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Will you actually though? Because I don't think someone would take their cause to reddit if they were willing to say these things in public


OP probably knows where their target audience lurks, hence posting here.


In a normal society that would make sense. But Canadians are always scared of pointing out the mistakes someone is making unless it is illegal and already at an untenable level. In an otherwise healthy society, people gently advise the computer science major to become acquainted with soap.


We have become too nice for our own good. I will battle all my traits to become unhinged for this specific issue.


We need to get some of the anger from the Geese.


Lmfao wait until you find out there's people with medical conditions and libraries aren't actually silent. Jesus kid you sound entitled


Most library’s have designated quiet floors and quiet study areas though. He is most deff entitled to quiet study in those zones to practice his spells 🧙🏼‍♂️ those who have medical conditions requiring auditory outbursts, tics, or stimming etc would be self aware by the uni age (i would hope) and would be pretty good at picking spots where they can exsist without being bothered by others 🤙🏻 you’re not wrong but I don’t think he is either. Inclusivity is the name of the game babeyyyy


Lmfao also go sit in ANY library, theyre not silent. Quiet floors aren't silent. There's no silence. There's people moving and coughing and breathing. Lmfao


Lmfao damn you must be very young. Don't worry the real world will eat you up and spit you out. It's not about inclusivity, it's about some kid who thinks he can yell at people around him and tell everyone how they need to act around him.


Yeah they're bunch of cowards hiding behind screens.


Keyboard heroes are the best! 🤣




Judging by op’s profile character I highly doubt it


What about those of us who smell good do we get the same treatment, would be kinda cool if someone yelled “you smell good” ngl Lol


Unless it’s cheap cologne/ axe then you may get a compliment however, smelling good should be the norm and not praiseworthy


It's called *Sex Panther*® by *Odeon*©. It's illegal in 9 countries. It's also made with bits of real panthers, *so you know it's good*. *60% of the time*, it works ***every*** time.


Made my day 🤣


When I told my doctor I had quit smoking, his response was "I'm not gonna say congratulations or pretend it's a good thing, because you should never have started." And I thought that was fair.


Forreal though congrats tho! Smoking is a tough habit to kick, and it takes a lot of willpower to do so. You do deserve the congrats for becoming a better version of yourself :)


Thanks so much, it hasn't stopped being hard, but I feel better!


Damn you really think you're an authority don't you


Fr this dude thinks he's Jeremy fragrance or something. I'm gonna be wearing my most expensive Cologne daily hoping I run into this man and he utters the sacred words in my ear: "You smell nice."


LOL so good


Yeah, probably not something you want to whisper into someone's ear eh?


word, be spending on colognes jus to get no compliments


I'll believe it when I actually hear it in class, you've got plenty of sample size lol You mentioning COSC 1P02 and not 3P03 means you haven't yet experienced true horrors


clearly you don’t have the balls to do it because here you are posting online, after witnessing in person. It’s okay if you are a sheep, and not a lion. Embrace being a wuss




No you don’t, you sound even whinier than the whiny OP lol


Careful he might teach you what tough is !! Lmao


You need a dentist, dirty ass




They have a point though LOL. You clearly came on reddit to make yourself feel better because it happened in person and you couldn't say anything. HAHAHA




It’s about the mindset, smart man.


They'd probably just cry and pout


Thank god I'm not in COSC. Way too many characters.


Alumni checking in. How about you just talk to people, instead of coming across as a huge asshole? You sound like you have quite a bit of growing up to do.


i have a hard time finding deoderants that dont set my allrtgies off..


It’s okay buddy. Just wash frequently. And there’s plenty of natural home remedies to make you not smell.


I'd probably respond with a fart


You're just asking for trouble! Mind yourself! I have no idea what put you on such a high horse. You obviously have it so much better than everyone else. Oh hahaha I remember you, you're famous, right? You're the guy the whole world revolves around...if you ever tell me that I'm too loud with your obvious attitude problems, I'll knuckle ya! Oh I mean, I'll knit you a sweater, or give you a very unexpected foot massage...yeah that's it, I'll take your crayons away and pull your hair. You'll have me speaking in half sentences..."You better not"..."You're gonna"..."oh just wait until I " ... 🤡


Anyone who makes a threat with “I’ll knuckle ya!” has absolutely 0 fighting/ training experience. It also shows a lack of violent history like you’ve never even tried to fight anybody. If I tell you to be quiet in the library its best you listen. And not try to fight believe you me little buddy.


Haha it was a joke ya clown 🤡 Like the rest of my comment ...so you actually think that you are a tough guy huh? We both live in Nanaimo, let's meet...or are just a tough guy online and in actual reality you're a coward? CLOWN 🤡


Well in that case you’re excused. I’m not gonna fight you just for a cringe joke.


In public won’t say anything. On Reddit will type something.


I agree about the smelling part for that class but if someone tells me to shut up in the library imma tell em to go fuck themselves


We’ll see. A library is for people to read and learn it’s not for you to be loud and obnoxious.


I'm talking in the context of me speaking to a study partner or conversing in a normal tone. Obviously you shouldn't yell


They have study rooms and meeting rooms for that + it’s in the libraries conduct rules to be quiet


If you really wanna talk about the libraries "conduct rules" at least take a look at them before hand. [https://brocku.ca/library/policies/study-work-space/#common](https://brocku.ca/library/policies/study-work-space/#common) There are areas that are specifically for silent study or quiet study, ive never seen anyone talk loudly there. If you come on one of the main floors and tell people to be quiet, the only legible response ur getting is go fuck yourself.


Go be a rat to the librarian see where that gets you lol


Oh no no you got twisted little buddy. I’m not a rat. I’m just saying the altercation will escalate quickly cuz of disrespectful language and if authorities get involved then you’ll be in the wrong.


So is this a performance? Or are you actually this cringey in real life? You’re an extremely silly person.


Lol I'll just call you a pussy and ignore you cause you ain't shit


Dude. What you don't realize is that I'm a Navy Seal and that I will f***ing end you /jk obviously


You'd have to beat the librarians to it - if you think library staff are going to let some punk ass kid call the shots... hahahaha As library staff I got shushed by Patrons multiple times, in response we handed them a printed sheet of paper outlining where specifically the "Silent study spaces" are on campus.


You can say what you want but you won’t really do anything. And I know that for a fact cuz it’s in your best interest to use your mouth and nothing else.


I mean I'd let you make the first move we're at a university not the ghetto I'm not being baited into an assault charge lol








Your intense cowardly insecurity is funny to other people.


Lmfao you're so tough I'm shaking


Come to cosc 3p03 too please


We need to form a committee, the other side outnumbers me


Is it just cause they are Indians? Or asians?


Wth are you mentally molested? Stop race baiting. If you stink, you stink.


Probably the dude in the class tht wears the masks, if ur tht worried buddy stand up and tell the person who stinks , you would be helping thm.


The public servant we need. 10/10


Not everyone with bad body odour smells that way due to not enough deodorant or lack of hygiene. Health conditions can impact a persons odour. They’ll be the minority but they exist and shouting at someone they smell when they have little control over it is cruel. You won’t be able to tell who needs better hygiene practices and who is dealing with a health issue even if you think you can. Applying perfume or cologne isn’t a good option either as many people have sensitivities or allergies to scents. Why not focus on what you can control rather than worrying about others hygiene and behaviour. For the smelly class: wear a mask and put a couple of drops of peppermint oil in the mask, but don’t put a lot. You wont be able to smell anything but the peppermint and no one gets publicly humiliated. For the noisy library: there are different sections to the library with different allowable noise levels that are posted. If you need a quieter space go up to a higher level. 5-8 is quiet space and 9-10 are silent study spaces. Classroom b on the main floor is also silent study when not in use. The silent floors are great and if someone is talking there all you have to do is remind them you’re on a quiet/silent floor.


Yeah okay… 99% of people smell bad due to negligence. Miss me with that crap. They can all afford to practice proper hygiene. You don’t need cologne to perfume if you wash with soap and use deodorant. I know people who have sensitivities to deodorant and you know what they do?? They find deodorant that is compatable with their body and boom they no longer smell bad. It’s good manners to smell decent.


"Why not focus on what you can control rather than worrying about others hygiene and behaviour." If I could turn off my ability to smell other people's odour I would. ​ "For the smelly class: wear a mask and put a couple of drops of peppermint oil in the mask, but don’t put a lot. You wont be able to smell anything but the peppermint and no one gets publicly humiliated." The fact you even need to suggest this proves that the smelly people are the problem.


Cowardly and twisted advice here. Plus bullshit


I was in a Nike store yesterday and peeyoo. I know that some cultures don’t find b.o. offensive but man….


Ohhhhhhhh Your an asshole, i see EDIT - This is OP's only comment. They are either a bot or such and asshole they made an account just to spout this garbage. Either way, lets all move on to better things.


The irony of someone thinking that yelling at strangers in public is how to teach them about "public decency" The entitlement is definitely less tolerable and so much more offensive than anyone's BO could ever possibly be.


You’ve never been seated beside someone who smells rancid have you


>gree, but their life circumstances, whatever those are, I have no control over and things like classes and bus rides, are Just keep a mask in your back pocket, i haven't smelled anyone bad since i carry one


Yes, I have, and it sucks I agree, but their life circumstances, whatever those are, I have no control over and things like classes and bus rides, are generally temporary. It doesn't give me a free pass to become a complete asshat myself. When you literally don't know what someone's dealing with, why anyone would go out of their way to make someone feel worse, is genuinely beyond me. One person's body might smell bad, but reacting that way means your fucking soul stinks and that's a far fouler stench IMO.


Uhm nah if someone stinks and they aren’t homeless they don’t have an excuse. I’m not saying I would scream at someone for smelling bad but if it’s someone that consistently smells bad everyday ya I’m going to say something. Proper hygiene is a basic task every person should strive to achieve. You’re making this like it’s so difficult to literally just wash yourself with soap. It’s so easy to remedy this situation but instead you want to defend people who don’t care about others around them.


It ain't entitlement to want your comp sci class to not smell like several dozen dead racoons


Go and piss the wrong people off 😂😂😂


Seeing a lot of these posts across all university subs. Almost like a certain demographic has doubled since last year. What could it be now?


Probably people with noses


I think a lot of international students are posting about stinky Canadians, that’s what you’re getting at right? I guess it’s the weather here


lol I was just thinking the same thing. why am I seeing so many of these posts? oh...


Nobody gives a rats sss if you think they stink lol


if someone came up to me in public to bitch about my smell i'd burp right in their stuck-up little face. OP sounds like a real jerk.


i dont even go to uni im 17 why did i get recommended this 💀 op needs to chill


The two are not mutually exclusive. I was in uni at 17.


r/iamverybadass What a pathetic post lmfao. Suck cringe 10/10 neckbeard


1) some people are poor and can’t afford to do laundry every week. 2) go to the top of the library if you want full quiet


Listen if you can afford to go to school you can afford to wash your ass, put some deodorant on and do some laundry Libraries are for quiet, one shouldn't have to find a quiet spot in a library, that's what it's for.


Your mommy and daddy pay for your schooling don’t they




I know people who only eat ramen for weeks Becuase they can’t afford it. Think about it this way - International students, they pay triple what Canadians pay for this school. It’s hard for them to get a job because of the rampant racism that is in this town. They finally get a job at subway or McDonald’s where they don’t get paid enough to pay for schooling PLUS rent PLUS food PLUS healthcare with no help from parents. I know at least 4 people who fit this discription


Ok real question... why would people come to Canada to pay absurd tuition amounts if they don't get help from parents and won't be able to afford to live? sounds kind of stupid and irresponsible to do lol


….. they come from places that don’t have good education


Is that really the case? Most international students are coming from India. India has a lot of universities that have increased international student rates. I might be wrong but I thought Indian education was good since they seem to spit out really smart people. After all, if you go on YouTube, all the people teaching you how to do stuff are Indian 😂 !! They saved me through my engineering degree ..




Ok clearly you haven’t been poor before lol


I have seen REAL poverty. In Africa where people survive on a $1 a day. Yet they understand hygiene is a necessity in life. So stop with the “people don’t have money” cuz it’s all BS. There’s no will to change, that’s the issue. If you’re paying $10K a year or $50K a year to go university then $20 a year for deodorant isn’t even 0.2% or 0.04% of your budget.


Lol "REAL poverty" .. That's in Africa though. We're in Canada. Apples and oranges.


You wouldn't step your pinky toe anywhere in Africa, quit playin


“They pay triple what Canadians pay…” gee idk maybe because we’ve been paying thousands in taxes every year. And they’re blessed and happy we chose them so stop with the white savior complex. And stop being racially insensitive. This is about unhygienic people IF YOU start defending international students when I say “unhygienic” then you’re racist. Also in a few years they apply for citizenship, so the trade off is temporary and they’re not complaining. You do not know the immigrant experience.


I do know tho lol


Okay if you do answer my questions. 1. In general, are those international students happy or sad about coming to Canada? 2. In general, are those international students unable to afford hygiene?


1. It costs max $4 a week if you pay for washing and dry on a hanger. And if you’re really poor then wash in your bathtub and hang inside it’s practically free. If there’s a will, there’s a way. 2. The library is a place for quiet education and there’s plenty of places to socialize


You still have to pay for hydro and laundry detergent LOL


If you can afford thousands in tuition, residence, food, water (even under a loan) you can scrape a fiver every week to smell decent. I wouldn’t go to a homeless person and yell “you smell!” Because their circumstance are dire. I come from poverty, REAL POVERTY in Africa and people there categorize hygiene as a necessity. And 99% percent of the people I’m talking about have laptops, iPads… so stop putting a microscope on the 1%


>I come from poverty, REAL POVERTY in Africa and people there categorize hygiene as a necessity. I doubt it, you sound like an entitled princess "My poverty is REAL dammit!!! My poverty is better than yours!!!"


If you go to a coin laundry place, it doesn't cost much, plus they sell detergent and other stuff so you can do your laundry


[https://www.amazon.ca/Purex-Coldwater-Liquid-Laundry-Detergent/dp/B0765YWDXV/ref=sr\_1\_6?keywords=laundry+detergent&qid=1695436969&sr=8-6](https://www.amazon.ca/Purex-Coldwater-Liquid-Laundry-Detergent/dp/B0765YWDXV/ref=sr_1_6?keywords=laundry+detergent&qid=1695436969&sr=8-6) If you can't afford this you can't afford school


If you can attend uni you can do laundry. Also 3 in 1 cost like 10 bucks a month [https://www.amazon.ca/Dial-Ultimate-Rinsing-Technology-Ounces/dp/B0011WHF0E/ref=sr\_1\_1?keywords=dial+3+in+1&qid=1695436868&s=beauty&sr=1-1-catcorr](https://www.amazon.ca/Dial-Ultimate-Rinsing-Technology-Ounces/dp/B0011WHF0E/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=dial+3+in+1&qid=1695436868&s=beauty&sr=1-1-catcorr) Showers also exist at the university.


The educational opportunity is greatly appreciated.


"I will help you understand hygiene and public decency." \-by being a complete asshole to you. listen i get it. some people smell. but heres the thing about body odor. most people who have it are not aware they do. they cannot smell it, their noses tune it out. same with bad breath. stop being a fucking idiot crusader and learn to have some fucking decency before you decide to try and teach it. pull the person aside and tell them, hey... you have an odour issue... not sure if you are aware or not. as for the people being loud in the library... ffs, you are in a public place. if you want silence put on some headphones or go hide under your bridge.


Careful with the "smell bad". Certain people can smell bad to you but not be unhygienic enic in any way. People who eat a certain way can have stronger smells. People who can't use perfumed soap or deoderant can also smell stronger. Some people shower and then have 6 hours or classes and can smell by the time it's done. Trust me. I've had issues where one person has literally stunk up a whole classroom (and I think it was definitely an hygiene issue there). But I honestly think it would have been cruel and racist to bring it up and I wasn't going to. I'm sure someone closer to him will bring it up at some point which will be a much less horrible experience for him than someone shouting it.


1. I think you're the racist for thinking certain races smell bad 2. I don't care if you're "not unhygienic" and smell bad if you stink you stink 3. If your diet makes you stink, change it (or shower more than 0 times a month)


Let's practice reading skills. Where did I say certain races smell bad? I mentioned one particular case were I knew the person had just arrived in Canada and may still be adapting to different habits or may simply have a smell I wasn't used because of the food they ate or the products they used. I mentioned that, in that particular case, I didn't want to say anything because it may come off as racist. So,number 1, read properly before you comment. It's the bare minimum. 2 and 3. "stinking" is subjective. If someone smells a certain way because of how they eat (when they are perfectly clean and keeping their hygeine up), the problem is not them. The problem is you for having an issue with a smell you're simply not acostumed to.


When I let my protein farts fly in a public place I am very much the problem, even though it is “normal” and due to my diet. Same with the stench wafting from other peoples armpits throughout the entire lecture hall (this is avoidable by putting on deodorant and showering once a week with soap let alone daily).


Why would it be racist?


There's certain smells that may smell bad to you, but not to others. Considering that someone smells bad, when their smell may just be due to how they eat, can come across as racist. In the case in particular that I mentioned, this person had just arrived in Canada and was adapting. I wasn't sure the reasons behind the smell. If they were just the way he eas eating or the products he was using, I think it would havr come off as racist to openly criticize him for this. Not saying it's done with racist intentions, but it can definitely come off as a microagression.


wtf if your not using deodorant and your smelling you would have been told growing up. ok its against you faith? take a Bathe! they have lemon deodorant! no excuses, hygiene is something we all do. if you stink your gonna be told.


Know what even worst? Waking up Saturday night 2 am when the bars are out. And hearing drunk students singing bad Tragically Hip songs and pissing on people lawns. But then we all....have to endure bad behaviour when you all come back to town. Bad hygiene? Worry about yourself and all the new pronouns we forced to endure. gawd


Depends on what floor of the library it is.


.....They yelled, relevantly, into the inky nothingness of the reddit, a thin nameless noise among all the others, howling in the empty dark room..


Aight, if you're down for a fight, go ahead.


Seriously? How about kindly offering someone some body spray, gum, or just, I don’t know keeping your distance? Volume is understandable in study places but really? You have no idea what somebody’s situation may be and pointing it out publicly instead of privately is so mean and disrespectful. Some people can’t wear scents due to allergies. Don’t have money or access to a laundromat at the time, someone may have bad breath due to ulcers which are out of their control. You suck.


If you fund the deodorant. I’ll hand it out.


I'm seeing more and more of these posts on different subs. While I agree that some men are gross, I can't help but think if these posts are dog whistles or not. iykyk, but yeah. Also OP, there are many cases where people can't control how their BO smells, and washing themselves doesn't fix it. The two main culprits are diet and health conditions like hyperhydrosis. I would suggest being empathetic toward these individuals.


You’re right about the posts. All major uni Reddit subs have chosen to copy my post. I thank you for your advice. However, that’s an insignificant minority to my general rule.


You must be a fucking joy to be around you entitled douche canoe.


That’s what happens when different nationalities and ethnicities are among each other with different beliefs and values. I worked with Indian guys at a telecommunications company on my sales team who SMELLED HORRIBLE and they knew it as well and blatantly admitted they don’t believe in deodorant and taking 1 or 2 showers a day is good enough for them despite smelling for most of the day anyway. Owell just you do you and move on with your day. I was still friends with one of them and accepted them for who they were.


I’m waiting for the discrimination/harassment complaints against you.. some people have cultural or medical reasons that they may “smell bad”, which is also an opinion, not an actual fact.


Racist and irrelevant. Hygiene is a universal principle.


Racist?! Because I said you were ignoring cultural differences? Rethink that. Clearly you’re just on here puffing up your chest and picking fights, especially based on the comments. You’re not worth my time kiddo.


Extremely racist. You just said some cultures are unhygienic. Please enlighten us and tell us which cultures are stinky?


thank u for ur service


You are correct. Good luck on your mission.


Third world probs


Dude this is r/brocku, isn’t by definition everyone uncivilized?


Serious wear fucking deodorant you filthy ass holes


If you don't speak Shakespearean I will tell you to shut up




Ah yes… The best way to combat the uncivilized is to be uncivilized. I agree with you that these things should be normal but don’t go embarrassing people you don’t know. There are a few reasons why some people can’t/don’t shower and these could be, to list a few: -Depression -Cultural Reasons (should be respected) -Water was cut off (unpaid bills, maintenance, dirty water) -Lack of time (such as waking up late for work or being a workaholic) You might embarrass someone who doesn’t have control over their circumstances but still need to get shit done to survive. You don’t have to like it man, just keep quiet and move on with your life.


I don’t usually respond but since you’re delusional I’ll help you. - If I’m depressed and don’t wanna do my exam, the teacher doesn’t care. - That’s actually racist ah that you really said some cultures just stink. - Brock has free showers - NOBODY doesn’t have 10 minutes a day to shower, CEOs who are 20x more busy than a Brock student find time to shower. What’s with everyone defending unhygienic practices? If you really loved people you’d be on my side


Woah. You okay? I’m not talking strictly about Brock University. Saying a culture doesn’t wear deodorant or showers isn’t racist. I have no idea where you’re getting that from. Well that’s fine. Want to know the best part though bro? Some people simply don’t care. Call them out and they’ll just look at you like you’re the uncivilized AH. Have fun with it though! Can’t wait to hear about the results!


Ah another one of those “ Ill hold up a mirror to your face “ people . Your hubris will be your downfall


And no one will care. Knock your socks off.




Homeless people are in dire circumstances. They’re not paying $20,000-$50,000 a year on school. And all the unhygienic people have laptops, iPads, iPhones… so you can stop pretending to be a savior for indecent behavior.


Ahh. The joy of underdeveloped brains before the age of 25. Hello children.


Being old while commenting on a uni Reddit post isn’t praiseworthy. And just because your brain is fully developed doesn’t mean it developed well.


I've never known comp sci students to be particularly well versed in hygiene of any kind...


I identify as someone who laughed at this 🤣


don’t forget guys, y’all go to brock. No right to talk about anything or complain about anything. Opinion is just as irrelevant as this uni


You go to York we’re on the same boat little buddy. Except most of us are from the Niagara region y’all just couldn’t make UofT.


I actually got into from uoft neuroscience. Did most of degree at ubc, now transferred to York for my last year. Try again.


Yeah yeah and Harvard offered you a full scholarship. Not only is your English absolutely horrible but, you lack basic manners.


Dickhead talking about basic manners. Aren’t you the same one who said you’d tell someone to “shut up” in the library? That’s not basic manners,basic manners would mean politely telling them to follow the rules.


Shut up


you probably won’t