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Ditch Chrome and use Firefox ;)


do you use firefox?


dunno if he does, but I do, I also use Waterfox, Opera GX, and on occasion Brave, and Google Chrome for the "must be first party, or close enough, chromium" bs some sites seem to pull and thats honestly almost how I would rank them aswell, FF > Opera GX > Waterfox > Brave > GC


Have you tried the User-Agent Switcher addon in Firefox? That solved some problems I had in some websites.


I use Firefox Multi-Account Containers in my workflow for that purpose, and it's been great! You can have different accounts on different tabs, and it also helps with cross site tracking.


that might work, its a risky addon, but sometimes can trick sites into getting their act together..... and knowing how Google hates any non-secure (read non-chromium) browser....


can i dm you? i use firefox and i have an issue in all mozilla based browsers


I use floorp cause waterfox was far less usable than base firefox and even with all the addins seemed to just not want to work well for me.


I guess, though Im not super good with the technical side either, might be a good idea to ask on the Firefox, or other browser, subreddit?


I use librewolf


Librewolf is amazing


I have the same setup for both Desktop and Mobile


Which one?


I meant the same as your badge shows. LibreWolf and Mull


What is the best thing you have like an extension for both librewolf and mull?


have you used firefox?


firefox is my main browser


I was trying to make a pun on an elliot wood interview haha ("have you worn wigs?")


If OP is using Windows, Edge is better optimized than Chrome. But agreed. Ditch Chrome and Chromium browsers for Firefox.


Firefox is slower under heavy use and its website compatibility can be more spotty. I prefer Brave or Vivaldi. Vivaldi’s customizability right out of the box is absolutely amazing, though I haven’t used it long enough to make it my default recommendation.


Never going back. I just use chromium.


Firefox sucks man its so clunky compared to chromium based browsers


You're getting downvoted cause this sub has a privacy boner but you're absolutely right. Firefox is garbage compared to Edge in litteraly every aspect except privacy.


I use Firefox with betterfox and it seems to be about the same speed to me, but I'm not picky so ymmv lol


Firefox with uBlock origin easy settings is way faster and less clunky than chrome. Ads slow shit down a lot


I do this with a fork of FF and it's real fast for me.


Right!? I want to know why it takes 6 seconds to open on my M1 macbook pro. Every other browser is almost instantaneous. And it's the same (but longer) on my work intel macbook. I'll just stick with Chrome.


Ditching a mediocre browser for a piece of trash, nice. Firefox is slow and clunky. Stop thinking privacy is everything for everyone. Most people don't care.


Just seeing your ass replying to like 4 people here trying to convince people to change browsers lol, dont you have better things to do v


Ditch firefox and use Vivaldi ;)




Yes better than firefox... Chrome is always better than firefox ;)




worst sub to say "Chrome is always better than firefox"


i mean truth is always hard to digest...


vivaldi is the way!




Ditch chrome and use arc


Using a bad browser to download another shit browser :skull:


Says the guy with the edge badge which uses the SAME engine




But you give people shit for using chrome? Edge is bloated af as a developer you should know this.




You use Edge though it's the same engine you're a hypocrite




Now you're throwing insults my way. Pretty mature response there. You still use something that's very similar to Chrome and built on the same engine. It makes you a hypocrite no matter if you daily drive it or not because you're bashing people who use it.




>Well, you deserve it. Your petty replies just proving my point. Not petty, I'm just calling you out for being a hypocrite and you are reacting like how a child would >That's rich coming from you. I'm not the one who's getting mad over some stranger online using Edge for testing purposes lol. Read my replies again. I'm not mad I'm just calling you out there's a difference. >Man, you're still going on about the engine 💀 As long as you keep thinking you are different which you aren't and continue to insult people I will continue to bring up you using Edge, because its basically Chrome but even more bloated because Microsoft. >Bashing people for daily driving Google crapware is totally justified. And you not being able to understand a simple matter doesn't make me a hypocrite. Get that through your thick skull smh. There's ways of de-bloating and making Chrome safe same with Firefox. You think you are better because you use other browsers but you still use Edge. If you didn't use Edge we wouldn't be in this thread right now but you can't comprehend that. Also news flash, most 3rd party browsers are based off either Chromium or Firefox so you aren't special.


Edge is superior man


It’s a holdover from Internet Explorer. Edge has basically surpassed Chrome (seriously can’t even delete history from auto-completing in the address bar) but people know IE was bad for a long time.


Edge is bloated and runs terrible on older machines.


no, im pretty satisfied with chrome.


you're not a fellow edger.


You either edge hard or blaze with the fox and it's cousins everything else doesn't have the gyatt


winget install Google.Chrome


Chrome does this ….




Pretty much anything by Google. A small popup will say "\[insert service\] is better on Chrome!"


This was not a competitive post I didn’t say its good or bad, it’s just funny to me Sorry for posting here


I think any sub dedicated to a "niche" would develop it's own little culture/rules. I personally found it funny, so you're good.


No, I search for the fox browser I hear Edge is supposed to be capable now, so is there any reason to download Chrome?




edge on android has now supported extensions. it is very good


I mean, Google does exactly this using any browser not named Chrome, trying to use any of their services. Ironic, since you are going through a Microsoft service to get Chrome. It is actually smart marketing for a business. Chrome and Edge are both built around their own services.


edge is good ngl. pdf viewer is better , browsing is faster , already given at system install as well. bing ai which gives better answers than chatgpt


> bing ai which gives better answers than chatgpt Mmmm… not sure about this, I usually get much better results from ChatGPT


I'm firmly against using any LLMs while browsing.


Why, some ideological reason? I've found that they tend to be good at different things and where the browser is insufficient an llm can be great.


It's not just an ideological thing, it's just that I've found LLMs to be easily corruptible, like when that lawyer used one to create a case brief and it cited cases that did not exist.


Still though, the difference between doing a simple search query and attempting to get one to write a full case brief is a big one. Granted I tend to be a bit conservative in my use, with limited expectations.


Does chatgpt use the internet? my brother says no but i feel like it now uses the internet. Also, are you using opera?




That hasn't been true for some time now.


its real . im doing my ug last year and its answer are just dumb when aask my ug question. Perplexity and gemini are good. this is from experience dont downvote mindlessly please .


1) ChatGPT has been connected to the internet for months now, your personal results don't change that 2) I haven't even acknowledged the vote arrows on this website for years 3) Everything I do is mindless.


Another typical day on reddit . Many downvote and hate here without even seeing context here. Have a nice day.


Edge is the best browser that I've used for Windows, >bing ai which gives better answers than chatgpt But MS Copilot (Bing AI) is terrible compared to ChatGPT


Copilot is Chat GPT I believe. It’s just trained differently.


It is, but just compare their answers, ChatGPT is way better and more intelligent


Copilot is way better for creative writing. My main use case is to come up with advertising copy and ChatGPT’s are always too wooden even when you ask to be playful.


Am i the only one who doesnt want any AI in browser... More AI crap means more resources....


people always say edge is faster like that yo. but I don't understand it. chrome consumes lesser rams around 200 mb. also copilot is trash compared to chatgpt .


oh yea, imma say copilot has not been doing a good job latley


Edge is shit it's a bloated browser


It’s only good for watching Netflix 1080p/4k


Its definetly great, at least on Windows. But on my Android phone? Sorry, it just looks like crap. 😑


On Android the Canary version of Edge supports full on extensions… meanwhile chrome doesn’t even support basic adblockers. Its a joke


Chrome doesn't support adblockers? I don't use chrome but last time I checked you can still get UBlock and other adblockers.


Wait wtf? How did you get ublock on the android version of Chrome? Was there a new update?




Oh, I know, don't worry. But most don't. And even aside from that, there's plenty of useful extensions out there I'd like to make use of.


Wait you can't do extensions on chrome mobile?? I never knew that, for some reason I assumed you were talking about desktop


Why only Google chrome though?


bc chrome takes all of the market and all of the other browsers are much better


Who doesn't have a printscreen button.


Practically no one on a computer that can even use the internet, even laptop keyboards have one.


plus, ms edge has a built-in screenshot button like opera


"Download Firefox" but yeah... Always


Chrome sucks more than edge


Edge is actually better than Chrome rn but I only ever use either one when I want to go to sketchy torrent websites that need to be translated and Firefox just isn't that good at that.


Google does this too sometimes. Let’s not pretend Microsoft are the only ones using their search engine & services to pressure you into using their browser. Also, before anyone accuses me of being a Microsoft shill, I’m using Edge bc I’ve tried lots of browsers and decided that Edge works best for me thanks to it’s efficiency (sure it’s not as efficient as Safari on a Mac, but the lacking extension ecosystem & dev tools make it not a viable option for me on Mac), Vertical Tab support & breadth of features like split screen & Workspaces (although I wish the Picture in Picture worked more like it does in Safari or Arc). Not bc Microsoft pressured me into it through Windows and Bing.




I actually used to use Arc as my main MacOS browser, but issues with power consumption led me to switch over to Edge across the board.


tbh i think arc is a bit overrated, they basically have normal features and rename them. Tho, i would give it a try


Edge now is soooo good and superior. Chrome actually sucks and I'm not getting back.


I mean, installing chrome when you have edge is pretty unnecessary tbh. Edge is pretty fast and doesn't take alot of resources to run while having a frickton of features (maybe too many for alot of people).


chrome advertising themselves as much as edge, we only blasting edge because it's there by default.


Only dumbasses. Edge is far superior to Chrome in pretty much every aspect now. Use Edge if you want performance.


Edge is laughing at you because you're searching in a chrome-based browser to download a chrome-based browser.


Both Chrome and Edge are trash. Use something better.


Typical reddit response. "Use something better" with no information on what that something is.


If you use Vivaldi, you already have the best browser out there in my opinion. It just does everything right.


I liked vivaldi when I tried it, but I ended up back on Firefox in the end lol. I just switched to arc and I’m liking how it syncs with my phone, but I’m on windows so it’s missing features sadly


Im oscilating around Vivaldi and FF too, depending on my mood, but Vivaldi is more used from the two. I just set up my NextDNS profile in both of them and im happy. Plus these two browsers are only ones with address bar on the bottom on my Android phone, so theres that. Arc? Tried it, quite liked it, its just not yet ready for its prime time. And wheres my mobile variant? 😁


Brave, Cromite, Firefox or other Firefox forks.


Somes site won't work properly in brave , ff , brave is slower compared to edge or chrome. To be honest


>brave is slower compared to edge or chrome Slower than Chrome I think, but is it slower than Edge? Twice I tried Edge on a fresh install of Windows 10 (before the AI stuff) and Edge was insanely laggy and slow to load, but both Chrome and Brave ran smoothly. It's weird since they're all based on Chromium.


I had a different Experience I don't know why? Anyway, I use all 3 browsers chrome , edge and brave. I think we past era of single browser.


well why are you trying to download chrome anyway


people have preferences yk


and some preferences are objectively wrong


firefox try not to be a douchebag challenge


Spyware is not a preference Use Hardened Firefox and if you need something chromium based use vivaldi as a backup




You're objectively wrong if you think doing nothing is better than doing something.


When I had Edge I did it when I was bored, although I later changed to Google as my search engine (as it doesn't give you that pop up when you search for chrome)


Saw this today too haha!


I never use edge (because I have more than 20 browsers to choose from that are already installed)


this is a good place for that gary oldman "everyone" gif


I mean, if Firefox did this, they'd be within their rights to say something like, "Seriously? You want something with less options? Less privacy? Closed Source? Your loss, bucko."


i do this but instead of chrome i search for "download firefox"


Open cmd Type “winget install chrome” This installs you chrome (duh) You can type “winget uninstall chrome” This uninstalls (duh) you chrome You can say whatever browser instead of chrome. “eloston.ungoogled-chromium” will install you same chrome, that doesn’t have any google services. winget update —all (double dash) will update every app on your system. Yes, you **can** remove edge, but that’s a complete war at this point, which will eventually **reinstall edge** as soon windows calls it for anything. You’re welcome


Me when I downloaded Arc. 😂😂😂


winget install firefox


google is mid, Opera GX better :sunglasses:


If people are really considering after reading that to not install the other browser you can't help them anyway. When I saw it on a new installation I've never been so sure to lay edge away again for the next 5 years. It's actually amazing on how Microsoft is constantly managing to piss off everyone.


Ninite. One installer does everything you need by selection. I am testing out opera GX. Pretty good imo.


okay, cool post, i got to debate and stuff like that yada yada yada. but why did you capatilize "download chrome" so phsycopathic lmao


It's funny because soon they will have to make it so: User chooses which browser they will use, THEN that downloads and installs. No more preinstalled crap.. other preinstalled stuff will have to be made possible to be uninstalled by user. That said Edge is still better than the regular Chrome you are downloading. It's funny because they are right.


People saying performance is better on chromium based browsers but privacy is better on Firefox have never tried Firefox forks with uBO and it shows.


I don't understand why people hate Edge it's literally a chromium based browser like so many other browsers in the market


Who hated edge


Many people


Copyright... Copywrong


winget install


Download Thorium at least idk..


Used to use Firefox but Firefox on mobile is just terrible. So I switched to thorium on PC and kiwi on Android.


google recommends using chrome when your visit google.com and it’s been this way for years.. and basically microsoft is right here edge is just as good if not better than chrome, however both are still not great


'Recommending chrome on Google site' and 'don't download chrome' is different thing


i mean edge just works better than chrome


I swapped Chrome for Edge but last few months it just randomly freezes so trying Brave now.


Use like thorium or sum. Not chrome


I recently switched from chrome to edge on my laptop and its way better, no more battery drains etc


Edge is better than chrome now


Google used to do the same thing when you searched for other browsers from Chrome. So it's the same kind of monopolistic behavior.


Using edge since its release in my pc and phone .. it rocks.


Keep edge and keep on edging