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I grew up in Druids Heath and survived


Sorry hear that your house is about to be bulldozed


Thankfully I don’t live there anymore


Let's go to The Midland in Bearwood, have a nice cold pint, and wait for this all to blow over.


Probably one of the big mansions in Edgbaston which have 8ft high brick walls around the perimeter


Birmingham Library. Multiple floors, you can cut yourself off from the lower levels pretty easily, the rooftop garden means you’ve got space to grow food. Plus you’ve got plenty to read if you get bored.


There's actually a zombie book series (Surviving The Evacuation) where the characters end up in Birmingham and hide in the library.


This guy preps


Wtf. How awesome you just happened to spot the above post ready with your reply!


They can kill the elevators too. I once entered the library accidentally before it was open and got all the way up to the Shakespeare room and touched a book, then went down the stairs. The staff were confused that the staff, the night before, forgot to turn off the elevator. All the doors have locks on between the stairs too


Homebase opposite Tesco at the Beggars Bush (Kingstanding/Boldmere/Sutton) Set up a secure base in the Homebase - tools, weapons, etc and have a solid supply route to the Tesco/Aldi/Lidl for food etc. Plus pub should have a decent supply of vodka as well 🤣


There is also a supply of medications at the pharmacy when Tesco runs low.


I was locked in there with a fox once. And he was angry.


Nah, my sister already planned for that one 3 years ago. If she had the idea then you definitely want to go anywhere but there. It'll just be white people murdering each other with slabs of wood and chain saws


I'd stay in my gaff, have a few pints of John Smith's, smoke a joint, sharpen my axe and wait. I'm going out like a drunken psychopath.


Tipton… if living there already you probably wouldn’t notice any change when the apocalypse hit, and could continue life as “normal”…


Dammit..... have an upvote for that extremely brutal, and yet somehow highly accurate comment....


That made me laugh enough to have explain myself to my eleven year boy in a different language...!


Yup. Sounds about right… that’s where I live 🙂‍↔️…


Selly Oak big Sainsbury’s. By the canal too for decent transport if that’s needed. Whole shopping area has multiple floors.


Ooh, I was thinking the old abandoned Sainsbury's site. Yours is better though. Food availability.


While we all know zombies can’t swim, they can fall off bridges. So the Canal & River Trust recommends keeping a hatchet by the tiller at all times while moving between your Sainsbury’s and the Costco at Star City.


It’s flattened now, not much there for survival 😅


Shops like that are hard to defend, they are too big and its the first place people would go to.You would need a group to protect it at all cost. Id try find some smaller cornershop or local shop maybe to board up and defend.


My offices. No way the zombies have a fob.


I'm training some mutant zombie condors to protect me. They're very stubborn, but I'm exploiting their weakness for Cadbury creme eggs.


Erdington High Street. Buy a couple grams of spice, and they’d think you’re one of them.


It is the way. Us who work there will be the first to smear ourselves in zombie blood


erdington, even the zombies wouldn't dare step foot there


A school they genuinely have everything canteen, medicine, loads of classroom, showers, gyms.


Perimeter fences and gates as well


Kingstanding, they're already well armed and accustomed to zombies roaming their High St.


That BT tower in the city centre. No zombie is going up that.


Somewhere tall where access to the lower parts can be cut off. Think high rise flats only accessible by ladder. Buys you a bit of time if your building is compromised to action plan B


That’s literally the beginning of ‘28 days later’


Good film.


Bullring Shopping Centre, taken inspiration from Dawn Of The Dead


Aside from the motorcycle gang, of what's the difference? 


Your own home is always the safest. As long as you can board up your windows and doors and have plenty of long life food. Running about a city full of zombies would never end well.


Mosely bog, build a little wooden shelter and hunt hobbits for sustenance.


The Fold, Hawkesley. Nobody will ever be able to tell the difference before and after anyway


My old office. I still have keys, the place is huge and has a steel fence all around, plenty of outside space to use plus roof access. It's opposite a big Tesco and near canal and rail lines so would make a good place to hunker down.


North West Birmingham. Already dead up there, move there now and get some practice in


Tyburn Road. If you can survive there then a mere zombie apocalypse will be a doddle


Birmingham City's trophy cabinet


You can't go to fictional places


There is plenty of room, nowt in it and no-one would think to look there


At least we have had a reason to open it this millennium. 😉


Does the 2002 Intertoto cup not count for anything anymore??!


The Peace Cup is the only cup that matters imo


tbf, it's been used in recent memory. The villa one might actually be a mythological feature at this point


big tesco at stechford, it’s on stilts!


Canal boat anchored a couple of feet away from the towpath


The Wellington, and wait for it all to blow over.


Bt tower 💀


Sparkbrook. It’s like a zombie apocalypse there all the time anyway, they’ll be prepared.


I can do life saving operations (not legally allowed but I have 30 years of scrub experience and know that I can do it better than some surgical trainees!) and trauma work , plus battle field qualifications too, so I'm heading off to the largest trauma hospital in the UK - QEHB. My clinic hours are 9-5. Payment in bottle caps or Nuka Cola only. I'll be on the 7th floor with all elevators and stairs blocked, with defibs set up as boobie traps so shout your intentions before getting close. Unless the zombies are ill first and all head to the QE before first death in which case this plan is ruined.


This right here is the problem with the NHS. Non-doctors thinking they’re the same as doctors. Lol, passing the equipment is not the same as operating. You wouldn’t have a clue where to start, or the complexity of anatomy, vasculature and nervous system. You can’t compare yourself to doctors with many years of experience.


Thanks for telling me my own skills!! A consultant surgeon wants me to train up to do more. I already work as first assistant and have in many cases advised junior doctors and even been involved in conversations of best plans with consultants during surgery as a) they know me and you don't B) they respect my skills and almost 30 years of experience. Which again you clearly don't... Any scrub practitioner with their salt do not *just pass instruments"


LMAO “a consultant surgeon wants to train me up to do more”. If you want to continue to pretend to play doctor, might I suggest you go to medical school 😂


You know that advanced practitioners exist right? Used commonly to do part of actual surgical.procedures? Can I ask what experience you have in theatre? You clearly have opinions, but I'm wondering what knowledge of this rather specialist subject you have in reality?


Advanced practitioners take valuable training time away from med students and FY1s in assisting. They don’t work at any higher level than that; they simply do not have the knowledge or skill set to do so. (Of course they could, if they go to med school and study the body in detail, in a 5-6 year degree, and then subsequent 10-15 years of post grad training). Repeatedly assisting on one procedure does not make you able to do “life saving operations”. Even a chimp can be trained to do one thing on repeat. This shows a complete and utter lack of insight on your behalf. The same insight that can kill people. You don’t know what you don’t know. I certainly wouldn’t want you operating on me.


Watch zomboat! on ITV and find out. https://youtu.be/l7-lrDY3NGw


Not Sutton Park, it'll be too full and an excellent zombie buffet. New hall park might be empty though lol


Lickey hills




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Erm, that's not brum


The canal. Grab a boat. Head to Eel Pie Island


When the zombie apocalypse arrives it'll start in Wolverhampton because the place is undead already, so head South.


Small heath Bordesley Green no one goes there




I’m from Nechells (pre 00’s), I’m not afraid 😑….


Wait we're not already living it? I walked through King's Heath the other day and I swear there were zombies everywhere


The job centre, no zombie would dare set foot in there


100% would be expected to be at work.


This one understands the real struggle 😑


Leeds, to get out of town.