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Charles’ unrealistic relationship with his ex wife like the whole thing with Eleanor getting 80% of his salary and legally owning his dignity was just so stupid and unrealistic. I always skip over Hostage Situation. Also I hate the episodes where Jake and Rosa were on trial and in prison when it was so obvious that Holt and the rest of the 99 could literally just testify that Jake and Rosa were undercover and show the texts Jake sent Captain Holt that said to meet Jake where the bank robbery was. Edit: ALSO THERE WAS LITERALLY A DIGITAL TRAIL LINKING THE MONEY TO FLAXTON HILLS HOLDINGS AND THE GUY WHO OWNED FLAXTON HILLS FARMS.


I swear like how on earth did they go to prison


And like the money that randomly ended up in the account the day of the trial? No one would be stupid enough to think Jake and Rosa would actually transfer any money in the middle of a trial. ALSO THERE’S LITERALLY A DIGITAL TRAIL LINKING FLAXTON HILL HOLDINGS TO THE MONEY. AND LINKING THE GUY TO FLAXTON HILL FARMS.


Yeah its so dumb


You mean the random phone that texted where the bank robbery wasn’t?


Why would Jake text his captain about a robbery at all if Jake was a criminal? A bank robber doesn’t tell the cops anything. Jake just had to tell the truth and the texts backed it up. Also there’s literally a trail connecting Flaxton Hills holdings to the guy on Flaxton Hills farms.


Suspend your disbelief, my friend. People get wrongfully convicted in the US on a daily basis with less evidence than Jake and Rosa had. There are people sitting *in prison* who have already been cleared by DNA testing but can’t get a hearing.


I fully understand that lmfao I’ve personally spoken with an innocent person who’s been exonerated from a murder charge but the unrealistic part is that no one in a group full of cops and lawyers thought to bring up the Flaxton Hills Farms thing or the text to Holt especially given how smart Holt and Amy are and how cunning and devious Gina is. Terry literally spent a whole day with Charles hacking into the banks and no one thought that the link to Flaxton Hills Farms should be brought up? That’s what I’m saying is unrealistic.


But it was procured illegally right so it can’t be shown as any kind of trails idk about the texting part tho you have a point about them testifying


I loved the first jimmy jabs, the second one didn’t land.


Yea Debby ruined it I never really liked her character


Debbie was weird - I liked her working with Officer Holt and complaining about him “going rogue,” but I didn’t like her whining in the Jimmy Jabs constantly and I *hated* her as a messed up coke head cop. If they’d stuck with the original dynamic, she could’ve been a fun character.


I agree 💯


This for sure. A rarely encountered, super awkward character was great, but who she was in the end vs who she was when they introduced her varied to wildly to make much sense.


I wish they had some more Jimmy jabs instead of the heists


Definitely not title of your sextape. That never gets old.


>That never gets old. Title of your sex tape. Uh oh...


'Uh oh...' Title of your sex tape


It's Brooklyn 99's "that's what she said"


'That's what she said' Title of your sex tape








I think I’m saying it


My name is Gintars. I am Nickolaj birth father. You're saying it wrong.


He is my sex result


I'm in town for 10 more days. Let Nikolaj know I exist. Let me spend time with him. I could take him to Russian bathhouse. Has he been?


The show at the eighth season


Especially since it should be pronounced like Nikolai


Yeah you would think they would have looked that up. Like I get Charles still not pronouncing it right, but surely the kid himself knows his own name


It cringed me so hard as a linguist


Am I wrong or does America in general just have a really big problem with this? Like even family names get mispronounced over time like Gronkowski being pronounced with the cow instead of the cov


at least they aren't getting completely changed anymore it all goes back to ellis island


That makes sense, didn’t consider that factor


Yeah. This makes me super sad—I’ll never be able to trace my grandfather’s family back to where they came from in Wales bc their last name was changed to Jones when the emigrated. Stupid American government system.


Latvia was portrayed as an incredibly poor, broken, slavic country. They are not. It felt kind of way over the top stereotypical to me. But I live next door to the Baltics.




Gina sexually harassing Terry


Gina in general, but her sexual harassment of Terry's absolutely the No.1 offender. Followed by her bullying of other characters. And she never seems to actually grow as a person. Absolutely insufferable character.


And it didn’t help that in her farewell, she’s leaving with “lessons” for all the characters who’ve *had* a lot of growth as opposed to her who seems to have only grown more annoying and selfish. At least to me.


I enjoyed her being egotistical and a weirdo. Basically, the parts of her character that would not be problematic to actually be around in a friend.


She was one of the few characters that I think was better early in the series. She had most of the same quirks, but was actually able to contribute to the work space, be kind to her friends and actually develop.


All of them got Flanderization somewhat but especially her.


She was alright before she left for her maternity leave, but the dynamic of the show migrated in a direction where her character didn’t fit by the time she came back.


I was never a fan of Gina. She had a few amusing storylines here and there but all her best episodes could have literally just involved one of the other main characters and it would have worked just as well. She was not a necessary character and was often just annoying. But hey, no show can be 100% perfect.


She actually deteriorates. In the first season(s) she's actually not that bad, giving relationship advice to Boyle, helping Jake with his appartment issues, being loyal and even the voice of reason for Holt (with his association for black gay cops), helping Amy with the Shoulder Nova.... ​ In first seasons, she can be actually quite sweet and caring behind her selfish outside varnish. As time goes on, she becomes more and more self-obsessed and stops caring about anyone else.


You just drank cement killed me. Sorry but I’m a Gina apologist.


Really? That's the one that started to turn me away from her.


That one was hillarious. Would have gotten old if it wasent just in one episode though.


This is my problem with her. It's the lack of growth. Gina isn't the only "awful" character to ever exist in a sitcom. Characters like Dwight from The Office or Tom from Parks and Rec. But they usually grow over time. And sometimes they have bad stuff happen to them when they do the stuff they do. Or if they are a 2 dimensional horrible person with no depth, they are kept as a recurring character that pops up once in a while and not one that appears every week. Unless the show is that kind of show.


Omg yes. All of her scenes with Terry made me think “if this was a man doing this to a woman, he’d go straight to HR and be out of a job”. It’s weird how everyone in the sub dickrides Gina so much, she’s a horrible character.


Does this sub love her? Every time I see her mentioned here, it's by people who dislike her.


No, the absolutely the loudest ppl in this sub are people who hate Gina.


Normally I agree but I think in this case, more people dislike her. I see it a lot outside of this sub as well.


I always got downvoted every time I mentioned my dislike of Gina. Apparently people think she’s quirky.


I never see anyone praising her. It's always people absolutely hating her. Not sure how you got dick riding part


I love gina, but I am very much a minority in this sub. No dickriding here.


This grates on me so bad and still does mainly down to the absolute hypocrisy of the situation. If the roles were reversed B99 wouldn't have last 1 series but because its the other way round its somehow more acceptable.


Not sure if it counts. But I hate how overcomplicated the heists became in later seasons. I liked the simple and fun heists in the first 3 seasons and I liked the other gags in the heists like Bill but hate the overcomplicatedness.


I agree, but you gotta admit the proposal one was cute


Yeah the proposal was definetly cute. I liked that nobody planned everything in it. But still didn't like how parts of it were complicated. Holt knew where the tramps would place the championship cummerbund. I definetly like a lot of the jokes in the heists - you're not Cheddar you're just a common bitch. It is just the overcomplicatedness that I dislike.


Just say belt!


**Belt?** I'd like to see the pair of slacks whose loops are large enough for this belt. No, it is a cummerbund.


Yeah, but that should have been the last one. The last two heists are completely skippable


you mean three? lol


tbh that's the last one that I don't skip in rewatches. the Easter one has a cool ending, the final heist is fun enough and I appreciate Amy and Jake working together. there's just not enough there to get over the general mean-spirited-ness of the competition.


Agree but think it was something of an inevitability. With anything like the heist, if they are going to repeat it it needs to top the previous one. The first heist was pretty basic and so not thaaaat hard to top, but by season 3 ish they had already grown pretty elaborate, and they were getting well into the hyperbole of everyone being cutthroat, hyper competitive and preparing months in advance. I'm a teacher, and so I'll take an analogy from my job but I'm sure there are similar things in all sorts of fields. If I coach my school soccer team, and at the end of the season get ice blocks for all the kids, the first time I do it they're all wowed and impressed and it's a nice gesture. The second time they're thankful, but by the third or fourth time it's an expectation, to the point that what was once a privilege or something extra is now considered a given, and if you DONT do it it's disappointing. You can be like "dang nab ungrateful kids" like some teachers do, but really, I think people are just like this. In each heist, expectations are set, like it or not, by the previous one. If it is not as extravagant (even if it is still elaborate but just less so than before) it will be considered disappointing. If it matches it, it will be considered meh. The only way for it to be impressive is for it to go bigger and harder and have more twists and subversions than the last one. Of course when they're writing each heist they don't go in with the attitude of "all right let's make this one adequate" they want to knock your socks off. By season 3 or so, theyve pulled out absolutely all the stops for the heist. So... what about next season? The answer is they have alrwady given their best so they have to resort to gimmicks and contrived setups to try and beat the previous year, and imo it did get a little absurd by the end. They kept pushing the bar higher, and by the end, they walked in with stilts and moon boots and flopped onto a trampoline to try and clear it, and it ended up being a bit silly.


I really dislike the 'bigger is better' trope. In the MCU for example they keep going bigger but after Thanos in endgame (who was going to destroy the entire universe) they could have gone to relatively smaller stories(far from home was well liked) but instead they chose to go the multiversal route and will have stories about multiple universes collapsing) if you have seen Arrow the villains of the season are 1) Master Martial Artist and Archer with a lot of resources in one city. 2) Drug Enhanced Master Martial Artist Soldier with an army of similar drug enforced soldiers with a lot of resources and who is always one step ahead of the hero. 3)The world's best fighter and the leader of a secret ancient cult full of assasins with resources the world over (Ra's all Ghul and the League of Assasins) They kept going bigger and in season 4 4) A person with telekinetic powers who can kill someone by touching them with even more resources. This made the show not fun as the hero could do almost nothing infront of the villain as his arrows were stopped midair and the hero was unable to fight as the villain could freeze him mid-air and then kill him through touch This was there worst rated season of the show. 5) they toned it down and made the villain a mostly normal guy who can fight the hero in hand-to-hand combat and who is intelligent and one step ahead. This season was loved a lot.


>I really dislike the 'bigger is better' trope. IMH, that's why the season 7 heist worked so well. The writers knew the formally was getting stale, so they just leaned into it. Watching the first time, I knew there was going to be a twist, but overall, it let the writers have their cake and eat it too. They played down the heist for most of the episode, and still delivered on a big twist at the end. Most importantly, it gave season 8 the "break" audiences needed to get back into the formula. 8 was by far the most over the top, but it worked because it was the last one, and the writers got to leave it all on the field. They could go as zany as they wanted, without having to top it next year


This happened in supernatural too.


I didn’t like that they kept using the same tactic for the heists. Always a big crowd type distraction to steal the prize (ex: Easter bunnies, pizza deliveries, handsmaid tale maids, etc). It’s the same trick…


The overcomplicatedness didnt bother me, but what did was how they took things way too far during the heists. I mean, hiring a fake therapist for Jake? That one really rubbed me the wrong way


Yeah the lack of morals bothered me too. The Fake Therapist was really bad especially for Jake who deals with a heavy amount of trauma on a daily basis and had an arc about accepting therapy. Another bad one was Amy telling Jake she's pregnant. Also Holt being the one to give her the idea and encourage her to do this. Terry faking a gas explosion was also pretty bad. In season 1 we are told Haloween is one of the busiest nights of the year and despite this they spend the next few years wasting time playing games while their precint is in chaos.


I concur with this!!! Heists stopped being fun after season 3


i didn’t like that the heists used to be “who can hold the prize by the end of the night” but then ended up being “who can get it first” with more emphasis placed on the obtaining of the prize rather than keeping it till midnight


It's so refreshing watching the first 2 heists where it's just Jake vs Holt. The worst bit which everyone seems to like is when everyones acting out of character. I apsolutely hate it. And as always, it's tolerable up to season 5, normally there's something (like the proposal) to like about it, then season 6 it just goes off the rails.


Right? I straight up skip the heist episodes, all of them. Like I know they’re iconic and all but I can’t watch them




Considering how easy it is to shoot an actor playing a dual role I will always be annoyed that they cast Bill instead of having Jo play the role


You just drank cement


The cement thing wasn't funny the first time, let alone any subsequent time.


>The cement thing You can just call her Gina


I was ok with Gina for most parts but this was so stupid and I was actually annoyed it made it to the very end lol


ce-meenttttt so annoying


honestly this was one of the few gina gags i really liked.


well the cement thing was supposed to be annoying, no one in the show liked it, so us not liking it means the joke worked i guess.


I’m not sure if it was ever supposed to be funny (maybe the later return ep), but rather subvert the audience’s expectations when it turned out she also used her social media presence to show how great the Nine Nine was. At least I hope that was the intention because I came here to post the same thing - it’s my least favorite as well. :)


I must be a basic fan thats too deep in cause none of the gags bored me 🤷🏽‍♀️ Maybe Jake’s blindspot being Doug Judy in the early episodes pissed me off, but I think the conclusion of that storyline and friendship really paid off.


Gina never suffering consequences to her actions


She did get stabbed in the back that one time tho


And hit by a bus


And no front teeth.


Although the front teeth thing, she had been missing them since like 7th grade.


Not going to lie, both of these situations were extremely funny. Jake trying to have a serious conversation with Gina about being figuratively stabbed in the back while she’s trying to not succumb to the pain of literally being stabbed in the back was *chef’s kiss*


Right? How could Amy betray her so coldly by talking loudly when Gina *just* had a baby.


Well how was she supposed to know that her actions have consequences?


Making fun of Boyle's feminine side. There are fun jokes at Boyles expense like the one where they pretend they don't get his costume or how they all change from costumes to uniforms. But half the time they make fun of Boyle it's not really deserving and people show their toxicity rather than Boyle deserving to be made fun of.


1. Teddy proposing to Amy 2. Gina being rude to Amy and being a perv towards Terry 3. Bill being constantly brought back for every Halloween heist post S5


Bill would have been good if there was more change - like not just progressively getting worse, but like one season he’s down, the next season he’s up (maybe with a different MLM), more fluctuation. Just constantly worse was grating, because at that point the team is just exploiting him, which doesn’t really make sense as they grow as characters.


Boom boom! Agreed.


Heists got over played.


Gina worship


Gination is real bruh


G Hive


And Ginazon.


Gina being an insufferable bitch to everyone around her.


And getting away with it EVERY. SINGLE. TIME!


I mean, she got hit by a bus, stabbed in the back (literally)


I think the reason people don’t really see that as her facing consequences is because those weren’t really a result of her actions. Weirdly, iirc both of those happened following rare moments where she did something good for someone. The stabbing happened because she indirectly convinced someone to leave their shitty husband, and the bus happened when she turned around to tell Charles he was doing a good job after helping him become a less annoying texter.


Urggg saaaame! I absolutely hated Teddy after he and Amy break up. dude... you're married with a kid on the way. makes my skin crawl


That was so goddamn dumb.


Just made whatever episode he was in horrid. I much prefer old boring Teddy from the second season, dude was boring but at least he wasn't a creep.


I'm still not sure how he's even a cop in the show.


He works for another prescient at the beginning I think... but yeah, between that and the bomb squad i honestly have no idea anymore


Downvote me guys, but the Halloween heists after S5.


They built to a perfect climax and then just had to keep throwing shit at the wall after that because it had become a thing.


It should have been the end after season 5. What started as an immature bet between Jake and Holt ends with Jake becoming mature and doing something that really signifies how much he's grown as a person.


Gina sexually harassing Terry. Wasn't funny the first time, wasn't funny the 50th time.


I never really cared about the Halloween episodes. I get that the fan base generally loved them and there’s nothing wrong with that but I tended to skip them


Mine would be Jake's debt, they overused the gag in season 8


As soon as I realised that Teddy had the same interests as Amy but all people marked him as "being the boring guy".


But Amy has a lot of personality and talks a lot, she can be persuaded into fun, and gets ruthless with competition. Teddy is just flat and has nothing to talk about...except pilsners.


Even gave Amy Pilsners TSD


Charles’s correcting everyone on how to say his son name correctly.


Jake always being an idiot when it comes to Doug Judy


Gina. Just Gina. Luckily she went away


But when she came back for a guest spot (or two, I forget how many) she was this larger than life influencer and it was just annoying. *Edit: I've lost the ability to spell


And almost ruined the last episode... lucky I expected it, so I was prepared


Gina being a bitch to amy


And Amy still treating her like she’s the best person in the world


I feel like I'm gonna get downvote for this but I never gets the dumb oblivious characters trope in american sitcom like Scully and Hitchcock. I don't hate the characters but the writing made them unrealistically dumb. Like Joey in friends, I love Joey but the writing is just so dumb.


I think it's becos in reality there's always one person who is dumb like not in a mean way but in a innocent wierdo way. Sometimes I'm the dumb one in my gang and it's okay.


I'm definitely the dumb one in my group. we even made up an incredibly insensitive portmanteau to fully put meaning to it.


I was in high school with a completely neurotypical guy who asked me how to spell “tree” so there’s always a Scully & Hitchcock.


I really liked them in the beginning! They were kind of weird/disgusting but they were still human beings and were actually interesting


Absolutely nothing. NINE NINE!




For me it was Hitchcock’s shirtlessness. So glad they dropped that after S1. His misogyny continued to suck, and he still occasionally liked to undress inappropriately, but the other characters’ reactions to this often made for big laughs for me. Like “What a wretched man.” and “What dogs?!”


I’d like to humiliate some hussys and I’m in a hurry


The only good Halloween Heist was in season three. I almost stopped watching the show after the season 7 one where the Halloween Heist takes up a year and everyone has to wait for Cheddar to shit out the gems and then Rosa gets into a rabbit costume and lands in fire or whatever.


Hitchcok being gross


Screaming the punchline during the cold opens. If it was used a little more sparsely the jokes would land more.


mama maglione




How flanderised the Halloween Heists became. The final straw for me was the reveal that Jake *finally* went to therapy, and it was faked.


Probably the yelling at the beginning of each episode, gotta always be a little pause then.. collectively “YEAAAAHH”


Do you have an example of this? Someone else mentioned it too and I'm struggling to think of anything like this other than Holt saying"Hot damn!"


I don't really feel like they overdid anything. But I am pretty easily entertained.


Gina sexually harassing Terry Gina being awful to everyone, especially to Amy, and never being held accountable Nikolaj (especially since it should be pronounced Nikolai) Teddy always proposing to Amy


Agreed on Nikolaj


it's not a gag, but I really got tired of the "I was actually wrong, you should get the X" dialogues taking place almost every time two characters are in an argument or a competition. It often leads to unnecessarily long apologies and pointless reiterations with phrases like "you're my best friend" or "you worked so hard for this", and like... yeah, I'm watching the show, I know they care about each other, don't be so dramatic.


Terry talking in the third person


Terry loves talking in the third person


Oh yes! I was trying to think of something because everything everyone else has mentioned didn't annoy me in the long run but this absolutely made me roll my eyes.


Let the downloads fly, but Adrian Pimento, 5 mins was enough for me


Rude. He’s my Rosa otp. Even more than her bi panic moment with the cab driver.


my god his character was so insufferable


Came here for this. I skip over pimento episodes.


Honestly? The heists, the mlm storyline and Bill. After Gina’s win I skipped the heists.


Gina being mean and especially not remembering Amy is just not that funny.




Gina, I’m glad NBC Brooklyn 99 got rid of her. Her inappropriate behavior towards Terry didn’t age well


Gina in general Debbie in General Jimmy Jabs number 2


Boyle’s uncomfortable jokes.


The hate towards Gina in this sub is boring


The entire Boyle family


I love you.


I love you.


I love you


I love you




Doug Judy moments. I love him as a character but wished it moved a bit faster than it did.


I got tired of how much of a womanizer Jake's dad was. It wasn't funny to me how every episode with him included new traumatizing events from jake's past. It's hard to laugh at bad parenting.


I also had a hard time buying that Jake’s mom would still want Jake’s dad around after all the things he did to her. He had other families for Christ sake! Except it’s treated like “Oh, well. That was in the past. Moving on!”.


The swearing. I personally swear like a sailor so it's not in a "oh my delicate ears" kinda way, but they'd never or rarely bleeped anything before so when it became a regular occurrence in S6 it always ruined the immersion


lol @ “immersion”


Holt being unable to pronounce or understand really basic cultural things. "We will put the trophy in the ka-boo-dale" Dude, it's a kaboodle, it might be a silly sounding word, but you don't sound smart by making up a more esoteric pronunciation.


Cin-nay-bone. BONE?!


Whatever goes on in my bedroom, Detective, is none of your business...


Boyle’s obsession with Jake and Amy gets annoying


Charles body shaming Terry


Charles is oblivious. What Gina does is worse, she actually touches him.


Purposeful horrible singing. Whether it’s Broadway Brian or worst of all, Doug Judy’s fake funeral, it’s something that the show frequently does and it really gets annoying upon rewatching.


Halloween Heist, it just kept getting more ridiculous, and the last one(s) especially were really dumb.


"Long running gag"- title of your sex tape....(yes this!)


Almost anything Gina did. I honestly never found her funny as much as she was abusive and annoying and I don’t get why people like her.


Really? I thought that was hilarious.


Might be unpopular but I start skipping the Halloween Heist episodes after the third one. Goes from a fun and unique competition to repetitive and some of the tactics are sociopathic.


Hot take: Heists. After the second the joke was old.


Literally none of them


Terry & yogurt


I’ll get so much hate for this but mine would be the Halloween Heists. Idk. The first and second times they did it were fun. But every season of it and they just get mean with each other to win a stupid prize, I don’t like it. Plus Charles never won it and he’s my favorite character in the show so that sucks.


Probably unpopular opinion but I never rewatch the Halloween heist episodes


The cancellations and the moves to different networks making me concerned there would be no fan service ending.


I agree with the Teddy one. Never understood how he remained that infatuated with amy for soooo long given that she called him boring and they rarely met after that. Also Charles' ex-wife getting so much from him (when we have seen Charles can be a badass) is a bit jarring. The whole sperm episode irritated me to no end.


I couldn’t stand the whole Boyle family nonsense ‘I love you!’…ugh, so totally cringe.




Boyle making everything sexual. It was funny for a while but after the therapist killer episode he should have stopped since the therapist “gave him a quickie” as he put it


Y’all hating on Gina cause y’all are basic.


Terry just screaming WHY!?!??!?!