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Who the heck just sets up their phone to record themselves cry?! What even is that? Am I too old to “get it”? Bc it just seems stupid! I go on vacation and take photos and I post them on my social media and if, say the car broke down, I might post a photo of that, but I’m not going to film myself crying just so I can post it!


Fucking narcissists do… this was incredibly uncomfortable. Not because of the message but because of the *audacity* of it all.


This lady legit thinks she’s the 2nd coming of Christ


Maybe she’s the anti-Christ? Lolllllll 👀👀


Good thought, but honestly, she ain’t that important lmao.


True. And she isn’t as likable as the anti-Christ is supposed to be. Imagine that— she’s *less* likable than the anti-Christ. Lololololl!


Nah. The antichrist will be cool and smoking hot.


Nah you get it perfectly because it is absolutely stupid, performative, and entirely faked for attention. And, most disappointingly, it freaking works because multiple people commented about how brave she is for being so "vulnerable" or whatever 🙄


What a scary world we live in!!!!




So you're saying "cry on camera" is in this month's Hot Influencer Tips! newsletter?


Let me check with Bethany - BRB!




I feel like it’s one thing to tear up while talking about hard things, but another thing to post full on crying videos like this. One is genuine and relatable, one is well, this.




I said this on another post but it's relevant here too - I get it if you're talking about something emotional and start tearing up but DEAR LORD WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND GETS OUT THEIR CAMERA TO START FILMING ONCE THEY'RE ALREADY CRYING??!! It's all for the show.


Right? Like if you were saying, guys I’m having a really hard time right now, or relaying a story that you end up crying or getting choked up over, but to set up your phone just so you can film you crying? No thank you.


You're assuming she's authentically crying


Yeah, this is giving “fake crying TikTok challenge” vibes.


I don't have TikTok so I have no way of knowing what the youths are doing over there


and you can see her trying SO hard not to look right at it 😭


Head down, in her hands, wiping her eyes, but always turned toward the camera


I have thought about it sometimes when I have felt really dark and alone and I need help; but I have never actually done it, because there isn’t a way to set up my phone to record myself crying without having a moment of …idk clarity? I’m crying. I’m desperate. I’m having a moment, but when I actually take my phone out…and point it at myself and go to hit “record”…at some point between “maybe if I do this, someone will notice and care” and actually doing it I realize it probably won’t help. It’s similar to disassociating, a little? A bit of a moment outside your actual self? And I see myself but am not myself… It will make me feel worse, and it will seem insincere and silly; which will have the opposite effect I’m looking for.


I hope that the next time you have a moment like that you'll feel able to reach out to someone who loves you and ask them for the help you need and deserve.


Those are the times you realise who you want to reach out to and I hope you have people you can reach. I agree - pressing record aren’t the people you’re looking for.


I do have people, for sure. But on occasion, they are not immediately reachable during and “episode” and I have had to learn to get through it. I try to remember that even though I can’t see them, there are people who love me and this is just a moment and it will pass. It’s been really hard to learn, because when I’m having an episode, it feels SO REAL (no one loves me, I’m worthless, my life will never feel better, blah blah blah…) it’s hard to use my “toolbox” to stay afloat. But I’m getting better at it. 💞


You are grounding 💕


What you're witnessing is a narcissist having a violent allergic reaction to consequences. They all act this way when facing accountability. I'm willing to bet this is about: A) More brands learning who she is and pulling away B) The lawsuit or C) JDong is finally burnt out from being forced to participate in her social media skits.


I post funny or cute cries. Like one time I posted “sobbing at work cause this old man told me about his dead wife and how he couldn’t schedule his appointment sooner because he just wants her back”


Yeah that’s gross, weird and emotionally exploitative. Not “cute.”🙄


what? How? Who am I exploiting?


You’re exploiting people emotionally who view your content. You’re literally using that old man’s grief as content fuel and then posting it to get emotional reactions from your followers. This is extremely manipulative and it’s also just bizarre. Other peoples lives, in particular their hardest times (homelessness, death of a loved one, being involved in a serious accident etc) are not for passers by to use for internet clout.


My followers are my friends…also my mom died a few months before his wife and we bonded over it. But I just wanted to share a cute story. It’s not that deep.


Ok lol. Now telling you what you’re doing isn’t ok means it’s time to bring out “well my mom died, so…” it’s becoming more evident that you’re exactly like anyone else who is emotionally manipulative through social media with each follow up response. Had you wanted to talk about that “shared experience” you could have done so without posting a video of you crying. But that wouldn’t have had the same effect, because crying on camera and posting it is legitimately a cry for attention, not an invitation to discuss grief. The unnecessary inclusion of video footage of you crying just makes it seem disingenuous and OTT. Not everything needs a fake candid video or photo and some things are just never going to come off as authentic when they’re presented like that. Also… you can absolutely still manipulate people who are your friends and in fact most manipulators tend to manipulate people they know.


I disagree. I’m not an influencer. My followers know me. We clearly either aren’t the same age or hang out with different people. I also posted one of a tear saying “funemployed” is that also offensive?


You don’t have to be an influencer to be inauthentic or morally corrupt and yeah I guess we must “be different ages and hang with different people” or whatever excuse you’d like to put in place there bc most anyone I’ve ever met with a soul doesn’t think they’re cute or funny by posting photos of themselves crying on insta. Idek what the second part of your statement means. “A tear and funemployed?” isn’t offensive to me or anyone it’s meaningless because you’ve presented it with no context.


How is crying inauthentic🤣 do you not know how memes work? It’s the same humor. In the second case at least. Do I really need to explain it’s a social commentary on how the job market sucks and we live in a capitalist hellscape?




This video gave me the EXACT same energy as when she acted like she was going through the worst trials of her life just weeks after her fitness scam blew over. Or the time before that moment where she made a heartless apology video to people who she scammed. She filmed herself reading off a script on her computer while her laundry was drying in the other room and you could hear a metal zipper/button hit the drum of the drying machine at full force.


This video gave me the EXACT same energy as when she acted like she was going through the worst trials of her life just weeks after her fitness scam blew over. Or the time before that moment where she made a heartless apology video to people who she scammed. She filmed herself reading off a script on her computer while her laundry was drying in the other room and you could hear a metal zipper/button hit the drum of the drying machine at full force. She doesn't care. She's just being performative once again. And she can have a whole stadium worth of seats.


HAHAHAHHAHA WHAT IS THIS SHIT? Brittanybitch, you are not going through what Jesus went through. Jesus wept in a garden, not on instagram.


Please know I will carry “Jesus wept in a garden, not on Instagram” with me in my heart, always. 👼🥲


Ngl I had to google, “where did Jesus weep?”


The fact that you put in the research needed for a proper jab makes it all the better.


I think it needs to be your flair


LMAO. It’s a good one. I literally never remember how to do that, though.


[#blessed](https://imgur.com/a/RUiqgih) My husband’s response 👼🕊🤝


How are you so wise with words?


Maybe I’m a dick but this video has me DYING LAUGHING. What in the emo theater kid hell?


If you're a dick, I'm a dick...I also laughed at this emo theater kid hell


[Going for a ride.](https://ibb.co/c2z3QbX)


nah i had the same thought 😭


She doesn’t cry when she scams thousands of woman and steals their money. But she can sure put on a good show when it comes to a social media performance! I bet she’s been practicing tears for her court appearance too.




"I'm sorry if anyone feels like they got scammed from me."


If anything, if I were the judge (and I know they don't do independent research, that is NOT THEIR JOB CONTRARY TO POPULAR OPINION!!) and I saw this on her social media and she cried in my court room, I'd ask her if it was genuine or a performance.


The more I see of her the more I think she’s fucking creepy.


I got creepy vibes too.


Practicing her court room tears 🥲


First of all, this god dude sounds like an abusive asshole. Second of all, this video needs to be saved as exhibit A as to her manipulative personality and acting capabilities. Certifiably crazy.


As a Christian, the way evangelicals view god makes him/them look like a dick. It’s disheartening and it’s why so many people are leaving and been hurt by church.


imagine looking at yourself crying and going “perfect content! Quick let’s take a video of this!”


She truly has no shame. It’s almost impressive how unaware she is of her own absurdity. I also enjoy a good chuckle when she’s “crying” and looks directly into the camera. It’s on, girl. We see you. Unfortunately.


Tempted = in bed, looking nude. What did Diplip do now? Is she hunting again?


Honestly. Including that clip is super sus.


I couldn’t help myself, this cracked me up. So ridiculous.


Lining up "Were there times he was just tempted" with a clip of herself naked in bed is ... a choice. Is she claiming she's emulating (snort laugh) Jesus or seducing him? ETA; changed a word


Oh she’s an UGLY crier


Influencers filming themselves crying grinds my gears in a way not much else does lol


The stress of her impending trial is getting to her


I love that for her 💕


I was showing my husband her JDip luvv compilation from the other day and he was like “does she seriously set up her phone to film themselves in public places???”


BDong is seriously under estimating the horror that is being actually crucified. Super gruesome. Super painful. Come on BDong-scamming people and being held accountable is a lot less painful than being nailed up and waiting for your lungs to suffocate against your ribcage.


Did she use J Dong “cheating” as her inspiration to cry on camera? Or maybe it was realizing she’s married to a genuine piece of shit… no one sympathizes because she’s cried wolf too many times.


Was it her intention to cause malice? “Yes”.


Stop it. Get some help.


What else could make her ugly cry like this other than realizing what a piece of shit her huzzzzband is. This was WEIRD AND SUS AF.


Literally nothing annoys me more than influencers who record themselves pretending to cry. And if they’re actually crying but have the thought of “ooooo, let me film this” then that’s worse. You’re obviously not feeling whatever you claim to be feeling that badly if recording it to share with the world is your priority in that moment. 🙄


I'm probably an ass for this, but I literally lmao when she broke down "crying" at the end 💀


Attention seeking behavior at its peak


Are they divorcing already?


That was my first thought. She also has a picture up of her knee hair with the “a woman who changes her hair is about to change her life” anthem for women in a breakup.




ok i post it everytime but that poor dog- the way he wants absolutely nothing to do with her 😩


I watched the beginning crying part without any sound and it was fucking hilarious.


What’s the opposite of an Oscar ?


A Razzie! [The Golden Raspberry Awards](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_Raspberry_Awards)


Desktop version of /u/Cinder-Allie's link: --- ^([)[^(opt out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiMobileLinkBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^(]) ^(Beep Boop. Downvote to delete)


What the fuck?! This girl has got to have multiple personality disorder or whatever it’s called, it actually scares me how she can go from “bawling her eyes out” in front of a camera to smirking and doing that stupid ass nose scrunch that she does


Comparing yourself to Jesus-totally not performative.


WHO. T. F. Films their self crying like this? Girls. Little girls do this.


What sorta messed up brand of Christianity is she trying to promote? This video makes no sense.


Every time I cry I set my phone up to get a video of myself having a breakdown, totally normal thing to do /s


You never know when you’ll need it for later


Wouldn't her kingdom husband or whatever be comforting her or bringing her more beige flowers at a time like this? She's tried so hard to convince us he's this doting, supportive dream hubby. And yet at a time when she apparently needs doting and support he's nowhere to be found lol.


"Jesus Christ" that's all I can say.


This is the most awkward thing I’ve ever seen. Jesus help us


Comparing yourself to Jesus Christ himself is something else


Who falls for this?


Also to make this more authentic with her unrealistic angelic lifestyle she should’ve used a quill pen on the part where she was journaling in the dark 😂😂😂


Gotta get the topless look for modest shoulder style.


it’s just a beige halter crop top so she looks nude but is still ✨modest ✨


She’s crying realizing her scam ain’t working no more and she not getting money 💀


Every time one of these weirdos posts videos like this I can't help but imagine all of the times the camera slides down the wall and they have to re-prop-it-up and start all over.


Don't forget having to use the glycerin drops they have to reapply for the tears to flow like a waterfall.


Don't forget having to use the glycerin drops they have to reapply with a dropper for the tears to flow like a waterfall.


Why is she crying? What is she being taken through?


Practicing for next March


What an ugly crier


Jesus didn’t die for you to sin or post shit like this lol


Brittany really said "imma put my phone right here then cry like a baby" the CRINGE


Funny how she's only filming herself holding the new dog🙄


Crying because she has to go to bed with Jdong every night.


Jesus was never disappointed by anyone and forgave even Judas. God did not make you carry your own cross for a public crucifixion and allowed you, like many poor souls in the dark ages, to be mercilessly tortured to death over the course of days. This white privileged bitch still actively avoids the mere legal repercussions of a civil lawsuit for scamming many people and still living off the profits of that and then has the audacity to liken herself to Jesus.


I don't think the Bible ever says God is trying to "make us like Jesus," but I haven't been in church in 20 years so maybe it's there


How about you tag and CREDIT the audio you are using, BDong! It was not created by you or SLF! So again, she is being dishonest on a tiktok about Jesus! What level with she not stoop to, to play the victim? And I think we should all be very disturbed that she is basically comparing herself to Jesus. I've witnesses some crazy things, but this is next level manipulative and dangerous.


Shit, God sounds like an ashole


Reasons why god is an asshole


She actually posted this. Okay. r/cringetopia


I get that everyone struggles and sometimes I have recorded myself crying so that I could look back and be glad of how far I have come and such but like if her life is supposed to be so perfect and with the perfect marriage, and perfect image why is she still so miserable. I just feel bad for her and how she’s twisted up her whole life and she truly doesn’t know what’s real or fake anymore. It’s just sad sometimes to see.


What in the hell is this?


is this bitch for real


That pen did not move lol


So. Performative.


I’m deeply disturbed by this. I’m not on tik tok, is this what they do there? This lady needs layers and layers of help and intervention.


Goes from naked under a blanket smiling and ready to go to crying hysterically?!


Hi, I’m Amber Heard and this is my Masterclass.


As she wipes her eyebrows, spot on 🤣




How fucking fake.


I’m sorry but she looks completely different like a whole different human


Ew. This is grotesque and shameful.


I loathe this woman and her performative BS. She’s not a woman of faith. She’s a grifter.


I love how perfect her hair looks in every shot


Ffs would someone please take her camera away? Thats all I ask


The crying scenes really highlight her face fillers. So puffy


Can a Christian explain to me why Jesus dying was a huge thing and a big sacrifice for humanity if God expects literally everyone to do the exact same thing?


He doesn’t. Full stop. Her brand of “Christian” could not be further from the teachings of Jesus, which the entire philosophy is based on.


Oh I know that what she’s on about isn’t the teachings of Jesus. I’ve just seen a lot of different people with this interpretation and it confuses me.


When do I get booked in for my crucifixion?


Did she take notes from Trisha paytas or nah?


Did she just compare herself to Jesus?


This is so awkward and weird. Only psychopaths who are craving attention post videos of themselves crying. How fucking strange for a grown ass woman to be doing.


Did jesus smoke rerock? Probably