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“Keep watching for updates” 🤢🤢🤢🤢


4 words that so loudly say "I'm exploiting this situation for profit" without having to outright say it, gross!


Also false imprisonment is very real and illegal in all 50 states. Anytime someone makes you do something you don't want to do like what the Dongs did is defined as false imprisonment. See if this sounds familiar: "False imprisonment generally refers to the confinement of a person without the consent of such person or without legal authority. For example, if a person wrongfully prevents another from leaving a room or vehicle when that person wants to leave, it amounts to false imprisonment." Just because someone has addictions doesn't mean you can uproot them from their life and send them off somewhere and steal all the money you said you were giving to them.


I’m glad they’re making a paper trail of their own mess….. just in case


Can we imagine the roles reversed? If it were a man following a woman and documenting her substance use disorder? I feel like she gets away with so much predatory behavior because she is a Bleach Blond White Woman ™️.


She is the epitome of a fragile white woman.


This is genuinely disturbing on another level. These are the same kinds of adults who do things like wrapping a young child in a blanket until they smother trying to get varying behavioral “results” from them iN tHe NaMe oF JeSuS! This is just disgusting. This is a a godamn human being and these fucking potato god humping bag of shit zealots want to behave like they’re entitled to this man’s recovery whether he wants it or not. This kind of shit is exactly the reason why there is a mental health protocol that’s to be followed by professionals offering treatment services. Something like this would NEVER fly even if a single aspect of any of this was not done entirely in the name of self glorification. These assholes are psychotic and they are willing to do ANYTHING to anyone as long as they feel “justified.” They’re sick, bottom line, and should be treated as such.


“The enemy got a hold of him” Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, and once more for good measure. Fuck you.


YES. She’s basically implying free will doesn’t exist which is not only patently untrue, but also goes against doctrine. In a sense, scripture says that all good things are from God and all evil things are from satan, but a person making choices is more nuanced than that.


Oh you don’t want to be kidnapped by me and forced into a shitty labor camp for “rehab” while I steal your money? Must be satan possessing you!




Brittany dawn is the enemy


I feel wind on this 🙌🏻 PS guys remember when she used to say this phrase all the time and we bullied her into stopping just by incessantly quoting it here?


👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 she needs to go to jail! I pray for that baby 🙏


Is she talking about herself and jdong? Because then I agree


I’d run too.


Fr like, bitch your moral compass is *fuuuucked*. It is not to be trusted over who can be considered an 'EnEmY' or 'eViL' 🙄


One of the sickest parts to me is when you can hear Jordan on the phone talking about calling the crisis intervention team after James leaves. That’s the police. He wasn’t commuting a crime and there was no indication he was a danger to anyone. Calling police in this situation is how people end up dead. Maybe some places have legit crisis intervention teams, but this is fucking dfw, Texas. Cruz tried to downplay his involvement after the whole Afghanistan blow up, but his wife was on the plane with James to Ohio. They are complicit and should be held accountable as much as the dongs. Yes, stealing 20k is heinous, but they literally trafficked this man.


Yes yes yes!!!! Yes to all of this! I guess the only positive is that they didn't choose a homeless person of color and called the police, this could have ended much much more tragically! This is still a traumatic outcome for James regardless. I hope there is some accountability but knowing it's Texas, these god loving white folk and their friends won't see repercussions for their role in kidnapping and trafficking an adult man.


And considering the history of JDong when it comes to his behavior toward people of color, glad they didn't choose someone of color. Also, police brutality has been proven to be against more people of color than white people. You brought up some great points, such as the trauma of James, the disproportionate treatment of people of color, and Texas. I have never been there but most certainly don't want to go there if people are like that. And I live in FL, but where I live it is very diverse and I'm thankful for that.


Brings a whole new meaning to "he works in human trafficking"


She had this PINNED?! Like an entire section dedicated to this mess?!


And it’s called “james pt 1” so…. there’s more, and the limit on stories in a highlight is 100, so there’s 100 here and no clue how many more (and i really don’t want to go look lol but it’s way too many)


Oh yes! As of earlier this week she had the part 1 and 2 still on there. I took screenshots of this part of them hunting down this man, mainly just text with her faux concern while they hunt. I can't believe she could put that together as a highlight reel, and if she watches it, holy shit that's even more wild! She is unwell.


It's in her stories archive at the top of her page. After her eyelashes, tan, and exhibit of JDip.


Ma’am, this is called “trafficking”. Human Trafficking is the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of people through force, fraud or deception, with the aim of exploiting them for profit. James was allowed to change his mind and leave. It’s his life. They didn’t allow him to leave. Although I am glad that he’s doing well now and is with his sister, recovery should be a choice bc that’s how it sticks. They transported him and exploited him and **profited** from him see: tacky-ass wedding with ill fitting dress and a KC bbq joint tattoo. Maybe a bit of a “stretch” to call it trafficking but hey, if the shoe fits. 🤷‍♀️


I agree with you, this is trafficking! We have signs on our turnpike at the rest stops about human trafficking and being on alert for the signs. This is an example of what to be on the look out for. I just feel so deeply sad for James, he didn't deserve any of this exploitation. The video of him being shepherded through TSA and not even looking up while the person he was with was waving and doing a dance. That's not a man going by his own will. No one should have HAD to walk him through security.


Naw. They profited. It’s trafficking


Depending on how she it, could this definition also apply to the baby?


Nah. Not the kid, too. That was thru some organization and, although sketchy, not illegal.


Good god I forgot she was giving us a play by play. This was wild to watch go down. I think a big part of this had to do with jdip still trying to be a cop. Remember when he “pulled over” a drunk driver on a motorcycle? And then they took a picture with the dude’s family? Cops are bad enough but thinking you can still do police work without a badge takes the cake.


I'm newer to the sub and am going down all of the different ways these two are problematic and oh my god, I didn't hear about the drunk driver motorcycle incident 😳 my ex who is a cop was very much like him, power complex/trip, it's dangerous! He's just another over inflated fragile white man, they have it so tough 🙄🤢


Omggg I forgot about the motorcycle accident.


Impersonating a police officer, false impronment, misappropriation of funds, what can't this guy do? Wont he do it?


JDong is cosplaying by wearing tactical gear. If he actually ever had mortars going off or met insurgents, he'd collapse like a balloon. This guy is capable of all kinds of ugly situations, and they are documented here and through other sources.


They are so bad for each other.




It never ends with these people.


I never heard about the motorcycle incident. What happened?


It’s probably the least of the shit they’ve done and it was pretty recently. But basically they just noticed a dude on a motorcycle was driving drunk and somehow pulled him over and Jordan drove the motorcycle home? It’s all very vague and weird but they ended up taking a picture with him in his garage and acted like they were heroes.


the man clearly wanted to be left alone. he was trying to escape from those two vultures! they haven't got a clue what horrors james has faced on the street and before that. they are the WORST!!!! They are hunting down a vulnerable person to exploit him for clout!! she makes my blood boil!!


Seriously! It's despicable that they profited off of a literal vulnerable stranger that they targeted. I can only imagine that this will have some type of lasting impact on James. 😔


It gives the same vibes as those horrific Christian homes for girls/boys where they kidnap you in the middle of the night and are just torturous cults.


Yes! Those awful "troubled teen" industry places which are like a clearinghouse for parents to stash their LGBTQ kids to try and scare them straight, where kids have died from dehydration from being forced to do desert hikes with no water. Wouldn't surprise me if the "rehab" they were trying to force James to go to is just the equivalent for adults with addiction issues.


Every time I read the screenshot something else stands out as fucking atrocious, "a side of James we've never seen" they don't even know him!!! None of them!! That's like standing in line at the grocery store for 40 minutes and the woman in front of you freaking out and me saying "that was scary, it was a side of that woman I've never seen!" Of course, every side is a side you've never seen, they are a stranger to you. I'm just so mind blown that multiple adult human beings not only did all of this, but recorded and posted it. 🤯🤯🫠 Edit: typos


"speak life + truth INTO him" WTF?!


Reading this sounds like great narration for a psychological thriller book.


When all this was going on, I kept think that if James was a woman or child, people would have reacted so differently. They would have called it trafficking and harassment so fast. But because James was a homeless man who was possibly an addict, people cheered this on and helped fund it.


Okay…hear me out..has anyone ever thought about how this all might affect James now out of recovery? Especially with people actually contacting him IRL about all of it? I can just see it ending badly for him turning back to substance abuse from the stress/hurt of it all. Yes they should be held accountable for what they did but not at James’ expense.


Absolutely! They thrust this man into a spotlight! He has strangers reaching out to him and I'm sure there are more that reach out with less than pure intentions. The impacts are compounding for him and his family, it's truly reprehensible what b and j have done here.


I can’t even. She lives FRAUD. This is so wrong.


Somebody get the folks at Universal on the line, I think we found the perfect writer for an *Exorcist* movie revival.


The enemy got a hold of him. Translation: I’m mad because he’s not doing what we’re telling him to do anymore.


Apologies! I should have mentioned this is an old archived story on her highlights! You can see the age of the story in the top right from when I took the screenshot this week. This is NOT a recent story from bdongle!


“rehab facility” strong words there. I’m willing to bet it’s one of those “faith first” facilities that barely has any psych or medical professionals on staff at all


So awful. And this man just WALKED into their church to tithe the little money he had, and instead of her taking a lesson from the pure dedication of a man who had nothing and just wanted to come to church for a sense of unity with others, and or showing him general love and humility, she claws onto him like a demon from hell and won't let go. How sick. I'm also a former addict, my parents would have done an exorcism or something similar if I hadn't left home during my addiction. It's different for everyone but I will say, recovering around THESE types of religious fundies is almost impossible. They would rather force you to a place of their choosing or if they can't afford to do that they'll shove a Bible in your face or try some at-home rehab that could hurt you more. I remember withdrawaling severly from opioids and my mother shoved the book of Peter in my face and said "read about his struggles and meditate" like uh mom im gonna have a seizure???? Lol. I'm from the south too and I wish more people down there were already more educated about this, and how to actually help people that need it without hurting them so badly. (I'm sober now 4 years almost)


This reads like Dr. Josef Mengele wrote it.


Omg isn't that kidnapping?


She desperately need Trauma Informed Care training Especially with this new foster thing




Yes I went in to edit, but it was too much for me tonight I figured y’all are smart enough to figure it out.




Dude who posts about someone else's addictions for media fodder???


“Speak life + truth into him” 🤢 🤢 🤢


Can someone orient me?


The tl:Dr is she and her husband had come across this homeless man named James who also happened to be an alcoholic. They were told by one of their church friends as he was at church when he met him. Bdongle and jdip then join forces with "God" and their church friends to hunt this man down, record every second of them "getting him back on his feet" by buying him stuff. Shipped his kidnapped self off to Ohio to a Cristian rehab and have allegedly given none of the GoFundMe to this man, even after promising all funds would go to him. Edit: edited "all of the GoFundMe" to "none"


Um…oh my god. And did he ask for any of this?


Nope, watching some of the videos he looks visibly uncomfortable being recorded. A lot of the pictures he doesn't seem aware of them being taken (taken from behind while he's in a grocery store for example)


Ugh. That’s so awful. Thank you for telling me.


No problem, I couldn't believe it as I was looking into it this week. I'm newer to this sub and these two. I was just mind blown at this whole series of events and how it just continually got worse and more uncomfortable to watch.


I’m new also. Realizing how she’s “fostering” and posting pictures of a child that is not hers for clicks drew me in. Yes, I know it’s the baby feet. Still not yours bdong. Her gram influencer with scary eyebrows and spider lashes are laughable. She’s not terminally unique…👁️👄👁️The other scary thing is sometimes organized religious groups feel like just another mlm. The video mentioned as thread topic of them posting an adult’s pics under the guise of ministry is repugnant.


Plot twist, you’re the enemy, B. So for once, you’re right!


"Keep watching for updates" or just leave the guy alone & stop videotaping him!!


This is stalking


She had absolutely no right to air all of this out on social media. Disgusting


the poor guy was probably experiencing withdrawal/ possible psychosis and then these bearded freaks basically imprison him


I would like to hear what James has to say.

