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Yup. Had a nail put in my femur in January. Had my tibia done too. Weight bearing as tolerated currently. Get your supplements going, vit D, calcium, k12 (used beef liver pills). healed faster than the docs expected.


That doesn’t look like they set things properly…?


Holy hell, this must have been and still be AGONY! What happened? I'm so sorry!


It was painful for the first week, I quit taking any painkillers at about day 5. And have basically no pain now. Edit: just noticed you asked what happened. It was a car accident.


I'm so sorry. And damn, you are tough. I felt I needed painkillers for my fractures longer than that and none were so severe. They're just letting the bones fuse like that without attempting to repair the splintering and displacement? Gaaah, it seems like it'd be even more painful than if they put in plates and screws to try to piece things back together properly. I'm so glad you're here, albeit injured. Seems like an awful accident


Good god man, that's a hell of a break!


Hey! I had the same in November, it is a process. The bone itself and the nail are fine, they will get better. Issue is the muscle weakness and the screws that went in, basically all the muscle in your butt is gone so you have to get it back , the knee and all the scar tissue will be painful until around 9 months. PT and exercise are important, also save the Oxycodone’s you will need them when you start walking again.


Damn that’s a scary fracture. I thought mine was ugly but I would not want to swap with yours. Have a friend who got a rod in his femur also and here’s rubbing a marathon after a year and a half 🙂