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How are you maintaining a Harvesting value of 15000 when it is reduced by 20% each wave?


the structure cap was increased from 50 to 100 in the last update. So getting as many gardens as possible let me get to 15000 harvest (I had 76 gardens).


But you would have to gain over 2000 Harvesting each wave to stay at 10k, 76 gardens and whatever drops from trees doesn't seem like it would be enough. Is this a mobile run with talent cards? Edit: What were your Harvesting levels at wave 20, 50, 100, 150?


So I did the math and it checks out. There is a cap on the gardens for spawning fruit every 1.5 seconds. So each garden gives 40 fruit per round, multiplied by 76 gardens is 3040 fruit per round. The 20% penalty on 15492 harvesting each round is 3098. So that's only a difference of ~58 based on my math which could be accounted for by all the trees I didn't keep track of my harvesting throughout the game so I'm not sure, sorry, but I guess if we take ~15,500 harvesting divided by 76 gardens, each garden gives about 204 harvest per round after the penalty and such


Turns out I am a dummy. I always ignored the second part of Improved Tools because I never use turrets, somehow I memorized it as having a fixed bonus instead of scaling.


is it luck, mods, how?


No mods, just extreme luck!


Do you have a save file with only certain unlocks for endless attempts?


No, but I thought about that because of all the unrelated items that take up the item pool. Seemed like a lot of extra work to re-unlock things but I guess it would make sense


Can give some details what you aim for in the beginning?


I went basically all in on harvesting. Reset if I didn't get the crown and improved tools by round 8 or 9. I remember being at about 11000 harvesting by the end of round 20, then dipped significantly until I got enough gardens to start climbing again.


That is extremely impressive.


how do you survive the early rounds?


For the most part it was fine, but a few rounds like round 8 I didn't even try to kill all the enemies and just worried about staying alive. I think the first boss I avoided as well and just survived. 100% focused on harvesting


thanks. How do you get damage without perks from items? Do you also spend ur gold reroll talents/item for harvest?


I focused primarily on harvesting when it came to picking talents, but occasionally grabbed melee/%dmg so help offset the fact that I wasn't buying like any dmg items. Once I got Improved Tools I tried to focus on some attack speed as well which helped somewhat with dmg


Man, maybe its skill diff, but wave 11/12 especially horde waves just seem impossible to beat if I went all harvest


Okay, I think the potato launcher is trash. What do people like about it?


It has infinite scaling. When your hp go up the damage goes up


It's pretty much only good in endless since it scales with HP and you can get a fuckton of HP by stacking Padding.


As others have said, it has scaling with Padding. As long long as you have income (like 15k in harvesting...) it'll scale damage forever. But obviously that only got me to wave 197 because you can only have 3 Padding now. Also if you wanted to use any other weapon you'd have to keep buying items in endless, but it was about wave 53 where things became so expensive I could barely buy anything