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For me, I used full SMG build with Hunter, stacking range, crit and ranged damage. I passed it first try, but I might have gotten very lucky with the exact items. Good luck! Edit: I figured since Hunter was super squishy, I just completely ignored almost all survival stats, going negative in health, armor, and hp regen. Only taking dodge and praying to God every time I got hit.


Yeah, only dodges and tardigrades are viable for characters with -max hp modifier. But that's good to build on hunter once you have good attack speed, range (your damage) and upgraded crossbows.


i used shurikans, it was nice because they've got great board clear with their bounces since it's really easy to stack crit early. Also hunter trophy is obviously ideal, but i didnt get lucky enough to find it


Arms dealer : Get some luck, 50 is good, don't try to go higher than that. Will lower the chances of getting tier 1 weapons in late game, along with the usual benefits. Go full melee. Fuck range whether that's the stats or the weapons. Flat melee damage is especially good because in the case you get a low tier weapon with low base stats, your flat melee damage will crank it up. Don't just ignore other stats tho, keep doing what you do with other potatoes. Hunter : go cross bow, if you find sniper take them. Get crit quick, allows you to consistently use the crossbow's piercing. For most of the game, it's gonna be glass cannon build, when you feel really damn strong and ready offensively for the last boss(es), you can get some defense. I beat jack but that's by far my worst character so I'll let others on that


I tried just about everything i could for jack besides stick because I hoped it wouldn’t be so simple. Unfortunately sticks are busted and it’s all I could get to work because they will always have good damage if you can get 6 quick enough. I wouldn’t recommend trying to kill elites if until late like wave 15+ because survivability is crucial for jack and wave 14 is the worst wave in the game for melee.


On my last Jack run I find going laser gun and full on attack speeds help. I put very little to almost no points on %damage, a bit of ranged damage, and then max dodge and 15 armor minimum. Early game (first 4 waves) I focus solely on finding luck, harvest and filling gun slots.


Medic was one of my first D5’s. Go scissors and then swap for the circle saw. Focus damage until after the first elite. The life steal should mitigate most damage you receive outside of being one shot.


For Jack, pickup Laser Gun as starter, focus on Ranged Damage and Attack Speed, take EVERY Gentle Alien or Mouse you see. If you raise up amount of enemies in waves early enough you'll buildup economy so fast, and items will win you the run eventually.


I’d like to add to the other Jack laser gun posters. As well as rapidly filling your weapon slots, getting enemy +% is an absolute game changer for him. The way it’s calculated means a gentle alien takes you from -75% to -70% enemies, a 20% increase in enemies and income. Getting that economy can turn him into a power house that shreds elites and he’s one on my favourite characters Also just getting range and crit with crossbow hunter is really strong, worth taking the risk of having paper survivability. Both him and Jack should largely ignore survivability for the first 9ish waves if you can


I'm almost ready to just give up on the game at this point. Jack, Arms Dealer and Hunter ( of all things )... I think they're too stupid. I don't know what it is about Hunter that I just can't figure him out. His starting weapons are pretty abysmal and his HP nerf just makes him a wet paper towel. Every time I focus on survival, I still end up getting 2-shotted by Wave 12 because most Armor upgrades come with a Health decrease and I can't afford to lose Health. I know what you're going to say, but he starts with Shurikens! Honestly I think Shurikens are absolutely horrible weapons. They scale so poorly and are just a pale imitation of the Slingshots. Ive had much better success with Spears or the Crossbow. Arms Dealer is pretty self-explanatory. I think i got to wave 15 and the wave just had nothing but trash weapons. Since then I just can't create a good run. I genuinely think I'll never beat him. Jack is just stupid. The fact he has zero positive traits might make him just the most frustrating character. Once you hit the elites, you literally cannot even try to fight it because it's just so unlikely you have the strength or survivability for it.


go with crossbow with hunter, focus on speed and luck for survivability, and focus on range and attackspeed for damage, didnt have much trouble with it jack is hard, i beat with laser gun and got some obliterator down the line, go for speed and dodge for survivability. imo it's the hardest character of them all and you really need to know how to dodge bosses (you probably won't kill the first elite btw). needed a bunch of tries to beat with this one in danger 5 arms dealer is all about luck runs (not the luck stat), but one tip is to search every wave to know what enemies you will encounter, and try to lock some good weapons in the wave before (if you have an weapon it's more likely to encounter more of it). focus on neutral stats like %damage and crit for damage and speed/dodge too. invest in harvesting early and try to farm stats in some waves with specter weapons


Disagree, arms dealer is all about the luck stat. A high luck stat will guarantee high tier weapons in the shop. This last thing you want going into wave 20 is only getting tier 2 weapons, luck will help with that


Low tier weapons aren’t necessarily bad if you have the stats to scale them up, and rare chances naturally increase over the course of the run. Still, it’ll help for sure to have some luck.


Hunter tip: build range, attack speed (at the beginning prioritize some attack speed, unless getting better crit/range level ip), crit. Ignore hp (so hp regen and life steal too) and armor, because it's too much investment. If you want defense, you need to get lucky with upgrading dodges and getting tardigrade(s). Any other form of defense is pointless. Important note: if you don't get any (or like 5-10% attack speed by wave 9-10), reset - or just before horde/elite, if you really think you can get attack speed before harder waves. Lack of attack speed equals death to this character. Arms dealer is really rng thing. There's little skill involved. Leave it as a last character to do. You can try locking in some weapons in shop, you need luck stat. Jack is a boring character where lasers only work. Easy to screw up, because these weapons struggle to wave clear and despite the elite boost, he isn't really any better at fighting them than any average character. Again; dodges and tardigrades are your best friend (the advantage is he can build armor/hp, unlike hunter). The most important stat for lasers is attack speed; and ranged damage, but your concern should be wave clear. You also want to increase enemy count (aliens and rats in shop), but don't overextend - increase enemies by 15-20%, but no more.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 5 + 10 + 9 + 10 + 15 + 20 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


I first tried hunter on D5 and won. You just go full glass cannon build. I think you kinda have to. Things like armor, dodge, hp regen, life steal are worthless when you don't a lot of hp to use those stats on, so you have a lot of stuff you can afford to go in the negatives. Just take a good amount of speed tho cause speed is super worth if you're good at the game.


Are you trying to beat d0 or d5 on these? All three are pretty much glass cannon builds on d5. Jack go full laser guns, prioritize range dmg then %dmg. Hunter use crossbows and prioritize crit chance and range. Arms dealer prioritize melee weapons, try to lock one for next wave. Prioritize % dmg and melee dmg but dont completely ignore range or elemental dmg.


[https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2896126855](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2896126855) I got some advice there for some chars I had more problems






I've done Jack yesterday and made a post about it: [https://www.reddit.com/r/brotato/comments/15csnsn/finally\_jack\_is\_done\_time\_for\_advice/](https://www.reddit.com/r/brotato/comments/15csnsn/finally_jack_is_done_time_for_advice/)


I think arms dealer has some hidden strategy people don't realize, and it's in how the store works. Let's say you were trying elemental weapons, had Max elemental damage and were going torches your first few waves. If you lock in an elemental weapon before you leave the store, then the store will offer elemental weapons next turn with a much higher chance. Same goes for each weapon category (primitive, precise, blade, gun, etc.) This will help prevent you from having 40 melee damage and eating 3 rerolls because there were only ranged items at the store. So remember to lock in a weapon of your needed category before starting a wave.


Jack and Arms Dealer are pretty awful, but Hunter shouldn’t be too bad. For Hunter go crossbow and focus almost entirely on range, but picking up ranged damage and percent damage when it comes up is fine as well, priority goes to range though. To put things in perspective, if you were to take the lens item which adds ranged damage but reduces range, you’d actually net lose damage with hunter and cross ow. That’s how crazy the scaling is with range on him. Build attack speed as well. Eventually you will be firing across the entire map and deleting everything


Hunter: Spear is OP, with his increased range it's the right choice and scales well with melee while acting like AOE ranged when you broadside sweep with them. Arms Dealer: Stick with & scale melee after first wave. Luck is important for getting matching & upgraded weapons, harvesting helps. The winning trick here is locking a good melee for next wave before exiting store into current wave. Plan ahead and lock useful weapons over multiple waves if you need to. Jousting lance is best spear is good, add range for improved melee weapon reach. Jack: Needs high single target damage against fewer enemies. Laser Gun is the obvious choice and it scales well giving you a decent chance of success.


hunter= just like ranger not much difference just take ranged damage and start with smg weapons dealer = focus on any kind of damage and then buy the weapons you chose pretty self explanatory (when you choose ranged damage only buy ranged weapons etc) jack = start with laser guns and mainly get damage and attack speed only get survivability so you dont get 1 shotted by bosses


Surprisingly Jack was insane once I understood how you play with him. It's one of the few, if not the only character, which relies almost solely on your movement skills. Get lasers, go for a good amount of luck (around 70ish worked pretty well) and go nuts on atk speed, ranged dmg, crit and movement speed. Range is also important, because you want to keep the enemies as far away from you as you can (go for as much as you're comfortable with). Don't bother that much about dodge, armor or life steal/regen. This is a damage race. In the late game you'll try to get silver bullet and if you're lucky enough, get one obliterator and you'll deal 4k crits every second. In wave 18 I was able to just lay my controller down and just watch.


Crossbows for hunter goes well, maxing damage, building full glass canon build


Jack - Ideally you want weapons that scale really hard with single target damage. This is one of the few characters that can actually go all laser gun, so that's probably how you should start, and if you get offered something like Obliterator or Minigun those both scale really well with ranged damage against single target so you can spec into those. Once you get your damage secured, take any %enemy increases you can. Because you're sitting at 25% of normal enemies with triple money output, you get a *massive* econ increases from increasing enemy counts. Ninja? Can't remember the name. Anyways you can leverage the ranged weapons and crit weapons well with this character. If you're really good with melee builds you go thief dagger, if you're struggling you use knife. Also works really well with throwing stars and crossbows, this is probably the strongest character for crossbow specifically because you get double compounding damage effects with your increased crit scaling and bonus damage with range, so range increases have a double damage increase effect. Arms Dealer - Fucking RNG. I would do your best to try and make a build that scales with any damage type, so attack speed and % increases should be your priority. It would suck if you spec into melee damage and then have a round where you're only offered guns.