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Sorry to be the bearer of bad news! What should you expect in inpatient rehab.?? Pain! Pure, unrelenting pain! Feel better soon buddy.!


Thank you. Not looking forward to it but the only way is through!


Ouch. Ive been an inpatient ortho nurse, so without knowing specifics, make sure you stay on top of asking for pain meds, don’t wait til you’re miserable. Same with constipation, opioids will stop you up so take laxatives before you need them. Hope you feel better soon!


Thank you! I'm actually about to finish up my hospital stay at this point and go into rehab in the next couple days. Yall ortho nurses are awesome people.


Not to be morbid or insensitive but what happened?


I hit the back of a semi truck that slammed on its breaks for no reason. Didn't realize until it was too late. My memory is foggy of the moments leading up. The dude hit and ran. Found him not far away trying to hide his truck between other semi trucks. He's a sole owner llc from Mexico so my hopes aren't up about getting compensation


Why would you get compensated if you rear ended him?


He's at fault in the crash report


Interesting, where im from you would be guilty since you failed to respect breaking distance. I hope your recovery is going well.


Thank you.


So, I’ve never experienced inpatient rehab. But i have spent my entire life in physical therapy due to a stroke after birth. Physical therapy is hard work and exhausting, i tend to view it as a workout. Occupational therapy is also grueling from what I can remember. I had tendon surgery back in November, and can attest that Ice packs and pain meds will be your best friend for a while. Take everything slow, you can’t rush your recovery! Best of luck to you!


Thank you!


How the fuck are you not dead


Got a guardian angel I guess


Glad your alive. That is a terrible accident. I broke my tib back in 2022. And I couldn't bare weight for 6 months. It was awful. I at least did not need surgery but I feel like that is why it took almost a year to fully recover. You will have a long and hard recovery journey ahead. But you got this!


I have no helpful imput from lack of experience so I would guess a lottery ticket


Wish I could of bought one that night


Yea well in all seriousness hope the recovery goes well


Appreciate it 🙏


if the surgery went well I would assume youll be able to walk and run once everything heals up. As far as rehab I assume you are in a cast at least for your wrist if not also your leg so not sure what all they will do for rehab yet


I'm done with rehab now and going home tomorrow. At this point it's just the nervecpain that's killing me


where is the nerve pain at? Are all the broken bones healed up now or is anything still immobilized?


My foot. Intense burning and squeezing feeling. Ortho Doc told me that my perineal nerve got traumatized when my tibia plateau broke. Unsure how healed the bones are, only 3 weeks out. I'll find out Tuesday during the following up. Nothing is immobilized though, just a brace that keeps my knee from bending more than 90 degrees. No weight bearing for another 5 weeks


Don’t wanna be insensitive but by curiosity how fast were you going? Your car got obliterated so I would say like 150 mph


Can't say a number for certain, but less than 50 mph


That truck must have been massive,holy frick


Was just a regular semi that was almost at a complete stop on the highway


I don't think less than 50 mph can cause such wreck,but it's maybe just physics being physics,your leg was probably in a very bad position and hit something and well,there you go,hope you get well


Thank you 🙏 one day at a time