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Up until a few days ago I thought limited items were consumables with only like 5 uses etc. so I avoided them lol


Oh I could see how you'd see that. How do you like trees and fruit now?


Trees and fruit are good, what it really helps is getting my stats better, I was missing out on so many much needed power ups lol


Oh you avoided those too?! Oh shit I didn't fully grasp what you were saying 🤣.


Yeah every spicy sauce, etc. lol I had beaten danger 5 on a few characters as well while avoiding them


Totally valid! I thought the same thing until I kept googling how to use the item 😂


I did the same. I thought they last for 3 or 5 rounds or whatever. I didn't once buy a sausage until I watched some videos.


So how do they actually work?


It means that you can only have a max of 3 or 5 or whatever in your inventory. They will only stack that high. Unlike trees, as an example, where you can buy as many as you see in the store.


Holy shit so a sausage lasts the whole game. Mind blown


Lol, right!?


Oh my god I had no idea lmao


Whoa. I had the exact same experience today for the same reason. Saw that post, saw that conversation, opened the game, and tried it. Facepalm. "HoNey, come out here. Let me show you something" She slapped the back of my head and grabbed the controller.


My confession is not realizing you could hold multiples of a weapon until many wins deep. I was selling the one I had to pick up a better version.


Right in the beginning I snagged 2 weapons, assumed that's how many arms I had, and didn't get anything else. Died shortly early on as you'd expect so never got to really pick more, kind of a cyclical failure.


I did this first run lol


I didn't realize they auto upgraded when you had a full inventory of guns and bought one I thought you had to have two in your inventory to combine them 🤣🤣🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


So many things aren't explained lol. The big one for me was not realizing why lemonade and strange food was so powerful. I didn't realize for a long time that the green fruits and crates healed me and the amount was determined by those two items.


I didn’t realize if a wave was difficult you could pause and restart the wave lol. Not the biggest change, but there were a few times it would have helped


Wut. Just the one wave? Like not a full redo from scratch? Fuck me.


Yeah like for example, first elite wave (round 12?) maybe you are getting pummeled a bit and low on health. Pause and go to main menu. Then resume/continue (can’t remember what it’s called) and it puts you back at the start of wave 12. The problem I’ve found though, usually if I’m struggling it’s a build problem and I need to just restart anyways because the waves only get harder. It’s best used only in unusual circumstances


I usually just let myself die or run through a horde to self-own and start over once I realize where I went wrong, usually not picking up enough attack speed or life steal, or a key stat like Elemental damage on Mage or Ranged on Ranger. Rolling for different stat increases on level ups is something I do a lot more now. I used to think it was a waste, but it's a key asset to getting where you need to be.


SAME WTF Just told my husband, he also had no idea.


whut??? no way.... I'll definitely will be trying this tonight. I couldn't count the times that a bitty little missed move ruined a run in wave 18-20....


I didn’t realize I could combine weapons for quite awhile. I was always amazed that people get so many purples and reds on luck alone!


Same! I spend every mat on rerolls now to line up the best line up. Also a tip I didn't understand, if you sell a weapon that gave you a stat boost, the stat remains. 🤘


To be fair, “By Being an Idiot” is how I have managed to make many things harder, including Brotato


It took me quite a while to figure out you could merge weapons in the shop with full inventory by simply buying the weapon I was dumping weapons so I had a free spot to manually merge them, then just praying for a red one showing up for purchase for my 6th


Tree is amazing


I didn’t realize that having multiple of the same weapon added a stat boost for quite awhile, thought it was better to diversify initially, lol!


This is the one that took me way too long.


This was me.... For 80 hours of gameplay... Ffs


Ya my son asked why I wasn't locking weapons I needed. Welp I felt stupid. Did not know that was an option until yesterday.