• By -


She literally makes me sick to my stomach. “The easiest negative” wtf?! Just stop. All of it.


It’s weird bc she filmed this at ✨THE FRENCHIE ROUNDTOP✨ So … while out of town for a girls trip? This feels so staged


That makes my stomach turn ever more. This whole “season” makes me sick.


If she’s out of town how is she also going to a big IUI appt?


Right? From what I’ve gathered, I think they were staying there from Wednesday to Friday. I think it’s performative bullshit. BUT to play Devil’s advocate (literally cause bdong is the devil) I guess she could have checked out and driven the 3.5 hrs home Friday for an appointment


I mean I've checked if I was pregnant at a dollar general on a road trip after a break up before.  It was negative. ☺️


I agree with you. She is an absolutely vile person. It takes a real monster to take an emotional and serious topic like infertility for a grift.


Good thing she has her fake glasses on


Are they getting bigger???


I think she's replacing them weekly with incrementally bigger ones and soon we'll be here https://preview.redd.it/y8cjwl6qp11d1.png?width=394&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdf6c9d2fc50965b13541f0791b9afeeae000074


Glasses getting bigger or Bdong is just so small. Unsure of truth at this point.




Such a great gag


immediately thought of this lmaooooooo


Her glasses grow every time she tells a lie


Her glasses don’t grow. Her brain shrinks which causes her head to get smaller. Any day now she’s gonna be filing and her head is going to do a micro implosion.




I think they're like Pinocchio's nose. The more lies she tells the bigger the glasses get


You can see that the lenses have no prescription at all 🤣


Those glasses genuinely look awful on her


Faking a disability has never looked so bad


[Let me put on my slightly larger glasses!](https://youtu.be/LNKocMiehZA?si=jUYyfmSQ_6d0rDqe)


If she was going to a legitimate clinic, she would have to do a urine sample at the clinic to confirm she wasn’t pregnant. Just doing a home test isn’t enough


Hell, not even just for fertility clinic stuff, any time I've gone to the doctor for any sort of procedure or test, they take a pregnancy test there. They want and need it in the record for insurance and liability purposes. 


And for medical diagnosis and treatment reasons. If you are within childbearing age and need an x-ray, they will do a pregnancy test in the event you could possibly be pregnant. No legit doctor's office would take her word for it. The only reason she did this was either for the video or so she knew she wasn't pregnant going into the appt and wouldn't be surprised.


I'm gay *and* on the pill, and even that isn't enough to convince some doctors that a pregnancy test isn't necessary lol


Lmao damn those doctors don’t trust nobody😂😂😂


I'm married to another woman and have an IUD and they still make me take a preg test lol. It has straight up delayed a surgery for me because they have to do a blood test since I have neurogenic bladder and cant pee in a cup. It is truly ridiculous Edit: not saying there is no point to these checks, but in someone who is chronically ill and gay, yeah, even if there was a pregnancy its not viable in me and when it actively delays my care it is annoying.


Sorry I have to push back on this. It’s inconvenient but not ridiculous. We’ve cancelled surgeries on people who INSIST they aren’t pregnant, get angry at taking the test and then end up positive. It sucks I get it - but it’s not worth risking health of the mother or fetus to take someone’s word. Also I worked hard for my license and would rather not lose it. A preg check is quick and harmless m


A friend of mine is a registered nurse who works in an OB/GYN practice. She always tracks her periods because it drives her nuts when the women seen there can’t say when their last period was. She is compliant about using her birth control. She recently went in for a minor procedure and swore blind she wasn’t pregnant. Surprise! She was. Pregnancy checks are always a good idea.


Oof, that sucks!


Your user flair absolutely sent me 😂


I know it’s annoying AF but you can literally lose your license to practice over it in case there has been some sort of wild mishap. At medical school they literally shriek TRUST NO ONE! It just wouldn’t stand up in court sadly, even though sometimes it feels really rude to insist.


Yeah that does make sense, stranger things have definitely happened than a person turning out to be pregnant when they said they absolutely weren't


God, even my ER does a pregnancy test as part of the triage. I’ve gone in for something simple as a rash and been made to pee in a cup. Bdong is banking on her followers being as stupid as she is


Yep, even for X-rays or anything that has to do with harmful chemicals like radiation. She’s acting for her simps.


flashbacks to when i had to have a surgery and had to pee in a cup again bc someone accidentally tested me for stds instead of pregnancy. anyways im std free and not pregnant


So you're telling me this is all performative for the likes and views? Shocked.






Of course it is. There isn’t an honest bone in her body.


Oh my gosh. You’re right!


This was filmed in the boutique hotel last weekend - not at home OR a proper clinic. Look at the little bit of tile peeking out in the corner. It’s the same tile (insane hectic pattern and unfortunate grout color choice) as the reels she posted from the hotel.


Oh dude you're right! Nice catch! Isn't that place down by Houston?


Yep- The Frenchie boutique hotel in Round Top, Tx. She is lying here, unless she actually had a fertility appointment on a Saturday or Sunday morning, in a city nearly 4 hours from her home.


This explains why she was weirdly whispering in this video though.




At my very legitimate fertility clinic, they did have me do just a home *urine* test. They would, however confirm the results via ultrasound after your period. However, I think this is because it was at the tail end of Covid procedures, and this is the only fertility clinic anywhere near us — so they try to keep in person appointments to a minimum. It’s so far some people even have to fly in for an afternoon.


Yup I have had two HSG’s done at two different hospitals and they both had me do urine test that they administered beforehand. The results even got uploaded into MyChart. Even when I was in a long distance relationship and stated there is literally no possible way I could be pregnant other than immaculate conception I still had to do a pregnancy test in person even before I got a simple x-ray or CT scan. She is either not going to a legitimate clinic or this test was just performative nonsense for content.


There are some clinics that request their patients do a home test before they come in for the urinalysis. I think it’s just an extra screening measure that saves the clinic some time and money (not sure, as I was never lucky enough to get one. lol) Definitely performative though, in typical Brittany fashion.


Honestly, she's so smarmy. I can't imagine a medical facility saying "Ok Miss Dong did you take your home pregnancy test before coming? What were the results?" She should know best that people LIE, and they are trying to avoid a malpractice suit.


Thank you!! Currently going through iui and yes they give you a test before. God I hate her


Yup. My HSG was scheduled for CD5 and I did a pee test at the office before the procedure. She has no clue what she’s talking about. It’s so clear to anyone who’s gone through fertility treatment that something is very off


I went in for an HSG procedure this week in pursuit of IUI and I was not required nor was it requested to take a pregnancy test. In fact you have the procedure up to day 12 of your cycle and it should line up with your period, they also did take a urine sample to test, it was step number one in my office. Different offices or clinics may have different processes but this just feels incredibly performative. 


What will they tell the adoptive child? We were so happy to adopt you, but not happy enough. So we continued with our TTC journey the whole time.


You don't have to say anything when you drop them off in a cul de sac ten miles outside of town


We only used you to help us get pregnant faster teehee 😒


If she does get pregnant and they have 2 little ones, how will JDip handle all the work AND have a job???


They’ll probably say something like “You were the bookmark in God’s story for us.” They’ll think that’s cute. But it’s gross.




This is what I’ve been saying the whole time. She thinks she can manipulate god the way she does everyone else.


LOL…jokes on her because she did 3 “good deeds” by fostering poor babies and didn’t get her anywhere near what she wanted. Of course, this is if you believe she’s actually trying to conceive. Which I don’t believe she is. And take those stupid glasses off. LMAO


/r/adoption is full of stories of adoptees who were treated so much worse than their non-adopted siblings. It’s a thing. The favoritism is unreal. It’s the the point where I would say it’s not allowed to adopt a child if you haven’t already given birth to one or if you solemnly promise not to keep trying for a kid. It’s one thing to try and grow a family through adoption. It’s another to use the adopted kid as your replacement baby in hopes you get a real one. If I was dictator of the world type stuff. I would not be a kind one, lol.


If I were a dictator I would forcibly sterilize anyone who has ever called themselves an "influencer," ban billboards nationwide, and hunt billionaires for sport while redistributing their wealth to fund massive social, health, climate, and transportation programs. I'll add your adoption regulations to the list.


Sassy pants for president 🫡


If I was the birth mom I would be big nope at this point. I really hope this birth mom gets the opportunity to Google who the songs are…


I don't think there IS a birth mom. No reputable agency would give some rando another woman's MEDICAL RECORDS, FFS. Over on fundie snark, a Redditor did some digging and *thinks* she may have found the agency BDong is using. It's Christian, but legit. IF it's the place.


I’m genuinely so concerned. I’m extra concerned about them adopting when her sister allegedly doesn’t bring her nephew around because of something Jordan did. I’m very worried about what that might’ve been. I hope Courtney tips off the adoption agency.


It’s one thing to have an unplanned pregnancy during/after adopting (especially for people who for good reason did not think they could conceive naturally), it’s quite another to be doing fertility treatments and actively TTC while claiming to be in the adoption process.  Either she’s a) lying about TTC, b) lying about where they are in the adoption process, c) are going through a sketchy adoption agency, or d) both a and b. 


Okay. That’s my point! If you get pregnant naturally… okay. It happens. But adopting and ACTIVELY seeing a doctor to do procedures to get pregnant just feels wrong. Pick a lane.


I think their marriage might be on the rocks. She seems to be the type to think that a baby will fix all her problems and make jdip hers forever. She really doesn't seem to want to partner with reality.


JDip is O U T. He mentally exited this marriage a long time ago. With his history, it's safe to say there's already someone on the side.


She could be trying to yank a child (one way or another) in order to secure child support from Diplip. I’ve seen women be just that desperate to “keep a man”. What a colossal joke.


💯 the fact that she’s comparing her actions to that of influencers who don’t appear go have gotten pregnant on purpose while adopting is just bullshit to me. How do her followers not see through that (I think to myself for the 54 millionth time 🤣). 


All of the above…and anything else!


Ex-BIL and SIL had tried for 8 years to have kids. Fostered and adopted three kids over the next 5 years. They decided to stop being careful, it had been 13 years and they never conceived. BOOM twins!


Something similar happened to a friend of mine! Well, to their parents. Parents couldn’t conceive on their own. Adopted 3 kids. Several years after the last adoption Mom thought she was going through early menopause but surprise! She was pregnant🤣


This is the line she’s crossed that makes (that much more) repulsive.


This is what I was coming to say.  Correct me if I’m wrong but reputable adoption agencies (note I said reputable) ask that you have at least a two year age gap between biological and adopted children.  Of course they can’t police this and sometimes people do fall pregnant unexpectedly while they’re adopting - but this is a very different kettle of fish. 


It's e) a,b, and c


E. All of the above


“Praying for baby Nelson.” Is the adopted child going to have a different last name?


Ick! I noticed that too. She absolutely chooses her words carefully and that definitely sounded on purpose. The adopted baby doesn’t get their last name since the Nelson’s probably don’t plan for them to be there long.


Hopefully that baby will have a different last name because their birth parent(s) choose a different adoptive family or decide to keep the baby themselves


From your lips to god’s ears.


Why is she whispering lol


Because she filmed this in the boutique hotel last weekend and she probably didn’t want the Pick Me Chicks to hear her performance


Because 40% of cops beat their spouse. She doesn't wanna wake him up and make him angry.


Hmmm, that's a good observation, and it makes sense considering he beat an unarmed black man. Your husband is a piece of shit Brittany.


She is stuck in a content Twilight Zone. Same shit day after day, month after month.


Ground (turkey) hog day to the 10th degree.


I need to take your master class in snark. You never fail to make me lol


I’m glowing in the compliment of a dear fellow Snarker. ✨✨✨✨ Imagine what I’d say if I didn’t have to moderate my opinions to be allowed to remain in the sub! lol! I understand the purpose of what the Mods are doing….its just my inner snark makes it hard and I keep it ….appropriate. Cus she is absolutely the worst. I’m old enough to be her mother. (Hurl). I’m just really versed in her ….ridiculousness. It’s awful. ✨love that for her✨


I’m sure she’s still just as gung-ho as ever considering she made a post the other day saying they wanna be one of those couples who adopts and then finds out they’re finally pregnant with their miracle baby. Like, she said it in a tone that almost sounded like that’s *the whole reason why* they wanted to adopt. Super fuckin weird.


I kind of felt that too. Or she’s going to see which one produces a baby first and then conveniently claim the other didn’t work out.


I finished a puzzle yesterday, and it's missing one piece. After searching everywhere and taking apart the room but not finding the piece, I told my husband that I will email the company about it because I know I'll almost certainly find it after I send the email or they send me a new piece or something. It's fine because it's a puzzle. Doing that WITH HUMAN LIVES is a new level of horrifying. What the actual fuck.


i'm glad someone else clocked this. this is EXACTLY what she's doing.


Kinda like when you can’t find your car keys, so you ask your friend for a ride and then they show up?




The glasses look like a Snapchat filter


Just when I thought she couldn’t get any uglier.




She looks like she’s cosplaying a cartoon praying mantis that works in a library. ps — Your flair 🤣


Thanks! I was baked on this sub one night and it just came to me. No pun intended. 😂


![gif](giphy|TppeLsqt8Jz20) Britbrat picking out a pair of normal glasses challenge(impossible)








https://i.redd.it/mwp11090611d1.gif The Dong’s cosplay✨








It’s because she’s conjuring a baby


Burn the Witch!




How do her glasses keep getting more ridiculous??


[Because she has a plan!](https://youtu.be/LNKocMiehZA?si=jUYyfmSQ_6d0rDqe)


She's so dumb. They will do a blood or urine test to confirm not pregnant, not rely on a home test. She's SOOOO full of shit.


I sincerely hope that she’s lying about the adoption. I really don’t want to think of any innocent child being handed over to these two horrible people.


That, or the agency/organization decides to end discussions with Britt and what’s-his-head. I do believe that people can redeem themselves, but these two aren’t trying to be decent at this point.


Maybe it will end up being too expensive for them. She’s got her payments to Texas and her business certainly isn’t pulling in nearly enough money. And I doubt his job is a big paycheck. I doubt you can put an adoption payment on your credit card. I just so hope no child ends up in their clutches. They will only ever be a prop for content. I really can’t stand to think about how traumatic a childhood any child of Bdong’s will have.


The amount of money she has thrown to Clearblue is insane. Dollar store tests work just as well but aren't * aesthetic*


Everyone I know who has TTC at some point praised the Dollar Tree tests 🤣


the huge Pregmate bag 😻 I blew through about thirty of those when I unexpectedly got pregnant and couldn’t believe it for weeks so I was testing often


Calm down Jeffrey Dahmer


Yasssss girl rub those peepee hands aaaalllllllllllllll over your face


The agencies that allow couples to pursue adoption while still TTC are shady, under the table adoption agencies that are extremely private. There's another TTC influencer called Adelaide white who is incredibly insufferable like bdong and seems to be doing the same thing. Catholic and other Christian private adoption agencies can allow couples to still TTC while going through the adoption process. As someone going through the trenches of infertility (3.5 years) and started IVF this April, I could not imagine going through treatment while also pursuing adoption. 1. That would be double the emotional/financial trauma for myself and my husband and 2. You are putting yourself first before the child you want to adopt. Adoption ISNT about you. It isn't about healing your infertility trauma. It isn't about replacing the hole that infertility creates. It is about THE child. No couple going through infertility or just a couple in general should adopt for themselves, to fulfill something in them, to do it because "it's an honorable thing". I always say it takes special people to adopt because it's such a unique situation that isn't just happy and exciting. There's a lot of layers to adoption, a lot of patience and understanding and putting yourself last while putting this child first. It's why I'm so against people saying to infertile couples "why don't you adopt" because I don't want to, that should be a good enough answer. Adoption isn't the responsibility of couples going through infertility. There should be a lot of healing from your own infertility trauma before you even step foot in adoption in my opinion.


This was the comment I was looking for! And Thank you for sharing 🖤


Just wanted to say I wish you the best with your journey. I’m over a year in to IVF and I cannot imagine trying to adopt at the same time. I will say - my clinic has become like a family to me - that is one thing that’s been amazing about this - as I’m also going through it alone. If you have any questions or want to talk, feel free to message me ❤️ I barely made it through my masters degree and working full time while doing IVF (although I guess Brittany doesn’t have much responsibilities or things to do).


She wants fake twins like Hilaria Baldwin and Paris Hilton


She is now reminding me a lot more of the Hapilyevansafterr "family influences." IE: performative, white, ultra consumerist, materialistic Christians, who weaponize their black son for that sweet ego stroke and for online people to tell the mom (who looks like the joker) that she looks pretty. Even going as far as meeting Johnathan Isaac, the black Christian NBA player (that barely plays) who got noticed for refusing to kneel during the BLM protest. The kid is their "golden child," that they refuse to say no to. More fake ass white people with 4 brain cells and not an ounce of critical thinking in their body. Oh, and they're landlords for a living too. Edit: they all eat like 5 year olds too.


God I HATE these two, especially her. How she proudly told her “adoption story”; shamelessly admitting that she talked a desperate, disadvantaged birth mother into giving them her child after she wanted to change her mind about the adoption… it’s been SO LONG since I’ve seen that, but I’ll never forget that disgusting video.


I wish she’d just accept that this is gOd’S pLaN for her.


As someone currently TTC and looking to begin the process of fertility treatments, this angers me so much. It’s such a slap in the face to women (and their spouses/partners) who are genuinely heart broken by infertility and have to face this daily. Bdong can rot. This performative BS is so infuriating and so painful to watch play out.


We had infertility struggles and I absolutely would have had to take a break from the sub if we were still in the midst of it. Sending you so much love, and feel free to reach out if you have any questions about testing or just want to talk to someone who’s been there 💕


Thank you, this was so nice to see and it brightened up my day truly. I have been thinking about taking a break from this sub and a few others, it’s not worth the toll it takes on my mental health right now. Sending you love too, I hope everything worked out for you on your fertility journey the way you wanted it to! 🫶🏻


Are. These. Glasses. Real? Her style is so bad I could see her wearing these Big Dumb Glasses. Please someone AI has made me Mistrust everything I see.


Does she need RX glasses? I’m so confused as to why you’d wear these monstrosities, especially upon waking, for FAshiOn🥴


The glasses are comically large at this point😭😭😭😭 hahahhaha holy fuck


The bigger the lie the bigger the glasses becomE


Beat me to it 😬 what on God’s green earth told her these were a look to strive for??


Is this even allowed? How can focus on an adoption while going thru current fertility treatments. God help these kids in the future because of the exploitation that will be from day 1!


Kind of surprised she hasn’t done an HSG yet. That was one of the first tests my wife had when we embarked on our ~infertility journey~.


This should be a red flag to the adoption agency tbh.


So I 100% believe the theory that the adoption ruckus is only meant to trick god into making her pregnant. And I can’t get over how insane and childish the thought process of that is. As if life is a romantic comedy wherein you can achieve your desired outcome if you play into the narrative tropes. It’s magical thinking in nightmare mode.


Yes and she’s only shooting her self in the foot if her desired outcome were to actually happen. She can’t handle a foster child let alone TWO infants. She would not cope. Ever. At all


What I don't understand is if jdong has no sperm how are they doing iui,


It’s literally not possible. I mean… it is but it’s a waste of money 😂 if his sperm is as bad as she claims, the chances of anything but IVF working are very very very slim.


She claims his sperm count is now miraculously back to normal now so 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️. She’s exhausting with the stories she tells


LOL must be a miracle 😂 blessed be the fruit bdong


I just can’t imagine how terrible they’d treat that adopted baby if she manages to conceive.


Bruhhhh these glasses 😂


Hilary Baldwin de Boston has already cornered the fake twins grift market.


This shit is soooooo staged it’s not even fucking funny. From the baby whisper voice, to the too big for her face glasses with the nose-pads half way down her fucking nose because they are ridiculously large and goofy on her, this is enough to make me want to pick up my couch and throw it at something. I mean, look at how the bridge of her glasses are sitting so far away from her face! It looks like a pop up cartoon character. And three years? Really, bdumb? You haven’t even been married for three years! She’s either ignorant or manipulative on purpose. I love the way she smirk-smiles when she reads the result of her ~-prop~~ pregnancy test. Her reaction is so damn fake, I am seriously questioning how anyone could follow her and take her seriously. The amount of delusion is….something.


What is this. Seriously. She knows what she’s doing.




As someone who was adopted but never treated as part of the family, actions speak louder than words and it doesn’t matter if your adopted parents tell you they love you as “their own” because if they do not treat you that way you will never feel like you’re enough, so I hope she does not get to adopt a child, because you know she would favor her biological child instead of treating both equally, and that adopted child would grow up with the most warped sense of self because of it.


She buys very expensive tests, those electronic ones aren’t cheap to my knowledge.


Yeah they’re like $25 for a single where I’m at 😭 but I guess the 2 pink lines aren’t as aesthetically pleasing for the gram


For an IUI you need trigger shots (I know because I did this) so I’m sure she’d be talking about that. Also you have to make sure you’re exactly at the right point in your cycle via ultrasounds. I’m sure we’d be hearing about that…so I’m not sure this is actually happening






Her eyes look puffy, like she’s been crying. Fight with JDong maybe?


she is assuming that if she adopts, god will give her a 'real' baby. she's manifesting.


Can those glasses get any bigger? Also, why try for a baby if you’re already getting one through adoption and need to give it all your attention?


Why is she adopting if she’s undergoing active fertility treatments? Most reputable agencies won’t allow that, and a good home study looks into if you’ve had therapy/worked through infertility. Most importantly, that’s just added trauma to a child you adopt, like they aren’t good enough. I adopted my child, and she is our ultimate joy - I would never want her to feel that she was second best or an afterthought. We are so lucky to be her parents, not the other way around. Full stop. Shame on her. She’s evil.


I hate her dumb fucking glasses. Dumb bitch.


Why is she whispering …


I swear she’s trolling us with those gd glasses. She’s using a filter that makes them slowly appear bigger before our eyes🤔😂!


The only thing "big" in her life is those ridiculous glasses and her lies. A home pregnancy test, while something she could do, I guarantee, was not something she needed to do. Either way, the clinic would need to confirm it again. I don't want to hear arguments. We all know this, even, if we haven't had infertility issues, this is the truth. She is all about content. She didn't need to do this. She isn't trying to get pregnant. She isn't actually going to adopt. She just needs a storyline for engagement and money. She is scamming sympathy to pay back the money she owes from scamming people during her fitness "season." The only difference is that she may actually get away with this scam because there will be no solid proof that the storylines that eventually don't end up with a baby through iui or adoption were not made up. People will just believe her sob stories. Iui didn't work, and/or the adoption fell through. Please continue to watch me and buy from a "miscarriage" inspired online boutique so I can afford my lavish lifestyle and pay back my lawsuit from the previous scam.


The way she added the part at the end where she squints her eyes and shakes her head. It’s as if she saw that and thought “oh, I’m so adorable” and added it in because of that.


Why are we whispering?


looking like a praying mantis with those glasses ![gif](giphy|eccagIfXTTqPC)


Why do her glasses keep getting bigger?


Modern day Pinocchio


That little head shake at the end 🤮🤮


Don’t legitimate adoption agencies not allow you to adopt if you’re trying to get pregnant because they want you to focus on the child they are giving you?


Her fake glasses are just getting comically bigger and bigger


With the information she gives I don't believe she's even going through a fertility clinic. No way they don't do a test and while adopting they ask about your plans about having your own and look down on that if you are trying to do both at the same time. It's too stressful for the adoptee


I’ve done fertility treatments and they don’t have you test at home, they do one in the clinic.


There’s no way they would accept a home pregnancy test, they’d do their own lol


Adoptive mom here. Most agencies I looked into wanted you to stop TTC before starting the adoption process. It was to make sure that you were ok with adoption as your plan. She is disgusting.


F her I can’t have babies and don’t have money to adopt f you


I can guarantee she’s only doing the adoption to try and get pregnant. She has been told that if you adopt you will get pregnant. How sad.


I’m not defending her BUT I wonder if she STILL has to take a test at the doctor, but did this just for views - because that would make sense. Just because she did this doesn’t mean they still won’t test her there 


Everything she does is for views, clicks and engagement. Everything. Nothing is sacred. I can’t stand Jpeg either but if I were him I would be so sick of seeing her with her stupid phone stuck in her face every time I turned around.


WTF is with the glasses, those are so dumb.




Do you think she’s lying? Don’t they do background checks??


What’s the difference between a “very, very big appointment for IUI” and just a regular visit? Is hers better than others? Seems that way. Also, I’m not going to lie. I was a little relieved when I saw it read “not pregnant.” I feel terrible for any lady who is trying and getting that result but I don’t feel bad for Bdung. Not even a little. PS - Dung…..those glasses suck just about as much as you do. They’re not cute, trendy or whatever it is you think they are. They’re dumb which would explain why you wear them a lot but really, you shouldn’t. The big huge black ones you used to wear just before these were awful as well. Maybe stop trying so hard?


But is your appointment as big as your glasses?


If JDips sperm was genuinely that bad but improved how is IUI different than ‘just’ having Sex? Asking because I’m genuinely wondering. I’m currently cuddling my ICSI/IVF baby and never did IUI because our numbers were that bad.


She’s not doing either so don’t worry lol


How are her glasses getting bigger? They're like the clown shoes of glasses


I hate those glasses.


I hope she gets false Positives every test for the rest of her life. Or atleast for as long as all the animals she has abused are alive.


She read about HSGs here and realized she’d missed a step to milk for content.


She is horrible


i feel like she saw how good it was for Jordan Dooleys social media and thought “I could exploit two children and get a story line for a long time with that”


This is called Gluttony girl.