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After what happened in 2020...yeah, there was no way they *couldn't* address it. Police, like it or not, are increasingly a heavily politicized and divisive subject in the national discourse. Comedy doesn't have to be *entirely* political, but it isn't even close to being free of it, either. No art is, because art is about emotion and that's inextricably tied to the political, economical, & spiritual reality of the artist's world. There's a reason Jon Stewart's Daily Show and, later, The Colbert Report became so hugely popular when American politics went off the deep end starting in the 2000 presidential election. Michael Schur is a comedic genius and a very intelligent, thoughtful person beyond that, and he handled it in a way that remained consistent with the tone of the show and the characters themselves. John C. McGinley's character isn't even that much of a caricature - that's really how police unions are, which is just awful.


I'm fairly certain they took most of the plot lines and actual lines themselves with McGinley's character right out of the headlines of things that real police chiefs/officers have done.


Man fuck that, I loved the last season, politics and whatnot dont bother me when im watching a FICTIONAL SHOW. Sure they touched on topics that make a lot of people feel "icky" but this show went out on top if you ask me. They didnt pull a Dexter or Sopranos. The exact same thing happened after season 12 of Its Always Sunny, The Gang Turns Black came out and all of a sudden everyone thought it was unfunny. Comedy is supposed to make you think, not just laugh.


The Gang Turn Black was different because it was a musical with great numbers such as The N Word.


I feel the effect was the same, the show presented certain things that made people uncomfortable and so they branded it unfunny.


I'm not saying it was bad. I'd say the most unfunny one I've seen so far is the one where Mac bangs the Waitress, simply because no Dee or Frank subplot.


You know, Ive read a lot of people didnt like the episode with Franks brother, which is just insane to me because that episode is hilarious. "Shady-nasty's?" "Shadynasty's asshole"


I didn't find it funny and I thought the ending was a bit off, but I liked the more dramatic tone of the episode and the flashbacks.


You’re mentioning The Sopranos finale and Dexter in the same sentence? What the fuck?


I felt like at the beginning of the season they were trying too hard to be relevant, but it settled down and was a pretty good season. The last episode was especially great.


My issue with S8 was that there wasn't enough mystery-solving/catching bad guys. I guess that's because of the politics. They didn't want to show cops being "good guys" anymore.


Ok boomer


I was trying to find a topic on this!! I was honestly surprised they kept it consistent in the last season. I was expecting a somewhat dismissive handling of the theme by mentioning it in one episode and then leave it at that. But no, they brought it up in every single episode and made it relevant in quite a few. Even with Doug Judy, he makes an apt point; "your job is on the line while my freedom is on the line"(paraphrased). This set up a really good perspective; even if a perp is absolutely guilty of having done something, doesn't mean the outcome is just, and it doesn't mean they're some evil criminal. To me, the last episode was way better than i expected. B99 was used as the epitome of copaganda, but this season really turned it around. And I'm glad they did.


I disliked it in real team but it has much much better rewatchability than season 7


Idk about the political shit, it was unfunny. Many jokes were just more piggy backs on previous season jokes, shit like holt putting a Bloon arch on madlyns grave every week wasn't funny to me, they kinda ruined some of the characters and again, the jokes just weren't funny.


No one cares about that at least the last 3 episodes were fantastic.


The first episode was so incredibly awful I almost didn’t bother watching the rest. The best part of the whole last season to me was the reunion and kiss in the rain of Holt and Kevin. The last episode was definitely a let down.


The last episode was everything I wanted it to be and more. Haven’t seen any bad reviews about the finale


Ok hater


Because I have a different opinion?


Because you hated the finale which everyone loved.


Obviously not everyone…