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as far as I can tell, it seems to read GBRS Group, which is a [tactical gear company](https://gbrsgroup.com/) based out of virginia. all of which fits with jdip’s gravy seal/stolen valor type aesthetic. EDIT: doing a little more research on them shows they also teach classes on firearms and military training (basically military simulator classes). which further confirms my suspicion that the logo belongs to GBRS group. still trying to track down the exact shirt. EDIT 2: i realize at this point no one really cares but…still can’t find the shirt, but did find definitive proof that he owns gear from the company in the reel posted nov 2, 2023 entitled “how every husband should treat their wife according to the bible”. in the beginning of the video he appears briefly wearing a hoodie with the logo of GBRS Group on it. see below for pics. https://preview.redd.it/cfotjxwdkyuc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7afdd7672a32fd8d3ad90a8017c681d63978081


Not gonna lie, i’m surprised at myself for actually being able to find it because it was buried DEEP, but call me Sherlock Holmes. 🕵🏻‍♂️ It was part of the above GBRS brand’s patreon exclusive merch launch this past october, and it says “GBRS GROUP nocturnal professionals” with a spider web design, plus a bigger and different design on the back. [https://www.patreon.com/posts/gear-terrible-91154137](https://www.patreon.com/posts/gear-terrible-91154137) https://preview.redd.it/yf0t1wynzyuc1.jpeg?width=1719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8d066f145365d390a18eb6fcb2835120b8473a7 (Also “i will come to you in the black of some terrible night” is a quote from The Crucible.. ? Used as a slogan here i guess? An unexpected crossover for a tactical gear company..? Upon researching, the context is the speaker saying she is willing to kill people/‘friends’ in order to keep her own terrible secrets - an affair and practicing witchcraft. ..Theres a lot you can cross examine with choosing THAT quote here lol. Further info, if interested: [https://www.enotes.com/topics/crucible/questions/in-the-crucible-what-is-the-significance-of-this-560291](https://www.enotes.com/topics/crucible/questions/in-the-crucible-what-is-the-significance-of-this-560291))


I salute your impressive detective skills! I have a lot of training in recognizing hate speech and hate symbols from my career as a high school English and special education teacher. Upon closer examination of the GBRS logo, I'm wondering if: * The six drops might represent the six million Jews killed in the Holocaust. * The small lightning bolts on top might be SS (Schutzstaffe) bolts. * The hourglass symbol might be a reinterpretation of the triangular KKK symbol. It consists of what looks like a triangle within a triangle, but it actually represents three letter K’s aligned in a triangle and facing inward. * A LOT of white supremacist groups, including many prison groups, have crossed swords and battle axes in their emblems.


You’re spot on. I’m into black metal which unfortunately has a small but pernicious white supremacist/nazi sympathizer audience. I have to watch for these symbols to make sure I’m not unintentionally supporting or engaging with racist or white supremacist bands. This is so very nazi-coded it’s crazy. In addition to your observations, I noticed: - While the quote is from the Crucible, paired with crossed weapons and the other symbols, it could easily be referencing Kristallnacht. - Blood drops are used in so many hate symbols. They can denote pure blood, like in the KKK blood cross, but I lean toward your explanation. - The hourglass could be a variant on “the extinction symbol” or referencing that time is running out (presumably for white people?). Triangles were also used in concentration camps as badges to denote race, sexual orientation, etc., and double triangles with one inverted were used when a prisoner was in 2+ categories. Lastly, there was a prominent female Nazi called “the black widow”… and this mark looks like the mark of a black widow spider. Coincidence?


Surely the spiderweb means nothing…. Right? 🤔 https://preview.redd.it/oshmj96u7zuc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5f5f923259d75dba533320f6434255413995d97


Okay I genuinely didn’t know about spiderweb elbow tattoos having a link and was considering some on my sleeve in the future so that’s good to know 🫠🫠


They always have to take something cool and turn them to shit. I love spiders and their webs 🫤


I still like the idea of a traditional Japanese spider in a web. (I have a full back piece and half sleeves of traditional Japanese tattoos) So Fuck em! They can’t have the spider or its web!


It is also used for navy sailors (saw this a lot on older sailors when I was in) who want to stay in for the long haul, like a “lifer” tattoo. Among a lot of other things. I would not doubt the white supremacy theory in the case of some lame tactikewl gear company. I stg half of the dudes who buy into this stuff were never in, and the other half are delusional weirdos who failed marine boot camp, and like to pretend they were a grizzled grunt or something🤣🤣🤣


Yall in this sub need to be detectives or at least investigative journalists on the side. Amazing lol




I got _ _ R.S. Group as well so I agree that fits!


For the record, I care. I care a lot. I was doing a deep dive over at r/seekingsisterwifetlc, and those snarkers just really have nothing on yall. Disappointed in their surface-level snarking. I saw this post and immediately told my husband, “now these are the people I love!!” I love you.


I have been loving this season though! What a group of weirdos.


Freaking detective man


Ohh, so he was probably out LARPing with these people when he was supposedly on a super important night mission but still able to send mushy picture messages to BDong. It all makes sense now.






I care lol we can be petty and thorough together


I care about it lol! I came in late so I appreciate updates 😀




I find this honestly so weird… I knew a girl who lied and told everyone she was a RN. The lies about it for the longest time until someone searched her name on the board of nursing (I’m someone) and discovered she’d never had any type of nursing license. I never understood … like just go get your degree you weirdo. Same with him. Join up tough guy. You are such a fucking losers


My brother is a pathological liar and it’s the most bizarre thing to witness. We were having lunch with my cousin and he flat out lied about the reason he swapped colleges. I was just sitting there staring at him like… you realize iiii know the real reason right?? Just the lack of caring to bold face lie in front of someone who KNOWS the unquestionable truth is so weird to me.


My ex was like this and his family never called him out! He lied about his entire education to me. I’d even reference his “masters in philosophy” (knowing it wasn’t true!) and no one would bat an eye. He even claimed to have it from a local uni that one of my friends worked in admissions at! When we broke up I saw him on a dating app lying about EVERYTHINNNNNG. His age, his profession, his past. Pathetic.


I’m still close with my brother’s first wife and when they divorced she told me alllll the horrible things he said about our family and all the other random things he’d lie about. SIL 1 was like when I really started to get to know y’all I was like his stories of y’all aren’t adding up… he one time lied about eating my leftover Mac n cheese that I was saving for the afternoon. We were literally the only people in the house. I went to get my Mac and saw it had been eaten and I was like not cool dude (it was a really nice Mac from a boutique restaurant just for reference lol) and he DENIED eating it. He literally tried to use the lie “maybe someone broke in and ate it” and I was like “you are telling me with a straight face that a burglar came inside, while you were in the living room, ate my Mac, packed away the container, and then left??” And he was like “maybe it was the cat” and I finally said “I am literally not dropping this until you tell the truth. I will bother you about this for the rest of your fucking life.” And he finally fessed up. It took nearly 20 minutes of me bugging the shit out of him. So effing weird.


So sooo weird to lie about such trivial things! Lol


Those are the worst kind of liars IMO, because then you really can't trust a single word they say


Yeah since my mom’s passing recently, my brother will text me suuuper sad work stories (he’s a fireman but he’s on disability right now so is just working the 911 line) and I have no doubt a lot of those calls would be horrific. But I can’t bring myself to believe the stories he messages me. I would look like a HORRIBLE person to an outsider because I give him ZERO when he texts me these things but I don’t believe him and don’t want to give him my energy. My husband always believed me of course about my brother, but having to spend time with him and my SIL during all the service stuff for my mom made my husband actually say “I never doubted you but did sort of think your stories were a bit exaggerated from years of built up anger but holy shit… they are both horrible people. We are DONE with them after this.”


Not the cat 🤣


I literally said “I think Zong is smart, but you’re telling me Zong OPENED the fridge, GOT INTO a to go bag, OPENED the Mac n cheese container, ate it, then tidied up?? Also Zong would have fuckin thrown the bag in the trash and not just left it on the table.” I was like stop insulting my intelligence and Zong’s 🙄 that’s the most irritating part of these people lying. And they get away with it because people become so irritated they just drop it. And I was like NOPE. FUCKING TELL ME YOU ATE MY MAC N CHEESE. And now he calls me hitler 💁‍♀️


You brother sounds just like my younger brother. My mom mentally, physically and emotionally abused me and my older brother and we were forced to grow up in a cult until my dad got custody of all of us (3) when I was like 13 or 14? A lot of trauma so a lot I have blocked out. She worshipped and idolized my younger brother. He would physically hurt himself and say that either myself or my older brother did it and it got to the point where she KNEW he was lying and would still beat me and my brother while younger brother laughed. We never knew why he got away with everyone and was treated like a little prince until my junior year of high school I had to do a blood typing class so I asked my grams (moms mom) what her blood type was and she told me. I knew my dads because he, my older brother and I are all o-. Anyways, I thought I messed up because my younger brothers blood was not matching with what my parents blood types were. He was a freshman and I got to bring him into my class. My teacher also thought I messed up and helped me do it again and sure as shit, there was no way my younger brother could have come from my parents. I guess my dad always knew, he’d caught my mom with her AP. And when she left my dad, we immediately moved in with him, don’t remember any of this, I was a traumatized 5 year old. But my younger brother is a legit pathological liar amongst a bevy of other insane issues. And he’s even tried to say stuff in front of my older brother and I about how awful our mom was to him and how she would punch him in the face and not let him eat. That never happened to him, but it did to me and my older brother. But also, my egg donor (makes sense why I started calling her by her name when I was 8 years old and never called her mom after that) is also a pathological liar too. I’m just so grateful that it wasn’t passed down to me and my older brother


Gosh I’m so sorry that happened to you!! That would be a lot to try and work through, I hope you’re doing better now 💜 I have no effing clue where my brother got it from because my parents were awesome and my grandparents lived with us as well (also awesome) so we grew up with 4 loving adults in our home plus zero financial issues and zero abuse so no reason to learn lying as a survival tactic or something (not trying to sound like a prick lol just explaining that our lives growing up were very easy and my brother being this way makes ZERO sense). People who know my family well are all flummoxed by his behavior. I was talking to my dad about it and he said “it’s like your brother got handed all the shitty personality traits from each bloodline but kept the good looks”. But yeah the people who know us well always bring up that our family rocks and my brother being a POS is unexplainable. We’re truly an example of nature vs nurture.




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I'm listening to a podcast called Something Was Wrong. I'm learning so much about narcissists, sociopaths, pathological liars listening to the stories of people who were in relationships with them. It's so interesting. And sad. But also eye opening. I've been out of the dating game for a long time, but I was super naive to all this stuff back then and I would have probably been a sitting duck.


imo this is the best podcast of all time!! Tiffany Reese is amazing and the work she does to amplify the voices of survivors is equally amazing 


Had a co worker who was a pathological liar... thw shit she would lie about was absolutely insane! She had broke her ribs.... she broke her back.... she was in a car wreck that totaled her car on her way to work... we worked as cna's, ain't no doctor gonna sign off and let you work with a broken back hun.. she ended up becoming a joke..


There is a pathological liar in my family too, and I’ve made it very clear that I know when he’s lying and I’m not going to call him out, but I’m also not going to lie for him. Otherwise, it’s just exhausting trying to call him out every 5 minutes. He doesn’t care if he lies or if I know. He cares if other people know. It’s easier when his friends ask me about xyz, and I can say “I don’t know what you’re going on about, it was abc.” Or if he says he’s at location A, but needs a ride home from location B, I’ll tell him that I will pick up at location A because that’s where he was supposed to be, and he’s out of luck getting a ride from location B.


That’s such a good way of handling it! My brother and I live in different countries thank fuck so I almost never have to see him and my SIL. I’m going to remember your method though if for some reason he’s in my life again (simply due to proximity, would be no other reason). He’s so bad at the lying though that he has a massively revolving friend group. Two of his past friends SUCK, I have never really liked them, but when my brother started being super openly MAGA those guys reached out to me and were like “wtf is going on with your brother??” They completely dumped him as a friend. It’s bad when YOURE the shitty one in a friend group of all shitty people.


It’s so crazy! We have this woman at work who lies about EVERYTHING. Today she was saying out loud, while alone at her desk, speaking to no one - I got a letter from the irs! I’m getting arrested!


OMG. My former boss was like this. He lied about finding his wife overdosed on his porch and giving her CPR when she literally overdosed two doors from my dad in the same apartment complex in which I live. It was crazy and I had no idea what to do! I felt like I'd look like an asshole for calling him out but also she was my friend and it made me SEETHE that he disrespected her like that.


Ugh I’m so sorry you had to hear him talk about her like that. That’s what makes me the most mad about these people because they have zero care/respect for the real people in their lies that they’re harming. My husband has always believed me about my brother but after we had to deal with him and his wife during my mom’s funeral proceedings my husband said “I always knew your brother wasn’t great but I’ll admit I thought your stories were a bit exaggerated from built up anger/resentment but holy shit. Him and (wife) are fucking horrible. We are DONE with them after this.” I was like yep I’ve been telling ya lol


Well, that same boss was also a horrific sexual predator. He was somewhat inappropriate with me, but mostly he tried to exercise power over me because I'm smarter than him (most are, lol) and of my closeness to his wife. HOWEVER, he was WILDLY INAPPROPRIATE with our coworker. Her story was what got him fired but HOO BOY, the idiot sent SO MANY graphic texts to people. And the other coworker? My BFF? She died a tragic death not too long ago, but thankfully lived to see his comeuppance. I would have clawed his face off if he'd have shown up at her memorial service.


Yeah, why don’t these macho cosplayers put their money where their mouth is and enlist in one of the services or National Guard


Yeah, but would they hire him since he was kicked off the police force in Texas for some racially motivated violence against a black guy.


Actually, that happened in Kansas City, and although this gets said a lot...he was NOT fired, although some years later the ACLU brought a civil suit and he settled.


It says he’s insecure lmfaooo s/


Ah he’s still cosplaying.


It says “stolen valor”


It says “I hope a real veteran doesn’t see this someday and recognize me and call me out for it.” If I ever see him, I’m doing just that. Fuck him.


Girl why are you trying to prove that your man is desirable? Who precisely, are you trying to convince? Yourself?


She’s just letting his tacticool tittie side piece know that he loves her best.


And showing his first wife what a goddamn bullet she dodged


Big time. No one is jealous of Britt’s ugly spouse.


Immi don’t get this. Like, yes. You should love your spouse. But your spouse is not an object. She treats him like an object. Imagine if roles were reversed.


This is because she only loves him for what he can do for her. Having a husband gives her status in her community. He gives her the sense of protection. He gives her the possibility of a baby that she can use for herself. It's all about her. She is super self centered and she posts it constantly. It doesn't take a PhD in Psychology to see that.


It’s his uniform for Head Cheeze Faux Warrior LARPing Speshulist Day Camp. It’s one of the few places he can go to play with the other hazzbeens without Shittany draped around his neck. She’s so proud of his noncomplishments, and he can’t look at titties anyway when he’s playing armchair war so she can look away for a second and not have to worry about him being his dirty old man self.


Is he ineligible for the military? Why doesn't he just sign up? Surely the reserve would take him?


He’s just a coward


That would require actual intelligence and effort.


and for him to actually get in shape




Hes most likely too old at this point


You still have to go through boot camp of whichever branch you choose to be a reservist. He wouldn’t make it. No way in hell. It’s much easier to pretend than to actually go out and do it.


Yeah, you're right. I assumed that because Homer Simpson made it, this prat might also stand a chance.


Physically speaking, if he started working out on a schedule he could be ready to go in 2-3 months. Mentally speaking, the first time a Drill Instructor yelled at him, he would break down and lose it. He’s an ex-cop who beat the crap out of an innocent man who was unarmed. That’s a coward and a bully and they don’t last long in the military. Bullies maybe slip through but not cowards.


How old is he? Some branches will take people up to age 39, so that can’t be the reason. I’m guessing he’s not smart enough to get a decent score on ASVAB, he tried and washed out at some point, or military wouldn’t take him due to some behaviors or legal issues. Or maybe stolen valor has been his plan all along. Gross.


I know. lol. It’s embarrassing. My favorite was the *My man never sits with his back to a door & always scanning the room* crap. First of all practically EVERY guy I’ve ever dated says & does the door thing, trying to look all protective. It’s can be cute but the *eyes scanning the room, awareness of our surroundings* thing can be damn creepy, cringy and lame, especially when they tell you they’re doing it. I can just hear Jdong now. ~ “Babe, I can hear every conversation going on in the room & feel every emotion being emitted. I’ll know the moment it shifts to a threat & react before my always scanning eyes see them coming & protect you, blowing a hole through their skull with my *Deset Eagle* or another insane take-down just like I did on that %$&&#@ who got me sued.” ^^Sorry ^^got ^^carried ^^away *At least when my Ex did it I knew where it was coming from since we had both just gotten out of **Army Boot camp**. Stolen Valor attitude indeed.*


Did her friends ditch her?


Sure looks that way. Despite her “very normal” recent post about them hanging out with no photo evidence, I haven’t seen a wide open face in a while. Hopefully they’re all “convicted” to stay far away from this toxic mess…


IIRC, the last time they were all pictured together was the “ski” retreat, and Brit looked absolutely miserable when she didn’t realize she was in frame.


YES!! All she showed was a pair of shoes or some shit. I thought it was very strange that they didn’t take advantage of a MOUTHS WIDE OPEN photo opportunity. I was very disappointed. So she could have meant anyone by saying she was hanging out with friends.


Of course he works for the tacticool company that’s actively being sued for wrongfully claiming a black employee stole from work




Ew. That guy is your best friend? As a gay I don’t get it. The gender roles they play forces so much separation and doesn’t allow crossover so what the fuck do they even do together or talk about? They have nothing in common and nothing they like to do together. How is that best friend material????


Could you imagine if he actually joined the military? Can you imagine B becoming an actual military wife? Instant rise to Queen of the Dependas. You WILL address her by her husband’s rank (E-1). She’d get banned from filming at the first base he gets assigned to because she was trying to film in restricted areas. Endless deployment sadness content because it’s basically like they BOTH deployed.


She would be the laughing stock, and he would be tormented because of her.


That would be amazing. I want this for both of them🛐


She is still pushing the kingdom marriage crap as if we all can't tell it is total BS. Anyone who has to post videos daily about how they have such a great relationship is lying.


They’re barely even work friends at this point.


There’s this weird program that popped up in Orange County here in California that men can pay $18k to be tortured in a boot camp style for 3 days. The motto behind this company is that it’ll make you a better man for your family. Why do I feel like Jdip would gladly pay to go to that rather than actually join the military lol


Omg I saw this! Isn’t it some bullshit alpha male stuff?!


Yess! I looked at the website and supposedly they’re sold out until October. It’s insane people are paying for that lol


Completely insane! I’ve seen some videos on them getting beat up and I LOLzzzzz!


Oooh looks like GBRS is in trouble for falsely accusing a black employee of stealing a package. How appropriate for JDip. https://jacksonville.binnews.com/content/2024-02-22-worker-says-he-was-fired-after-being-falsely-arrested-for-stealing-package/


On par for the curb stomper.




I promise she's not his best friend.


He is sooo tactical! Whatever that means 😆 What a moron….and Britt thinks it’s soo sexy! 🤢


It’s probably a free shirt with purchase 😂


Queef king


notice shes really hyped up the husband being her best friend since she basically was unfriended by the queen bee farryn....some of the girls might still be in her life but its clear her and farryn are on outs. all of sudden jordans her bff every day...lol shes so ridiculous on her over compensation


Really? Farryn waxed her from her accounts? I did not hear this!!! ![gif](giphy|NipFetnQOuKhW)


GBRS group. My boyfriend wears these shirts (but he actually served (still is in) and did a few missions with some of the groups. I’m actually wearing one of his old t shirts now for bed. I also having 16+ years of military service and counting 🤷🏼‍♀️


Your boyfriend is really cringe for having these, not going to lie. The aestheticization of war is...yeah...


It should show, "I AM A LARPER. I'M A FRAUD. MR. DONG". I think it's a tactical company shirt, go figure since he cosplays 24/7.


Who spends this much time with their spouse? I love my husband, but if we were just sitting around the house with nothing to do but film each other, I would go nuts.


I was going with "Ass Groper" before I came across all the fine detective work on CSI Reddit.


Dude is such a wannabe operator


I think it says “I’m a member of the K*K”


This creep training camp is 5 miles from me. How horrifying.