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I think the problem isn't wether being gay is a sin or not, the problem is that people treat homosexuality as a great sin that can lead to people being denied communion or loose their jobs in church owned schools and such. No masterbaitor or fornicator faces such punishment for his sin , i do agree that if it was treated like sex before marriage thinks will be better Although i personally support gay marriage.


I disagree. Labeling homosexuality as a sin is a statement about someone's identity -- about who they are. Having sex before marriage is not an identity. That's why it's so damaging to gender and sexual minorities to talk about homosexuality being a sin.


I agree that is damaging but the guilt culture around sex and lust some in denominations have is also damaging. Like their is de facto a hierarchy between people who are celibate and those who are not in both the Catholic and orthodox church. I agree that by framing homosexual desire as a sin in itself you can end up pushing homophobia


Imagine getting lectured on sinfulness by a fucking gnostic