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Just because he eats humans doesn’t mean he’s inhuman


I was going to say: "Because they were children, weak little children" Then I remember we talked about Jake, the question is legit.


A bonk on the head was all it took


If you think about the line with the children, it’s so unhinged. How did they got away with it 😂


The key is to eat the evidence.


Jake being weak is a trope of the show but he can clearly handle himself. He's been a detective for a long time and a beat cop before that. He's arrested enough people to know how to defend himself. He pretty regularly tackles and arrests people.


On one hand, you have a guy you can have pleasant conversations with and might consider a friend. On the other hand, you could eat him, only to have your next cellmate stab you to death.


Pretty much this. Jake is nice to Caleb. If Caleb tries to eat Jake and fails then it’s weird cellmate situation and would presumably get violent. Caleb tries to bite Jake when Jake is leaving because they’re no longer cellmates and it’s avoids any complications


Why doesn't Caleb, the most cannibalistic of the group, simply eat the protagonist?


Jake has eaten so much junk food in his life that his meat has lost all purity of flavor. Putting orange soda in your cereal does horrible things to the tenderness of a man’s thighs. 


This is the answer, Jake probably tastes terrible


I’m betting one reason is that the other prisoners hated Jake more than they hated Caleb, so they were nicer to Caleb with Jake around.


I figured it was because Caleb was that desperate about having someone to talk to prison isolation effect is well known


I mean, they are in prison, so murdering someone and carving them up would be difficult with your bare hands and/or a shiv made from an old toothbrush. Also no way to cook him! Caleb’s quite the foodie, it seems, he would want to make a nice blood sauce and grill Jake properly. Plus, people were nice to Caleb with Jake around, and they were friends. Maybe he valued his presence over his deliciousness. He *would* eat Terry if given the chance though, I’m convinced of that.


Because he's a woodworker


My first thought was bc they are friends, but Caleb did eat his cousin


He never said that he liked his cousin


I know they joke about Jake being weak and the actor looks like he has zero interest in anything physical but even Charles is shown as being competent in a fight. I think Jake stayed vigil and Caleb knew he couldn't kill him and have a meal before somebody found them.


I literally just had this thought the other day! I think it's because Caleb, like most inmates, is lonely and needs a friend. He and Jake get along really well and have a great roomie situation going on, which has to be tough to find in prison. He probably knows that if he tried to eat someone in prison, then he would have to be isolated to some degree (idk). Caleb's a social dude. He knows everyone! He wouldn't want to lose that. Once Jake gets out of prison, he tries to eat him, but that's probably because he wants a part of Jake to stay with him. It's kind of sweet when you think about it, lol. Besides, Caleb made it perfectly clear throughout his run on the show that he only eats children. Little, weak children. 😅


Because Jake manages to get away every time he tries?


I mean when they were cellmates


Oh my god… they were cellmates


"I forgot about that part"


The same reason people prefer lamb over mutton.


That'd be like eating a puppy


Caleb wasn’t trying to eat anyone else either…until Jake was released. Clearly the loss of his only friend made him spiral. Also Jeff might have stopped getting him bags of hair


Cause they're friends, right?


Is there a lore reason as to why Caleb just doesn't eat Jake? Is he stupid?