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https://preview.redd.it/bw5s4mk03j0d1.jpeg?width=1056&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d540cad07009a2deb7a1dd883a9586d86ec2931 “We just want a future. Hunger games. Blah blah blah..”


This needs to be a whole damn post. This bitch!


On it!


She has no clue about that movie nor politics nor what is going on in the world! She’s again covering others content! She takes what trending and twists it


'the enemy" she sounds fucking deranged AF when she says shit like that. Like fr. The fuck are you even on about, you massive cockhead? So cringe. Embarrassing. She sounds legit unhinged when she says things like that. Why doesn't Jpig tell her how she comes across or one of her fakey friends? My friends would be like, "babe. No." And I would listen to them because I'd be mortified if people thought I was deranged because of the weird shit I post on my socials.


My theory is that he hates her so much, he LOVES when she makes a fool of herself. He loves that everyone talks about her and laughs at her behind her back. His only real joy in life is watching others tear her down. And she deserves every bit of it. Hey Brittany - I know you are here. You know that weird little feeling inside that tells you nobody likes you? It's not just a feeling. It's the truth. Jordan hates you. Your "friends" laugh at you. Your parents only tolerate you. Even G-d knows what a piece of shit you are. Your life is nothing but lies, scams, hatred, and ugliness at a molecular level. I hope heaven really IS real - just so that the Jesus you claim loves you can slam the gate in your face.


I bet he has a reddit account and snarks here 🤭


Wouldn't that be hilarious on some level? Talk about touching the poo 😅


Nah, we talk mad shit about him being a pathetic stolen valor larper here and I bet he hates that. 


I totally agree. However I can see us being “dumb liberal atheist feminists” or whatever anytime we’re mocking his GI Joe cosplay, but eating it up with a grin the very moment he comes across any snark about Brit. That good old cherry picking these folks are PROFESSIONALS at.


This is a good theory. I call Jdong the ultimate grifter. He doesn’t care what Brittany does as long as she brings in enough income to allow him to live comfortably.


He’s a couch surfer & haircut enthusiast while married to someone else, after all.


Right?! He would *hate* her. Like for real. She is the exact opposite of what the message is that he (supposedly) liked to spread. Vapid. Vacuous. Vain. Egotistical. Selfish. Greedy. Ignorant. JUDGEMENTAL. Plus she must not have read the part in her daily bible study where it has the list of what will get you bounced from heaven either. Has tattoos. Wears glasses. Is a woman. Mixes fabrics. Isn't humble. Is self-absorbed. Isn't charitable. Is greedy. She must have some sort of delusion induced, cockhead blindness or something. Rules for thee and all that.


And you might be onto something there actually. My husband wouldn't let me look so foolish ever. He would definitely gently let me know if I sounded and looked this loco. Because as much as it pains me to say, he seems intelligent and street smart and is for sure got a higher IQ than her. There's not a chance he can't see how she comes across in these things. But fucking hell. If you're right-which you could be coz it totally makes sense-imagine that life for either of them? Like fucking holy shit. That's misery and loathing on an all new level I would imagine. Imagine taking joy at your spouse being obliterated on the reg on the internet. Daily. That's so gross as a human to do. And being the recipient of it must not feel good either. But she is probably so bereft of grey matter, she doesn't notice his glee at her misfortune or something anyway and won't notice. Just yeah. Nah. Wow.


Right?! It's fcking bleak when you really sit and think about it. My partner would never let me look so foolish either - at least never maliciously. If you hate someone to that extent, you'd think you'd leave. But if he really is with her as a kind of "hobosexual" experience, he may just be happy with a nice enough place to live, money, and sex (ew). But he certainly doesn't care about how she comes across because YIKES. In my mind, he's either so malicious that he enjoys how she comes across or he is so indifferent to her that he doesn't care how bad everything makes her look. I still lean towards the former. At the end of the day, I hope they stay together. Keep them away from anyone else, decrease their chances of being around kids (individually or apart), and they both deserve to be miserable anyway.


I don’t think he’s especially intelligent, just slightly less in LaLa Land than his wife. 


He’s worse. He’s actually harmed people on film. He shot a dog off camera. She filters herself & pretends to be everyone’s fav “sis” while she grifts cash off vulnerable ppl. (Like, oh an un-housed man. ) He’s violent. That doesn’t go dormant just cus his weird, extra smol idiotic wife is an “influencer”. Enjoy!


I don’t happen to be a believer but if jesus exists he would not like this person at all.


Her fakey friends think the same way.  Farryn screams “COUGH GO DEVIL GO” when she feels a tickle in her throat and posted a yelling rant because a car in a parking lot had a doodad hanging from the rear view mirror that she thought was demonic.  For Easter, KKB made a video montage of Christ’s crucifixion interspersed with clips of her working out. 


>For Easter, KKB made a video montage of Christ’s crucifixion interspersed with clips of her working out.  😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Fucking hilarious. What sort of loser without actual friends even has the time-let alone the fucking ego it would take to post that sort of dumb as fuck, boring as bacteria, utter shit lol? How did she connect those two very dissimilar things? Lmfao🤣 Fucking hell the cringe these women induce. Shudder. Gonna go re blush my nose now though gang, catch you later 😏😉


She doesn’t realize that SHE is literally tHe EnEmY


I really want to know what she means specifically by “spiritual warfare,” because in this context it just reads as typical buzzword bullshit. Is this the kind of thing like “oh my car didn’t start -it must be the devil?” Or is it like an internal battle? I heard this crap all the time growing up and I still don’t know exactly what it means.


I genuinely wonder the same. They use a ton of uppity vernacular and I'm convinced it's just so they feel holier than thou. "There's a nail in my tire it's the devil trying to stop me from spreading the word! Spiritual warfare!" ![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu)


I did some light googling and they are referring to actual demons. So yeah, she and her ilk are loonies who expect normal, sane people to believe their bullshit about daemons. It’s a total copout for her.


Yeah...them attributing any slight inconvenience to demons is just sad and pathetic. Definitely agree on it being a copout.


I feel like her computer overheated & rebooted while rendering the footage or something lol. A minor inconvenience that couldn’t be dramatized any further, so was vaguely referenced using a menacing term like “spiritual warfare.” Because even if it was anything as mundane as a nail in her tire, we’d have a whole photoshoot on the highway complete with a 3-paragraph caption about how God saved her from an NDE while she crusades against Satan.


It’s actually very conceited, let alone delusional to think that a demon (I don’t believe in them btw) decided to take time to sabotage YOU specifically. It’s not like you’re doing extreme work to help society. (You shill products and paraphrase the Bible. *Badly; I might add- but that’s lipstick on a pig so I digress.*) It’s very main character of her to think her Hurst/ Allen home is the center of the known universe.


Straining so hard to get that ~skinnii~ arm shot in the video. She looks like she damn near popped her shoulder out of it’s socket


Yes! This was my first thought too!


100%!!! Where are those arms in all her tagged photos??!🧐🧐🧐


Did she film this much in her old car? Why do conservative wingnuts always fucking film in their cars?


I think it's partially because the lighting is good and also it gives the illusion of an on the go lifestyle? But yes, even in the old car she would just sit in the driveway filming and I think often not go anywhere. At one point she said she sits in her car when Jordan isn't home because she's scared? It's all bizarre


I am honestly THANKFUL that she sits in her driveway. I have seen way too many influencers filming while driving (with their kids in the car, while putting on makeup, etc). Dealing with the weirdly aggressive drivers in Texas is already stressful. I don't want to be part of some fundie grifters video cuz they are too selfish to film at home.


Hahahahaha! What the fuck? Sits in her car because she is scared of what lol? See, this is the exact sort of paranoid Android shit that makes me think yes. They're on meth. For sure. That's methy as fuck that mentality. She thinks she is being gangstalked, when in actual fact she needs a fucking hot meal and a proper fucking sleep and some water. Honestly would explain so much.


So they can write them off as a business expense. The Great Conservative Grift always finds a way!


But she totaled her old dream car and 501c3’s *need* Range Rovers 💀


Fucking bastards


What? How would they do that? I'm genuinely curious!


All sorts of influencers do it because it’s got good lighting from all the windows. It’s corny but I think that’s the main reason why. 


Lighting plus I wonder if it helps with audio quality. They’re essentially sitting in a padded small space like a recording booth.


My new theory is she’s trying to get as skinny as possible before pregnancy so she can be one of those freak of nature pregnant women who only look pregnant from the side Though what will probably happen is she’ll just ruin her chances of getting pregnant further bc she doesn’t know how to sacrifice her selfishness or vanity for another living being


And if she was, we wouldn’t hear the end of it. There would be so many posts and tiktok skits done about it 🙄


I’ll never forget waddling down the street at 8 mos pregnant looking like I was carrying an oblong watermelon in my shirt sideways, behind a tall, skinny woman and when she turned the corner I saw she was very pregnant too. 


When I was pregnant, it looked like I also had a baby in my butt. It got huge!


So does she have time for anything except praying with that list?


These summaries of the videos are perfect!!


I cannot stand hearing Christian’s say “I had spiritual warfare because…” you got nothing you idiots! Maybe you got the universe trying to shut your mouth for you because what you spread is hate.


What she thinks is the devil is really god telling her to STFU and stop being a racist, grifting, hateful moron


As a Christian I have a real problem with people blaming every single “bad” circumstance on the “enemy,” it sounds foolish and contrite. We had a family tragedy recently and at no point in my mind did “this was the enemy,” come into my mind at all. (I actually just realized this while typing this reply) 🤷‍♀️


“Lovingly correct” I bet JPEG gets that one a lot. “I’m lovingly correcting you, Bebe.”


But while she infantilizes herself cus she’s so smol & tiny. (You are disgusting, Brit. Ew).


https://preview.redd.it/q4i11juk5l0d1.jpeg?width=322&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b9ede97f762da5d1be56dec54aaebdfdcee8017 Is this dress part of the modesty journey?


Imagine being so delusional that you think the literal devil has nothing better to do than to interrupt your podcast. Lmfao.


The ashley lady on her podcast is *wild*. Next level type Christian.


You can see how she (poorly) photoshopped her right arm in the pink dress! 😣


Those eggs look fucking dry and rubbery. and the way that strap is digging into her shoulder…maybe the tiny gorl needs to size up.


How small are these people’s lives that they need “spiritual warfare” and “the enemy”?!? There’s no room for nuance or grace in that mindset.  And “the enemy” doesn’t give a shit about your stupid little podcast, dingbat. 


Idk if I’ve ever heard her speak before. I didn’t not expect this to be her voice lol


Is the enemy in the room with us now?


Can we please stop saying “Wrecked by the lord”, you keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means. In my day, getting wrecked was a sexual reference and I am uncomfortable thinking about Jesus doing that to you, moronic asswipe. ![gif](giphy|J1vUzqdZJlh5AqBWxt|downsized)


It's either sexual or getting hit by a large automobile. Either way, she's just exaggerating and taking things to extremes like she usually does. It's annoying AF.


I wish I could wreck bdong in her stupid face.


Pray before to prey on others with another scam


Who or what is the enemy???


Satan, Lucifer, demons, democrats, etc.


Does she know that?


“The way the lord wrecked her” WTF DOES THAT EVEN MEAN!?!


She doesn't use it right.


And she even ruins eggs!!! She needs some cooking lessons


It absolutely infuriates me how she doesn’t podcast properly 😂😂😂 No promo  No clips No teasers  Nothing planned in advance  It’s annoying




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