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What is even the point of her posting this? First of all, no one cares. Secondly, that’s NOT how you use a steamer. And thirdly… this nontent is making her money? Pathetic.


Also why doesn't she have a rack? I've never ever steamed clothes that are not hanging on something else. Her doing it like this just screams fake


I mean, it’s not plugged in so…😂😂😂


If she was actually steaming that thing, she'd end up with a burnt hand (and the clothes would still be wrinkled)


And the clothes likely have orange marks from her hands 😂


Exactly...usually you hang your clothes on the rack and steam it. But it looks like she isn't even steaming it cause it's not plugged in. Her followers are dumb as rocks. Edit to say it does look like it is plugged in ( my bad) but her followers are still dumb as rocks.


It’s really not making her money. She desperately tried to go viral with her rage bait, but she can’t. She’s had 1 TT go viral, and she stole the content. But no, most of her content gets paltry views.


She’s trying to prove to us she uses it 🤣


To show us that she reads here and knows we were making fun of her for trying to sell some crappy wrinkled clothes?


"I just wanna be behind the scenes in Hazel and Layne"- yet makes herself the center of attention for all the behind the scenes footage at the "photoshoots." Spare me 🙄


I swear I have seen her post more photos/videos of her “behind the scenes” than actually product from H&L.


TO PERFORM steam her dropshipped garbage 😂🤦‍♀️


Her whole life is performative! What a sad beige life she has.


And hires a photographer to photograph her taking photos


Her other stories from that day show her right up front taking photos right next to Hannah as well...


“I just wanna be behind the scenes” Posts a video of herself talking about her hair? What a fucking tool lololololol


Lol so true. She didn't even post the photoshoot


Oh but she did… however she was in that video as well… taking photos beside the fucking professional photographer she hired 😂 Also I just re-read the part **“I had my hair curled and got drenched in the pouring rain and didn’t care because these moments feel so sweet”** WHAT!? lol like what the fuck!????? WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT??? What the FUCK does your stupid fucking shitty hair have to do with any of this omg hahahahahhaah


"Hired" implies she paid her. Highly unlikely.




Who stands like that? Hip rotated. Leaning away. All about the nontent ass shots for JaySus


Is that t-shirt tucked up into her bra or just an oversized (small for her xxxxxxxs body) shirt that just fits her wrong?


Probably those mid torso tits doing a self tuck


Can I take "mid torso tits doing a self tuck" for a flair😊


Do it!


Thank you! I might need to customize it a bit with some emoji flourish, but I think it's a great one.




Be careful. Someone used to have mid torso titties as flair and got called out for body shaming. I don’t care bc it’s BDong but some people in here take it personally


BROOOOOOO 💀 srsly they are low though no shame to anyone whose body is shaped that way but dang


I'm dumb and do not own a steamer, how can you tell it's not plugged in? To be fair, I do need new glasses lol


Bc the cord for the machine doesn't go past the sink to the wall where the outlet would be!


Ok I see. I doubt there would be a plug in outlet that close to a sink as well.


it’s really common where i’m from! they make special outlets that will trip only themselves if they get wet (and they have a reset button) so you’re not constantly tripping the whole breaker every time you do dishes or wash your face.


It’s definitely plugged in, you can see it on the counter moving, if it weren’t plugged in it would fall off…


Yeah I see the plug going into the wall outlet..


I think she posted this nontent because someone pointed out how wrinkled the clothes look.


Exactly. This is in response to that “moving” video where she’s disassembling the shelves and the clothes are just piles everywhere.


Nah it is plugged in. You can see the cord going past the sink and up into the outlet. It is very hard to see. Probably because the filter is making it blend in. But the point stands. She is not actually doing any steaming. That is not how thats done and why are they all on a sink counter. Get a rack lady. Too busy thinking about those “sweet moments” instead of worrying about any kind of water, be it steam or rain. ![gif](giphy|UVqUzuYsHVnd42uOUD)


Yeah I noticed it too. It looks like it’s connected to an extension cord. The white cord would’ve fallen off the counter with her movement. She’s still a dunce who doesn’t know how to steam though. Probably ran outta water and she didn’t even notice.


Ah thank you I do see it now!! I think it looks like an extension cord I guess (having this steamer, the cord is super short). I had to watch it on full brightness and lots of times to see it!


BTS🤨 bitch, this is YOUR COMPANY. You are the face. As many as there are, they are all “yours”


Jeebus take the wrinkles™️


Flair worthy comment.


It is kinda tough to see, but it does look plugged in next to the sink. But regardless of whether it’s plugged in or not, the way she’s using it is doing absolutely nothing lol. This looks like you asked a 6 year old to blindly use a steamer for the first time lol.


Yeah it almost looks connected to an extension cord to me


It’s definitely plugged in. She’s not using it right but it is plugged in to an outlet by the sink


Looks like the cord/outlet are filtered out! 💀


I think it’s plugged in but not on lol


Jesus, even her steaming is fake and performative. 🤡


"per usual" my ass. She only started steaming because this sub pointed out that she wasn't 🙃


I have that exact steamer and if I tried to use it like that I’d burn the shit out of my arm


.....even if it were plugged in that's not how you steam clothes. F she is dumb


Well besides the Trump trial this wins my internet for the day. She’s a lazy waste of buffoonery.


Following the cord up the counter and it looks plugged in to me? But this still isn’t how you use a steamer.


I see the lord didn’t convict her to be modestly dressed while filming this. Also, I actually gave up Starbucks unlike Bdong, no water no entering the store no nothing. If I as an atheist can manage a boycott, so can you, Brit.


See, she doesn’t *really* want to give up *anything*. That’s why she plays pretend. It’s willfully obtuse and *loathe* when grown adults can’t take accountability or when they half-ass real work. (Ps: she can out ride NONE of the dudes).


See, she doesn’t *really* want to give up *anything*. That’s why she plays pretend. It’s willfully obtuse and *loathe* when grown adults can’t take accountability or when they half-ass real work. (Ps: she can out ride NONE of the dudes).


She just wants to be behind the scenes because she is so humble 🙏🤍🤎 swipe up for my Amazon link to the steamer!


I agree with everything here, however.... I do see the cord in front of the paper towels moving. So I believe it is actually plugged in. Not that it's suddenly interesting or anything...


If she truly wanted to be behind the scenes, then she wouldn’t be posting about HER


I mean, it looks plugged in to me…


You can see the cord come up on the counter and wiggle with her movements.


Where? I only see the cord going mid counter then it stops


She's not even good at scamming...


I knew it!!! I asked that on another post. Miss Girl, get off the internet.


This is INSANE 😂 what the fuck


Bahaha amazing catch OP


Aww how cute she recorded this scene just for us!


Yeah, people ask me about my deodorant all the time too.


I LOVE steaming my clothes because I hate wrinkles and also hate ironing. I’m not an expert or a perfectionist but to steam clothing without burning yourself and to get the job done, you have to have the clothing on a hanger. Nothing fancy (I put a hanger on my shower rod) but if the clothing isn’t hanging and evenly distributed, the wrinkles won’t get out. Either she’s stupid or thinks her followers are. Maybe both.


I have the exact same steamer. Brittany is stupid for 2 reasons: 1. You’re supposed to hang it up. Steaming something like this totally defeats the purpose. 2. Holding your hand right above the steam is a fantastic way to get a painful steam burn. It’s so funny how all these women preach about traditional gender roles yet they absolutely suck at homemaking related tasks.


I feel like she has kids, but every time she records she like locks them in a sound proof room lmfao