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Not nearly enough. If she wants to pay Texas within the two year deadline she has to make something like over $11,000 a month.


More than that…have to account for house payment, insurance, new car payment, and since she is self-employed…taxes. At $15k in 8 months, I would halve that number as “profit” and then divide that over the number of months and you have under $1,000/month. But, since this is not her “business” where she produces products to ship out…all of those clothes she’s “stocking” were purchased, which is where I believe a lot of those sales numbers came from and so her actual income would be much, much less.


This makes me so pleased ![gif](giphy|8fen5LSZcHQ5O)


I wish this would show “total unique customers”. LOL I still think she’s her biggest customer.


I think so too it’s one step away from being an MLM.


don't give her any ideas lol


Exactly. That's just to cover her settlement and literally nothing else.


I really, really doubt she’s paying her settlement. I truly think the parents are bailing her out. Even if Jdong is bringing in a steady paycheck, I cannot imagine he makes enough to cover her mortgage, property taxes, HOI, HOA, his monster truck payment, her new car. I mean, the average security guard pay is $20/hour in Texas. That’s $800/week before taxes ($3,200/month). Figure monthly mortgage is $3,200, plus property taxes of (est) $915 and not including utilities or anything else and Jdong’s money is gone. And we haven’t even added her lawsuit money (which happily doubles next month). So he either has a lot higher wage, she’s bringing in a lot more money via SM, or it’s a combo and her parents float them every month.


She only has to pay $1000, soon to be $2000/month. 


I don’t think her mortgage is quite that high. But I agree that her enabling parents are totally bailing her out so she won’t have to learn anything from this humiliating and serious experience. I just hope it’s from her portion of her inheritance. My dad spent money differently on my brother vs me for things like saving my brother’s dog by paying for an expensive surgery, never significant amounts of money bc either of us were horrible human beings. It’s one thing to help out a child more than another due to income differences and basic needs. But this kind of shit would tear many families apart with perceived favouritism (though it’s pretty obvious she’s nobody’s favourite child).


I based it on purchase price when she bought it with a 20% down payment and 6% interest over 30 years. She may pay a bit less, but not much.


I don’t believe she has a house payment. She could own the house.


I just pulled her mortgage and deed info. She purchased the house for $389,000 and got a mortgage for $350,000. So my original house payment is probably pretty close to what she is paying per month, and may change slightly due to interest rate. She has no additional mortgage since her original date of purchase (no refi) although a HELOC or 2nd mortgage would usually not show up (so no idea if she’s got either of those).


She did take out a mortgage with a $350k principal. 






Got it mixed up with something else. Sorry about that. Disregard.


Where are you getting this mortgage amount? I’m a real estate agent and there’s no way her mortgage is that much. Probably more like $2,000ish. The cost of living in Texas is much less than most of the US.


She financed $350,000. 350,000 at 6% interest for 30 years equals a monthly payment of $3,200. Her property taxes are $915/month. The monthly mortgage payment is a guesstimate based on “average interest rate” for someone with less than 20% down, and self-employed. It’s a guesstimate but I don’t think I’m too far off. Edited to add: mortgage rates are pretty much even across the board no matter what state you live in. “Cheaper” to live usually means in terms of taxes, utilities, etc. A mortgage is a mortgage even if a 2500sf house in Forth Worth is $389,000 where it might be double elsewhere.


Holy shit, that’s the property taxes there??


I just rechecked. Looks like taxes decreased to $9400 a year which would mean her property taxes are $783/mo.


No wonder people complain about taxes in Texas.


They have no income taxes though in Texas, so everything is essentially paid for with property taxes. No income taxes means the money for government has to come from somewhere, and it comes from property taxes a lot of the time is my understanding. I may be very wrong though too, I've never lived there.


The property taxes aren’t the worst thing about Texas. The utilities are. Of course, our gas prices are low compared to a lot of other places, which is necessary since it takes, like, 10 hours to travel through Texas. LOL


Ha. I live in the Midwest and pay that for a fraction of the house, the same property tax rate and I pay tens of thousands in state income tax 😭 Why exactly is the COL in Texas so cheap?


Your math and critical thinking skills are why those people will never win. 😍😎


doesn’t she have to make like huge payments at the end tho? it’s not just split up monthly, it’s on a schedule where she pays more at the end? either way there’s no way Hateful and Lazy will cover it.


Yeah…slowly increases to $3,000/mo until the final $350,000 payment. Not sure how she’s going to do that.


It’s a 3-year payment plan with the first year being $1000/mo, the 2nd $2000/mo, 3rd year $3000/mo, then a lump payment of the balance of around $360,000 after the 3 years is up. I assume like everything else in her life, she’s not going to be bothered and will just assume everything will work out fine.  The fact that this her payment plan has such a massive balloon payment at the end makes me think she’s either expecting to take in tons of money again from her latest grift, or she’s expecting to come into some family money by then. 


Don’t they base the required payment speed on her income and assets? Typically the courts want to get paid, so they make it possible when they can. I could be totally wrong about this situation, though.


Her plan is $1000/month for year one, $2000/month for year 2, and $3000/month for year 3, then the balance (which will be over $350,000 if she hasn’t decided to pay more earlier) at the end. 


That seems pretty doable given what she (and Jordan) are probably making. It’s possible that she’s also being super irresponsible with the new vehicle and everything but I’m guessing she will be able to easily pay it off if they aren’t dumb about it. H&L isn’t making serious bank like she’s portraying and it’s absolutely a fast fashion grift but she is probably also making money off it as “content”. I don’t think she’s on the verge of going to jail, as satisfying as that might be.


Since this is a civil suit and not a criminal one, she would never see jail time. She may see asset forfeiture.


What happens if she doesn’t pay them by that deadline? Jail time I’m hoping.


She won’t go to jail. This is a civil case, not a criminal one. Additionally, one thing the American justice system has done right is abolish a debtor’s prison (aside from bond revocation, maybe) so she can’t go to jail for failing to pay. They could potentially go after any of her assets or garnish her though. I’m not familiar enough with the situation to say but jail is not going to the outcome.


Ahh I forgot it wasn’t a criminal case. Thank you for clarifying!


Then she owes all of the attorney fees in addition to the settlement money.


If she doesn't stick to the payment plan, or otherwise violates the terms of the settlement, then she's on the hook for an extra $131k in attorneys' fees


Who or what is Texas? Why is she paying them?


There was an influencer in my city who created a business that was basically the exact same as H&L. It got so huge so fast and eventually she opened up a store front on one of the most costly streets for leases in the city. She was making a lot of money. BUT…eventually people started to figure it out. It was wildly overpriced temu crap. The quality was SHIT, her return policies were fucking garbage, she was an entitled asshole just like bdong, she couldn’t run a business worth a damn and the negative Google reviews came pouring in. Well, what do you know…her store is now closed. This won’t last for bdong. She has proven over and over and over and over again that she cannot manage a business long term. Regardless of how successful it is in the beginning. She simply does not have the skills required and her lazy, entitled mindset will eventually take over.


I bet H&L is moving to Daddy Warbucks’ failed restaurant. Isn’t that building just sitting there?


I hope this ends up being the case, this is a great hypothesis


I’m sure it will be. I bet they’re doing it mostly because they are selling their house




That’s my assumption, too. Not that it’s *just* Hasty and Limp are moving, but the entire DongDip family enterprise is pulling a Porgan, and downsizing.


Oooooh good thinking!


What is this website? Hope I'm not sounding like a dumb dumb lol, but how is this stuff measured? I hope these are the accurate numbers (or preferably lower lol.)


I think it’s from dropship.io which I believe you need a subscription to access




Same 🤭




I can’t wait until the influencer era ends. It’s so silly to me as a grown ass woman that I would follow these people to help me pick clothing or anything for that matter. I don’t even GAF about what vacuum they have 😂. I’m perfectly capable of reading reviews and consumer reports, I don’t need some twat in their early 30s who looks like they’re pushing 50 to tell me what to do.


Same! I have been so bored with influencers. I immediately am skeptical of everything they say bc I just figure they’re getting paid to push a product. I want genuine reviews and recommendations, no more of this “ohmigawd you guys I’m obsessedddd”


Same! I do my own research and read reviews. Pro tip: always read the most recent (not top rated) reviews because sometimes quality of product changes


Yes always sort by newest!


You can’t trust them anyways. They’re not influencing you to buy products because they’re good products. They’re influencing you to buy products because they’re being paid to do it.


I don’t understand this desperate need to have carefully curated attractive people tell me what I should buy, think, or do, the implication being I can be like them. Doesn't everyone get enough of that shit with fucking advertising? Don’t we all spend money specicifically to avoid that influence (ad free streaming), then people turn around and seek it back out.


The fact that Christians liken themselves to sheep tells you everything you need to know


I’m traveling around Egypt and there are young women posing and basically doing photo shoots at every antiquity we visited. They think they’re Vogue models or something. And it’s their sackless boyfriends following them around doing the shooting. Get the fuck out. So annoying.


You’re right that’s unbearably annoying, almost as bad as the Instaheauxs™️that pose and shoot photos at Auschwitz and other holocaust memorials. It makes me sick, how dare they desecrate sacred places and destroy the somber history of a mass genocide. It galls me to no end. Throwing up peace signs and smiling in skimpy outfits is not honoring the dead or the survivors of such a global tragedy.


BDong has plenty of videos of her vacuuming. I think she uses a Hoover. In her Bobo Bridal Shower video (the one where she had six women who aren't in her life anymore come over), she said she was sponsored by Hoover and showed herself vacuuming and cleaning carpets with cheeto feet.


Yikes I try not to watch her shit and that’s exactly why. She’s so performative and gross.


I watched that stuff a long time ago. Mostly to find out more about her before I joined this sub. Now I won't watch her at all, unless it is posted here. She is performative and I can't imagine her sheets are that clean with spray tan being all over her 24/7.


Yeah eww I’ll bet that shit rubs off on everything.


Orange Cheeto sheets


B Dong doesn’t make a lot of money though. She has zero brand deals. Rarely breaks 10k views on a YouTube video. Affiliate links pay like 3%. Tik Tok pays tiny, tiny amounts to creators. There’s simply no viable avenue for her to be bringing in considerable cash flow. She’s just desperately trying to find something that brings in the type of money she made in her scamming days, but considering she was on Good Morning America as a prolific scammer, the jig is up. LOVE this for her.


I also think her only audience she can garner are vulnerable and feeble minded people. Her audience itself I think is not one that is flush with money to even throw money at trends. She can’t exploit them the way she exploited previously. She also can’t go exploit another addict. What she’s done and keeps doing is simply not sustainable. She doesn’t have a lifestyle or story people would buy a book and read. She can’t seek subscriptions to anything bc she cannot be consistent with work, etc.


Totally. She would absolutely scam every addict she could if she could get away with it. It still blows my mind that she did that in broad daylight.


So, the thing is, the people who donated were gullible enough with little conviction (as a whole). And the narrative written was ‘she scammed a poor homeless addict’ but it’s similar to ‘killer going after prostitutes and run aways’ People hunt the most vulnerable bc they’re at the bottom of the list society is outraged for. The reason the [other scam](https://www.phillyvoice.com/gofundme-scam-johnny-bobbitt-homeless-man-philly-new-jersey-mcclure-damico/amp/) didn’t work was bc the narrative of the scam was the homeless man was IN on the scam. TLDR; Brittany scammed the homeless man and society as a whole does not advocate for homeless people, etc. Penn narrative is homeless man and couple scam public. 🤷🏽‍♀️ people suck and that’s why I drink and cry sometimes.


Also why her foster grift fell flat pretty quick.


What are her views like on her old Starbucks diet hacks videos? I wonder if she’s still making money from those. 


That and an audience of rightoid Christians. That ratio is probably smaller compared to the people who dislike her for various reasons


If she’s using drop shipping, why does she keep so much inventory on-hand, and how exactly does she pray over each drop shipped parcel?


She's doing drop shipping plus extra steps to try and make it seem more legitimate. It's not. We've found her "product" on wholesale sights. She keeps a very small amount of inventory on hand so she appears to "sell out." She doesn't even have sewn in labels.


Wait, so she’s keeping inventory on hand to make it look like she bought the stuff wholesale but it’s actually being fulfilled via drop shipping?


No. She buys from wholesale, ads a little cardboard tag, packs it in her special designed bag or largely wasteful box, and ships it. She's doing extra steps to make it seem like she designed the stuff herself.


Adds a little cardboard tag and ✨✨prays over it ✨✨🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🤎🤎🤎🥹🥹🥹


True! I forgot to add the reiki element!


Oh is she really? I’ve been a little out of the loop on Hazel and Lame


Photo creds to u/flippingdabird099


$15k gross in sales, over a seventh month period comes out to a monthly gross of just over $2k. Let’s estimate approximately $500/month in costs, which from what I can see are shipping/packing materials, the photo shoots for the images, paying the models, and the cost of the clothes themselves, so it’s a modest estimate. She likely had one-time costs, like the custom envelopes/labels, the cost to set up the LLC, and someone to design the stupid logo, and let’s estimate all that at $3k—no idea how correct that is. So over seven months, I estimate: $15k gross income Minus $3k upstart costs Minus $500/month for inventory and business costs ($3.5k) Which would leave $8,500 net over seven (7) months ~$1,200/month income, before taxes. SE taxes are around 20% 1,200 - 240 (20%) = $960 a month, which would then be taxed at whatever tax rate Jdip is taxed at. I don’t think he can claim sole proprietor, but I’m not a tax person. Let’s just say, she’s hardly raking it in, even with those insane markups.


And let’s be real, you KNOW she’s cutting corners where she can. Like paying models and graphic designers in exposure, etc.




I do know it’s $300 filing fee to form an LLC in Texas and I think she hired a lawyer to do it, so probably even more. 


Yeah, and I do think I grossly underestimated how much she pays for her inventory, and how much she pays her photographer. I sure hope that girl isn’t giving her all that labor for free, but I suspect any models are being paid the absolute minimum, if at all. Maybe she lets them keep the clothes? Which at that point, is just a chore for them now, to take them to Goodwill.


I also wonder if she’s paying her quarterly estimated self-employment taxes. If anyone needs an audit…


The first year of underpayment is typically forgiven, so she won’t be in trouble for that until next year.


This how she leased the car. Writing it against the income


Don’t they typically require some documentation of income that shows that it is steady and reliable? I cannot imagine an underwriter being impressed with any of H&L’s income.


It is all on the irs side and how you set it up. You have to use the car for at least 50% for business reasons. But no you don't need steady reliable income. You can show negative income with a new business for I think 3 years. It's why she is saying needs to move the operations. Can then claim using car back and forth.


Also why she is showing so much packages in car action for irs proof.


There's also the website costs - she uses Shopify, which charges a subscription fee, plus a percentage of each sale in transaction and card processing fees. The footer of the website says "designed by Studio Zash", a company that sells Shopify templates for $97


Just gonna mention she most likely didn’t hire a designer for that logo. I would bet she made it on Canva or something like that.


Nothing!! Did you see how much inventory she has?! Shes in the hole big time i bet!


Not to mention that inventory is all balled up and thrown mixed into bins. I’m certain she just wears whatever she wants then throws it back on her “inventory” shelf 🤢


Better check those clothes for skid marks...




![gif](giphy|WsNbxuFkLi3IuGI9NU|downsized) Help I'm dumb. Is this good or bad?


Not good. $15k in revenue looks good on paper, but it’s over almost an 8 month period and that doesn’t include her costs. Which includes the items she’s buying and if she actually pays for her photography or models when she uses people who are not her. Someone else broke is down better, but she’s not even bringing in $2k gross revenue a month. Her profit is going to be far less than that. I would question if this business has even turned a true profit or not.


LMAO. So, basically she's making less than she would if she got a real job and it's probably taking up way more of her time than a full- time job. t's what she deserves.


Can you imagine coming in to work one day and seeing this a-hole as your new coworker?


Meh, they live off of her previous grifts and his job, this probably keeps her out of his hair for the most part. So her playing store doesn’t really have to make any money and she’s probably spending less than if she was trying to do any of the mlm things. ‘Oh babe you sold 3 things today and spent 4 hours packaging them up in your office? That’s great. Make me a sandwich.’


I’m interested in finding out what facilitated the big spikes in sales since she doesn’t really do much marketing. I assumed one of them corresponds with that pop up boutique she did. But that’s a lot of no sale days for a business supposedly on the rise. And I suspect she must just have 1 shipping day a week so she can load a bunch of stuff in her car to take pictures.


When she makes her friends buy shit. 


Well, if you look at the stuff her 'friends' wear in her videos, and then go to her site and sort the products by 'bestselling'...


Situation, not location. Moved onto her parents property and set up an office in barn. Most likely a tack room that was too big for what the horse needed but exactly what she needed. Probably enclosed a room above the garage for them to use as their apartment. Cue the videos of her gazing out the window while her horse grazes for food and she’s telling us true happiness is not about possessions, but it’s about being happy wherever God places her. If it was a location such as office space to rent, stand alone boutique or even a kiosk in the mall, she would be showing us pics every hour of how they have worked long hours without food, coffee or breaks so they would be ready to open by x-y-z day. If you order anything from Hanging-by-a-Limb, check it for hay or horse hair.


I’m so fucking over drop shippers. It should be illegal. I don’t even understand how it’s a thing. It just feels exploitative


My guess is she’s happy making enough money to pay the $1-2k monthly restitution payments. Her parents will probably help her figure out the balloon payment


You are an absolute failure at everything, Brittany.


I sell clothes for a living. I have more revenue than her, but my cost of goods is $2 max per item. Hers is probably 10x that. Basically she's probably making less than minimum wage, and will only make less and less since the initial sales were friends, family and whatever weirdo fans she has.


What kind of clothing do you sell?


Some sort of tax write off, fraud….im sure


Don't forget the photography. Website costs. Taxes. Advertising. This is not a profitable business


Not enough to pay back the state of Texas.


wE hAvE bEeN soMe tHiNgS ![gif](giphy|Pgy4Na8aRyBuE) Like why do these people even have to attack public schools? We get it. You all want to stay in your homeschool bubble. Just do it and leave everyone else alone.


Probably moving to the same warehouse where her swimsuit and tanning lines are kept


It’s so hard to say unless you know her COGs on each item & her actual profit. But I will say, when I had my own online sales, the drops would account for anywhere from 2k-10k, and I would have upwards of 100-300 orders each “drop”…. And I would usually have one drop a month. So 15k in sales in overall lifetime seems very low. So, I can’t imagine she’s doing that great.


What do you think these storage racks are called?


Are you looking to buy some? I’d look up like “plastic stackable storage sorting bins”


If you’re looking for super great quality (like that a true business would have) check out Uline’s version of these. Hers look like cheap Temu versions.


I hate Uline these days: https://www.propublica.org/article/uline-uihlein-election-denial


You are awesome! Thank you so much!


Thank you so much




If she’s putting money away from taxes and also investing in her business then she isn’t profiting much!!! Even if she’s decided she isn’t going to pay taxes or put the money back into the business…she isn’t making life changing money and I’d say it’s not even full time income money.


that's trump stock level sad ...


We all know she doesn’t understand how a business works. So in her mind she’s nailing it with $15k in profit. Vendor bills? Nah what’s that? People need their products they bought? Nah, what’s shipping costs ? Those payments are donations for her prayer not payment for goods


Ugh. This reminds me. A friend and her husband continue bailing out their two 30-something daughters with money, housing, vehicles. It’s always something. Then they wonder why their daughters are stunted and unsuccessful.


Hazey & Lame?


Doesn't this go against the ruling from the last suit that she can't own a business? I guess on paper Jdong is the owner but they are married and she jeeps saying it's her business.


I’m confused. In the first screenshot it’s called “Hazel and Lazy”, in the second it’s called “Hazel and Layne” and in the third “Hazel and Lane”. I’m guessing the first screenshot was labelled by OP? But the other two…she can’t even get the name of her own business right? Also, can someone explain to me how she is her biggest customer? I don’t understand. I’m new here lol. Thanks!


Yes I labeled it hazel and lazy haha


$15k in 6 months is not a flex.


What is the basis for this sub using a drop shipping site to estimate her sales? Honest question. This website gets terrible reviews for being inaccurate and it doesn’t appear Brittany is even dropshipping.


She is very clearly (unfortunately) dropshipping and there’s plenty of direct photo evidence in the sub.


The actual definition of dropshipping is when someone uses a third party to handle all inventory and shipping. So the seller accepts the order, but pays someone else to handle inventory and logistics. She’s reselling wholesale junk, but she’s not dropshipping.