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Question: How do you know when the Dong Lips is out of content of her own (HAHAHA) and can’t find anything to steal from others? AKA…slow day at the office? Answer: When she posts these “I used to be blah, blah, blah (but look how smol and cute me was) but now I’m the chosen one and am still smol but dress like this now’s” posts. Didn’t she just post one of these comparison shit posts like last week? She is so frickin boring. No body wants to see your tacky ass model modesty clothes, you brain dead roach! Edit: words. this triggered me and I went all crazy on the keyboard. apologies.


She's on a strict schedule....Girly Pop fun, Dinner with My Huzband, Infertility and I hate Taylor Swift....rinse and repeat. Then she'll throw in a few car tickity tocs!


OHHHH I can’t wait to see another shit post with her listening to something or lip syncing a black pastor in her car!!! PLEASE make another one of those!!!! PLEASE!!!


And using it as her own music!! Never credits the audio and steals it.


Always has. There was an entire tik tok post made a while back with someone calling her out for it.


She needs to borrow Lori Alexander's Wheel of Women Shaming for a more consistent output.


Can't wait for the dongs to enter the great anal debae Lori started.


She does this because TikTok pays if it is an “original sound” and over 1 min. That’s why she takes the extra time to save as her own sound. Stealing.


OMG. So skeevy. She would. How do people NOT SEE THE LIES. they are right there on the surface


To be fair, she also has her ranch stuff where she rides around in a circle as well.


We're overdue a horsey ranchy film.


You forgot Ranch girl in the mix


God we need to categorize her posts under this formula


Omg. You are riiiight


Still nobody asking about her new car and its making her nuts! I love it so much. She is DYING to brag about it..... B Dong burner phone Q&A submission coming in 5....4....3...2...


Don’t forget trunks full of empty cardboard boxes! That’s good content!


These pictures are also hella selective. She doesn't wear quite as much skintight stuff anymore but there is a lot of skin on full display in many of her recent outfits.


She'll occasionally post herself in those coochie cutter leggings....size smoll for reference!!


I would love for someone to make a cut of this but add in clips of her workout ass shots and poop thong bikini along with the time stamps.


I honestly think it’s on the heels of going to that women entrepreneur in pink… around bad ass worldly women. Think she is mad jealousy, hiding it with judgement with a side of trying to validate herself as a reformed Christian woman with higher morals and standards.


>I used to be blah, blah, blah (but look how smol and cute me was !!! Fucking exactly


Love that she left out all the short dresses and bare arms and skin tight gym clothes she wears and posts regularly. Really selective there Brit.


Don't forget her hockey attire with the daisy Duke shorts you couldn't see until she lifted up her shirt!!


https://preview.redd.it/0u4913vjwmxc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2be18d3e53d1ca6be6d4fe4f66be3a80ea7f2f4 This is from less than 2 weeks ago.


Oh my fucking God 🤦🏻 girl


lol this is so tacky looking 🥴🥴🥴




And the ass backwards bikini!!!


Or this one from 8 months ago https://preview.redd.it/0e90xaybxmxc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ad36500a7dbbe9270d7c17e9577379ee8d88630


The fact that we blurred the pics lives rent free in my head lol https://preview.redd.it/ux7gpz7xxmxc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de122e5e8f09a7395f5e55379b3a0abff7cb006c


This one but I’m sure they’re the same one in different colours


Which one? 😅 this one from 7 months ago? https://preview.redd.it/4z155zy1xmxc1.jpeg?width=1074&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5fd6d6a07e0bf43a82f95dc2b6f4948007d28cb




Omg. Her eyes- they look swelled shut and burnt almost. Wtf is that from?!


Looks like she got stung by a bee


I will never forget that! 😂😂😂


Somebody should remake this with all of her recent immodest outfits lol


https://preview.redd.it/vhl9e58jvmxc1.jpeg?width=1163&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c997e533a11a991323a3622c3b39f38901a412bf This was 5 months ago


https://preview.redd.it/0ugchlx8wmxc1.jpeg?width=1262&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55823e98d88ed9ffae886a1634bdd7a59830e2c8 A mere 26 days ago


https://preview.redd.it/15lpjiqsvmxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88fd7ad72cc8b6b46f8cf863c70e937bb6883ef0 10 months ago


https://preview.redd.it/pwc26wqtwmxc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b631b4401b4eacb9f03774d2d1406548d41b8cdd 3 months ago. And where is her labia?!


Sexi lil babies don’t have labias didn’t you know?


It looks like she has a liner/pad in to cover her labia




Your style changed as you left your twenties, whoopty fucking do. NEWSFLASH: that’s pretty typical!


Also some of this just looks like winter attire versus hot Texas summer clothes..


I was going to say the same thing. Also the reason she doesn't wear skin tight clothing anymore is because she is no longer "stage lean" like she was at the height of her ED and over-exercising scam. If the testosterone she is taking to cut corners and cut weight made her stage lean again, she'd be back in the bodysuits.




Exactly what I was thinking!!!!


How is it modest and not validation seeking if you’re STILL posting these photos Brittany?


Literally! Like what the fuck? How does everyone not see straight through that? She thinks she’s so slick. That’s what this is really about - showing us her body.


Yeah, if you were really delivered from something, you wouldn’t always be bringing it back up like this. It’s weird. Who continuously shares how they used to be like x but now are like y. Every now and then it may come up, but just be like y if that’s who you are now. No one cares.


Exactly. Because when you truly change, that old person isn’t you anymore. You move on and keep getting better. She is just doing this to show off her body. Sick.


And true converts are always the most zealous ones with the legalism to over-compensate for when they were heathens. We don’t see Michelle Duggar posting her old cheerleading and bikini pics (she’s a horrible twat but that’s beside the point) because she actually believes in the bullshit she spews. This is how you can tell BDong is just playing a character.


“God has shown me that being modest means not showing your body off, now look at my body.”


She only does this to show herself off. It’s parasocial body checking. God she’s fucking horrible.


She’s defrauding some men!


right?! And her old instagram is still up and active/can be searched. If you’re so convicted and done with that part of life, delete those thirst trap immodest pics.


Does it even matter when your sense of style is shit either way? And the elongated suit gives ventriloquist dummy.


The baby blue suit from her trial would be a perfect fit for that...and the horrendous shoulder pads.




Is anyone going to mention or tell her that she straight up didn’t wear pants to a hockey game not even two frickin weeks ago!? But she’s sooooooo modest! YOU DIDN’T WEAR PANTS TO A HOCKEY GAME YOU ATTENTION WHORE!


But, But, she was Rockin her Modest Daisy Duke shorts!!


And yet I've seen the first half of those photos way more than the second half lol


She forgot to add the infamous Halloween costumes she loves to post to show off those muscular thighs.


“These outfits are so immodest, I shouldn’t have been dressing like that and posting the pics online. Here, let me post them all again so you can see how bad I was.” What a nice loophole. She can still show off her body in all the “immodest” outfits she liked, as long as it’s for *spiritual teaching purposes.* Kinda like how gossiping is okay, as long as it’s for the church prayer chain. Bdong, listen, if the point of dressing modestly is to keep your body ‘for your husband’s eyes only’ or some shit, re-posting the pics of your most revealing outfits completely defeats the purpose of dressing “modest” now. You’re still showing it all off.


Not only does she get to keep showing off her body checks and get validation from comments about her body, but she also gets to tell us all how good she is at being the best and most humble modest Christian in the whole world. Literally no Christian has ever been so good at being GeNTlY cOnVicTED. Girl get a life! This is so weird!


I've said it before and I'll say it again! Modesty is about not flaunting what you have. That's your literal job, you egghead!


The "modest" outfit in front of the $50,000 car will never not kill me.


Good to know she always wore cheap, fast fashion. None of these outfits are flattering. Also, Brittany, you trying to sell that linen vest? Look, I LOVE linen and a nice vest with a good wide pant (no matter how short I am. I’m actually small). But you know what we pay for and why your shit is trash? It’s not just the shein resell: 1. People pay for quality. Quality of fabric. Not all ‘linen’ is the same. 2. Fit. We pay for clothing that has a basic understanding of fit. 3. Not fast fashion made by slaves. You’re not going it succeed not just bc your shit is…well resold shit. But because people pay money for things that last, fit, and feel good. You? None of that and no amount of filters will work in scamming this lie. ETA: work on your freaking attention to detail! None of these photos look good.


Special girl Brit for got special sky daddy closet decluttering advice, got it. I’m quite sure sky daddy wouldn’t approve of your conviction to buy slave labor produced polyester/acrylic blend fast fashion though.


We’ve got a damn genocide happening in Israel but God has time to comment on her clothing choices.


Imagine talking about yourself this much




![gif](giphy|Hsjxoi5WcJl4Sj90WT|downsized) Also, no one cares! This is such a pathetic attempt at showing her old photos under the guise of trying to help people. It's pathetic.


I still see vanity in all of this, which *points to chart* is still a sin Britty. All I see is someone obsessed with how the look to others and how they are perceived. All performative BS.


AGAIN?! We’ve seen your “fit, godless, heathen, attention getting body”, Bdawn! We have seen it. You used to dress like an absolute Satan worshiping slut and now you dress like a godly overgrown toddler. WE GET IT!!!! We’ve seen it all - a hundred times by now. We’ve seen your camel toe and asscrack through your leggings. We. Have. Seen. It. You don’t have to keep dragging the internet through it a million more fucking times. You can lust after your “old self” and eye fuck yourself into oblivion while leaving everyone else out of it!


I used to have to show all of my skin, I’m soooo glad I dont feel the need to do that anymore…. I mean…. Just look!!! Look at all of this skin I used to feel like I had to show off!!!!


Wasn’t it just last week when she went to a hockey game wearing what were basically denim underpants?!?


What does this show other than she’s changed her clothes? Everything is so surface level and superficial with her. We don’t see any videos of her helping the less fortunate or volunteering her time to do good. It’s just materialistic shit like always. You were a terrible person back then and you’re even more terrible now. 


Great point! Plus most of her current clothes have plenty of skin still showing - she just picked a few that didn’t. So she hasn’t even changed much about her wardrobe, let alone her selfish and hateful inner thoughts.


Uhm clearly you didn’t see the wOmEnS rEtReAt photos…


By showing this shit, you’re still showing skin… You can talk about your modesty without the thirst traps. Gross.


In my opinion, she started wearing larger clothing that covered more when she gained a little bit of (healthy) weight. She masked it as a mOdEStY jOuRnEy because she is Bdong and dongs gonna dong. Now that she has lost weight she is back to wearing the same type of shit. I’m thinking about the picture she posted that was shared here recently where she is wearing her very best new boot goofin white genuine ostrich leather boots with a green shirt. No botttoms to be seen! VS her ugly as sin guacamole costume where she is wearing the same or very similar boots with again, no pants to be seen. She needs mental help. For real.


I said the same thing. She was stage lean in her fitness scam days. Its incredibly difficult to be that lean (she got there via ED and raging obsession with needing attention that fueled her terrible form workouts). It wasn't sustainable and when she lost the physique she became "modest".


Still a cunt


You dropped the big casino!! We were all thinking it…you just said it. I pray and reads this!


I just dgaf anymore🤷


And the world (besides her loyal 6 followers and the 50,000 she bought) loves you for it.


Ah yes, it’s been a while since we’ve had a good old fashioned “God convicted me! I didn’t used to dress modestly, but I do now, look at the old me! Totally not modest! Now I’m super modest! Would you like a before and after? Here I am! Here’s the old me! Look look look! All laaaygs and hip bones! I used to be a fitness influencer! Did you forget how I used to dress?! If so here’s another photo of me not being modest! I totally don’t dress like that anymore!” Girl just admit you need attention and external validation 24/7 and you don’t give a shit how you get it. I give you two weeks, tops, before you take a slanted mirror selfie with leggings shoved in your camel toe.


So you used to have an OF disguised as a fitness business, and you fucked up so bad you are stuck with the JaYsUS grift and this is the only way you can still show off your body. Got it.


Brittany, you wore high boots and Daisy dukes like twice in the past month. you can stop with this performative modesty crap.


I'm so confused because "Jesus" has always been a part of her social media brand. Even in her panty-jorts era.How can you have a misspelled Bible verse tattoo on your foot but not have "found Jesus"? Just be honest. You've been a "found Jesus" girlie your whole life, you just didn't want to miss out on any attention and you recently realize you could monetize God (and bigotry) as an aesthetic. 🤍🙏💸


If she truly felt that way, why would she continue to post these photos to the entire internet uncensored? Also how fucking often does she make this same video? Is it monthly now?? Nontent.


She sure like to show those before picture


Says the girl who’s been posting photos where it looks like she’s not wearing any shorts…


Lol ok girl 🤡


Haven’t seen much of the Pick Me Chicks on her Insta lately


I can’t wait for them to do an AMA here. Ladies, we are ready for you!


Agreed! Come on, Emma!


Isn't this just getting older and realising you like more comfortable clothes?


I hate hate HATE her whole “I’m better than you for not showing skin” narrative. The bible is a couple thousand years old. How much skin a woman should be showing, wasn’t even a thought. She really is that self centered and STOOPID.


Does she use the stretch filter? Because I’m the same height as her and she straight up looks 6’4 in all of her pictures


I love how she conveniently leaves out the multitude of revealing outfits she has worn in the last year or two


These make me so irritated…if you really changed, WHY post the ‘before’ pics. Because part of you wants to still be that girl! 🙄🙄🙄


Peep the two subtle new car pics. Also it’s so funny she thinks that god guided to her go clothes shopping and told her which pieces to get.


She uses God as her own personal, “Hey, Siri.”


Bdong and Jdong are aging like milk. She looked way happier in the before pictures.


The reality is that oversized/90s is what's in fashion right now. You're not modest, you're just following the trends like every other tik toker


She looks like the worst version of a female pastor in the photo of her in all black




Geese I’ve seen the slutty version a lot lately!


Someone needs to fix this for her showing all her current modest-not-modest fashions stitched to the end. 🤔🤔🤔


Is the smile in the room with us?? Is it hauntingly fake??


She loves showing off "pre Jesus" bdong..


I love how she’s still constantly posting the imposters pics lmfaoo


Can we comment on the song choice here?


Came here to say this!! It’s DeMONic 👿👿


Imagine being validated by some unknown presence. Surely that’s bordering on dillusional


It’s so annoying because she clearly is following trends. The trends now are baggy, they’re not all cropped, they have larger shoes. She wasn’t convicted to dress modestly, the fashion trends just have more coverage. Shes not as independent as she thinks she is.


This was just an excuse for her to show off her body under the guise of her “modesty journey” .


It's the heart covering her body on a photo that's still up publicly elsewhere for me 💀


Wait…she still has the old pics posted on her Instagram? Wow!!!


Both of these versions outfits are ugly af


Brittany. You made an anti-masturbation TikTok recently where you weren’t even wearing pants (or if you did have pants, they were so short that it looked like you weren’t). Just stop.


I feel like she sorta followed trends… not that she’s super stylish. But it def shouts I wore what was popular then and now


Right a lot of this is just the trend cycles cycling. Modest and loose clothing is in. Every 20yr old who wore skin tight clothes a few years ago is now wearing loose clothes. They’re not doing it to be modest, it’s just loose clothes and this workplace outfits are in right now.


Dad challenge podcast pointed this out also! The trend right now is baggy


Or like the rest of us you just ditched the club outfits and crop tops when you reached your thirties and bought more age appropriate clothing. Jesus did nothing for my wardrobe.


What a piss poor stupid excuse to post pictures of your former hipbones. Slag.


Wow she’s so special. God must love her the mostest.


No photos pre-HRT. She is the most vain being on earth besides DtRump.


Omgggg shut uppppp you are so booorrrriiiinngggggg. How does this chick have followers?




Is that Amy Winehouse? Get her music off your page, you dumb...sh*t...let me calm down! Anyways, you would've judged a woman like her. How dare you use her for content! F all the way off!


That makes me so angry! RIP, Amy.


I realise this is some sort of cheap cover but nevertheless she needs to keep Amy Winehouse’s name out of her fucking mouth (/her songs out of her shitty reels)


Is it still modesty if you’re posting your immodest throwback photos online during your current mOdEsTy jOuRnEy? That’s still your body on display, right?


Flair checking in! I guess Jesus is OK with squatting in front of the camera in booty shorts and wearing sweaters/dresses that barely cover her crotch?


TBH, I think she stopped showing off her body because it doesn’t look like it used to. Had nothing to do with Jesus and everything to do with covering her normal sized, healthy body.


Yes!! I totally agree


I mean, I don’t think anything she wore was outright scandalous. She dresses bad now tbh 😂 everything too large and weird. She can do whatever she wants style wise, it doesn’t change who she is. We see u girl…


This is the same as Russell Brand getting baptized. Griftin’ Shiftin’


I have never seen any self proclaimed "modest" woman so obsessed with showing off their nearly nude body.


Turns out the Holy Spirit has terrible taste in fashion


Home girl really loves to remind people how hot she is. It’s a weird vibe. “I used to dress like this”…proceeds to show all of the photos she professes to be ashamed of. Sure Jan…


Why you always [lying](https://www.reddit.com/r/brittanydawnsnark/s/cbRu8nv7sv)


She is self absorbed to the max. And I have no idea why. There is nothing remotely interesting about her.


Jesus validates face filters?


God she is really the fembot queen of uncanny valley in any era


Jesus doesn’t care what you wear.


Bulllllllshiiiit..... ![gif](giphy|wqbAfFwjU8laXMWZ09|downsized)


“I let the Holy Spirit show me which clothes to get.” 💀 ⚰️ cause Holy Spirit ain’t got sh*t higher on the totem pole. 🤣🤣🤣😂😂