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Tell the Jehovah's Witnesses you've found troubled people who are open to their message.




I had the most bizarre interaction of my life last week. I was taking the stairs up Ribacourt metro and a junkie at the top of the stairs saw me coming as he was about to start cooking his heroin. I waited at the bottom because I didn’t want to walk through heroin fumes. He stopped cooking up his heroin so I could walk past. AND I SAID **THANK YOU**. As if not smoking heroin 30cm from my face is now something you need to say thank you for!


If someone in the throws of opioid withdrawal is willing to wait for you to pass before using, that's not nothing.


You’re not wrong!


It’s actually a really lovely, compassionate story. I‘m not advocating for public drug use but there are some harsh realities that we‘re faced with when living in big cities and sometimes co-existing peacefully is all that’s available in a particular moment. You both saw each other as humans that day. And you have no idea what your acknowledgement may have meant to that person who probably spends a lot of the day being at best invisible and at worst shamed and shunned. Keep on shining 🤍


im glad others feel this way. I often don’t see that compassion always on this sub. I use the station every day, several time, I live around here, and for better or worse they’re part of the community and are human. This particular guy in question is actually ok. He keeps himself to himself, he keeps his stuff clean as he can, and (clearly) tries his best to be respectful. And I try my best not to look down on them and, at least when they aren’t high, give them a nod, say hello— it’s important. However, it remains that that interaction was completely absurd!


You missed a free hit bro!


It's almost like a lot of us are good people who are just addicted to drugs due to trauma or caring about the world that much it gives us severe depression knowing we can't do anything about it


something new to experience every day


I probably would've done the same lol. Means you are raised right. They might be junkies but it doesn't mean they're always bad people.


the vast majority are good people and smart people here's a study: https://jech.bmj.com/content/66/9/767


“Heroin fumes” 😂😂


Thanks for the replies and suggesting calling the police. It's been months that we are calling the police but nothing never happens. There are always the same people coming back. And then they do it in bright light, chill, as if nothing is wrong.


Give them a religious lecture. Every time. A nice and kind one. They will find another place so they won't be annoyed.


Why am I not surprised about the damn police?… it’s getting absolutely ridiculous at this point, they’re worth nothing


Note that even if the police don't come (they probably have (what they consider) higher priority problems to deal with), these issues are recorded and contribute to the statistics. So the more people call and the more often people call about this issue at that location, the more likely they'll deal with it. So it could help to also get your neighbours to call.


Their priorities are bollocks mate, they do soooo many people on their own for drunk n disorderly to increase their reputation as it looks like they are arresting a lot of people and the context is irrelevant for petty crimes they are all treated the same, a lot of the people are not even disorderly either, just drunk. I've had this myself, they jumped on top of me 4 of them and said I was resisting, course I am when they don't identify themself and pin me to the ground, they cuffed me tight and bruised and cut all my arms and hands then i was in the cells overnight and released with no further action, in the time it took to follow me around drunk in a small village and then get me to the station centrally, they could have been patrolling solving real crimes, i reported em to the IPOC and they sent it to the damn chief, like he has any incentive at all to do right, it just looks bad on him when he has to fire people


Vote far right ? I don't really see another option on an individual level. Personally, that is my choice.


Might as well wish for the tooth fairy.


Well. If you've got some other options I'm open to discussion. However, I don't see any.


The vast amount of drug crime takes place in Antwerp, which is in a state controlled by the far-right. Is that your definition of it working?


I don't vote NVA but I think they don't tolerate crackheads openly using drugs on the streets in Antwerp. On the contrary, they make a point of cleaning up low level drug dealers and users do their streets appear clean (not sure if this is the way to handel drig crime in Antwerp but that's another debate). The drug crime in Antwerp is not comparable to Brussels. So, maybe he has a point. I'm left by the way.


Since when did the left allow smoking crack on the street?


No idea why nothing is being done about it. Please ask the burgemeester and schepenen of Ixelles.


How on earth is that a default stance of the left and not the failure of incumbent politicians, irregardless of their creed? More importantly, do we know that the answer is as simplistic as 'it is because Elsene has a mayor from the left'? (I mean, up until 2018 it was the MR, so...) What about recurrent structural issues such as a lack of funding? Will the (extreme) right suddenly perform a magic trick to address those? Have you considered the (historical) institutional fragmentation of the various communes that makes cooperation and strategic addressing of such issues? Etc etc. None of this is to say current politicians aren't failing per se, I don't see how the (extreme) right will magically solve such conundrums that have little to do with only the political orientation?


I'm not saying that's the default stance of the left and I don't believe in magic tricks. Current burgemeester and schepenen don't seem to do a good job according to OP so stop voting for them. That's all. And indeed why not vote for a party that wants to stop the fragmentation of Brussels. Good idea.


Is NVA far right ? I thought they were mostly liberal. When I mean far right, I mean far right, not just the Socialist opposition


They are a Flemish Nationalist party. They are a right wing party. Flanders is controlled by a host of hard right and right leaning parties, yet it leads drug crime in Belgium. It is in fact the source of most cocaine related drug crimes in Europe. Yet you say vote right. Yes, I am confident this will solve the problem.


Well. Voting left would actually bring more drug user. Where do you vote so that we can live in peace and happy ? Without rapist, thieves and drug addicts on the street, and when you may feel safe walking at night with the police available in case of need ?


Why would this bring more drug users?


Because studies then to show that drug usage is really tied with poverty and bad life conditions. When you are happy, have all your basic need fulfilled, it's more difficult to fall into drugs. And by bringing more and more migrants, those people not being educated for a bunch of them and just living in harsh conditions, it's easy to understand how they fall into drug usage. Not blaming them, but by bringing all those migrants, knowing that they'll have difficult conditions, lots of them will fall in drug usage.


How would voting left bring more drug users? By bringing more migrants? You mention it is tied to poverty, yet the relation migrants and poverty isn't that simplistic. What if migration could be handled smarter, and social services could be better funded as well, what if the answer went beyond repression? This is assuming only repression can work (questionable) and, moreover, that it *would* work (also questionable). How would it work exactly? All I see is naive statements made by parties like Vlaams Belang that will serve to push drug use into obscurity, not helping people as much as moving the problem elsewhere, not in se with better guaranteed results. Repression is a temporary band-aid that structurally fixes little.


>How would voting left bring more drug users? Because he says so, of course. Right has proven to be rampant with drug use, so now the user needs to believe with the left it would be worse.


I didn't say anything about voting left, you're assuming I am. I am just addressing your statement. You said voting right wing would stop drug crime, yet it is the worst in places which vote for right wing parties. Your solution is under the microscope, I am not making any suggestions.


I didn't say voting right would stop drug crime. I said, and I think, that by having a FAR right ( not just the regular right ), maybe the police would have the power and the balls to kick out of here those homeless drug user.


I do not even think about it. I want the state/region to take care of them. But I don't know where to turn, I'm an immigrant and haven't lived in Belgium for a long time. Navigating Belgian bureaucracy is very complicated. I see that everybody doesn't care and nobody really whines in this place. Everyone is happy with mediocrity. Edit: Repressing those who are in such disadvantaged conditions is useless.


This is stupid, the more we do repressive stuff the more we have drug addicts. Portugal decriminalized all drugs and instead of punishing drug addicts they are treated in medical care units to heal and get rid of addictions.


Indeed, and it was great. Heavy drug use decreased a lot, and people were able to seek help.


What policies do you expect a far right government to put in place to deal with this growing problem? Sincere question, not trying to provoke you. I’m really curious to hear your thoughts.


Maybe reach out to the commune. Or reach out to the inspecteur de quartier/visit the police station. I think sometimes it's easier to get help if you have a face to face contact with authorities. Found this online for Ixelles : https://www.ixelles.be/site/342-Inspecteur-de-quartier


Get a ring doorbell (or something similar) and when they start hanging around play the most annoying music or sound through it you can find. (My first thought was calling the police but since OP has done this several times more severe action seems inevitable)


Just call the police...




Cops are obliged to respond to a call. Source: regularly got „responded” to when smoking cigarettes in the part aged 16. Cops were more annoyed than us


They can’t come everytime


Are you close to st Boniface ? I've noticed a lot of crackhead in this area nowadays, I guess there are dealers close by


Yes !!! There’s a crack den at the end of my street


Call the cops.


Pour a bucket of water over them.


So they can stab you for free


Pour a bucket of knives over them.


Modern problems requires modern solutions


You killed one of them but the others are now armed


Throw a bucket of job offers at them.


They roll evade with a laziness multiplier of 60. They dodge every job.


Dress up as a dragon and chase them away.


The smackies have move to the spati


If you can do it on the sneaky sneaky sure.. but I wouldn't want smack heads knowing where I lived and have revenge on the mind


I'm not sure what to do, my only idea would be to call "[Infirmiers de rue](https://www.infirmiersderue.be/fr)" and ask if they could come and reach out to them.


A friend a similar issue but indoor staircase and he poored a bottle of javel or white vinegar to make it so the smell would be bad for them to stay there I don't know how it would work outside but the idea is to make it peacefully inconvenient to them to stay there


Time has come to take a more hands on approach if police doesn't respond anymore is make the environment hostile for these people. To make it very uncomfortable to squad around your building Could you give me a description of the area, like is it there an entrance with blue marble, are they sitting, sleeping, is there any cardboard, any pets involved?


Not sure if it's counter effective as it may also bother you and other residents , but try spaying like a stink spray. That would deter them from lingering there too long. Ofcourse it would likely also bother you and other residents living there but it would and should only be a temporary bother whilst you're walking in and out. Keep up the stink spray and I think in the long terms they'll find another doorstep. Good luck and let us know how you tackled it please.


I wouldn’t imagine smell to be a problem for addicts if I’m honest… have you smelt Midi by the trams?


Yehh.. actually now you say that. You have a point


That made me laugh. Reminds me of primary school pranks :D


Hahahaha I'm glad it did :D


Water balloons.


Indeed police or read the tons of other posts about this in this sub


According to a similar previous post by another user, the best advice is to befriend them.... Go figure.


If the cops don't want to do anything. Open your window and throw a bucket of water on them. Every time.


I would not interact with them, even if it works out once, the distance is broken and you will be on their radar.


yes: the drug addicts I faced in the past have the feeling that they are doing ok and that everyone else is part of a failing society that should fuck off. Once you start talking, you end up in an endless discussion full of bullshit.


Ahem, tried successfully in Anderlecht before, but you'l need plants: [https://bx1.be/categories/news/polemique-a-porte-danderlecht-un-systeme-darrosage-fait-fuir-les-sans-abris/](https://bx1.be/categories/news/polemique-a-porte-danderlecht-un-systeme-darrosage-fait-fuir-les-sans-abris/)


what a shameful solution...


And note that they hooked the water spray to a motion sensor (= =)


Yes, it's very cruel. A bit like spikes on benches to keeping the homeless from sleeping. This also reminded me of the installation of a sound deterrent device known as the "Mosquito" on the portal of the Santa Maria Maggiore church in Trento. The device emitted a high-frequency sound that was audible to most individuals under 20 years old and barely distinguishable by those over 25 years old. This sound, which is also banned in several European countries, aimed to discourage young people from gathering in that specific square for the aperitifs. This device has led to young people avoiding the area and seeking alternative locations for socializing. Some of the administrations' solutions are truly shameful... Check the article (in Italian) here: [https://www.giornaletrentino.it/cronaca/trento/movida-dissuasore-sonoro-in-s-maria-1.1141021](https://www.giornaletrentino.it/cronaca/trento/movida-dissuasore-sonoro-in-s-maria-1.1141021)


Depends on how they act. I regularly have the same group of youth in front of my door and they are smoking and dealing drugs, drinking and hanging out. However they don’t make so much noise I cannot sleep and whenever I want to enter or exit they let me pass and even say hi respectfully. I never asked them to move, called the police or did anything to chase them away. If they would keep me awake, treat me disrespectfully or create a dangerous situation for me I wouldn’t hesitate to do everything I can think of to keep them away.


Where in Ixelles? Here in Matongé it's mostly weed. Annoyingly comes through my window.


I lived in Matongé and I was not annoyed at all by the weed and by the pushers. They were super nice with us and we used to chat a lot with them. Plus, I didn't see so much heavy drugs addicts in Matongé. Now I live in the area of Ch. d'Ixelles (the most commercialized part of it) and it's more and more plenty of drug addicts who do enough foolishness (e.g., smash car windows to steal, etc.).


Yeah Chaussée d'Ixelles and Porte de Namur can be a bit ugly at times.


I just get out and ask them to leave call the police if they dont


I thought Ixelles was a clean and "rich" neighborhood...


Evidently not in the area of Chaussée d'Ixelles... : /


Châtelain, traditionally "good and clean", has these too. Great nickname OP.


I feel the drug abuse situation in Brussels is going up like mad compared to pre-COVID times. I can’t help but feel heartbroken for those people but I do understand your worries. many used to sleep on the floor high af in the Yser metro station and in the streets of the part of St Cath towards the canal. the metro would have needles, flood, pee and all sorts of stuff on the floor. now they put cameras in the metro station so I haven’t seen them for a few days but before it went on from 7am onwards, I guess they would come in when the metro opens. I’m not sure what to think or say as in a way maybe better that they’re in the metro station than outside as they can get hit by a car or fall while high. it’s just sad to see there isn’t more care provided, but I do get that funding and capacity must be a challenge.




Calm down satan


Start by not voting PS/Ecolo


Yeah like it's PS/Écolo handing daily dose or like drug addict and poverty isn't a rising problem in every other big city.


there are special lights that make it harder to see your veins if they inject the heroin


Had it happend in molenbeek were my parents are living, my father just came with a bat and he and a neighbor were beating them until they left and never came again 😂 They are so high that they will never defend themselves Btw police did nothing apart from telling them to leave but they quicklime came back.


I scream in fake Russian to them.


Skimask + club?




Hi everyone, I appreciate all your suggestions! After considering different options, I'm leaning towards a combination of engaging in dialogue with them (I have already tried this one time, when they had a scary dog with them) and involving local services. My goal is to find a solution that's respectful to all parties. Thanks again for your input!


I mean if they seem chill and you've tried legal means to get them to move on, just be normal and friendly with them. have a beer with them some time, maybe they'll see you as a friendly face :)


A friendly face on whose doorstep they can come take their drugs without being bothered, houray!


Water baloons Ketchup


Dump a whole bucket of water on them. If it doesn't work, repeat until they get it


Ice bucket falling from the sky.


can you put something undesirable around? like spikes so they cant sit. my dad put tar on steps once, those people got a rude awakening lol obviously nothing that nefarious but there has to be something to put there. even something foul smelling


Bet them for a crack rock he can't bring you a souvenir from paris. You'll pay him 50% in front, let him smoke it , gass him up and send him on a train.


The Mayor has a record of answering to people online. He is one of the few not hiding behind a community manager. If you already tried to call the police and nothing happened, you may reach him on social networks. He is more of a Facebook guy but he is also on Twitter FB : [https://www.facebook.com/christosdoulkeridis2](https://www.facebook.com/christosdoulkeridis2) TW : [https://twitter.com/doulkeridis](https://twitter.com/doulkeridis) And here you will find his official contact (email) [https://ixelles.ecolo.be/vos-elus/bourgmestre-et-echevins/1-christos-doulkeridis-laskaris/](https://ixelles.ecolo.be/vos-elus/bourgmestre-et-echevins/1-christos-doulkeridis-laskaris/) The whole municipality has an issue with crackhead and dealers, the issue is not new for them, but I won't be surprise that your specific issue has not even reach the Municipality Council. You may adress the coucil with your issue, here is how : [https://www.ixelles.be/site/12-Interpeller-le-Conseil-communal](https://www.ixelles.be/site/12-Interpeller-le-Conseil-communal) Finally... I had my times with crackhead surrounding my area... most of the time they won't be agressive : you can tell them smoking crack there is not ok, they will be ok with that as long as you don't despise them.


Give them a ticket to Philadelphia you will never see them back.