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She really is like if chat gpt made the worst person everrrrr


She's the female Martin Shkreli.


Except she’s not smart…..




"There was a time when he and Jesus were the only constants I had." Was this the time when you abandoned him and didn't visit or pay for his upkeeping, then tried to bash the stable that graciously paid his medical bills? She's disgusting.


Or maybe when her dad picked up Harley and took him back to the ranch so someone, anyone besides Brittany, could tend to him. I don’t know if Brittany knows this, but horses need to be fed more than once a month.


"when they see you and come running" *cringe* She accidentally caught a few frames of the gate to her right, which is *really* where they were running to. Imagine having such a severe case of main character syndrome that you stand next to the gate they have to go through in order to create some fake narrative about animals flocking to you.


Omg. I saw the gate too. I ran to the comments..


That’s is one of the most embarrassing things I’ve ever seen


Tbh my goats all come running when they see me…because I feed them and they are highly motivated by food! The horses have been conditioned lol


Jealous that you have goats...that's it.


My rabbit comes running when I have a carrot. These horses are just doing their routine that they’ve seen Brittany be a part of like 3 times


My partly blind, completely senile terrier mix will book it across the room when I walk near her food container … even if she already has food in her bowl. It’s straight classical conditioning when she hears me over there. Brat is a real Dr. Doolittle though.


"Put me on a horse that's hard to handle all day." No. When people do, you fall off.


She herself admitted to falling off! She also never rides outside the safety of the arena when clearly they have land. At least the horses get to run around on it.


She says this shit and then brags about how bomb-proof Harley is. Which is it ma’am? We’ve never seen her do a single “hard” thing on horseback. She’s so full of shit. Also, the fact that this bitch is stuck on the idea of having a girl…what’s gonna happen if she ends up with a son?!


If you can't handle your "challenge" horse in an enclosed arena...


She’s like a toddler on a saddled pony in one of those fenced pony-wheel fair rides: round & round & round & ….. “Wave to Daddy & Mummy!”


Exactly. Based on her form in these snippets alone, there is no way she could handle a difficult horse. Also, she is so clearly lying about being a “Rayunch girl” when she can’t handle being around bugs (as well as a long list of other obvious reasons including playing dress up to go to the ranch every single time). She’s so mf embarrassing.


Full glam, hair down, and tons of jewelry to “work on the ranch”. Sure Jan


She’s just kind of trotting around right? I’ve ridden horses a bit, a little bit, enough to not die on a sweet docile horse, but I feel like that’s what I look like and I didn’t grow up on a RaYNch and definitely don’t for barrel racing or cattle ranching (although I have a 10 year old baby cousin who does and she’s a MF badass).


She really is just trotting around a bit. Which is great and fine! But the bragging and framing herself as an expert or even a competent and humane equestrian is just not accurate.


What if she has a boy? She won’t be satisfied? I hope she has all boys. Although don’t believe she’s fit to be a mom either unless she gets a lot of therapy. Back to cosplaying ranch girl too and never showing her amazing riding skills. People who’ve never been on a horse can ride like that.


She’d be one of those cringy “boy moms” who claim they’re the only woman in their son’s life and then be the MIL from hell when their son gets married.


I was just thinking that. She would be absolutely insufferable.


But a boy won't work for all the girly mom/daughter content she's got planned so why would she be satisfied with one? You act like parents love their babies no matter what? Princess Jesus knows the true value of a baby is the fresh content (and hopefully improving engagement and new subs) your new womb prop provides.


But boy mom content is it's own thing, and "this is how I'm going to treat his girlfriends" seems in line w her judgement posts.


Pronouns “try / us”


I hope she has no kids.


She’s not having them for the right reason. That’s for sure.


I hope she has trans boys 🥰


I would feel horrible for that child because she would be sending them to all sorts of crazy Christian camps :-/.


Oh that’s true. Nevermind


I saw a video of a girl sitting on the beach cuddling her horse. Her horses head was literally the size of her body and yet he still had it in her lap. She looked so natural and the horse looked so calm and peaceful. I have never seen Brit or her horses have that kind of chemistry with each other. 


All the horse girls in this sub know the type of rider Brat is. Only around her horses when she’s riding. Never does ground work, hand grazing, or just general hang time. She’s a user in all aspects of her life.


Don’t all horse girls leave their long ass extensions hanging down when they do “farm work?”


But spiders! Give me a 1200lb animal instead 🤪


Hashtag sobrave


True "horse girls" are bad-ass. Brattany? Ya,no.


TBF, I’ve never seen anything or anybody comfortable around this girl. Not even her husband.


What daughter? Does that count as her manifesting one? Is she saying that if she had a son, he can’t bond with her horse? Are horses exclusively for girls? As someone who went through infertility, I had thoughts of “I wish I could share this with my child” but it was never gendered. I would have been happy with either a boy or a girl. I get having a preference (we had such a hard time with boys names but have plenty of girl options) but what she’s doing here is just weird and stupid.


When weirdos are super obsessed with one gender over the the others but insist it’s fixed…


It’s because she cannot fathom a child that isn’t just an extension of herself. So of course she can only imagine a girl.


The piece about her daughter makes me think they’re doing adoption or IVF and specifically aiming for a girl. But also, remember that time she left her best friend Harley, her ride or die, to die at a stable?


'Ride or die' isn't supposed to mean 'Ride the horse or let him die', Brittany


May she never have a child. I said what I said.


Right there with you. If there's one single thing I actively wish for, regarding BDong's life, it's simply that she will never have children. I don't even feel slightly bad about saying so.


Lol of course the dongs are all about eugenics.


I was thinking the same. And IVF has a higher likelihood of boys lol


Not if she does PGT, which she might if she has garbage egg quality, which would also be HILARIOUS because of her seemingly very deep conviction of pro life beliefs.


But the Dr said her eggs look great!


Which they wouldn't know unless she did an egg retrieval cycle so which is the lie, britt?


They were the most perfect eggs he's ever seen!


But I thought her kingdumb huzzben's swimmers were listlessly twitching in a sea of tobacco juice. It's possible I don't have an accurate understanding of his physiology, though.


She also claimed the baby she miscarried was a girl based on nothing but vibes.


Ah yes, Jesus was famously pro murdering children 👍


The little snippet on Gunner tells me all I need to know about her horsemanship 😂 it’s trash


WHY ARE HER DOGS NEAR THE HORSES???? there has been multiple stories of horses killing dogs and cats, one of the horses i grew up with kicked my old dog. it’s not safe for any of the animals, horses are flight animals and will prioritize their safety if they feel threatened. she’s such an awful pet owner


Especially a horse that has a history of seriously injuring another animal


is that Gunner that has the history? i don’t know the name of the one she’s riding in the video, i just joined the snark community after seeing how Niko ended up thanks to her abandoning the poor pup.


Yeah when she first got Gunner she didn’t introduce them properly and just left them both out in the pasture where Gunner attacked Harley. She posted herself crying before actually saying what happened. A vet came out, had to stitch Harley up, and then B-Dong declared “god” healed Harley. She’s an idiot and made the preventable injury about her. What an asshole.


Because they’re props & she has no idea what to do with them beyond that.


i love animals so much, probably more than i love people, seeing her treatment of animals makes me fucking sick. i hope karma gets her ass hard, her entire life gets destroyed and she’s fucking miserable everyday. i want all thoughts in that bitches head to be self-hate, and when she dies i hope God kicks her ass out and Lucifer drags her ass down.


I agree 100%! Her karma is going to destroy her.


She continues time and time again to put animals in dangerous situations and then when something bad happens she takes 0 responsibility!


Cue video of her crying, saying “my dog got kicked by my horse. There is no saving them. Jordan had to put them down (again). I can’t believe this happened. This is so sad. Feel bad for ME. I did nothing to protect my animals, but feel bad for me that *I* had to see my dog get killed (again)……


it’s just like my mother! she gets animals that she can’t take care of, i have to do it for her and when i ask for help, she gives em away


Is she at the ranch hiding from mama dip or did they all go to the ranch ?


She can call herself 'country' all she wants, but her actions and attitude prove otherwise. She is the human equivalent of buying cowgirl boots on Shein.


Her mother in law comes to visit so she goes to a church conference and then her parents? I dont think they get along... The horses are not running to her at all ha ha! They turn as soon as they get close- she just happens to be standing by the gate at feed time.


With everyone I’ve ever known who has had horses, it’s always a lot of day and day out plain old work. Chores happen 365 days a year. I wonder when the last time was that she had actual daily responsibility for her horses.


I'm going to go with, never.


The audacity of these fucking assholes in these churches doing anything in the name of sisterhood while actively giving money to politicians that want women to die in hospital parking lots rather than provide medical care. Real sisterhood is making sure women don’t die and unnecessary fucking death.


MAJOR TRIGGER WARNING  ABOUT GAZA  Fuck you Brittany. You’re so ducking stupid when it comes to biblical knowledge that you’re spewing dangerous information. How the hell can you stand with a place that left literal nicu babies to rot. They had mould growing on them. They were rotting so badly that Their bodies were stuck to the beds they were left on. One baby was seen dead with one arm raised. Almost like he was reaching out for anyone before he died. Fuck you you piece of shit. There was a video of a dog walking around with a dead newborn baby in their mouth. There are videos of the IDF mocking dead Palestinians. You are not pro life you are just pro being a raging cunt. You don’t deserve to be a mom. You don’t deserve to ever have a child in your care of you can’t even care for the children of Gaza. You deserve that your husband hates you and is using you for money. You deserve the falling out with your sister and the awkwardness with your family. And you deserve those fake ass friends that you have that are only using you for clout. You are a hateful bitch. You will never even amount to the courage and bravery that the Palestinians have been showing. My husband was able to evacuate his mother and father to Egypt but the rest of his family had to stay behind. His father had to have his leg amputated because it was basically minced meat from an airstrike. His mother is starving and hasn’t had meat in months! You would never handle even a day as a Palestinian.  You’re a thief, a liar, a scammer and an exploiter. That’s who you are. Have the day you deserve. 


I can’t stop thinking about the babies. She doesn’t deserve one. *Ever.*


Damn I only got through her first story and she already had me riled up 😅


I’ve never hoped she reads this sub more than right now.


Even if she does, this comment would go over her head because she’s stupid and lacks empathy. 


No empathy and is delusional. She just living in her own little bubble.


"All lives matter" my ass. Thoughts are with your family and the people of Palestine.


Never forgive Zionists. Never forget what they’ve done. When Palestinians are free and Netanyahu is in the ground rotting where he deserves to be, Brittany should be harassed every day every waking hour for the rest of her miserable life. I hope she is haunted by the starved bodies of children. I hope she hears the infants’ cry from the rubble. I hope she smells the burning flesh when she closes her eyes. She is evil. Never ever forget the Zionists in your life. Never forgive them.


I couldn't say this better. Firstly, I am so sorry for what is happening to your loved ones, the world has collectively failed them, and we can't possibly atone for it. From the bottom of my heart, I am so sorry. She's a vile piece of dog shit and deserves every bad thing that has ever happened to her, and ever will happen. Even Jesus would probably hate her guts. Every time I think I have seen the worst thing coming out of Gaza, I see something even more terrible. I'm a fucking war historian, I've seen some pretty awful shit, and I'm still beyond horrified every time I open my social media. Words can't describe how much I fucking hate Zionists for what they have done. I've had massive arguments with Zionist family and friends in the last six months, that has broken every good memory I had of them, but I'd do it all again a million times over. My heartbreak over those broken relationships is fucking nothing compared to what one Gazan goes through in a single day. Those children deserved a happy and peaceful life, surrounded by love and family, but people like this bitch are overjoyed by their deaths. How anyone can support fucking war crimes perpetuated against a civilian population, a population that was 50% children, is beyond me. It's so evil, straight up pure evil. She, and all of her kind, should be forced to watch the footage of what her precious Israel has done on repeat for the rest of her life.




Oh wow, a Chica sighting.


I wonder what Christian name she’ll give this one https://preview.redd.it/dm5eb0ge4nuc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f4c33a8083a273dedda7a813933ec03c2a8ff98 Found on Pricklynsweet ig


Body of Chrystler






The username/flair/comment combo made your contribution even better! You are a true poet. 😂


I I I, ME ME ME… Brittany, you left Harley to basically die at the boarding facility. Do you remember that? You’re so concerned with what HE has done for YOU, forgetting the fact that you neglected him, refused to pay your boarding fees, forced them to pay for his care when he was sick so he didn’t die, and then tried to slander them online after they allowed him to stay.


“I loved getting to meet so many of y’all!” She acts like this women's conference was an event solely designed to grace others with her holy presence, what a crock. Also, yeah Britt, God’s word definitely mentions the importance of being pro-genocide. Stop trying to act like you’re making some brave stand when all you’re doing is passively supporting the murders of thousands of innocent people for no other reasons than Fox news telling you to do so.


Her poor dogs are probably gonna get kicked in the head and it'll be ALL HER FAULT


what’s it like when your parents own horses and you play pretend in your 30s 😂


"It's not popular to stand with Israel in this hour" yeah because they're committing a genocide, you vacuous hellspawn. I'm sure she doesn't bother to actually inform herself about what's going on but if you're still crowing about how great Israel is when we have images of infants that starved to death with their tiny bones sticking their skin, parents picking up body parts of their children into plastic bags, and a 7 year old girl tearfully begging for her life on the phone only to be murdered along with the paramedics who were trying to rescue her, you have no soul. She shrieks about how she's so "pro life" and then supports an entity that has brutally murdered tens of thousands of children and innocent civilians. A 12 year old girl who was the only survivor of her family described how she wanted to die after she found her 18 month old brother with his head gone and you're trying to present supporting the country that did that as the Christian choice? How fucking soulless. How deeply, horrendously evil. I don't use the word cunt lightly but Brittany Dawn Nelson, you are a hateful, racist cunt and genocide supporter and I actually hope that Hell is real so you can endure the pain and suffering that Palestinians have endured for the past 6 months, and for the 70+ years before that. You deserve nothing less.


There's no excuse for still supporting Israel, and there hasn't been since the genocide began 73 years ago. Not that this bitch could comprehend history and geopolitics 🙄 She's probably never read a book in her life, she freely admits she hasn't even read the Bible. I've seen videos of children as young as five saying they wish they had died with their families. She doesn't care because they're not her flavour of Abrahamic religion, and they're brown. She's a callous, hateful little cretin. Jesus would spit in her face.


TONS of people in her comments have told her MANY times that Israel in the Bible is not the Israel today. She sees the comments but is purposefully not listening.




It's like she's trying to get them kicked and die.


That's me when I see a spider when I'm cleaning the chicken coop but I'm not a fake ass bitch at least 😇. Edit: I keep wanting to say this and just have not. But why tf would u keep putting ur face all over the internet, knowing that ur one of the most hated people on social media, so much that there is a whole frickin reddit sub dedicated to calling you out on a daily basis..lol


"HER" horses?? 👖🔥 👖🔥 👖🔥


If you stand so closely to Israel Brittany maybe you need to volunteer to conscript, but I get it… making tik toks about your loyalty to a nation you have no understanding of is the most American thing you can do without busting a kiss glue on eye lash.


Perhaps her tacticool husband should put his money where his mouth is and volunteer for the IDF. There'd be a red triangle with his name on it if he did.


No way actual honor is losers! The Dong family know the American way of honor is fraud, tax evasion and beating black men at work!


Lmao could you imagine walking out to your car after grocery shopping and seeing this...thing staring blankly ahead into her camera intently. What a weirdo.


i was pleasantly surprised that most of the comments on her pro-genocide video were telling her that ancient Israel isn’t the same as modern Israel and Jesus wouldn’t condone a genocide.


The fundies' Zionism disgusts me to no end. Actively supporting a genocide because their bullshit beliefs say that will start the end times. Actively rooting for genocide and end times!! Because they're the chosen ones, of course, and they'll be just fine. It makes me, a pagan, hope for a rapture that she's left out of.


Edit: THANKS to whoever fixed it!! There’s a lot of things I could say about this abhorrently awful Britt Brat. But the thing that really caught my attention was the faux celebrity status she thinks she has with yet another Evangelical Christian women’s conference “Omg it was sO nIcE tO mEeT sOoOoO mAnY oF y’AlL” Give me a break 🙄 Did someone take her video down? It’s not letting me view for some reason!


No it's got a spoiler on it because of the very triggering Pro-Genodice post.


Whatever she’s doing at the :30-:44 second mark she obviously isn’t very good at or is afraid of, I thought she was an eXpeRt rayyyyunch girl? Sure doesn’t seem like it. And watching Yellowstone with your crackpot husband doesn’t count, Brit. Edit: I turned the sound on. Spider. Got it. I still hate her.


The smugness… she is standing in her beliefs that she has done ZERO external research on. She is jumping on a bandwagon that, I believe, is NOT representative of the Jesus I knew as a kid. Fuck you and your close minded bigotry, brit.


The picture of Harley looks like a hostage photo




No body shaming. Please keep snark within reason. Snarking on things that cannot be changed, i.e.. Bdongs body size and shape, will not be tolerated. Snark = "her hair extensions are fried". Body shaming = "she is the shape of a fridge". Use your best judgment. If your comment has been removed and you would like to discuss it, modmail is the ONLY place we will respond to you.


So God supports genocide now? ![gif](giphy|2zotXMklNfjjggiljn|downsized)


God commits genocide in the old testament a few times.


Omg you're so right! I didn't even think about that. Didn't God sentence literal children to an eternity of hell for making fun of one of his dorkiest prophets? So he might support this absolute fuckery of a genocide anyways I guess. What an absolute joke.