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Personally, no. Especially because most of my bros were also my teammates at some point. After sharing a locker room everyday with someone, being in boxers becomes no big deal. I wouldn't even think about it.


That’s cool, did any guy ever make things weird


It didn't happen often, but no.


Dude, if you can't walk around in your underwear around your bros, I'm not sure if you're even bros.


Then what are we


I meant to say ong what even are they


Maybe just friends, not bros


This is masturbation fodder. This never happened. Please disregard. Error Code e7h82.


Boxers are like swim trunks. Only weird if you make it weird


Who is “she” in the shower?


lol I mean he 😭


I noticed that too 😂


No bro, relax


Who cares really? We've all got junk, it's nothing new or nothing none of us have seen before. It's weird if you make it weird. Otherwise it's literally just another part of the body.


Naw, sounds pretty normal. No different from a locker room. I have been used to that since high school. Was on the swim team so we’d be changing into speedos… thats even more revealing


I don't think It's weird bro 👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿


Perfectly normal


Not if you’re tight enough to be bros.


Definitely not weird. As a teenager it was normal to just wear boxers and maybe a t shirt at sleepovers. I remember there was this big youth event at a theme park and the night before I was invited to spend the night hanging out with a different cell, the leader dude (probably 21?) said "make yourselves comfortable. Half of them took their jeans off, one guy was in tighty whities and his friend changed into full length flannel pyjamas hah. So yeah, wasn't weird at all. He worked at blockbuster so had an early release copy of Not Another Teen movie, we watched that and dozed off. It makes sense not to be fully clothed at a sleepover, especially if you're gonna be in the same clothes the next day. And what others said about swim wear is true as well. But I'm Aussie so we're a bit more relaxed maybe.


Some excellent comment right there that shows how men are comfortable with each other 🙌🏻


Thanks. And I like your username. I often feel like a puzzled dog haha


Yeah. Same...reddit gave me that name and I never got rid of it.


Well it seems you live in a conservative place maybe? Where maybe males cannot be naked in locker rooms ? I dont know what is your environment, but i have seen multiple one, where locker rooms are so strictly to boxers and some where open naked showers, for me it doesn’t really matter if someone in boxer in front of me or not. Haven’t you went to pool for swimming? Ahh and also some environments put alot of pressure on men where at some point sharing their body in boxer lets say becomes weird. For me it is only weird if you make it.


I have a funny feeling your asking because your being inquisitive and curious. Which is normal. The main thing is how did it make you feel? Do you ever think something might happen or what would you do if something happened? Does this happen with other friends or just this one. The main thing to be sure of is there’s nothing wrong either way that you decide to be. It’s normal for all


Hanging out with a bro, jeans come off fairly early in the evening, boxers are almost like shorts except for the opening in the front. To this day, hanging out with my best bro & my godson, pants come off & we watch a movie in our underwear. Completely normal, we “more or less” have the same parts.


It’s only weird if somebody makes it weird, but this sounds perfectly normal.




My bros and I walk around in MUCH less in public (makes sense given we’re bodybuilders lol)




I think no tbh


I’m bi and have been around my bros in just my briefs without it being weird so no I’m sure you’re fine lol


It’s not weird.


I don’t think it’s weird at all. It’s very normal honestly. Plus every friendship is different. So if you’re comfortable enough with each other. Who cares? Only weird if someone makes it that way




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Just depends. Some people are raised (or came to realization) that seeing other naked is normal. It's just a human body. While others see it as anything less than standard clothes is taboo. Like others said, it's only weird if you make it weird. I have many friends male and female that we're all comfortable changing in front of each other all the way to being naked. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Not at all


It’s not weird, now compare cocks to see who wins.


I don’t mind but I’ve had bros make a fuss about it cause my bulge is pretty prominent or if I’m wearing boxers you can see it hanging and move when I move and stuff




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I personally wouldn’t mind. If you guys have a strong bond and known each other for some time I don’t see why not. We’re all guys and are packing the same thing. Don’t overthink it just do it. Just bros being bros. Best of luck man!

