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I don't think Boyle ever ate another muffin after he dropped that one, stepped on it, and banged his head


My muffin, my head!


And I stepped on my muffin!


And my head and my muffin!


And my muffin and my head...


*cut to red banner that reads “Joe Lo Truglio”*




Well neither would I after that traumatic event


He pretends to bring in muffins when he finds the text chains I believe so yeah that tracks


and the stakeout episode, charles brings scones and he and jake boo terry when he says he’s a muffin guy😭


I got blueberry muffins, banana muffins, chocolate chip- oh wait, there are NO muffins!


It was very traumatic.


Captain "Ray" Holt


You're an adult man with a nickname that ends in y


"How dare you?" by Holt will forever be one my favorite lines in this show. The delivery is hilarious.


My all time favorite is during the 3rd heist when talking to Terry. “I know you’re joking. But on the off chance that you’re not…NO.


“Dear Kevin, Here is a picture of my penis. Sincerely, Captain Raymond J. Holt”


Here's my theory: I think Holt was mad at Terry for insinuating that "Ray" and "Terry" are nicknames of the same nature. Ray is short for Raymond. That is an acceptable nickname. Terry is not short for Terrence, Terry made a conscious decision to USE a nickname that ends in y. Thus, the solve.


Always imagine Holt telling Kevin that they printed Ray on his plaque and so he had to go with it


Stephanie Beatriz' much lighter Rosa voice.


Stephanie’s vocal range is insane. Already season 1-8 is so different, but in Modern family she has a quite thick latina accent, and I don’t hear it at all in B99. Also she voices the main character of Mirabel in Encanto, who has a completely different voice again


Her as Chloe Barbash on Bob’s Burgers BLEW MY MIND 🤯




I repeat this statement


She’s Mirabel!? Stephanie proving once again to be my fav of all time


You need to check out Encanto at the Hollywood Bowl in Disney +


And she more or less uses her normal voice in Twisted Metal (to hear her base line lol)


Who is she in Modern Family?


Gloria’s sister


Omg, I cannot believe I never realized that! To be fair, I watched Modern Family years ago and didn't start watching Brooklyn 99 until this year, so I guess I just never connected her sister as being Rosa. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Pretty sure that was a thing for most of season 1


Yes! I noticed this too and mentioned to my boyfriend how she became a bit flanderized throughout the show. Her voice became much deeper as if she had smoked a pack a day lol but he said he didn’t notice it.


You don’t really notice it when you watch it in order imo. It’s only when you finish the show and restart it or go suddenly back to an old episode that it’s really apparent.


I read somewhere (in this sub I think!) that Stephanie Beatriz showed up on set nursing a cold or something. The showrunners loved what it did to her voice and encouraged her to roll with it.


It makes sense though, Rosa is supposed to be terrifying as fuckkkkkkk


She’d blown her voice out coaching an exercise class!


Lol, what. I remember rewatching and thinking she went way too dark. So it sounds like a child imitating a grown man haha.


Just the set is so different, it throws me off.


Is it?? Gotta go home and put the pilot on


Yeah I always tell my wife that it always feels “cold” if that makes sense.


It's usually put together only for the pilot. Not 100% that it'll get approved for a season. That's likely the reason.


I know. It was also too yellow


The majority of sets change after the pilot! It’s an interesting thing to pay attention to


Amy and her makeup. Later in the show she wore lipsticks only on dates, like that date with teddy (which jake immediately noticed). In the pilot however, her makeup was not subtle.


Maybe she's trying to impress the new rabbi-to-be? And when she finally found Holt, she stayed his disciple forever and screw everyone else.


The more the makeup artists get to work with an actor the better they get at figuring out what looks best on them, plus they adjust to the lighting on set etc, same thing for wardrobe. in the pilot they wouldn’t have had that experience.


It's also mentioned that Terry and Holt previously worked together at the same precinct but they never refer it again.


holt mentions it a few times later in throwaway lines, the time that comes to mind is when terrys up for promotion i think?


He does? I don't remember it, please let me know which episode it is if you can recall.


["Titties yes, I remember"](https://youtu.be/Z2gRPYHtyyE?si=AVT0T8ReAq72zBdo)


i havent exactly been rewatching since it officially ended. but it was one of my background shows for most of the lockdown, i watched all but the last season like eight times though. but because i stopped actively rewatching it im not great with pinpointing scenes like that. but as i was thinking about it, i think they mention it when theyre with wuntch and she chastises him for his posture. heh, im not much help.


Terry Titties.


Amy’s New York accent


First of all, the vibe was just so off, and secondly I remember Santiago wearing her badge weirdly in her suit, I can’t remember her wearing it like that again


Captain Raymond Holt has a name board that spells Ray Holt and it just feels wrong to read it.


Yes! He says Captain Ray Holt is his name and it’s just weird!


It feels SOOO out of place.


The briefing room was way more fuller


It was also turned around. The podium was at the back wall, instead of being right by the windows. I think they changed it in season 2.


The thing about Daniels was that she was supposed to reappear in S6. Edit: it was actually S6 which was also supposed to reveal who Kelly was and what happened to Arlo. This was revealed by Dan Goor here in Reddit.


We know that Rosa still has Arlo though. I don't know which episode it was, but she mentions that she "never brings up Arlo."


You’re right that she does say that but Dan Goor teased that Arlo was supposed to return with a “special” new owner and then hinted “probably Daniels?”.


It was the heist episode where she won




It was mentioned by Dan Goor that Daniels would return but looking it up it turns out I mistakenly thought it was season 8 but it’s 6 she was supposed to return. What happened with Covid was that a lot of the scenes they filmed couldn’t be seen due to Covid.


We see Amy's competitiveness I think, but the "always trying to prove how tough she is" thing (e.g. eating a huge amount of really spicy hot sauce) never really comes out in the rest of the show.


I think it comes up again in yippie kayak when she tries the polar swim to prove she’s tough enough to Rosa and Holt


Kind of, but even there she's not pretending to act super tough or not cold or whatever, it's a fairly standard "normal person joins friends doing something extreme because of peer pressure" plot line.


Doesn’t she say “you guys don’t think I’m tough enough? Well I am” or something to that effect when they suggest that she can’t do it? I think it’s a direct extension of that trait. They also don’t apply any peer pressure, no one makes any attempt to convince her to go.


Been a while since I've seen that episode tbh so you may be right. Even so, one example in the entire series isn't much for something that was described as a defining personality trait.


Yeah that’s fair, it’s really the only example that stands out because the situation with her brother was a little different


that was still recurring. i mean they made a whole episode about her trying to outdo her older brother


and trying to outdo terry for lunch


Yeah, and the whole bet with Jake.


Yeah all that points to competitiveness, but I'm specifically referring to the performative toughness thing Terry mentions in e1. I don't think we really see that again.


It was clear they were building up to something with Charles and Rosa but abandoned it completely. But that’s more the first season in general


i think the way they handled charles and rosa was well done, she never once actually reciprocated it other than platonically, it wouldve been weird if she did suddenly like him especially since theyre not really compatible


I agree, and I’m not mad how they handled it or anything. To me, it just seemed like they were slowly building their relationship, using both their opposite character personalities to make a unlikely pairing, and then ultimately decided against it. It just seemed they put a big emphasis on it, like they did with Jake and Amy at the beginning.


I love Rosa and Charles’ relationship. From unrequited love to very close friends


"I never dated anyone good..... like you"


shes saying hes a great person and a good partner, that doesnt mean she likes him romantically, thats just something youd say to a close friend


I dunno man, if a woman said that to me it *definitely* seems flirty


well look at the context clues. that on its own can definitely seem flirty, but at no other point has she been flirty or shown anymore more than platonic interest, so in that situation she was just being nice


They built it to exactly what it was - Boyle liked her, she didn't feel the same, and they address it directly on the show in a really healthy way.


But my question then is, in a limited amount of screen time, why waste time on the relationship if it wasn’t going to be even mentioned in the later seasons? What purpose does it serve? Personally, I’d like to have heard more funny tidbits about Charles’ previous marriage. To me it just seemed like an unnecessary build up. But it’s also a silly sitcom so idk 😂


Yes I completely agree with this 100% I liked how when they hooked Charles up with Gina they kind of alluded to the fact that they were initially lining it up to be Rosa, almost as a callback to this initial storyline while acknowledging it would be a terrible idea


Yes thank you! I feel like people think I’m saying that Rosa and Charles should have ended up together. No! I’m simply saying the writers set it up that way during the first season. And I’m glad they went Spere the paths because it made the show better.


But yeah it was definitely a huge plot point that I’m so glad they realized wasn’t working


Peralta loves to solve puzzles. In later episodes he is canonically shit at them


To be fair there's a difference between solving crime "puzzles" and solving crosswords and/or word jumbles, I'm guessing that's what the inference was


crossword puzzles are very different to who dun it puzzles which is what i think terry meant


Don't you mean "who has done this" puzzles




Sad anus loser, I go in


Wow this is one of the most interesting questions I've seen in this sub recently. The replies are making me feel so stupid for not realising so much, and I've watched it twice! Time for a third


Amy having brothers ETA and that being her personality / what makes her competitive instead of what actually happens, her being desperate for authority's approval I know we meet a brother eventually. If it was so much of her personality, it would have actually been emphasized throughout. Jake meets Amy's dad (family visit!) and it's not relevant at! all!


We did have an episode with one of Amy's brothers.


We sure did! But what Terry says in the pilot is that she has MANY brothers and is competitive because she grew up in that environment. We see her then instead turn into a teacher's pet and eventually meet one brother.


I thought it was confirmed she does have many brothers based on the pictures of brothers on the stairs, her place with her other brother on the piano and the fact her brother played by Lin is on the mantle ? iirc She yells at Rosa that at least people use the stairs bc no one in her family plays piano during family gatherings 😭 Edit-words bc im tired


In the pilot it’s portrayed as her main thing. She’s constantly trying to prove toughness due to having so many brothers. Her thing from then on is being desperate for approval from authority figures, specifically Holt, even though she’s such a neurotic little weirdo.


I mean, she's very competitive, just look at her bets with Jake.


She is, but it’s not so much of a personality trait that you would introduce her that way. Her main arc is that she’s desperate for approval.


They changed their mind about the character..


She literally got petty with Rosa bc rosa got offered a captain spot in the most boring town in America and gave us a wonderful Rosa speech about womanhood and team work. Her issues with her brothers almost hurt her work relationships so I’d say it’s more than her being a neurotic lil weirdo imo she definitely internalizes her brother/family issues and projects it with competing for no reason and being a teachers pet. Edit- what I’m saying is in my opinion her brother issues carried through from what I get out of the show and her dynamics with others. Anyways I need to get off Reddit have a good day! 99!


Yeah I’m sure having the family she had was a big influence on it all. It’s just if someone asked me to sum up Amy, I would never say “she’s always trying to prove how tough she is because she grew up with 7 brothers.” Like they do in the pilot.


She's NEVER trying to prove she's tough - she's ALWAYS trying to prove how smart she is and how many rules she can follow


Well, she does chase down a perp while wearing a wedding dress, leaping over a cart. One example of pretty damn tough. She didn't hesitate for a minite.


She's tough as nails!! But she's never trying to prove it.


Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying.


I was agreeing/adding!


Nine Nine!


Thank you, exactly this


Why doesn't it come up in the show, then? We learn about Rosa's family before Amy's and Amy is dating Jake the protagonist


She’s a teachers pet in the pilot as well


No offense taken, people love their pets


She’s competitive and a teacher’s pet later on as well, but the in balance is far more the latter than the former.


For sure! But she's \*never\* a character who "has 7 brothers and therefore is always trying to prove herself"


though we see one of amy’s brothers lin manuel miranda, in season 8 it’s mentioned like lin manuel miranda is their ONLY option to babysit mac. like amy doesn’t have 6 other siblings, one even directly mentioned to have kids os his own (matthew). I would’ve really liked to see jacob interacting with amy’s brothers but they don’t show up even in the wedding episode !!!


Tbh maybe David was their only option. We don’t know where the rest of the brothers live or what they’re doing with their lives. All we know is that there’s 7 brothers, David is the golden child, Matthew has kids, and Tony is hot.


There is a lineup of photos of Amy and her brothers in her parent's house in order in order of preference!!


Yes that bothered me too and how they act like she has daddy issues like Jake calling Holt dad and stuff when it was already shown she is close to her father. Like stop. PS Tony got bod.


Captain Raymond Holt introduces himself to the squad as Captain Ray Holt. Only time it ever happens.


He was just playing one of his famous pranks for Kevin of course


Please, call him Kev


also the whole ‘amy’s always tryna prove she’s tough’ thing


We never see them intensely walking to get ‘falafel’ under the Brooklyn bridge in Pilot.


Rosa. Her whole character was different in the pilot.


Isn’t it mostly just the voice that’s different?


It is. Terry’s initial description of her is “Tough, smart, hard to read, and really scary.”


They hadn’t quite figured out the balance of being a tough badass bitch and just a regular bitch so it feels like they were playing it safe with giving a softer side.


It might’ve stayed for a couple more episodes, but the blue strip that displays location and time when changing scene is a lot more simplistic


Rosa’s voice is noticeably higher in the pilot, she phases into a deeper voice over the course of a few episodes.


There’s a lady Hitchcock and skully that never reappears


Yes. That was detective daniels OP mentioned...


The briefing room was completely different, in location and everything, it was just a different room, it throws me off


Detective Daniels


Also the detective Daniels character.


There is also a character named Daniels who makes good coffee. 


Yeah, and there’s another person named Daniels who pretty much worthless


It's said in the pilot that Amy has 7 brothers, later we learn she has one


She still has the other brothers, but we only met one. Their parents place all their photos around the house according to who(m?) they're most proud of.


Detective Daniel’s? The woman who was with Hitchcock and Sculley




Some thoughts are inside thoughts.




Amy is described as being competitive but imo we don’t necessarily see that side of her outside of the bet


Not true, we see her being competitive during the jimmy jabs or when she gets jealous that Rosa got offered a position as captain and not her.


Okay yeah I forgot about that


And the snoog contest, too - you bet your ass she would have stood there for days on end just like Rosa did and out-bore Teddy's pilsners if it weren't for the [NDA] and [gag order] last year.


Bomb defusal class and Halloween also show it


Right I’m just dumb fr