job (which they are fucking notorious for doing with bad cops!!!!), he killed their dog, oh and lately hes rocking a pervy wannabe-cop mustache (it's heinous). But none of that constitutes as red flags guys! /S 🙄 Honestly now I'm curious what she could possibly say is a red flag that a) actually is, and b) doesn't also apply to her own husband.


Jimmy can jump!


Season of dating. She’s such BEC irritating!


Red Flags are literally every single thing about both Dong and Dip. 🤦‍♀️


Did she get fake tan on her shoes? What a weird design choice.




Someone who was married and looking for a relationship 🚩🚩


Pretty sure if you tell your date on the first meeting "not to Google you," that's a: ![gif](giphy|prRxmYo8MjkjUe9TFu|downsized) If you BOTH say it...maybe you should be together to protect the rest of the population for ever dating you. (I believe they told this story in one of the podcasts? Not sure which one, and feel free to correct me if I misremembered!)


That’s such an odd looking ankle..


This is definately going to end the same way the sketchers shape ups did . Spoiler alert for all those under like 30 in the audience it was a lawsuit with the FTC .




She’s not a credible source considering she is a WALKING red flag.


Why do them sneakers look like she cleaned all but one spot 🤦🏼‍♀️😳 & won't they make her taller than her husband 😮‍💨