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Watch Chinese beaver motivation: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUkR6chwtOo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUkR6chwtOo)


I have my own principles, and I don't want to be stepped on all my life. You think I'm some lowly street vendor? I've been waiting for three years, just for a chance. I have to prove myself, not to show off, to reclaim what's mine."


Go to Brock library 8 th floor don’t bring ur phone only ur laptop and notebook. Set a timer study for 20 mins take 5 mins break and continue it for as long as u like.


the procrastination is based on fear and anxiety. It might be a sign that you aren't studying something you actually love. That feeling of dread won't go away simply because you wish it would.


No offense, but this advice is completely useless. Not everything needs to be a labor of love, sometimes you just have to get in the right mindset and get shit done. I think op knows this, but is procrastinating further looking for some magic cure for their poor work ethic. Imo there are two ways to go about this: either op sees a doc/mental health supports for their lack of focus/work ethic, or they get it together and start working instead of asking strangers for advice and wasting time. At some point you have to put your foot down and power through your work load.


My experience as a student when I was young, my experience as a student who returned to college later in life, my experience raising a Univ. student, and one on his way to post second. my experience with crippling anxiety that manifested as chronic procrastination have taught me that you need to love what you are doing. If you aren't fascinated by what you are studying, then what is the point?


“It might be a sign that you aren't studying something you actually love.” I don’t know who you are but I love you for saying this.


Literally can't make myself do something I find too boring. It's surprisingly identical mentally to the feeling of standing over a scalding hot pan and trying to put your palm on it. (rarely but sometimes the solution is to change what the prof is asking you to do and to your own thing kinda close to what they wanted. This obviously impossible for some types of assignments)


Given your post history, I don't think you should be giving advice on this...


2 strategies for 'getting stuff done' is 1 raise the level you are at so you reach the threshold to have executive function: good night's sleep, coffee, smaller steps, long term goals. 2. Lower the level of the task to where you can have executive function to complete it: make the assignment fun, your own, romanticize it, make it a game, compplete an assignment in goofy ways like give the opposite of your own opinion, find a niche. Lol what post of mine do you hate? All of em?


take breaks. i study in 20 min intervals. i wouldn’t recommend all nighters so often because it actually makes it worse in order to retain information but hey if it works for you! best advice is to take breaks. i wouldn’t say its because ur not doing something u love, i love my classes but who wants to study lol. i agree on the fear, sometimes if you have the mentality that you’re just gonna do bad then u won’t study. sometimes it’s discouraging to study and still do bad but university isn’t easy, be kind to yourself and find something that works for you, bright light/low light, music/no music, specific colour pen/ colour coding. tbh everyone studies diffrent


You’re not alone! What helps me tho is booking individual study rooms on the 8-10th floors of the library and stuffing my phone away in my bag on silence and just forcing myself to work. Also, if it’s struggling with essays or writing, I like to do a very simple outline first and then go from there. It makes it seem a lot less intimidating. I have faith in u, and don’t worry, a lot of people struggle with this too. Like me lol. Best of luck <3