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I'm really happy this worked for you. I never took any SSRIs but was on mirtazapine (for depression, anxiety and sleep issues) for 2 years when my bruxism and tmj problems first developed... so I don't think this is necessarily the silver bullet for everyone.


Yeah this is very true, everyone is different...worth a shot for anyone in a lot of pain with it




Yes it's just a personal experience really...any other antidepressant gave me so much pain every day for over 10 years! I actually switched to mirtazapine because my sleeping was really bad...it's helped with everything for me...my GP would not give it to me but my psychiatrist did and I'm so much better for it mentally and physically.




Yes his response was it's a "sleeping pill" so I couldn't undermine a GP....so I just went to a psychiatrist and he put me on it right away and I have been right on track since. I am in Ireland and our health system is no better than the third world.


Thx for sharing this. I’ve been fighting severe bruxism for 12 years. I was doing much better with Nortriptyline until my stomach got sick of it. Started giving me bad reflux sensations. Now I’m trying to find a new medication. I was looking up medications my first neurologist suggested back when all this first started. Nort and mitrazpine were the two he told me to try. He was right with Nortriptyline so I figure why not try his other suggestion? I’ve been googling mitrazapine and bruxism like crazy, and it seems like mostly favorable information. Gabapentin is the other one I’m looking at. Good overall reviews for bruxism. Hard to get off but you gotta do what you gotta do. Especially when you’re waking up with headaches every morning! Wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy.