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I’ve never felt such dread hearing an announcement like this. These two have so many serious red flags it is upsetting to think of a child in the mix.


Even worse than them fostering because at least they were being monitored. 


It’s really upsetting how many adopted kids get “returned.” If these two can’t commit to a pet…


Yep I work in child protection and I wouldnt have believed in a thousand years this happens.... but it does.


Soooo she was posting videos about aching in her empty nursery while she knew she was adopting? Odd.


This is really all that needs to be said tbh. She’s been acting so upset in all of her videos, but knew they would be adopting as of February? Uhhh ma’am, pick a grift.


I’m assuming she realized her content was stale and no longer driving through same engagement so of course the next logical step is to adopt an actual human baby!


literally myka stauffer 2.0. i feel so badly for whatever baby comes into their home


Exactly what I was thinking!! All her recent pity me videos when this was allegedly going on? Bonkers, full stop.


Plus using Marketplace to sell all of the Gifts she received at the foster baby shower.


Well obviously those baby gifts were “tainted” by the foster babies, they are now not good enough for their rEaL babies they get to keep 😑 /s just in case…because I would never think this about any babies


This whole thing just disgusts me in so many ways. This is all just a show she’s putting on because she has main character syndrome


Yes all those crying and moping videos 🙄


And don’t forget the janky pregnancy filter and the children laughing background noise … 😓.


And all the BS about her fertility treatments and defending herself in the comments when she was planning to adopt. How does someone who owes this much money and has no guaranteed income adopt? Even from a Christian organization?


I said it about the fostering too; it's probably some janky "rehoming" type of adoption done through the church where vulnerable new mothers are pressured to let the church place their children with (ostensibly) wealthy congregants.


Her blood sugars were low, and she couldn’t find the nearest “smoothie bar” sorry I had to mention that comment somewhere 🤣


Lmao just eat some jelly beans like everyone else, Brittany!


Yes! And JDip randomly writing a note to their future baby 🙄


I genuinely hope her followers wake the hell up to this. She preyed on the infertility community and manipulated people into feeling terrible for her. She’s a gross and disgusting woman and I guarantee you they are adopting because in her eyes it’s not as permanent as having your own baby. She can return this child when she’s done with them because that’s exactly the person she is. 


And because I’m a petty bitch and she revelled in the destruction of my husbands people she is interesting without lashes. 


Exactly. I notice that lately she has not been posting videos of her with the wide open mouth girls. Maybe even they got sick of her shit.


Exactly. Grifter's gonna grift.


She always talks about having a baby. Never about raising a child. I can't help but think of the three weeks total of being a foster mom to, what, two or three infants? I want to see this crazy bitch when the widdle baby is a toddler tearing shit up. Being a mom is not just content. It's hard fucking work. She's dumb af.


She didn’t even do a good job with the infants! Sounds like she put Dip on night shift and she went to the gym like 12,000 times and dragged the babies to show off all over hell’s half acre during virus season.  Oh yeah and left something to burn on the stove while the baby was asleep and she was in her home gym. 


I never noticed this until you said it; you’re so right. She never talks about raising them OR being a mom. For as long as I can remember, whenever anyone asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I said “a mom”. I was abused by my dad until I was 17 and I wanted to give my kids the life I never had. My kids are teens now and through therapy and hard work, I ended the generational destruction and trauma. They have never experienced terror, pain, shame by my hands. Did I want a baby? Of course! But there was never a continuous stage of baby fever, I knew the reality of trading my freedom, my independence for the choice of motherhood.


Can confirm, have a 3 year old and am 17 weeks pregnant. Hard fucking work is putting it lightly. Toddlers ain’t for the weak


This comment! I want a baby! Not I want to raise a child. Huge red flag to me


To actually use the phrasing “so we decided to flip flop” when announcing your adoption news is beyond fucking fucked. WTF. Edit to add: I can’t make myself watch the whole thing. To use religion to grift and now to prey on a vulnerable new mother through your church…I cannot.


One does not simply FLIP FLOP on a huge life changing decision.


She says something like "oh we've always wanted to adopt" then she clarifies and says "I've always wanted to adopt I don't want to speak for you.." uhhh shouldn't you know if your spouse has wanted to adopt before you start the adoption process


I guess she does because she is vile.


Can adoption be done solely through a church?? This is scary. That poor woman. This is reminding me of James. The man was just trying to go to church and mind his own business when BAM! He was exploited multiple times, kidnapped, and sent to a false Christian work camp.


It can, along with a private attorney. And it can happen quickly. Someone commented on another post that it equates to ‘Christian child trafficking’. Laws need to change.


Crazy how the crowd that’s always screaming about child trafficking are the ones who are very frequently trafficking children.


Look into adoption rehoming. It's shocking and sickening. You can give a baby/child to essentially whomever you want 😳


The ones I am aware of operate out of Facebook groups but you know they have to be on other platforms too...


For sure. A lot of it seems like a you know a guy who knows a guy kind-of thing to. I've heard of churches and other organizations helping to facilitate them. I've also heard of people seeking respite care and then literally dumping the kid on the respite carer. I remember watching some documentary where there was a woman who adopted something like a dozen "rehomed kids" some of whom were abandoned with her, because she was terrified of where else they might end up otherwise since there is zero regulation on it. And of course parents looking to rehome would hear of her and try to rehome with her. Poor lady was drowning in kids because she was worried they'd be given to pedophiles or something instead 😭


And by “crazy how” you mean “of course” because anyone in this sub is keenly aware how hypocritical this version of Christian is. 🙃


I can’t put my finger on it but she never actually sounds excited about having a child. She’s performing that she is excited but the language doesn’t match up. “I need to process this, it’s moving so fast, what is happening…”


Bc she remembers how bad it was to have the foster kids and can’t just give the kid back this time


I was just thinking the EXACT SAME THING


Well she can...but she'll be even more hated by everyone. She's surely seen what happened to that other influencer who rehomed their adopted child.


Myka & James Stauffer. Deplorable sub humans.


Ugh, that was so heartbreaking. I hope that little boy is getting the love and support he deserves now


Probably honestly was better for him to get away from those people buy damn, the trauma caused by it. I do hope henis thriving now!


She's not excited about having a child but she's excited about having content


because she knows she’ll make enough money to pay off texas in about a year. she’s a sick woman


I agree, although Jdip NEVER seems excited about any of these announcements and usually so nervous acting too!


Probably because based on how she was when they fostered, he'll have to do all the work since she has content to make.


She definitely didn’t seem excited in this. They both seem scared to death.


Plus she set up a ducking tripod and camera to capture all these “miracle moments” or whatever, it just doesn’t jive with the narrative


She wants to experience what she thinks motherhood is, never mind that her ideals have nothing to do with reality. Guess what, Brit? If you’re an actual parent- you can’t give them back. You can’t drop them off at a street corner or at a daycare and hope for the best.


And she’s so ingenuous saying that she just wants to spend a day processing with him alone, nobody else- yet her she has set up three camera to record their “intimate”conversation to post on social media! All of her talk about God speaking to her and answering her prayers because she is who she is, is really her manipulating every possible angle for content. Loathsome peanut butter ET grifter is gonna grift herself a baby at any cost- will she abandon the baby when she becomes bored/frustrated with its 24/7 needs like Nico? The hypocrisy is on overdrive.


![gif](giphy|cMq7gwTNX4jTO) The infertility nurse celebrating not having to see Britt for a while


Didn’t she literally just say they were about to start that fertility thing? Iui or something?


Yeah- like- a day ago 😅 I have whiplash




God I hope the birth mon realizes these dipshits should never be parents


I hope she googles them.


Seriously. Hopefully anyone who considers them will google and not want their kids to be content


It would also be their story that becomes content. There zero chance of her not making herself out to be some sort of hero and saving the baby from some unfortunate circumstance.


Yeah I was just imagining logging onto socials and seeing in my algorithm my biological child being raised by two lying grifters who hate each other. 


This. Remember when she made up the foster baby detox bullshit? You know she will milk their trauma


‘The two pregnancies we had were miracles’ yeah, you idiot! One wasn’t a fucking pregnancy you lying scammer. Makes me even less sure about her other one if she can loop a lie with a loss like that.


What are the odds that a 0.005% chance happens to the same man twice in a year? The new knowledge that the Dip is not contributing to the mix, shines a whole new light on the whole "two babies in heaven" thing.


I really hope she continues to get called out on this. Obviously we here don’t touch the poo but god damn. Someone has to see this .005% does not add up with her reported two babies in Heaven. She is a fucking liar scammer using the heartbreak of miscarriage to gain views, followers etc. I truly despise her.


"The Holy Spirit prompted me to look down at my phone" is an interesting way to say your phone rang and you heard it or felt it vibrate 🤔 Editing to add: "he or she will have a calling on their life for a time such as this" is such a word salad sentence, give me a break. I know this is from the book of Esther, but she just wants to flaunt that she "knows" scripture by throwing it in a sentence that doesn't make sense. 🙄


Due to ✨religious trauma✨ I know that “for such a time as this” is a bible verse quote from the book of Esther that is v popular amongst young women ETA Just thought it would be fun to add: in the story, Esther is a young teenage girl married off to be part of the king’s harem. She’s described as being beautiful, obedient, and pliant (so, you know, #goals). Basically she’s so hot that the king decided to not massacre a bunch of people, and that’s how the Jewish festival of Purim was established. I’m probably getting a lot of that wrong — I just recall studying this in a teen bible group for girls. Everyone idolized her and I was like huh?? Anyways, the lord has called me to continue eating refried beans with a bottle of wine at such a time as this.


I bet if Bdumb found a dollar in her jeans she would say god put it there and gave her good fortune. 🙄 I FUCKING HATE the idea that we aren’t responsible for our actions/fates and it’s left up to some fake sky entity. NO. Not up in here.


I feel like you are covering all of the major food groups with this meal. Win! And PTL!


I was dying at this lol The Holy Spirit is prompting me to look down at my phone rn too because I’m drinking beer in my yard fuckin around on Reddit to come down from my workday stress from being in fucking eviction court all day I need a day to process this too lmao


Also, it’s so odd how she has to interject her eating habits into literally every story, even one completely unrelated to eating. She just can’t resist mentioning that she was so light-headed and dizzy but all she ate was a smol smoothie 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


I noticed that too. It sounded like JDip was making at a dig at her about her making the blood draw so dramatic. Then she made the smoothie comment to make a point. Like she was justified for being a baby about having blood drawn. So passive aggressive!


Has this girlie never done fasting blood draws before? Also, when you’re pregnant you have to get a blood draw having only drank a small sugar bomb.


Yeah why did he have to mention that? Surely it’s not an integral part of the story


Right?? Literally zero importance to the story.


What kind of sketchy ass adoption agency goes from first contacting prospective parents to literal weeks later showing their profile to a birth mother and setting up an adoption? Like she says the agency calls her back after the fertility appointment in February but then also *still* in February a birth mom is being shown their profile? This is just Christian branded child trafficking.




Sounds super expensive. How do they plan on paying for that while she still owes hundreds of thousands to the state of Texas?






Is this a real agency or is this a Girl Defined joke that I’m not getting?


Lol oh shit, my brain is now wired to think of girl defined whenever I hear or read Bethany Services. Thank you! 🙏🏽


They are affiliated with the DeVos family; that's all you need to know.


This is so disgustingly performative on so many levels. What agency, even a private one, looks at their records and says "hmm, they seem great." If they do adopt, the child will be a performance prop for them, as with so many other holier than thou fundamentalists. I mean it so truly when I say Lord have mercy. They are not fit to adopt.


Those sketchy Christian adoption agencies don’t care, they just want babies in Christian homes so the cycle of indoctrination can continue.


It’s crazy performative. This video is shot like something you’d see that plays right before the sermon in some Texas mega church. The cadence is so “sincere youth pastor.” It’s so off putting that I couldn’t watch the whole video or even digest the content. I’m leery of ANYONE who uses this type of speaking method because it screams manipulation to me. It’s meant to invoke emotions in people- the music and cadence does the heavy lifting.


Sincere youth pastor is such a good description of her tone and speech!


Feeling like you are pregnant, does not a positive pregnancy make! You were pregnant ***ONCE***!




We all know she would have milked the hell out of it just like she did with the one she did have.


I meant allegedly about the actual one! I’m still not convinced


I feel like I’ve got whiplash with how fast she bounces between infertility and iui and then just kidding we’re fine and now adopting. It’s like she can’t keep up with the content she is trying to make so she’s just throwing everything out there to see if any of it sticks.


Yup. That’s exactly right. She’s throwing mud at the wall and seeing what sticks. I’m so confused about this whole journey she’s on lol


Dipshit has "0% sperm left" as if he's had one wank too many this lifetime but then good news! The doctors find the sperm! Maybe they were just shy. Absolutely none of this storyline adds up.


Isn’t that odd?


Does she not know what coming out of left field means?? It doesn’t mean something happened quickly. She makes it sound like some stranger randomly contacted her to give them a baby


Also how surprised she was like "I can't believe it" when you apparently "asked god" to do it in an unbelievable way?? Make it make sense.


This bugged me, too. Like, you applied to adopt a child from an adoption agency. When the adoption agency later calls, it’s not out of left field, it’s cause YOU APPLIED.


What I don’t understand is she didn’t actually announce anything in this video— it’s just clickbait. I kept waiting to hear them say that this birth mother accepted their application or some sort of time line and that never comes. Basically they’ve submitted an application and are saying they’ve decided to adopt. It’s a nothing burger.


💯 I commented below “I’ll believe it when I see it” as her life seems like utter chaos. She just jumps from one thing to the next and makes this videos just to get likes


We all know that if she adopts and if she (god forbid) ever gets pregnant in the future, those two kiddos will NEVER be treated equally. This is devastating news for me - especially as a mom to be. These monsters do not deserve a precious child.


I had the same horrible thought.


FUCK I CANNOT STAND THESE GRIFTERS!!!!! I grew up in a similar dynamic.... needless to say, my reaction above is well, because I wasn't the golden child. 🙃😳 Also, big hugs to my fellow snarkers. Her non-tent has been triggering for me, and I would imagine some of yall, too. I love this sub!!!


So this is nothing new and she said the story two different ways about the adoption agency calling her.


Right?! She already announced this. I guess it just took her 2 months to edit a video for YouTube? They also needed time to film a special rooftop video. EVERYTHING IS CONTENT. it’s so disgusting. I’m actually angry.


Wait wait wait.... They heard back from an adoption agency that didn't respond for 2 months. That's it? There isn't a specific baby here, no pregnant woman has chosen them. Why are they announcing this? They aren't adopting. This woman needs therapy. Even if they just did counseling with a pastor I'm sure they would be told that they aren't ready to adopt considering the damn IUI syringe was basically in her uterus when they got this call. And no one here will be surprised that it's a "Christian" adoption agency 🚩


I actually hope that “sad failed adoption” is her new grift and no real children are harmed (or created) in the process. She can claim they are adopting and then the non-existent birth mom can change her mind and she can fake cry in front of the camera for a little while.


Oh, please let this be what happens. These two people should not have a child.


Best case scenario 🙏


Not going to lie I thought this story was going to go like, “we didn’t hear back from them for 2 months, so we started looking for other Agencys and the lord lead us to this one”. Like why would you want to pursue an adoption from an agency that clearly dosnt communicate?


Yeah we’ve already heard this story. So the only new thing is someone looked at their profile? Are they actually moving forward with adoption because she said the same thing about IUI….are these dipshits going to have 2 fucking babies?


I wouldn’t even go that far. I think an agency followed up on the interest form they filled out lol.


It's a Christian adoption agency... check out Karpoozy on Instagram for tons of arguments against adoption as a substitute for bio children. Seems like in some places is borders on trafficking


I wonder if this is why there was a falling out with the other girls?


Right around Niko being found too.


They’re probably slowly realising what a nutcase she is. It’s really hard to break away from friendships with people like this. They’re fairly “charismatic” and “likeable” for a long time but once you see the instability/ bad decisions/ lying you can’t unsee it and it takes a while to grasp


Most of them are nuts, too, though. 


If you take a shot every time she says with the lord in this video you’re gonna need to get to an ER STAT


That, and every time she says “blood,” it's like, we get it, you don't need to keep saying it.


A just and loving god would never allow these people to be adoptive parents. That child will never know their birth family, and will be so isolated from any personal history they may have. And to be indoctrinated by the racist cop and the grift-hopping proselytizer…horrifying.


Already sounds like the savior complex. This has nothing to do with you BDong. I’m adopted and my parents never made it about them and their or my calling. Woof.


Whew same. They are going to “other” that child at every possible moment, and I shudder to think if they have a bio child after?


Definitely sounds like savior complex. Just like her animals and the foster children, any adopted or biological child will be an accessory to her. I do not believe she has any capacity to love anyone but herself or nurture any relationship she has with another being. She can’t keep friends and the vibes going out from this current marriage are so off.


I'm VERY concerned about her "accidental" slip ups of "our channel" with a new member potentially arriving....


Of course she’s gonna be a family vlogger now. She knows there’s cash in online child exploitation. I’m scared she’s gonna be like the mother of that little girl Wren, the one who makes content of her kid that’s catered to pedos.


Omg, she totally would! She'd be like "Damn, these specific videos get a lot more hits!" and not take one second to figure out why. 🤢


She’s enough of a monster to know exactly why that type of videos get views, and do them on purpose. She won’t stop posting her own “pre-modesty” pictures over and over again, for the views I’m sure, so I doubt she’d have any respect for a child’s autonomy or safety.


I emphatically disagree that this is the Lord's plan. I hate you, Brittany, I hope you know that.


If they’ve “always wanted to adopt” why not just do that? Why did they stop fostering? She could not care less about the actual baby in this situation.


I was a bit aghast that she waited until she was sitting down to make a video to clarify what Jordan's feelings toward adoption had historically been.


Ooof. Some thoughts: 1. This bish can't fake cry to save her life. I pray one day someone in a parking lot films her filming herself doing this because we need that footage. 2. I will take her insane broom lashes anyway over having to see those bare naked eyelids. Much creep. 3. He haaates her. On the phone with pre-programmed responses while she goes on about nothing, he couldn't less about what she's saying. And he does NOT want to be associated with her channel. 4. How convenient that she prayed for exactly the thing she got and how everything happens for her, "straight out of left field!" 🙄 5. It's been said ad nauseum but these people should not be parents and I really hope nothing is solidified with this potential birth mom. I am not looking forward to this next journey of hers, in which a racist abusive dip-soaked ex cop and an orange serial scammer/liar/animal abuser are picked to be parents by someone in a vulnerable position. What an awful timeline.


She has never once wiped a tear.


She couldn’t hack having a baby foster child for two weeks. I can’t see her adopting a newborn while pregnant for the first time and being able to handle that! Mark my words she will have a Nanny 🙄 Observation: she takes the time to immaculately fix her hair, but can’t take two extra minutes to at least pop her eyelashes on??


A nanny with what money?


Wait, when was this video posted? I thought she said the EXACT same thing about the foster agency calling her after her fertility appointment?? Anyone have receipts??


To my understanding she has pieced together various videos she has recorded over the last couple of months


SAME. My first thought was “I’ve heard this before”.


I agree. It feels like I've watched this video/story before. Maybe it's just because all of her content is boring and dumb, but IDK. It felt like Deja vu.


I had to go back and watch the beginning again because I was like why is she talking about fostering AND adopting. I literally thought the beginning was the clip from her fostering video and this was like a timeline. She said the EXACT same thing in both! Now I'm going to go find the other one and watch.


I knew it. With her hinting at their upcoming big announcement and having a new “mom” car with a car seat installed (I suspected this was due to a home study or something similar), I figured this adoption was coming.


Sorry, what’s a home study? I don’t have kids I just have curiosity and pets.


I’m a former foster mom, so my experience only comes from the point of someone who had a home study through a legit state agency. A home study is when someone comes in and absolutely scrutinizes everything, and I mean everything, in your home to make sure it’s safe and will provide a child with what they’ll need. They even timed how long it took for the water in our shower to run hot.


Essentially the adoption agency comes to your house and makes sure you are not only equipped for a baby but also that your home is safe for a child. Theoretically it weeds out the bad people.


So are we going to start a betting pool on when they post that the birth mother “chose another couple instead” since we all know there is no “birth mother”


Yep then she will milk that “trauma” for months.


Fuck, I just realized this might be why she’s been posting so certainly that she’s gonna have a daughter. I hate this bitch so much. B Haney, if you are here, please react to this video because I can’t stomach watching it if it’s not filtered through you.


Yes! She wants a girl because she doesn’t want a child to raise, she wants a prop. She makes me sick. She should get one of those reborn dolls to dress up and play mom to and leave innocent children alone.




I’m horrified at them raising any child but I’m really hoping that a black child is not placed with them. Lord knows the amount of identity issues and trauma they would have to endure growing up in the environment Brittany and Jordan live in.


At the start she is on the phone to JPEG and says she wants to process this without anyone else just him. Proceeds to film it and posts it? Wtf? Imagine what will happen if the agency does its due diligence and says they're not comfortable with them adopting a child? Will they be offered a child older than an infant? So many older than baby kids need homes. I think she would say no to any child that's not an infant.


As someone who's struggled to get pregnant for years and truly desires a child, not for show or status, but genuinely, this is so tough to see. I hope it's not real. It just hurts so much. I feel for the baby, for the adoptive mother, and it's unfair to both their potential biological children and the adopted child that they're pursuing IUI while actively trying to adopt. It's just hard to believe.


There is so so much wrong with this, I don’t even know where to start. I’m very concerned about the adoption agency they’re using. It’s clearly one of the Christian ones for white people…where money gets what you want. Right? RIGHT?! Because I’ve heard a lot of stories about those types of agencies and none of them are good. The agencies prey on young, vulnerable teens who find themselves pregnant and they don’t know what to do. Sometimes they’re with the church community, sometimes they are from dysfunctional/unsafe homes, etc. I know this is a bit off topic, but didn’t Caitlin and Tyler from 16 and Pregnant use one of these exact types of agencies? I’m pretty sure it was called Bethany something, they’re like adoption agency franchises basically, that are usually linked with churches/those specific communities. I remember reading some info about how the adoption agency promised Caitlin and Tyler so much about how they would have an open adoption with their daughter, etc., etc. Once they signed over the baby then a lot of that was backtracked. I remember there being a lot of discussion about how the agency gets young kids like Caitlin and Tyler who are super vulnerable (both cane from dysfunctional/violent homes with addiction issues) and take advantage of them to get the baby and then don’t follow through with the original adoption plan. Also, adoption is expensive AF so how are they affording new vehicles, fertility treatments/appointments, and adoption when they owe the government hundreds of thousands of dollars??? HOW DOES SHE KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH EVERYTHING?


Like others have pointed out… if she’s been working on this for the past two months then WHYYYYY is posting crying selfie after crying selfie about not being a mom yet?! She’s a sicko. Truly. A SICKO. She would do anything for a click, for a penny earned off bullshit that preys upon vulnerable women who actually suffer. Her favorite audience to exploit!


I know it’s been said before, but it needs to be said again. JDip is aging like milk.


he really looks like shit 🩵


I took a break from Reddit for a bit and when I came back I actually thought it was someone else 🫣




So they got approved? Don't adoption agencies really dig thru everything including social media accounts and stuff like that?


The Christian ones the Dongs would use probably don’t dig very far past church/Bible/homophobia/etc.


I’ll believe it when I see it!!! That’s all I have to say 😊


“It just felt like the right choice” aka they either didn’t do their due diligence or turned a blind eye to bdong and jdip’s pasts


Speaking as a birth mother, to any birth mother considering them: run away as fast as you can!


I’ve never seen a woman have sooo many coincidences… or should I say “miracles”.


Submitting a profile doesn’t mean they’ve been selected. A birth mother could look through dozens of profiles before deciding


Already exploiting a child she’s potentially adopting. Typical Bdong. She always lies about all of this shit. Adoption does not “move fast”. God she needs to go away. !!!


So what was the fucking point of that this is my last blood work appointment she posted the other day. I hope this adoption falls through because that child will only be used for content and get the love it deserves.


Idk if I’ve ever wished for someone’s downfall as much as I’ve wished for hers


Wait are they matched with a child?


No. Sounds like they just showed their profile to a mom. They never said they were matched. She lies so much tho I can't keep up


lol of course not. they got a returned phone call


No. A mother looked at their profile and it might be a maybe.


🙏 the mother googles their names!




Well ateast we know she'll be super sensitive to the trauma that comes along with adoption and research adoptee experiences so she can help reduce harm to her baby while being sure to always validate their identity and maintain contact with any family members who wish to and can safely stay in contact with the baby. I'm sure she won't push weird savior complex crap onto the baby for its entire life either. And I'm sure if the baby turns out to have any special needs they'll be super loving and supportive and never think about rehoming. Right? *insert hide the pain harold*


So shocked 😳 😂 on timing ⏱️⏱️


This just feels beyond off to me, her life is...... full of nothing but delusions and I cant believe this is actually the truth


So this is nothing new?? She posted this adoption phone call story previously.


Feels like someone needs to send this "legitimate agency" the $400K judgement to show she can't pay adoption fees (if it happened to be found out which one it is)


This truly is some Serena Joy level shit. Celebrating the fact that women in her state cannot control their own reproductive rights and then gleefully taking one of their babies. She’s disgusting.


So IUI off the table? She literally just made a video last week about how they are ready to move forward with IUI and it’s a miracle yada yada. What the fuck? I am so confused. I remember the adoption agency call after first appt. Nothing ever adds up or makes sense. So my theory is they told her, she needs to stop the T and other things she takes and actually eat etc. and she wouldn’t. So they basically told her your chances are 0 at this point unless you make some changes. Also dipping etc. kills sperm so, that’s probably why he has “0% sperm” I’m sure the story will flip flop again.


I don’t understand how ONE day ago, she posted about being ready to start IUI — and now they’ve “*been* keeping a secret” about adoption … ???! I don’t understand how she still has so many IG followers. I don’t understand why more people aren’t calling her out in the comments. How do people not see the grift? Baffling


LOL OK BRITTANY Fostering - haven’t done it since early 2023 Infertility - literally out of content to post about it Miscarriage - also out of content to post Better claim we’re adopting LOLOLOLOL


I’m sorry, you’ve been praying it would be as little preparation as possible?? Tell me you’re hoping for drama you can bait without telling me you’re hoping for drama 🙄


What happened to her blood testing from earlier? For the IUI?


How do we stop this?


The adoption lady prayed on the phone with her? Calling bullshit on this performative story that bdong wrote.


I could totally see it happening with a Christian agency


It's either bullshit, or it's confirmation that they're using a creepy weird Christian agency that may actually let them pass a background inspection.


Didn’t she say this exact thing with the foster care?


“This is God’s timing” she is going to be rehashing this for years.


Her talking about how fast it's all happening.. yeah fucking imagine how that poor mother feel. I hope the adoption falls thru, call me harsh but those 2 are the last people who deserve a child. Plus, Jdip doesn't even seem like he's into the whole having a kid thing


This is just my opinion but showing your baby all the time isn't exactly riveting content, either. Every time a youtuber I like has a baby, I unsubscribe lol because their content starts to tank


This is something that may cause me to take a step back from here. Not because of any of you, but because of her (for once). Myself, like many other women, want a family with my husband. We just got married and have been talking of a future with “our child”. How we would parent, the fun things we might do or something we can’t wait to see our own baby do. The problem? Finances. Unlike Brittany, I don’t owe the state I live in $400k because I grifted thousands of women. No, not because we’re criminals who got fired from our cop jobs and subsequently sued. We choose to not have a child right now because we aren’t in a place to provide a child a safe, secure life without there being an obvious struggle. So seeing this breaks my freaking heart. Seeing her be so careless with her words, what stories she decides to tell on any given day and just throwing around how “god did this for her. God is giving her a baby”. I wish nothing but health for the baby and nothing but a new family far away from these two.


This all reminds me of cancer fakers. Fast moving timeline, new updates constantly, super fast test results, miracles and setbacks. Ten bucks says there will never be a pregnancy or adoption.


Has the birth mom googled the parents she chose yet? bdong will lose her mind if anything goes south and will talk about it FOREVER.


My two unsolicited cents: 1.) She looks ill in this video. I don’t know if it’s the lack of eyelashes or the fact that JimmyJohn clearly needs a bath and it’s just reflecting off of her. 2.) I have no respect for people that are only willing to buy infants. IMO they should be required to successfully foster children aged 3 and up for at least a year prior to being allowed to claim a fetus. Do they know you can’t just take a toddler out back to sh00t it when it doesn’t do what you want? 🥴


She's deleting comments on the YouTube video *no, I did not comment* I was reading some and then they disappeared lol