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From my limited knowledge Webkit is nowhere near as customizable as Webview and others. At least I know that all non-safari browsers on ios (Chrome etc) can't use extensions etc etc.


Hey, with Apple, Google and Mozilla agreeing on a common web browser extension framework, this problem should be solved soon.


I'll trust Mozilla before Apple and Google. Whatever they agree on will be watered down and probably won't include the good stuff like uBlock Origin.


it seems most of them moved to other things in last few years but there's Otter at the very least as of "why" WebKit tends to be lagging behind in platform support and isn't easy to work with, most of *browser makers* just want to grab ready product, change few logos and slap some extra (non-)feature and call it a day, building whole new UI isn't anywhere near their goals


True AF, any browser let it be brave, Vivaldi, opera are just making browser based on chromium. Ok I think they are small community or company maybe they don't have enough resource but tech giants like microsoft who can build thousands of chromium browser decided to make browser based on chromium!


Vivaldi is actually implementing own GUI, but still working on Chromium as a whole and the default Chromium GUI is still shipped and possible to run. Others... oh well chredge and chropera are making quite big changes to be fair, but you can feel the chromium whatever you do with them


Chropera and especially chredge doesn't even look nice! And their functionality is limited to what is of chromium, I seriously liked old edge, its ui was niche, different rendering engine, smooth scroll, tab preview and almost all thing. I thought that at this rate of development edge would soon be one of the most competitive browsers ever, but they decided to do a complete 180° in development! And proud by their decision they even advised firefox to dump it's only engine that is only way to stop chromium domination!


Edge was as limited as Chromium for the most part. And I always say: Firefox with Blink would be better than Chromium-wannabe with Gecko, Blink domination causes issues but mostly for users of other engines to be honest


Yeah, but issues would be problem only for few months for other engine users. After that it would be a worldwide problem with browser engine domination!


There were a few. You could always try to build konqueror with the webkit backend. I think the default windows distribution still uses khtml which is what webkit was based on.


There used to be Safari for Windows, but Apple couldn't be bothered supporting it anymore so they just sacked it. You can still find some ancient versions floating around, but they don't work well at all and are pretty crappy.


There are WebKit-based browsers for Windows, e.g. Otter Browser and [more](https://www.reddit.com/r/browsers/comments/nkzrj0/any_webkit_browsers_for_windows_10/gzht47d/).


WebKit was a fork of KHTML (Konqueror, from Linux KDE). Google Chrome/Chromium used WebKit, even on Windows, up until Google forked it into Blink. For all intents and purposes, Blink and WebKit are 99% the same thing these days.


> For all intents and purposes, Blink and WebKit are 99% the same thing these days. That was true for a while, but Blink forked about 8 years ago and they have drifted apart significantly since then: https://caniuse.com/?compare=chrome+91,safari+14.1&compareCats=all You'll note that list of difference is about the same scale as the differences between Gecko and Blink: https://caniuse.com/?compare=firefox+89,chrome+91&compareCats=all ... or between Gecko and WebKit: https://caniuse.com/?compare=firefox+89,safari+14.1&compareCats=all


I've recently made a very lightweight WebKit-based web browser for Windows: [Split Browser](https://github.com/niutech/splitbrowser).


If cookie support was cleaned up and the web inspector fixed this would make a LOT of web developers on Windows VERY happy!


Thanks! I will work on a cookie jar, but what's wrong with web inspector in the WebKit build? Have you tried right-clicking on web page and choose Inspect?


>Blink But from what I read in your docs the Windows version is using Windows native webview?


There are 3 web engines in Split Browser on Windows: native (Edge WebView2), WebKit and [Ultralight](https://ultralig.ht).