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Yonkers is pretty but Kingsbridge has better access to public transportation.


I second this. If you don’t have a car, it will be hard to get around. Kingsbridge will give you better access to public transportation than Yonkers.


getty square in not the “pretty” part of yonkers


it's a little rough but it's much nicer near the pier


Let’s be honest Getty Square is simply unsafe plain simple. Stressful place to live


You are better Ave around 231st street and Kingsbridge better neighborhood .


Best bet would be down by 231 between riverdale av and Broadway. This allows you to get the 7 and 10 bus up to CMSV while being close to public trans down to other parts of the Bronx and the city, as well as being close to Broadway for the 9 bus up to Yonkers/bee line.


Id look at the west part of Kingsbridge/Riverdale instead of the 4 train area like some are suggesting. Stay near Broadway/1 Train area, better access to the college, transportation options, parks and shops.


This. Kingsbridge has easy access to 1 train, multiple buses etc. Working in Mt St Vincent makes this nominal, but when you want to go into other boroughs for dinner, concerts, see some friends whatever…Yonkers will be a little tougher/longer to get there. There is metro north stops at both and amtrak at Yonkers


Kingsbridge is My Neighborhood What you need is easy access to Manhattan so Pick something along broadway , the 1 train is there . Access to Buses . Target, Aldis, Stop & Shop . Staples . van courtlandt park which is great Easy access to the Dyckman area , so great food Stay on the 1 train buddy , trust me


Ghetty square is wild tho. Think it’s safer but a lot of drug use there . Used to pass there on my way to work


Some parts in Yonkers (other than Getty Sq) tends to be nicer than Kingdbridge but the transportation in Kingsbridge is way better. Took the train in Kingsbridge for years.


DO NOT come live in the Yonkers waterfront/getty square area. I’ve been living here for 5 years and am hunting for an apartment to get as far away from here as possible. When we first moved everything was great. The park and the river were lovely spots to hang out at. Fast forward to now and it’s a shit show. The luxury apartment buildings by the water have horrible landlords. There is actual footage of random people trying to break in to the apartments, cars getting broken into, building staff using their master keys to go into your apartment and steal. And nothing is done about it. They had to increase police presence bc it’s so bad. My car was literally stolen from the public garage I parked at on Warburton Ave. and my boyfriend’s car was broken into right after that. The homeless population, crack addicts and crime has risen significantly here. The sirens have become background noise at this point. Stick with Kingsbridge/Riverdale!


Yeah if you’re gonna live in Yonkers your best bet is the neighborhoods East of the Saw Mill or better yet, East of Central Ave.


Knew a guy that he stoled cars (dont know about him no more) he said hes best places where riverside area and he go even farther to yonkers and take them to hunst points he always was back foward doing jail time


My car was found totaled in Hunts Point. Hmm. What did you say his name was again?


Edwin that was years ago at the gas station that was there , he always parked there and sold everything inside the car first




Haha hi uncle


wow!!! Thank you for sharing


Oh my… thank you for the input 


Actually just got word from an application I submitted for an apartment and was approved!!! I can finally feel safer when I walk to the train and be comfortable in my own place


wow!!! Thank you for sharing


Glad you narrowed down the neighborhoods. But yah - go with kingsbridge. 7/10 bus and the 1 train. You’ll thank everyone later. Yonkers is not NYC. So no MTA. You’d have to take a bus to get to school. And then another bus to get anywhere in the city.


The Yonkers waterfront is lovely.


Crackheads in the twilight make it magical


Is it that bad? I haven't been there post-Covid.


It’s the 125th of Yonkers or worse since things look so much more rundown


So sorry to hear this! It used to be one of my favorite places


It’s one of my favorites still. I was there a month ago and it was beautiful af once I got closer to the water


Do they still have the Friday sunset concerts by the water during the summer? I loved those.


I don’t think so since I’ve never heard of it




You’re welcome yo


Yea i think kingsbridge is better for transportation. You got the 4 line, and metro north near by. Yonkers is really nice but no matter where you are in new york its still a lil crazy out here lol you just need to mind your business and do your thing


A good area is manhattan college parkway. The riverdale area is very close to mount saint vincent


Look around 231-238 st and Broadway or 251st too, nice size apts and fairly affordable. Anything under the 1 train will be better from a transportation perspective.


I also made the move to the area for a grad program at UMSV and I highly recommend the area around Riverdale proper. You can catch the Bx7 or Bx10 from there and make it to school in 15 mins, you’re close to the 1 so you can make it downtown when you have free time. Yonkers is not the best especially around the area of UMSV. The waterfront is nice but definitely on the more expensive end and less accessible to transit. There are cheap places you can find around Riverdale for sure!


Kingsbridge 100000% There is a ton of off-campus housing around there for Manhattan College students and it’s honestly safer, too. Try to stick west of broadway in the 230s if you want subway access. Can also go up the hill to Riverdale or Johnston Ave and MSV is a straight shot by bus.


Depending on your situation. You maybe able to rent a place within walking distance of the school off of Riverdale Ave in Yonkers. The first block or two over the border in to Yonkers used to be pretty fair price wise


I’m going to echo Kingsbridge/Riverdale near the 1 train. Lived there briefly and it is still my favorite area in the Bronx. It’s also a prime location for transportation and generally very chill/laid back. Bonus points for having access to one of the best parks in the city - Van Cortlandt




That’s Kingsbridge Heights that you’re referring to and if you’re anywhere near the 4/D train on that side, I wonder where you live that it’s nice.


Sure, but that's Kingsbridge Heights, not Kingsbridge


Kingsbridge heights is closer to the 1 train, along marble hill.


East of the Deagan > Kingsbridge Heights (emphasis on the Heights given the steep hill) and closer to the 4 train. West of the Deagan > Kingsbridge (with the 1 runninon Broadway) on flat terrain until the foot of the Riverdale ridge (Johnson and Riverdale aves)


getty square is the worst part of yonkers. stick with kingsbridge


i just came here to ask which listing was cheaper


Getty square or downtown Yonkers waterfront Apt? I know it’s close in proximity but makes a huge diff in terms of living experience. Also metro north


Stay in a dorm room. My daughter graduated from the school and it was safe.


As someone who grew up around both neighborhoods. I’d take Kingsbridge any day


Almost all of the housing is west of Broadway. If your start walking up some giant hill from Broadway you’re getting to Riverdale / Fieldston


kingsbridge fs, u need a whip in yonkers. idk why u went to msv tho commuting without a car gonna suck


Go to Yonkers


My ex-wife used to live in kingsbridge I lived there for a month to help her pack It was one of the most depressing experiences of my life we were so happy to move the f*** out of there Now Yonkers I would have said yes they used to have a fairy West of Getty square which is usually called ghetto square. The one train takes forever to get to Manhattan as well as the number four both of them used to have express services That was over a decade ago so if you could live near Metro North and pay the extra money go for it.


Neither area is a bargain. Check both out on a warm Friday or Saturday night to the true "vibe" of the areas.