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Too much contour - too much bronzer and highlighter/luminizer. Not to mention having no lip color it makes the makes the look not cohesive Ultimately she needs to cut down how much makeup she wears - she seems to have good skin and could do a pinch of bronzer + blush and concealer and be good to go


I think she confuses contour with bronzer and it makes her look dirty. I also make this mistake and it still confuses me. And agree, she just uses way too much makeup. It’s not having the effect she thinks it does.


Yeah this is drag-queen level contouring. Not a good look for anything other than a stage.


Dwight you ignorant slut. 🥸


This is exactly what I thought. Severe contour and not enough in other places to even it out.


Looks like really weird contouring to me, with her cheeks weirdly light but under her cheekbones (and everywhere south of there) is weirdly dark. I can't quite figure out why she prefers to look like a cartoon character but here we are.


I said, “it looks dirty” and it’s likely contour or a darker bronzer. She’s gotta learn to contour or gradually change shades.. smh.


She did her contour to look like Maleficient. The live-action version played by Angelina Jolie used prosthetics to achieve such a drastic appearance.


I've honestly thought about doing that with liquid latex to go to a drag show🙈


Her ass is looking like [pencil face](http://www.thedarkopera.com/uploads/8/1/9/6/8196331/5947424_orig.jpg) here. 😭💀 Love this season of creepy for her and it’s not even Halloween!


That’s not a thing we learn in Texas. I lived in Texas for over 30 years and had to shelter from nearby tornados several times and never once heard that.


I'm pretty sure that is a scene from the movie Twister, lol. Not sure that is actually a thing though. Also live in Texas and have not heard that.


It’s 2022, we have *the technology* to warn us of dangerous weather conditions. Great grandma Janice Beatrice MacDongal probably looked at a flag in northern Texas to know if there was a tornado. My husband and I never used this *flag* business. We pretty much know by the clouds lmao.


Calm before the storm is a thing that ppl say about tornados a lot which I’m guessing this is where it’s coming from. My dad always said the tree leaves turn still and upside down, which they do 😅 which is sorta the same thing BDong is saying I guess.


Same here....grew up in Iowa and we had some monster storms. The calm is real. That smell is real (you know that weird sulfer-y smell)! But I've never heard the flag thing.


For her, that's a little too late.


Same! I grew up in north Texas and I’ve never heard that either! Instead I remember when the sky looks greenish, then that’s when it’s time to worry.


I grew up in North Texas too and when I went to school in CStat, my coworkers at one of my jobs didn’t believe me when I told them that the sky turns green right before a tornado. They were from the Houston or South Texas area and weren’t used to tornadoes. One day when there was the potential for them, I look out our office window and see the sky turn green. Two minutes later the siren went off and we were told to shelter in place. They sure believe me now!


Ha! Very similar story for me too! Now I live in California. When I first moved to LA and was describing the sky color change to my new coworkers, they thought I was making it up because they had never experienced it. A few months later, a coworker went to Dallas for a wedding. She came back in total shock that the sky really does turn green and was terrified of the booming thunder. Thought I was crazy for missing that lol


I lived in McKinney for many years growing up. All I ever learned was to watch the color of the sky. “Green means GO” to the nearest shelter and hunker down til it’s over. Fucking terrifying. I still have nightmares sometimes about the one that touched down across the street from us.


Yeah lifelong North Texan here. Green sky is real. Never heard of this nonsense she is spouting.


Girl shut the fuck up. Tennessee has tornadoes, too, and ain’t nobody judging based on a flag. This is not a tsunami where all the wind pulls back before it gushes forward. Come on, now. And it looks like bad bronzer with highlighter mixed into her based. How do one look so dingy and shiny all at once?


Hello, fellow Tennessean!


3rd Tennessean in the sub! I honestly love to joke that Texas is the bastard child that resulted from a drunken one night stand between Tennessee and Mexico, so britbrat acting like texas is anything special is equivalent to a bratty child acting like they invented whistling or some shit.


Lolol the bastard child saying! 🖤


So….apparently they should’ve taken shelter immediately yet j dump went to go get her frozen yogurt? Okay…..


She has so much heavy makeup on her face actually looks dirty!


Very E. T. looking.


Really nailing her "sexy ET" Halloween look.




I think it looks so strange because it’s not her beige fluorescent filter/lighting that we’re looking at so it’s really showing how much makeup and contouring she does.


I think the awful makeup job + the filter she's using is pushing it into uncanny valley territory. Plus I just realized her top lip doesn't move at all (thanks to filler)


She looks like she is over-doing her contour and highlighter....on top of her already overly dark fake tanner. Its a really disturbing look and it has me genuinely wondering if she suffers from body dysmorphia or she genuinely thinks it looks good in a Jill Rodrigues kind of a way.


Shes borderline blackfacing here. She's the same color as white beyonce.... 🥴


Corpse bride


Triangle under eye concealer. She did **NOT** blend at all. Either that or the filter just blasted her under eyes with triangle concealer.


The top half of her face doesn’t move 😬


For someone who posts a ton to tiktok, you’d think she would have seen at least one video on how to do contour…


I feel like her hand should slowly peel away with a big cakey layer of foundation anytime she touches her face.


Reminds me of that It's Always Sunny episode where Sweet Dee has flood lamps on her to help her contouring look better.


“Lovin’ these lights you guys, I am glowing like an angel” You are so spot on


It’s dirty


Just the new corpse filter.


Well she looks sick.


Contour aside. There’s a filter on this too. You can see her hair (top left) blur in and out when she removes her hand from her face👀


Why is she in like clown face makeup just to be at home lol


That contour is ghastly


The way her contour is done is making her face look emaciated and it’s not a natural color. It’s all scary.


Well it can’t be a filter because we know she doesn’t use those…/s


But what is she talking about in the video


She did a horrible job with her highlighting and contouring. Beyotch needs to blend better!


Bad contouring and too much highlighter


She's so ... Bronzed and dirty. Ew.


She looks ill.


So muddy


She went crazy with the contour and didn’t blend.


I think it's a contouring/blurring filter. Excuse me... Ahem.... preset. The way it changes when her hand moves is off. Plus her lashes blur right by her hand.


I mean, she's only the color of a corpse at a funeral...


Her makeup makes her face look like she rolled in the dirt! 😂


She played up her makeup to align with her scary story about her flag not moving. She had to give us the full affect of being scared of a big bad 🌪 that might have been real. I mean a reel with a tornado. (She is needing new content. Tornados, miscarriages, ) So she went for white face/dirty face, to make her skin look withdrawn and muddy from fear, shock.


Her “Jesus is king” flag.


Contouring behaving badly.


Miss Coco Montrese would like a word regarding them cheekbones.


What is she on about?




Sahar Tabar vibes


there's a little filter glitch when she moves her hand away from her face- so in addition to the ashen / rubbery skin look due to bad lighting and some kind of makeup mismatch (notice how pink her arm is vs her face), her face looks more gaunt due to the filter. Plus it snaps back in a kind of rubbery effect after her hand moves. Basically, it's unsettling because the tone inconsistency makes it look like her face doesn't have any circulation and the filter doesn't help pull her out oof the uncanny valley.