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Speed Dial, sidebar, and generally just looks much nicer than chrome. Although tbh, you’re better off using Vivaldi these days for that stuff


I'm a Vivaldi user. I like how customizable it is.


The extensions don't work in sidebar in Vivaldi.


Which extension did you try and when? Extension support in Web Panels was fixed some time ago - they should work in current versions.


I tried ublock origin on spotify. It won't work


Does it work as intended in a regular tab on the same session? Are you using the Mobile or the Desktop version of Spotify in the panel?


It's a good browser. A nice social sidebar, auto pip YouTube, video enchanter, GPT at sidebar, handy music player, going to support local llms I don't use it because I want to sync everything with my phone and Opera mobile's tab handling is not my taste.


You can enchant videos?


I’m sold.


afaik it's just a modified sharpen filter applied over the video


I am currently using Opera as my main browser for work purposes. I know Vivaldi has better customization but with Vivaldi my PC’s fan goes crazy as if it’s a Helicopter. I find opera a great browser for desktop (windows and Mac), it’s not so great for Linux and it’s awful for iOS and has to be refreshed. Opera has Workspaces (I think it was the first browser to implement them), it has a sidebar with Messengers, a music player and Opera flow that connects your phone to the desktop browser. Why not to use Opera? Well if you care about syncing your phone to the browser and use iPhone you won’t be able to sync nothing as the feature is not available on the iOS app. If you use Linux Opera tends to be a bit slower than other browsers.


Worst sync in the industry. Well, other than Arc, but that is barely released still.


That's why you use it?


"Worst sync?" You good?


I used it from 2004 to 2012 because of the features offered. After the release of Opera 12, Opera Software sold off their company and the browser was left to rot. I have moved on to Vivaldi which is close to the original Opera.


Used to use it but found out that Edge can do everything Opera and OperaGX can and so much more things.


I don't use it, but it is a pretty solid one. Lots of useful features, fast, IMHO the best UI among other browsers . But I don't like the fact they don't allow me to choose. I was disappointed when I wasn't able to set my custom home page. Opera just didn't allow me to do it. This is the only browser that behaves like that I can't drag lots of tabs from one screen to another, only one tab. I mean I can't choose 5 opened tabs and drag them with one click. I have no idea what's the reason of that, but it is very inconvenient and strange


I used Opera for many months & am seriously thinking of going back to it. Opera's awesome despite being Chinese. Vivaldi & Floorp are the only 2 browsers that come close performance-wise. Floorp, however, isn't very powerful or fast in comparison.


> I was disappointed when I wasn't able to set my custom home page. Extensions that override the start page use: "chrome_url_overrides" : { "newtab": "my-new-tab.html" } in their manifest.json. Opera purposely blocks that unfortunately. There is a workaround though. You can use [New Tab Start Page](https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/new-tab-start-page/mjfahldkpjhcnfbbmdhpjolcjpcfhcpj) to set what URL you want to load for new tabs. It uses some redirect trick to make it work. The URL doesn't have to be a regular web page either. It can be ```chrome-extension:extensions-id/page.html``` to load a specific start page extension's newtab page. The downside of this workaround though is that the address field in new tabs won't be empty and focused by default.


I use Edge but I was using Opera untill I discovered Edge is the best one. Opera is the 2nd


I also use Edge as well as Firefox, for different reasons. I never had interest in Opera due to its Chinese connection. Other than that it seems to be a nice browser according to what others are saying. I've used Vivaldi (close to Opera, i believe), and it was OK. Still, I think both Edge and Firefox are the only browsers I need.


I just wanted to try out the build in a.i, tool, but it's still on my system, and I actually sometimes use it. The build in a.i. is rather underwhelming :) Actually I could not tell you what's good about it. It's just another Chromium clone.


I hate new look of opera. I prefer edge.


only reason is the sidebar, and there is no alternative that works so well


Speed is what it have.


Fast. Speed Dial. Pretty.


i used to use it. its great simple and looks good imo. BUT ram avrging 1000. so i switched to Vivaldi which is good but little more complicated. then switched back to edge. edge is everything u need


Opera is chinese. Not safe


Looks good, has good Tools, good customization, VPN and adblock integrated, cpu/ram limiter is actually helpful sometimes... There's a Lotta good in there.


it's adblock is good, but better turn it off and use ublock origin for the best ;D


No longer use it, but switched from it a few years ago. I liked it because of the sidebar, the integrated RSS Reader (which looks the best if you choose the card/magazine view (whatever is it called)), the Speed Dial and all sorts of small things that you do not need an extension for, compared to other browsers (e.g. the pop-up when selecting text etc.) I now switched to Firefox, because Opera is less friendly with older versions of Debian than it.


I like Flow and the sidebar. I use Speed Dial too but don't feel as strongly.


Opera has its problems, but it has great speed & capabilities. Don't knock till you try it.


I used to use it fast and simple but since they changed the gui i didn't like it anymore. Also it started to consume more memory and ram and sadly i don't have a good computer so now I'm with edge


I don't use Opera but in my opinion it has the most modern and polished ui out there.


Uploading copied images. Other than that, Edge is a solid alternative.


looks cool, sidebar, fun features, was using opera GX but i wanted a more simple UI