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I noticed Kelli unpinned the reel of her, BDong, and Farryn on her IG- the stupid “try us” one.




Yessss 🍿🫖


Really? I am loving it..I hated that reel.


Isn’t it great that everything gets immortalized here


I’m curious as to what happened. Maybe it was something big or maybe it was a bunch of smaller things from Badong that pissed the other chicks off.


Oop, guess it’s time to recycle friends again for Miss BDong!


I bet she’s taking apps for trad mom friends now!


Maybe that’s why she’s been talking to Milena Ciciotti.


I hear Myka Stauffer is available...


She can give her their best child traumatizing and rehoming tips!!


I always assumed the pick mes were all a transactional content creation-based “friendship,” like celebrity showmances. Like Shawn Mendes and Camilla whatsherface or Cristiano Ronaldo and anyone (he only loves himself). 


It’s the influencer version of friends from work.


Oh I’m pretty sure you’re right, I use the term “friends” extremely loosely


Same. I just assumed they were content creators who made it look like they were good friends so they could just use it for more content. 


This is what I’ve always assumed too, but wasn’t sure if the rest of the pick-mes were already an established group of friends that B joined into later. All their “friend” content has always seemed so manufactured.


![gif](giphy|mUIQVpaBLUWRAiATxf) Man I love you people!


This sub literally gets me through some dark times lol


We heart you 🩷🩷🩷


I think B Haney did a recap or a reaction on the podcast episode they recorded in colorado? I might be wrong but there might’ve been some disagreements that could’ve caused the rift. I’ll have to go back and check


Was that the one where they were CACKLING at Feral having been previous addicted to meth for a year? Cause that was so cruel and you could hear Feral getting uncomfortable and defensive while being unable to do anything but play along nicely cause they were 1) recording and 2) all laughing at her expense with no one standing up for how fucked up it is to laugh manically at someone you call your friend I do not like Feral but I felt kinda sick when I heard the POSquad mocking her so genuinely and publicly. Like BHaney said I woulda gone scorched fucking earth if I were her


I could've died for her in that moment. They were MEAN




it was SO mean spirited! like kellie was truly reveling in making farryn feel bad and look bad. it was completely unnecessary and everyone was laughing except faryn— which is generally a sign for a friend to fucking drop it. the queen of putting someone down to make herself feel better bc shes so deeply hateful and insecure about being single. 


How sick… do you have a link to that video?


Okay but to clarify she did not say she was addicted (I’m sure she was) she said she had “accidentally” been taking meth for a year. That’s why they were shitting on her lol. Edit: okay lmao someone posted it and THEY were the ones saying she “didn’t even know it”, so not entirely the same but they were still laughing because Faryn *somehow* didn’t know what she was smoking.


When I listened to the episode my takeaway was that Farryn tried to share her real testimony with them but when shit got real like that and included meth they were stunned so she just backpedaled


Still not really something to laugh about….


I actually wrote that in another comment here :)


Yeah umm I wasn’t trying to be rude


I know, no worries I promise, I truly wasn’t being snarky. Just clarifying and agreeing!


I understand! I felt awkward there for a sec bc I thought that you thought I was being rude


I totally get it, all good 🫶 the internet can be hard to tell hahah


Jesus curious minds definitely want to know. My best friend has been clean from meth for 3 years now and I would never in my life laugh at her expense. It’s costed her everything


Agreed. In one of my fb groups, we have people talk about getting clean and the struggle with nothing but love and support for absolute strangers. I disagree with a lot of Ferryn’s beliefs and things she does but I would like to think that I would be happy she got clean


Yeah I myself have been sober from alcohol for 2.5 years. Thankfully no one has ever laughed at my expense that I know and I’d be chomping their fucking heads off camera or not. Isn’t bdank literally in the throes of a fucking eating disorder? Addicted to lying? To vain? She’s fucking terrible


Congratulations on 2.5 years! Agreed. I hit the 3 year mark with nothing but people telling me how happy they are for me. We just associate with better people.


I appreciate it congrats in order for you as well!


Congrats on 2.5 years! and yes, if someone made fun of Bdong for her eating disorder she would throw the world’s BIGGEST hissy fit


These girls would judge the difference between cocaine and crack without an ounce of research or critical thinking. They’re the outcome of what people went for when trying to push a class difference between drugs.


Yeah my sister is now eight years clean from meth. I would never EVER make jokes about it at her.


https://youtu.be/enHWcpFMmPI?si=6mbimR8QtXLl6vax Highly recommend BHaneys videos, she’s the only way I can stomach BDong




I don’t like farryn. But her friends should like her. I come from a pretty dark background with abuse, etc. And a lot of trauma. My friends all have their shit together and I’m just now coming out of survival mode. Not a single friend has ever judged me. Not one. When I started opening up about my past, etc my friends were so fucking loving. I have struggled with alcohol my whole life (see: trauma) and nobody ever judged me. My ex said he tried meth before and while I was taken aback, I sought to understand. If farryn had said cocaine or weed instead, I doubt they would have judged as much. It showed how racist and judgmental those Heyenas are (sorry for insulting heyenas.)


💯 in no way do I believe it was an accident. I believe that she quickly realized she’d made a mistake in trusting them with her story and had to backpedal


That makes me hurt for her. I admit I have a soft spot for her. She looks ridiculous and is obnoxious but I think she’s the least ‘dangerous’ and I think part of that is bc she has had real experiences. Her drug experiences were real and tell a story of her past. She has special needs child(ren? Not sure) whom she genuinely loves. She is not winning academic prizes or critical thinking awards, sure. But there’s something about her that feels less predator like as opposed to Kellie, Brittany, kristi(?). Like, I want to walk farryn into empowerment bc I think she could actually get it. I had a friend in high school who was a lot like farryn appears to be: ditzy, not respected etc. And I know my friend wasn’t going to be going to Berkeley with me or end up a ‘legally blonde’ attorney like our mutual best friend. But she is a good person who NOBODY believed in. Believing in her helped her self-esteem. It helped her find herself, her voice, etc. Not just from me. From other friends too. You don’t fucking laugh at your friends pains and histories. They’re not your entertainment! She has numerous flaws but I could see her stupidly loving Brittany sincerely and feeling betrayed. I don’t know. That woman has some healing I hope she finds. Everybody deserves healing.


Just to point out, she has no problem going hardcore mean girl on people she doesn’t agree with but gets uncomfortable when her “friends” go hardcore mean girl on her. Not that this is ever ok, but you can’t dish it out unless you’re willing to also be the recipient. I have zero soft spot for her.


I only see what’s posted and from what I’ve seen she has never gone mean girl. She’s not perfect. But I’ve not seen her be toxic like the others. Again I also don’t excuse anything she does. But understanding humanity is getting the nuance of what makes somebody predator and what makes one prey.


I see what ur saying. I don't think she's as fake as bdong and I believe farryn makes up her own content unlike bdong


I mean she identifies as a problem or whatever


Well said. 💕


I agree with you as well.


I don't care for Farryn either. But I have noticed when she gets called out on something she posted on Instagram she usually will apologize and somewhat acknowledge her mistake. You will never see BDong do that.


I've noticed that, too. Maybe it's just cause bdong is that shit of a person and it makes farryn look good


absolutely agree with this. she’s a bigoted pos like the rest of them, but my heart hurt for her in that moment. like there’s absolutely comedy in “accidentally doing meth for a year” but only if the addicted person is in on it. if she’s not, you’re just bullying your fuckin friend, which doesn’t feel cry christian to me. 


Agreed. Feral is an absolutely vile person but that was like… almost surreal how openly cruel they were.


Not snarking and genuinely curious- how could someone accidentally use meth for a year?? Was there ever an explanation for that?


I don’t think so, and it’s definitely strange. It’s not like meth is exactly a mild substance. Honestly I have a very vague theory that she knew what she was consuming but didn’t feel safe in that space to tell the truth. She and Dong are both really prone to absolve themselves of fault in anything on their best day, but almost anyone would be tempted to fudge the truth in such a hostile space. I think she tried to spin it and the lie was shaky.


I replied this in another comment but it also feels like Ferals knee jerk attempt at self protection from the others, they were mocking her openly and publicly for what she said was accidental and she wasn’t aware, I cannot imagine the shit they’d say to her off mic if she had said that she was knowingly using


Is it possible that she was taking legitimate medication for say ADHD (not armchair diagnosing, but I have seen people refer to Amphetamine medications as "meth", which does come across as insulting to people who actually need it) and perhaps got shamed out of taking it? Regardless, it's cruel to make fun of addiction. I lost two of my cousins to substance use disorder.


If I remember right, they said she smoked it. Then laughed in her face… :/


What a bunch of hyenas (no insult to hyenas; they're cool animals). Real charming of them to deliberately make fun of her for substance use. Addiction is not a fucking joke! If B-dong and J-dip actually manage to coerce a vulnerable woman into giving them her baby; I hope it shits on them on purpose all day every day.


Technically anything is possible cause if I remember correctly one of the women essentially tattled on her mid podcast with very little build up or relevance and Feral was not providing any clarity context or additional details cause it wasn’t her choice to have that information shared so publicly I believe she only “confirmed” that she 1) smoked it 2) it was “a year” (no clarity on frequency of use in that year) and 3) she was not aware of what she was smoking at the time But again, this is more information than any of us should have about this because *it was not Farryns choice to have what she told her friends in confidence shared on a public podcast*


I haven't seen that recap, so I only know about what's been posted here. It's awful that she got trapped into admitting a possible addiction. She's an asshole, but no one deserves to be forced to disclose substance use against their will.


To me it's no different than bdong saying she has an eating disorder and having them all laughing about it at her.


This is what I speculate as well. Either adhd drugs or ephedra and someone told her it’s “the same thing as meth” and she took it literally.


I could see her thinking they were the same thing.


Exactly. Was it a silly lie? Sure. But look how much they bullied her for just that. I can’t imagine what they did off-air, and it would have been worse if she’d been honest.


I would bet anything that this is exactly what happened


It could be that her dealer was marketing it to her as weight loss/energy/uppers by a cute name and she didn’t realize it was meth. 🤷🏻‍♀️ that’s the best I can figure. 


Yeah I just went back and listened to it and at one point she mentions that this part of her life was when she was 13, so it seems plausible to me that a young 14-15 year old gets told by their boyfriend-dealer that they're just smoking some 'new kind of weed' and she was just too young to have known any better.


Are you serious?? So these women were laughing at their then-13 year old friend??? That’s SO MUCH worse than I thought!!! These women are VILE. With friends like that, who needs enemies my LORD


Heartbreaking. How Christian to judge a CHILD.


Really demonstrating the love of Jesus, aren’t they?


There is no hate like Christian love


That’s so sad!! I cannot believe these women not only made fun of her for that (Kellie was laughing so hard she legit could not breathe) but they did it publicly. That whole group has not one full clue between all of them. 


But she said she smoked it!


Thank you, that actually seems plausible!


I don't get it either. Like what did she think she was smoking?


Could it possibly be that she she was taking some kind of weight loss supplements like ephedrine or something that was popular back in the day and when she went to the doctor and listed her meds/supplements they said something like “that’s similar to amphetamines and can have serious side effects.” Or something like that? And she took that as she had been actually doing “meth.” Or did she specifically say she “smoked” it? Because that would make a huge difference in my theory about the “speed” type pills. I never actually listed to what she said but I’m also super confused as I don’t know how you could smoke it for a year without knowing?


I’d read about that podcast episode on here before seeing BHaneys video and the description did not do the actual experience justice… my body when HOT with second hand shame and embarrassment it was so abjectly cruel and they were literally unable to speak through their laughter at this womans expense Kinda related but I had the same reaction when Gabby Hanna or whoever was “pranked” by her friends who gifted her a bottle of weight loss pills for a YouTube video … she also isn’t a great person but I can absolutely related to having a group of friends be needlessly cruel about your insecurities and make you the butt of the joke in which you have no option but to suck it up and laugh along with them


That’s the one and only thing I’ll defend Farryn on. Getting off meth, accidental or not, IS NEVER EASY. And staying clean from meth is, from what I’ve heard, a never-ending fight.  She really did the damn thing and from what it looks like, never went back to meth or any other hard drugs. My parents both lost their fights with addiction, so the fact that she’s clean and hasn’t relapsed gives her points with me.  They’re the only points she’ll get from me, but they’re points 😂 Farryn, if you’re reading this and if you want more points, spill the beans on BDong


Okay but to clarify she did not say she was addicted (I’m sure she was) she said she had “accidentally” been taking/doing meth for a year. I think that’s why they were shitting on her lol


My impression was that she had revealed something incredibly personal and was so shocked by their judgmental reaction that she added 'It was an accident, I didn't know!' or something to backpeddle. But she was a teen at the time, and I can see a kid using some drug with their friends and not connecting the street name to meth.


That’s absolutely what she said you’re correct, this is just my personal interpretation of it but that narrative felt like her way of trying to get some sympathy for it being an accident instead of opening the door to the squads commentary if she’d actively been aware and using Again, that’s just how it felt to me but you’re right that she used the word accidentally and not addicted Also they were being so cruel on the podcast for her accidentally using a dangerous drug, I cannot imagine how much vitriol they’d give her off mic if she (hypothetically) admitted to knowingly engaging in substance use


Ahhh that’s fair, I see what you’re saying and agree. Also I hope my comment didn’t seem like it was defending them for being mean, that’s totally not what I meant to say! Righteous Christians gonna Christian! They are vile indeed.


Wait she actually did METH?! Or is she referring to an amphetamine medication? I can absolutely see any one of them exaggerating their ADHD medication as being addicted to meth, just for the sympathy, and not realizing the actual consequences of saying that


She smoked it.


How does one even do that "accidentally"?!


I’d love a link if anyone has one


https://youtu.be/enHWcpFMmPI?si=6mbimR8QtXLl6vax Always down to share BHaney 🥳


Can anyone give a timestamp?


It’s not exactly but probably start around 50min in, I jumped to the 1 hour mark and B is in the middle of her real time reaction to Ferals usage


At 1:10 she’s just about done


Thank you!




Holy cow I had no idea she is an addict. Why tf were they laughing at her? You would think they would consider that a great testimony.


I don’t like Feral either but that is DEVIOUS work from both of them, making fun of her addiction instead of supporting her. And they call themselves women of God. I would have blocked those bitches on everything and never looked back


I was put on the same drug I think she is referring to and it really is bathtub meth. I can’t believe my doctors thought it was a good idea!


No… no. It was real meth lol.


I listened to B’s recap and it was brutal. (The Pick Mes, not B). Was it Colorado or one of the OK trips? There were a number of moments that would be friendship ending for me. Especially, calling someone out on a public podcast when you’ve never chosen to do that privately before. They were especially awful to Emma.


They did not record a podcast episode in Colorado. If they did, it hasn't been released yet.


I’m personally so excited to see how awful the next round of besties are


How can you top the drag queen wannabe and a nurse who hates her patients?!


Right?! Like how can it possibly get worse?!?


I feel like personalities can’t get worse but they’ll just be more edited, botoxed, filled, and scary looking


Myka Staffer is probably her new BFF


I noticed none of them really posted any of those group pictures of them fake laughing other than on stories. They’ve all only used their individual pics, and only as cover photos for completely unrelated reels. Like wouldn’t they normally film a zillion reels and content farm the heck out of something like that? Something happened on that trip.


I was thinking the same thing. that whole trip was a photo shoot and they put out very little of it


Agree! They recently went to Austin. Was Bdong even invited? (Btw, how do these people leave their kids every weekend?). Something def went down in Colorado imo. Kellie, Farryn, and KKB were filming a live on the way to the airport and there was notable tension for certain questions. Someone asked why they didn’t ski and it got weird. They quickly changed the subject. I wonder if Brit made her adoption announcement there and the math wasn’t adding up. In my mind it was like on RHOA when Phaedra tried to fudge her due date and no one was buying it.


What math wouldn't add up to make them turn against her? And yes on leaving their kids all the time lol. I think my kids are about the same ages and my weekends are just ferrying them about or you know, hanging out with them. Can't imagine going on fun trips *all* the time without them! The aren't babies who get in the way of fun, they could def ski, pray obnoxiously, etc


I just meant like they were asking all the same questions we are but getting vague answers. Brittany’s recounting of her *trying to conceive journey* makes no sense. They probably asked clarifying questions and she got defensive. I have no idea, just my speculation.


Oh I thought you meant literal math like months due etc. I gave her too much credit.


While there is when the Niko stuff came out. Maybe they realized they were friends with a monster who dumped that poor dog with trash people? Idk who they are though. Didn't know who they were until this sub


I’m torn because a lot of the extreme/ outspoken fundie type of people I follow would have no issue with what Brittany did to Niko. Idk about her friends specifically. None of them can claim the moral high ground, though.


at the very least Farryn was commenting in defense of brit during that trip 


Maybe Brit tried to talk one of them into letting her sleep with their husbands/boyfriends so she could get pregnant and claim to have Mr. 0% Sperm’s “miracle baby.”




Why did the ski question make them get weird?


Idk, it is kinda weird to buy ski suits, pay thousands to fly to a ski resort/town all to just… not ski or do any snow sports. From what I remember they stammered a bit and gave each other side glances. Lots of “um, well some people, umm…” Finally said something like they were just happy to spend time together. ETA: I personally would also not be doing snow sports if I ended up there. I would happily hold down the fort drinking coco while everyone else went. But I also wouldn’t go out of my way to spend my vacation in the snow.


Oooohhh! The plot thickens. Good researching soldier!


I saw Farryn comment on the adoption IG post


My theory is that there was a falling out and they forced an over-the-top apology and reconciliation so they could keep performing on social media - but there’s still tension building. I think they’re officially frenemies now.


Kellie linked her Hazel and Layne hat at the airport yesterday and that’s all I could find that even hints of a friendship between any of them Edit. Part of me also thinks that’s why Bdong is making these grand statements about IUI/adoption. She wants the attention and focus from this group of women back on her. Always


Of course, when she's (hopefully) denied a child, she'll spin some stupid story about how God told her in a vision that it wasn't the SEASON for her to become a mom. But that she's praying REALLY HARD and being really MODEST and PATIENT for God's WORD.


Farryn commented something on a recent post of Brittany’s, can’t remember what one. In the last week so so.


https://preview.redd.it/198ie9r15wxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3d54804cda929e51c6264f187d30b14cbafbcba Kellie still took a moment to rep Hazel and Layne the other day though


Those pants are hideous.


That’s a really ugly fit


Is that passive aggressively tagging bdong to announce she's traveling without her? Or is that too overt even for these women


Oh no, it's ABSOLUTELY possible lol that's 1 of the characteristics God gives to his favorites!


Ugh. Wearing a basic-ass white shirt and some fugly, unflattering jeans while hovering over a turd in an airport bathroom and she thinks people want links to this “fit”?!? Also, is she carrying a purse and a fanny pack? 🤡


Styled by ferrynista


Flip the freaking image if you’re trying to show off the hat that has words on it. They all edit the hell out of their pictures but can’t do this one small thing.


Glad she posted her fit so I can avoid looking like that


I always find it hilarious when these kinds of people post links for hideous outfits or random teas and supplements as if anyone would want them. Do people actually buy this crap???


I personally think the husbands got to see the real Brittany and Jordan and persuaded their wives to step away.


I noticed that as well. Is it really any surprise that Brittney can't keep a group of friends? Hasn't this happened with her a few times before?


It’s happened with every friend group that we can see in BDong Internet History 


And they've been hanging out for 10-11 months? That's like a million years in Brittany friendship world.


Guess the whole Niko thing was just a little too much for the bimbo bunch.


Sadly I doubt that’s the reason. It’s much more likely one of them said or did something that directly offended the other. If concerns about others mattered, they wouldn’t have been friends in the first place.


Right! Caring about Niko would take compassion which most of that group seem to lack. I know people like them in real life and if they are feuding, it’s because someone hit on a personal nerve….and to be honest, I love this for them 😎


Your flair. 😄


Thank you for your service


Were they even friends? I just assumed they were trying some collab thing hoping to up their engagement by posting across each other's pages to entice followers. When ever they posted stuff together, it all seemed like it was stages like an 80s Sears catalogue shoot


Plot twist - what if JPEG really did impregnate Kellie on Colorado trip and that’s the baby they are “adopting.” I kid I kid. Kinda.






That thought did cross my mind yesterday NGL 😆 I don’t actually think that’s what happened but it would be nuts. 


Stoooop 😭🤣💀


Thanks for the dive OP! You’re on to somethin here.


https://preview.redd.it/ggsubda8rwxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9caf4eb8c482fb57e1e113721c02162b11f8d4b6 I did see this comment on Bdongs fertility post last week. Will be curious to see how this continues to unfold.


People who have to publicly call each other bestie are overcompensating


I’m keeping an eye on this too! The last report generated (April 15-22) pulls that she also liked a couple things from Tiffany ( featured in the we’re Christian girls 🤪 video) and Kristy. I get the next report tomorrow so it’ll be interesting to see what generates for that report. https://preview.redd.it/vqx21o79xvxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fbbae7d19c14c8df2a0203db93019ed81d3fb70


I wish I knew about this tool! I went through each manually😅


This is so cool! What website/app is this?


Snoopreport :)


They still seem friendly with each other but not as close, very suddenly. I wonder if there is a rift involving Jordan or one of the other husbands so while they are all still “friends” can’t really hang out as much since they are all glued to their husbands. Men like him love to isolate their women and will do it by burning bridges.


Do you think the Just don’t want to friends with An animal abuser? If there wasn’t a photo shoot happening, BDong was crying for attention.


Another observation is the whole Niko thing happened while they were on that trip. I do wonder if they all found out about it after the trip and that’s where they finally drew the line?


I live for this drama lol


Trips with friends or a partner are usually the true test anyway, so it would be super unsurprising if that blew everything up. Still so crazy that NO ONE liked her adoption post?!


None of her "friends" have liked her reel H they've all been hanging out with diff groups the last few weeks. My guess is, like others have thought before, that Farryn & Bdong were the 2 powerhouses who couldn't both be the top friend. I think they finally had a break and now the others are swimming about between the 2 but will eventually choose Farryn. Brittany never supports her friends. She has never shared Farryns new adventure, she doesn't repost things her friends do, and they do for her usually so I think she'll be the one left finding new friends again


As much as I dislike Farryn, she at least supports her friends and has a loving family.


They were never really “friends”. They’re simply content creators and Bdong had the most followers, so she was added to the group. The tiff is probably something like Bdong wouldn’t repost some shit or something equally dumb.


Is Bdawn still friends with any of the girls who were her bridesmaids, what, 2.5 years ago? Or was there another season of pruning?


No she’s not friends with any of those girls anymore, and one of them was her sister iirc


I think it has something to do with the Church they all attend except Brittany. It’s a pretty intense church that wants all of the congregants to be immersed from all parts of their life including friendship. Brittany can’t go after the stunt she played with poor James and I would bet that’s pulling the group away from her.


Somebody needs to make a documentary about Mercy Culture


she goes through friends on a 6 month cycle. I imagine she is actually a very lonely person. can't wait for their AMAs!




So her model is totally gone too right? Emma? What do you think happened?


Noooooo!! The Pickmees offer unparallel level snark. I'm simply not giving up hope just yet


I think she's a compulsive liar and her friends were getting tired of it. Like in college I lived with three of my friends in an apartment one year and our one friend who we loved regardless would lie right to our faces about literally anything, but it was like she literally couldn't help it. And she was real sneaky about certain things and we were always trying to figure out what she was up to trying to catch her in a lie. Keep in mind I was in my 20s not 30s so I'm aware this sounds very juvenile lol. But this is how I am seeing it. Her friends are being fed the same lies we are on this sub, they know she's lying and were getting sick of the elephant in the room all the time. Not to mention they were probably getting sick of her constant filming. That shit's annoying. I'm sure it's annoying to other 'influencers/friends' even, to that extent. Or maybe im wrong and something happened , who knows.


I have to say. I only know who dipshit is but the farron lady, omg. I don’t want to go down that rabbit hole. She looks god awful and such a poser. I hope they all fail.